I'm sorry for the long wait guys, but I had problems at home that you don't want to be bored with. The important thing is that I'm back on this story and I'm ready to write! Another reason for this late update was that, as I had hoped, writing a new story gave me some inspiration for writing in general and I updated one of my other stories as well. Also, I started this chapter last night, which also involved copy and pasting every single OC onto my word processor that way I could look them all up when I needed them (instead of just digging through my private messages). Had to make all your OC's decks on Dueling Network too. Also, the wifi decided to die last night. Yay! In this chapter, I will finally be introducing some of your guy's OCs and perhaps shed a tiny sliver of light on Anubis. Literally, not much, they will just be mentioned again in this chapter. Not all will be introduced this chapter, so don't worry if your OC isn't mentioned. I don't want to overwhelm you guys with new characters; otherwise they'll just be harder to remember. Well, onto the reviews!

Aaron26- I had to write it all down to keep track of Stein to, and yes, the Ghostricks can get strong if you let them. Alucard is a bit random but I figured he'd be more humorous than serious.

WrittenWhim- I guess it was an okay duel, although Alex really shouldn't have won. There will be some more foreshadowing of said group.

Fanning the Flames123- Glad you liked the chapter and the duel spirits! Alex will be having several interactions with them, so look forward to more.

siderisn- Yes, yes he can. As for Anubis, more will be revealed in this chapter.

reven228- Glad you liked Alucard although I'm sorry that you haven't seen more sooner. My bad.

Ryan.w123- No, Hieratic's are not taken, although plenty of people are using the Sun Dragon of Heliopolis. Good card.

No. XII- I wish it was man. Unfortunately (kidding!), I am just introducing a few OC's in this chapter. When we do get to Duel Academy, then things will start to pick up.

EndlessNight025- They do have a unusual style, although I found them quite nice to begin with. He really is an albino so I guess it's kind of funny that he can see Duel Spirits whereas others can't. Although, that's not much considering that one of my OC's can see Duel Spirits and is blind.

MrProWrestling- Well, his ace card would probably have to be Alucard. Specter is one of his favorites but Alucard is generally his best card.

Yami E- I won't give away enough to give away the story, but I'll say a little. First off, the Blue-Eyes, since they're the easiest to explain. In my story, there are still only four of them. Shouldn't take very long to think up what that means. As for the Galaxy-Eyes, I chose to think that Industrial Illusions would have made copies of those cards, after discovering them. Much like the Number cards that I mentioned. I hope that answers your questions. Also, sorry for the long wait. Here's the next chapter!

LiliL- 1113- Glad you find them interesting, I really like their play style myself. We'll see a little more of Anubis in this chapter.

OC's introduced in this chapter:

Ciro Saivoz- created by Eternal-Dark Flame

Kaye Aoki- created by WrittenWhim

Stephanie Winchester- created by IfTimeWasStill

Chapter 3: Friends, Enemies, and Frenemies

After telling his dad that he'd won, his excited father had suggested that he watch the other applicants, to get a feeling of who he might be meeting in Duel Academy. He'd then happily told him to call him later, saying that he was going to share the good news with Alex's mother. Deciding that he should follow his father's advice, Alex chose a seat that didn't put him too close to anyone else. "He really sounded proud of me. I almost can't believe it." He said, talking quietly to himself.

"Yeah, me neither. I was so sure that you would've botched it without me being there, but hey, I guess miracles do happen." A sarcastic, deep voice said from beside him.

Alex glanced over to his side, remembering that now he wasn't just talking to himself. "Thanks Alucard, that's a real boost to my self-confidence."

The white haired vampire waved a hand nonchalantly at him; one leg reclined over another as he hovered next to Alex. "Anytime, don't mention it. Otherwise most people are likely to think you're crazy." He looked around at some of the surrounding students.

"I'm just going to ignore you now. My dad said I should probably watch some of the duelists here." The albino pointedly looked away, to which the floating spirit chuckled. "So we got a blue two-headed dog and it's blonde master versus a dinosaur. Well, it's obvious how this is going to play out."


Proctor: 6000

Girl: 2200

"I activate Swords of Revealing Light, which means your monsters can't attack for three turns." A slim girl of average height said quietly, her soft chestnut brown eyes reflected in the Proctor's sunglasses. As the card activated, broad swords of light surrounded the Proctor's monster, a heavy green monster with feathers surrounding it's face like a mane and a menacing beak trapped safely behind the wall of swords.

"You've effectively stopped my Dark Driceratops(6/2400/1500) for a short while, but nothing more." The Proctor noted, holding up three fingers.

"Man, these guys really seem to like sunglasses." Alucard commented, looking at the same duel as Alex was. True to his word, the boy suitably ignored him.

The girl had choppy, chin length amber hair that she had pinned back to either side. The simple style very much matched her attire; which consisted of a plain white t-shirt, blue jeans, and gray tennis shoes. She was of average height and skin color, and seemed somewhat intimidated at the large scale of their surroundings. Alex could relate to that, he's just got finished with his own grueling entry duel.

"She sure looks nervous, looking around at everyone like that. I feel sorry for her." He said, resting his chin on his hands as he leaned forward to better see.

"I don't know boss man, looks to me like she thinks everyone's about to jump her." He grinned somewhat evilly. "I got an idea. Run down the stairs like you're gonna tackle her and see what she does."

Alex shook his head, frowning. "First, I don't think I could do that. Everyone one would probably think I'm weird or something. Second, that's just mean Alucard. I wouldn't want somebody doing that to me if I was in her shoes."

Alcuard yawned. "Ahh, you're no fun." He closed his eyes but quickly popped one open. "I don't think you'd be able to fit in her shoes actually. She's got a good half foot or so on ya." He chuckled as Alex bowed his head depressingly, mumbling something about 'not that short'.

Having no idea of the odd conversation going on above her, the girl continued her turn. "Not only that, but that also puts a spell counter on Mythical Beast Cerberus giving him five hundred more attack (4/1400/1400-4/1900/1400)." She then activated another spell card from her hand. "My Mystical Space Typhoon destroys Swords of Revealing Light." A blue storm spun across the field, shattering the barrier of swords.

The Proctor raised an eyebrow. "I hope that wasn't too thoughtless of you Miss Aoki. Mind explaining to me exactly why you did that?" He seemed to know why but just wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing.

The girl nodded, pointing quickly to her double headed monster. "Since I played another spell card, Mythical Cerberus gets another spell counter, which means five hundred more attack points (1900/1400-2400/1400)."

The Proctor rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "While that may be true, your monster has just enough attack to destroy my own, at the cost of your monster also being destroyed. Then you'll only be left with Apprentice Magician (2/400/800) who's hardly even a threat. It's almost certain that I'll destroy him next turn."

The girl quickly shook her head, obviously worried that he was misunderstanding her. "I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid that's not quite right. You see, I plan on ending the duel this turn. Mythical Cerberus will attack Dark Driceratops." The blue creature with the fiery purple mane bounded towards the dinosaur, one of it's heads baring it's teeth. "Next, I activate my face down card, Magical Dimension. This lets me tribute a monster I control if I control a Spellcaster-Type monster, I have Cerberus and Apprentice Magician, and then special summon a Spellcaster-Type monster from my hand. I choose to tribute Apprentice Magician." As she said that, the monster faded away and a new one took its place. "I summon Injection Fairy Lily(3/400/1500)."

Having a good idea of what she planned to do, he shrugged. "Go ahead, you'll just be left with two hundred life points if you use her effect and you'll be in the same spot as before."

She shook her head, looking slightly hesitant about interrupting him. "Sorry again sir, but don't you remember Mythical Cerberus's effect? Magical Dimension is a Spell card, which means he gains a spell counter and five hundred more attack (2400/1400-2900/1400). Plus, Magical Dimension's final effect lets me destroy a monster. I'm going to have to go with your Dark Driceratops." With a flash of dark energy, a beam of magic shot through the dinosaur monster, destroying it.

"Which means Mythical Cerbreus gets you attack you directly." As she said so, the beast lunged, snapping it's jaws at it jumped past the Proctor. It then returned to her side of the field, the more calm head eyeing their handiwork while the other one growled softly.

Proctor: 3100

Girl: 2200

"Next, I attack directly with Injection Fairy Lily and activate her effect, sacrificing two thousand life points to give her three thousand more attack for this battle (400/1500-3400/1500)."

The nurse-like fairy hovered over to the Proctor and held up her rather large needle, smiling kindly. The Proctor swallowed somewhat loudly. "You know, I've never really been fond of needles."

Giggling, she plunged the huge point at him, which caused him to visibly flinch. He gritted his teeth. "Good job Miss Kaye Aoki, very well done."

Proctor: 0

Kaye Aoki: 200

With that, the holograms disappeared and the Proctor shook her hand. "If you'd just go over to the desk over there, you'll receive your dorm jacket. Congratulations."

She nodded shyly, quickly pulling her hand safely back to her body and walking perhaps a little to fastly away from the arena. The Proctor shrugged. "Huh, guess she gets nervous easily."


Alex shook his head in bewilderment. "Man, that was some move destroying her own spell card. I don't think I'd ever think of that. Especially one as useful as Swords of Revealing Light." He watched as she was given a yellow jacket and quickly took her seat, making sure not to sit too close to anybody. Guess she's kinda like me in that regard, I'm too nervous as it is to try and actually talk to somebody.

"One, you'd never think of it cause you are a easily intimidated puppy. Two, that's why she gets the yellow jacket." Alucard taunted.

"Hey, I'm just complimenting her, so stop turning everything I say back at me." Alex said, his face reddening.

Alucard's grin was back, growing bigger. "Only if you don't keep making it this easy."

Trying once again to ignore him, Alex sighed and sat back in his seat. "I'm not that easily intimidated."

"Yoh, is this seat taken?" A friendly sounding voice said beside him, causing Alex to jump slightly.

A boy, not tall by any means but slightly taller than Alex stood beside him, golden eyes shining happily. Medium length black hair with red and gold streaks framed his olive skinned face, which had a wide smile on it. He had one hand up in greeting and wore a red jacket like Alex's, except he wore his open, over a black tank top. He also had a stainless steel chain necklace resting on his chest and dark blue pants.

Alucard raised an eyebrow. "Tell him it's taken by your invisible friend and that he's welcome to find a seat elsewhere." The ghost said, chuckling at Alex looked back at him.

"Just shut up already, I'm not telling him that." He tried saying it quietly, but it seemed he hadn't tried hard enough. Plus, talking to an empty seat must have been kind of a giveaway. Too late, he realized Alucard was playing him again. The boy's next words made him freeze.

"Ah, that's cool then. I figured us too short Reds could hang but if your friend says no I guess I shouldn't intrude. Guess I'll see yah at the dorm." The boy then promptly began to walk away, hands resting behind his head in a relaxed manner. He looked back, grinning. "Names Ciro Saivoz by the way, later dude." With that, he walked down the stairs, leaving a stunned Alex looking after him, jaw going up and down but no words coming out.

Finally, he seemed to be able to make words again. "He-he could see you!? But how!?" He looked at Alucard for an explanation, who nodded thoughtfully.
"Hmmm, that is strange. He didn't seem to be taken in by my charming good looks and personality." Noticing Alex's baffled look, he shrugged. "Oh how can he see me? Dunno, but…" Alex waited as he felt Alucard finally had something important to say.

"-he definitely has weirder hair than you." The vampire seemed to think this was quite important and pretended to misunderstand Alex's annoyed look for a reason that wasn't himself. "Yes, you had that and your lack of height. Now the former has been stolen away from you. You are very quickly running out of things that make you interesting at all. If I cared then I would say that I'm sorry for you."


Proctor: 1700

Stephanie: 4200

"It is time, Miss Proctor, for I, Stephanie Winchester, to show you how a true lady duels." A pale, slim girl standing nearly a foot taller than Alex adjusted her brown framed glasses. She spoke with a slight British accent and held a calm air about herself. Light brown hair rested behind her shoulder blades and long bangs were swept to the side of her face, which she pushed back slightly with her thumb in a movement that seemed often performed.

She wore a white blouse around her upper body and a silky black skirt around her waist. Long, grey stockings ran up her tall legs, making her look more mature than her age suggested. "I activate my face-card, Xyz Reborn." A purple bordered card flip up, then suddenly turned into a purple sphere of glowing energy. "This allows me to summon one Xyz monster from my graveyard and attach this card to it as an Xyz material. Come forth, Constellar Omega(4/2400/500)." A gold and white armored being galloped into existence on four legs, two wings of what looked like fine blue cloth on it's back. In it's hand it held a shield, circular in shape with spikes symmetrically placed and made with pure light.

"With him and my Constellar Praesepe(4/2400/800) on the field, this duel will soon be ended." The other monster was more machine in appearance, bipedal, and made from gold and white armor of the same kind as the previous one. It was rather ornate, with a crown of golden spikes atop it's helmet and overly large shoulder guards. A red cloth, lined with armor on the outside, garnered it's shoulders. Large, golden bracers seemed to be it's weapons of choice.

"Also, thanks to my continuous spell card, Constellar Star Chart, I get to draw 1 card when a Constellar monster is special summoned." Drawing gracefully, she smiled at the card she drew. "This will most certainly help. I activate Constellar Belt, which means light monsters effects cannot be negated." Blue and yellow bands of light surrounded the field, spinning as if in a vortex.

"It's time for me to attack. Constellar Omega, attack her Caius The Shadow Monarch(6/2400/1000)." The centaur like being ran forward, holding it's glowing shield before itself.

The female Proctor smirked. "Not so fast sweety, I activate my face down card. Mirror Force!"

Stephanie remained calm, seeming unworried by the dangerous card. "I activate Omega's effect in response, detaching a material to make all Constellar monsters unaffected by spell and trap cards for this turn."

The older woman seemed surprised, but quickly regained her confidence. "Oh yeah? Well I got another card that will fix you. The thing is, it affects my monster, not yours. Activate, Blast with Chain!" A trio of dynamite sticks, tied with a silver chain, attached to her Caius, who put the held the weapon in it's red-tipped claws, eye's narrowing in anticipation. "This gives Caius five hundred more attack, more than enough for your four legged friend." (2400/1000-2900/1000)

Again, Stephanie seemed unconcerned. "No matter, I activate Praesepe's effect, detaching an Xyz material to have Omega gain one thousand more attack. (24000/800-3400/800) Continue the attack." Smashing it's shield into the fiend, Caius recoiled at the light, disengaging. The sticks of dynamite survived the attack, sent spinning into the air.

Proctor: 1200

Stephanie: 4200

"You may have destroyed Caius, but Blast with Chain's other effect activate, allowing me to destroy one card on the field! I choose Constellar Praesepe, nice try-"

Politely cutting her off, Stephanie shook her head slowly. "I'm afraid that's just not possible Miss Proctor. Omega's effect is still active, meaning you can't target either of my monsters with Blast with Chain. So it's going to have to be one of my spell cards, although it really doesn't matter which one you choose."

Gritting her teeth, the Proctor sighed. "Ah hell, I choose Constellar Belt then."

The dynamite exploded, shattering the band that circled the field. "Now that that's out of the way, Constellar Praesepe, attack her directly!" She seemed quite excited as her victory neared, punching her fist towards her opponent. The heavily armored machine jumped towards the female Proctor, slamming one of it's large gauntlets towards her.

Proctor: 0

Stephanie: 4200

Admitting defeat, the Proctor groaned. "Guess you beat me girlie, go ahead and get your stinkin coat."

Nodding politely, Stephanie walked over to the desk and seemed less than pleased when she was handed a yellow jacket. "What? Yellow? Surely I deserve Blue? I made an excellent score on the written test and still had half my life points at the end of the entry duel. Honestly, you must be joking?"

The man at the desk seemed unaffected by her attitude. He'd heard this same complaint many time over and responded with his usual retort. "You get what you deserve, nothing more or less. If you deserved Blue, then you'd get it. Stop complaining." He then turned around and opened a magazine, very obviously ignoring her.

She made a very noble attempt to calm herself, but did not quite succeed. "It's alright. This-this…this is completely unacceptable!" She stomped back towards the stands, holding the yellow jacket of to the side as if disgusted with it.


Alex looked on anxiously, glad that the now hostile girl was heading the opposite direction. "Well, uh, she certainly wasn't very happy with her placement. Yellow can't be that bad can it?"

Alucard let loose with a laugh, something he'd apparently been holding in when she had started her outburst. "Oh, ohohohoho! That's rich! What a spoiled little brat!" He paused in his mirth, suddenly serious. "Allow me to amend that statement, she's a spoiled big brat, girls got some legs on her. Ohohohoho!"

Alex slapped his hand at him, though Alcuard effortlessly floated out of reach. Sadly, he didn't need to go very far. "Don't say things like that Alucard! It's rude."

Looking down at him, he seemed to have calmed down slightly. "I'm only telling the truth, or would you rather me tell lies? Hmmm, no, I don't think you would." Suddenly looking towards the final dueling arena, he smirked. "You see, that's how a girl should act. Look how excited she is. Not half bad looking either, although she's a bit small in all the wrong places."

This statement caused Alex to blush profusely and he looked over to where the vampire's gaze was on. A very tan girl of medium height stood in front of her Proctor, her black hair in pigtails and tied with pink hairbands. She had dark, almost black-brown eyes and wore a grey, one-piece shirt that rode over her hips and a dark blue, longer shirt. Black shorts showed off her tanned legs and loose, grey socks fell over white tennis shoes with red laces.

It had to be admitted, but she was rather lacking in the chest and waist department. When given her yellow jacket, the girl immediately tried it on. She grimaced as she saw that when she zipped the jacket up, there was absolutely no sign of her chest. "Pinche infierno!(Look up what that means if you wish, I will never translate anything this girl says.) Quickly unzipping the jacket, she quickly began to walk towards the stands but stopped as two girls in blue jackets with rather large busts walked by her, chatting away.

One of them stopped and turned towards her heads towards the tan girl, smiling a fake smile. "Hey Esperanza! You look really cute in that jacket honey!" She laughed and walked off with her friend, leaning in to whisper something.

The sight seemed to depress her and she hung her head, walking more slowly than before. "Una tetona puta." She mumbled, glaring after their retreating backs.


The red eyed boy scratched his head, not quite sure what she was saying. "I don't know what she said, but it definitely wasn't English."

Alucard snickered. "I'll tell you what it definitely was. Probably an insult. I'm starting to like the girl, even if she is pretty flat."

Again, Alex turned crimson and quickly looked away from her. "You know it's probably a good thing she can't hear you, otherwise she'd probably take it out on me."

Alcuard cocked his head. "Are you saying that's a bad thing? Sounds like something I'd pay money to see. If I had money. So I guess it'd just have to be free show. Either way, you should probably pay attention to something besides her undersized tatas. Look over there."

Holding one red tipped finger out, he pointed to two teachers who had made their way to the now empty arenas. One was quite tall, male, and wore a long blue trench coat. He had broad shoulders and messy raven hair, as if he didn't care to style it. He held his hands behind his back, a stern look in his hazel eyes.

As if to offset him, a slightly above averaged height woman stood beside him, clothed in a white ribbon tied blouse over a long sleeve black shirt, a matching white miniskirt with frills on the bottom, and black heels. She also had a buttoned up red and white jackets. She had dark blonde hair, pulled into a braid, and smiled sweetly at the assembled students.

"If I may have your attention." Stepping forward, the tall man spoke, not too loudly, but quickly gained everyone's attention as asked for. "I am Mr. Uesugi and this is Miss Unohana. On behalf of Duel Academy, we congratulate all those that passed and have earned entry into our prestigious institution. I would have all you who managed that to get ready to set sail, except that Miss Unohana would like to say a few words before departure." He stepped back and whispered to her under his breath. "Make it quick."

She smiled at him, nodding. "Whatever you say Shinichi." He grumbled at her, although she pretended to not know what it was about.

She stepped forward and looked around at the surround students, hands in front of her. "A pleasure to meet you all! I just want to tell you all that I look forward to teaching you when we reach the academy. Don't mind Mr. Shinichi that much, he's just anxious to get going. All aboard!" The sound of a fog horn reverberated through the stadium and all the kids quickly file out the back doors, astounded by what they saw.

Sitting outside in the docks, a huge ship floated among the waves. It was mostly white but had three stacks of growing sizes, with the smallest being the red, the next one yellow, and the tallest blue. "Please make your way aboard the 'Academy of the Sea' and make yourself comfortable. We leave in exactly thirty minutes." Mr. Uesugi announced, setting a timer on his watch as he did so.

Standing to the side of one of the docking bridges, he spoke to the woman beside him. "You couldn't get it right at least once Kagome? If I didn't know better, I'd say you did that on purpose." He seemed quite annoyed and crossed his arms stiffly.

"Of course not Shinichi, was just a slip of the tongue." She glanced at him slyly. "Although, it seems you just slipped up as well. Calling me Kagome again." She giggled as he growled, scaring off a student who had drifted too close in an attempt to hear their conversation.

"Try to get it right next time. I'm getting quite tired of correcting you." He missed her response as he noticed a rather short boy walk by him, red eyes downcast and a bowl of white hair on his head. That's the boy that had the strange duel. I really need to find that Proctor. Can't have unworthy students making their way into Duel Academy. He narrowed his eyes. No matter. He's likely not to make it anyways. I won't be surprised if he flunks out before the first semester. Duel Academy is not for weak duelists and I still think he was about to lose that duel.

"Excuse me Miss Unohana, I have to speak with that Proctor before we leave. Watch the kids." He walked off with long steps, walking past the long line of students waiting to board the boat.

Finding the Proctor, he approached him, frowning. Noticing him, the tall man was rather hard to miss, the Proctor stiffened. "Ah, Mr. Uesugi, what can I help you with?" Please tell me he didn't notice.

"I want you to tell me why you let that boy win. If he was going to lose the duel, then he was unfit to enter Duel Academy. Explain yourself."

The Proctor attempted to stall. "Boy? I must've dueled dozens of kids today sir. Which one are you talking about?"

Taking a step closer, Mr. Uesugi glared down at the man. "Don't play with me! The white haired boy who used the Ghostricks. Tell me why you let him win or I'll fire you right here and now. Your other option is suspension and loss of pay for your work. Choose wisely." He was rather forceful with his words, unrelenting.

The Proctor weighed his options. If I tell him, then Anubis is sure to know who told him. I'll be in danger. If I don't, I'll lose my job! Dammit Anubis, why did I have to be the one to test that boy!? "I'm afraid that I just felt that the boy should be given a chance sir. He made quite the comeback and I believed, at the time, that he deserved to go to Duel Academy. I now regret my decision and hope you won't punish the boy too harshly." He held his breath. There, I lied to Mr. Uesugi. Please buy it.

Narrowing his eyes, the taller man considered the excuse. He's lying. But why? Should I push him for more details? He obviously fears retaliation for telling me more than losing his job. Dammit. Before he could question him further, his watch's alarm went off. "Dammit." He cursed outwardly this time, glaring at the watch, to the ship, and then back to the Proctor. "Only because I don't have time for this, you are suspended and will go without pay for today's work. I have to be leave, otherwise I'll be late."

He turned to leave and heard the Proctor heave a sigh of relief. Damn fool.

Sweating, the Proctor wiped his forehead with his arm. "Saved by the bell I guess. Thank goodness for that." Suddenly, his headset went off again.

"That was very wise of you. Had you chosen the other option, know that we would be having this conversation face to face. Trust me when I say that you would not want that. You will find an envelope of money in your vehicle. It more than compensates for your lack of payment. We of Anubis thank you for your assistance." Before he could respond, they hung up, leaving him more nervous than before.


A boy stood on the deck of the ship, leaning on the guard rail. He removed a headset from his ear and put into his jacket pocket. "What a wimp. I can't believe we actually had to intervene to make sure such a pathetic duelist made it to Duel Academy. Ah well, it's not his dueling skills that we're interested in."

And that's it my readers! In a hurry right now so I'll have to cut this short. R&R and all that. Later!