((These are personal reports made by the Avengers into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database about their encounter with Superman. These are the reports that Coulson makes available to Spiderman so that he may see that he has a rather unique opinion on the Man of Steel in comparison to a majority of his team members. Though what some of them think of Superman; and what they're willing to divulge to S.H.I.E.L.D. may surprise you.))

((First up we have the Star Spangled Avenger; everyone's favorite Super Soldier, Captain Steven 'America' Rogers. I'd like to point out for continuities sake that Captain America's 'report' is written before Chapter 8 of 'The Marvelous Adventure of Superman'))

Captain America

During a meeting with the Secretary of Defense I was recalled to the presidential suite in the White-House by the President and General Fury. Fury briefed both of us on the incident Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Clint Barton, and Thor had undergone with their initial encounter; capture, and the subsequent escape of the being they say called himself Kal-El, or more disturbingly; Superman.

Lex Luthor; who I believed was an unknown factor at this point, requested Avenger assistance in a strategic strike against Superman. I told the President of my reservations on attacking any enemy in a public area. I could see the worry in the Presidents eyes; and I sympathized, and could see the look of surrender in his eyes as he gave the order. I called for Dr. Strange to arrive and deliver him and myself both to Avengers Mansion.

On a personal note; I've fought people who call themselves the Ubermensche before in WW2. Group of Nazi supporters who discovered a primitive version of the Super-Solider serum used on me. During said mission Bucky Barnes, myself, Sgt. Nick Fury and Lt. Matthew Kent took down the group during a covert operation. Case-File reference: 10-4-8.12.39-OPERATION HOWLING COMMANDOS: NAZI UBERMENSCHE.

I arrived at the Avengers Mansion thanks to Dr. Strange's teleportation spell. Briefing time with the team that had assembled was short lived as I quickly begin deliberation with Tony Stark and Lex Luthor as to battle tactics. Lex advised us of Supermans weakness to a mineral he had in his possession. Lex would need the assistance of Pym, Richards, and Banner to adjust a plasma cannon Reed had developed to help contain Spiderman when he was overcome by the 'Venom' symbiote. Case-File reference: AVENGERS CASE-FILE 1215 A-25: THE BLACK SUIT.

I found it strange, sitting in the same room with both of them; they are both so similar: arrogant, witty, intelligent. But their differences are even more off-putting: Tony is usually playful in his wit, where Lex carries himself with a dominant attitude. I dislike the way he talked to and treated my team.

The team was quick to get into action with the possibility that Johnny Storm; AKA Human Torch; might have been injured or captured by Superman. Dr. Strange utilized a teleportation spell to bring all available Avengers to the Mansion. Tensions seemed to swell between Thor and Hank Pym. Pym still has not checked in for his monthly psychological evaluation. Team was quickly briefed and separated into groups.

Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four voiced her concerns and discomfort over working with Luthor. I whole heartily agree with her.

Johnny Storm was the first to engage Superman. He sustained a minor head-trauma from the confrontation. Thor was then engaged Superman in open combat and moved the battle away from the secluded district. The team caught up with the fight and I was able to intercept Superman attacking one of ours. He put a dent in my shield *(1). Superman then took hold of me and planted me in the wall. I have been in presence of beings who can destroy planets, and I could feel the power this being possesses; I could see it in how he took each available member of the Avengers on at the same time.

*(1)-On the note of my bent Vibranium shield; the mere fact that Supermans skin was able to dent it shows signs of incredible resistance, and is possibly a confirming factor to Luthors description of his power set. The consequences of a man who is able to bend the strongest metal found on Earth with his bare hands leaves me with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. We've seen friendly aliens who go rouge before; and steps should be taken to ensure that if Superman is not what he seems, we are ready.

I have my reservations as to how my Adamantium weaved shield would fare against him; but I remain positive that in the next encounter; should the need arise; that the Adamantium weave shield would prove more adequate protection against Superman. However, as a counter-measure I remain confident in the further use of Vibranium, as it did seem to have an effect on Superman, but I am still warry as to its longevity in a prolonged battle.-(1)*

Anytime we thought we had taken the advantage was more like breathing time for Superman. We could throw him off balance; but we couldn't keep him down. Only Thor, Ms Marvel, Benjamin Grim of the Fantastic Four, and Dr. Strange were able to effect damaging attacks on Superman. Injuries began to pile up among the members; but Superman fled the battle scene; Thor followed him soon after.

While I tried to re-organize the team, Bruce Banner had abandoned his post in assisting Luthor and Richards in the modifications of the cannon and came to the battle field as the Hulk. I approached the Hulk and tried to calm him, but he made it clear that I was not his objective. Hulk is showing more signs of cognitive recollection of Banners psyche; should warrant further evaluation WITH Banners approval.

The ensuing battle between Superman and the Hulk caused extensive collateral damage. The main focus of my mission at that point became saving the lives of innocent by-standers. While evacuating survivors I was trapped beneath a debris field after the Hulk had crashed down into the surrounding street. I scrambled together who I could and braced myself for the end; trying to put on a strong face for the civilians, though I had been injured during the scramble. I was more than relieved when Susan Storm-Richards of the Fantastic Four made her presence beneath the debris field known to the rest of us. She was able to use her powers to keep the debris from collapsing in on us; but had drained herself considerably during the battle with Superman.

I had a lot of time to reflect while we were trapped under the debris. I had a thought while I was down there, watching Susan concentrate on keeping the several tons of concrete from collapsing on top of us. That if Lexes plan didn't work, and if this Superman really was some kind of madman bent on world domination... there wasn't much else we could do to stop him. The battle had already been lost; and every hope we had then was now on the man who brought this sense of terror with him; Lex Luthor.

I knew that I hadn't recovered enough to protect everyone if we ran into trouble; but I couldn't just sit any longer and let Susan tire herself out. So I began to shift through the rubble, but I wasn't strong enough and tired myself out rather quickly; and I can't put into words my admiration towards the people, and how quickly the citizens of New York that I was there to protect came to my aid. As I rested, I offered my shield to one of the young men to use; he was hesitant to take it, and didn't until I offered it to him a second time. I watched as they took turns using the shield to break the larger rocks into smaller ones that they were able to move, passing the shield off whenever they would get tired. Their teamwork was inspirational, and made me feel ashamed for having admitted defeat.

I arose with a renewed vigor, taking up my shield and continuing to move the debris. Before long I could hear a voice calling out to us from the other end; I called the order for everyone to fall back, and once I was sure everyone was safe I gave Susan the order to toss the remainder of the debris in front of us; I stood back ready to protect the citizens should Susan lose her concentration. When the concrete had cleared I could see DareDevil and Janet Pym AKA The Wasp waiting for us on the other side. We led the citizens out of the debris field and they all ran off to safety.

While I tried to rally the others, giving us some time to recuperated; DareDevil mentioned that Spiderman had encountered Superman prior to our encounter with him; he then picked up on an S.O.S. signal, and we moved in to investigate. We found Tony Stark pinned beneath a boulder that had clearly been cut off of a nearby rock-face; his armor was non-responsive. Sue and Janet began to fix Iron Mans armor; and once they had succeeded, Tony informed us of Lex Luthors betrayal and how Lex had tried to kill him.

As angry as I was at the thought of being manipulated by Luthor, I was equally angry when IronMan flew off on his own to engage Lex in combat. I sent The Wasp in to assist him as back-up as Susan carried the rest of us as close as he could to the area; though her concentration became strained and then continued by foot.

During the travel I remember thinking how angry I was, and for a while it didn't matter how strong Superman was; it didn't matter that the had already taken my team apart; Lex Luthor had been the one to orchestrate the whole event. He used us as a means to weaken his enemy; and God only knows what machinations that twisted mind of his might have had planned for the after-math.

As soon we we arrived on the scene; I saw Superman collapsed on the ground. Lex was beating into him over and over again; and in that moment I saw the true madman. The look on his face, so proud of what he was doing. I've seen a lot of death, and I've never been proud of how many lives I've ended doing what I've done. What I witnessed in that moment was more than enough to convince me of Luthors true intentions.

Seeing an enlarging Hank Pym in the distance, I moved in and distracted Luthor by throwing my shield; and after Hank Pyms attack, Lex Luthor was neutralized. The remaining active members of the team assembled and preparations were made for the imprisonment of Lex Luthor and the recuperation of Superman. I divided the team in order to get our wounded to medical assistance and to search the area for the remaining members of my team. All team members were accounted for and no casualties were sustained during the operation. There were FOURTEEN civilian casualties because of this mission and the influence of LEX LUTHOR upon the Avengers.

I made the decision to have Superman recuperated without consulting General Fury; S.H.I.E.L.D. representatives or the Presidential staff and take full responsibility for the repercussions of these actions.


((OOC: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this new series! You can expect most of the following chapters to be just as short as this one, if not shorter! I wanted to do Captain America first because I feel that of everyone on the team, his would be the one that was the most in-depth; and as you may have noticed he uses it almost like a journal. And you may have noticed that there was some information about Superman that Captain America wasn't completely forthcoming about. Again, hope you enjoyed! I hope to be more regular with this mini-series as the chapters will be shorter.))