Title says it all. Enjoy!

Day had broken, and the group had finally returned to scare school. Vivianna was, as expected, extremely pissed when she learned Jack didn't have the guts to call her himself. However, this rage was soon diminished when she learned that Jack wasn't even in the school. According to the headmasters, Jack had left as soon as he asked them to call. He said he had to do something.

The kids were were watching Thatch rather closely, as he seemed jumpier than normal. Also, after a quick nurse inspection, the boy now had a bandage on the cheek that Jack had hit. A while ago, it had begun to bruise up, so the others insisted he go to the nurse, much to the vampires disliking. It had been pretty bad.

Everyone was outside the nurses office now, giving Merek some much needed space. The angel had woken up not too long ago, and he was sick as a dog. Probably due to never drinking before. So, obviously, due to his hang over, the kids weren't allowed to get too close to him. They just hoped things would get better soon. And that Jack would get back soon.

Casper turned towards Fatch and Thatch, who both looked a bit uneasy. But both for different reasons. Thatch, as he'd gotten smacked across the face, and Fatch because of Jack most likely. He seemed so upset by what Jack did to Thatch. Casper hadn't heard what Fatch had said to the demon, but he was sure it wasn't pleasent. After all, it was obvious Jack was taking whatever it was pretty hard.

Suddenly Casper began to feel a little uneasy, as if something was just so pure it made him feel sick. As if he were going to dematerialize at any given moment. He thought he was just imagining things, but he was instantly proven wrong when he found Vivianna and Fatch start shivering, as if they could feel it too. ' What is this...? ' Casper thought, wincing in slight pain. ' Why am I feeling like this...? '

" Excuse me. "

A voice rang gently. A soft, calm voice that was pleasing to the ear.

" I am here to see Merek. "

Immediately turning around, the creatures were ALL surprised to see a grey and yellow haired ANGEL with huge, beautiful golden wings and golden pupils with blue surrounding them. Only two people knew him though: Fatch and Vivianna. Vivianna had actually met him before, whilst Fatch had only read about him. The angel of angels. The creator of the three bloods. The one, and only, Flash.

Vivianna, in a fit of fear, fell to her hands and knees, bowing before the man. Soon everyone copied her action, shaking in the presence of the angel. Flash, however, simply smiled warmly before signaling for them to stand.

" Please, there is no need for that. "

Vivianna looked up slightly in confusion before hastily getting to her feet.

" Please forgive me for asking sir, but why are you here? "

Flash smiled very lightly, folding up his right wing to revile that Jack was actually behind him, looking more than a little nervous. Flash used his long, yellow, emerald bedazzled tail to gently push him forward.

" Jack called me, seeking my help. "

The angel explained.

" He realized I would probably have a way to help Merek. And, indeed I do. "

Fatch suddenly huffed, crossing his arms in frustration.

" So I just spent the past 5 days reading stupid spell books for nothing?! "

" My apologies Fatch. I would've been here sooner, but I'm afraid I had to chase Septimus from heavens gates. "

Jack looked very confused, and a bit disturbed by this new information.

" How the hell did a demon, besides me, get into heaven?! "

Flash's ears pulled back against his head, obviously not to pleased with Jack's choice of words, slowly sighing. His other wing folded now, signalling he wasn't very happy with what he was about to say.

" To be honest, I'm not sure myself. The only demon allowed up there would be you, so I don't know how he got up there. But... I can at least tell you this. It was HIS fault Merek suddenly turned human. "

The room fell eerily silent, and it was clear they were waiting for the story. Flash sighed again, his long tail circling around his body, telling the tale.

The angels were running. Fire surrounded heaven's gates. Several angel's wings were chard, and several others were injured harshly. Luckily none were dead.

Flash himself was growing tired of this battle. It had been thousands of years since he's had to fight like this. The days where Juan Carlos, Jaime and Jose were locked in combat was the last battle he needed help winning. But this...

Flash's wings were chard, and he couldn't fly at that current moment. Cuts and bruises covered his body, and if he weren't so despite to keep heaven safe, he would've fallen hours ago.

The demon in front of him laughed maliciously, his fangs exposed proudly and his black and blue wings flapping heavily. It was obvious he was having fun causing all this damage.

" Pleasure to finally meet you in person, Flash. King of creation. "

The way he said that... it made the angel feel disgusted. He hated how the demon addressed him. It was so full of malice and spite, it made him sick just listening to it. The angel felt his eyes turning completely golden in anger, allowing his body to be overtaken by blue lightning. The fiery demon in front of him merely scoffed at this.

" Thunder vs fire. Typical. "

He teased, summoning hell fire into his now raised hand.

" But I think hell fire is a bit stronger than lightning. "

Flash glared furiously as the demon challenged him, summoning hell fire's natural opposite: heavenly thunder. Stronger than angel grace, it could easily deteriorate a demon's body for good. Flash normally didn't retort to this, but he couldn't allow this demon to continue to terrorize the other angels.

Launching their attacks, they collided, causing a violent explosion.

Once the smoke cleared, Flash looked up to find Merek standing a mere few feet in front of him, and Septimus a mere few feet in front of him, his claws deep in his stomach.

And that's when Flash realized. Merek had taken a hit for him.

Septimus growled, yanking his claws from the other.

" You stupid angel! "

He roared, pushing the man back.

" That was meant for Flash! Grr! I hope you like living without your wings, you brat! "

Flash shuddered a great deal, signaling he didn't want to remember the rest.

Gentle footsteps could be heard heading their way. Gentle, almost hesitant footsteps. Turning, Merek could be seen approaching Flash, seemingly afraid.

" I... "

He whispered, as if he couldn't comprehend what he'd heard.

" I... used to be an angel...? "

Flash smiled, slowly approaching the other as well.

" Yes. My most trusted pupil in fact. One of the most powerful angels to walk in heaven. And one of the first. "

" And... I risked my angelicness to save yours? "

" Yes. This is why I am here. I am here to restore you to your angelic self. "

Merek then did the unexpected. He cheered. As if the mere thought of returning to normal would be the best thing in the universe.

" Oh thank goodness! "

He yelped, raising his hands into the air.

" Being human SUCKED! I would love to be an angel again! Please! "

Flash smiled, spiraling his tail around the man, a soft blue glow engulfing the fleshie man. Once it faded, Flash pulled back, reviling a now angel Merek. The angel slowly opened his eyes, equally as slowly opening his wings. He almost seemed... confused.

" ... S-sir... "

He said softly, as if he were afraid.

" I-I can't see into the future at all... "

" It'll take a little while for your powers to completely return. Come. They'll recharge sooner once we're in heaven. You too Jack. "

Vivianna's eyes grew horribly wide upon hearing this, turning to Jack, demanding an explanation. The shadow man frowned, grabbing his upper arms as if to protect himself.

" I... I'm going to stay with Flash for a while. "

He said, voice soft and full of sadness.

" I... I want to change... I couldn't live with myself if I continued to cause anyone pain. "

Looking in Thatch's direction, Jack found Flash now healing the bruise the demon had left on his face. Once again the demon frowned, truly feeling horrible for what he did to the child. Shuddering, the demon walked a bit closer to Merek.

" I... just need a bit of time... it won't be forever hon. I'll be back soon. "

Vivianna shook sadly, but slowly nodded in her husbands direction.

Flash soon walked back to the demon and angels side, actually beginning to glow.

" We must go. "

He said softly, looking back and forth between the creatures.

" Please, take it easy. And, do try to avoid Septimus. He is far to powerful for a demon. "

Finally the three vanished, and Vivianna was instantly stricken with grief. She knew it wouldn't be goodbye for ever, but she would still miss him dearly. Feeling someone wrap their hands around her waist, she soon found the gray vampire, Thatch, hugging her. As if to tell her that things would be ok. And, she was kind of trying to convince herself of that very thought. ' Things will be ok... ' She thought. ' I'll make sure of it as well... '

End of story!

To abrupt, maybe? Sorry if it is. Bonsoir!