The Nighthawk Comes at Midnight

by Ironbear

Story Blurb: Sex in public brings its own risks and rewards as our heroes venture forth into the further adventures of Commander Nighthawk and his Commando Cutie! PWmP: Porn With Minimal Plot.

Title: "The Nighthawk Comes at Midnight"

Author: Ironbear

Rating: PG-13 (FR-18)

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series and characters thereof belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, and Kazui Entertainment. Everyone else belongs to their respective owners, except for my own original characters. And hey – I'm not greedy about them.

This is a work of derivative fiction. All persons, characters, names, places, locations, entities, personages, and/or deities contained within are purely fictional, or fictional representations thereof, and any resemblance to any real persons, characters, names, places, locations, entities, personages, and/or deities are purely coincidental, or they are used in a purely fictional manner.

Summary: Somehow, that off handed, half serious, half sarcastic comment seemed to have managed to take on a life of its own, as adventures in role playing turn into even bigger challenges.

Type: BtVS non-crossover, Romance, Fantasy, Comedy, PWP. Direct sequel to "Take Me and Stake Me".

Chronology: Takes place part way through "Beauty and the Beasts" in BtVS season 3.

Pairings: Xander Harris and Cordelia Chase

Author's Note(s): A part of the "Life in Sunnydale" non-series. As well as what seems to be developing into part of a very loosely related series called: "Tails of the Vampire (s)Layer", since I've gotten inspired to do more of them. PWP with at least a little bit of not completely irrelevant plot.

Het, naturally, given the players involved.

Warning! Ah.. screw it. If you read "Take Me and Stake Me", you pretty much know what's in here. Sex, and lots of it. Along with some meaningless and gratuitous storyline for seasoning. Probably not safe for work.

The Nighthawk Comes at Midnight

by Ironbear

Part I: We Could Be a Lot More Deeply Involved...

"If sex were shoes, I'd wear you out. But I wouldn't wear you out in public." ― Jarod Kintz

Sunnydale High School, Tuesday, October 20, 1998 – Noonish:

Buffy was saying something unintelligible.

Okay, rewind that, Xander thought. It wasn't so much that it was unintelligible. Buffy actually was pretty good with the whole speaking thing, no matter what Giles muttered about the 'incomprehensible prattle of American Teenagers.' Even if she did mangle words more than the normal Scooby tendency.

Xander always kind of half figured that she did it intentionally just to watch Giles' head explode, anyway.

No, whatever Buffy was currently saying was unintelligible mostly because at the moment, Xander was experiencing near total brain meltdown. Not to mention a complete and total malfunction in the areas of his brain that usually controlled stuff like, oh, paying attention and silly things like that.

Said complete brain meltdown being caused by the fact of Cordelia's bare toes sliding gently along his pants leg up along the outside of his calf, then slowly up the inside of his thigh to where they'd finally rest against his crotch and press in briefly and rub up and down along his raging hardon. Then just as slowly sliding along his thigh down to his calf before pausing to toy with his ankle for a bit before starting the whole trip over again.

All the while she was driving him slowly insane by doing this, Cordelia was carefully and quickly unpacking her lunch while maintaining a line of bright and animated chatter with Buffy, Willow, and Oz – apparently completely oblivious to the fact that she'd not only killed her boyfriend's speech center, but was running a very real riskof having him explode in his jeans.

Finally, Xander managed to gather up enough cohesive thought and presence of mind to lower his left hand from the top of the table to his lap, and catch Cordelia's foot on the next upstroke. Before it rubbed up against his crotch again, thank you God.

Not so much because he especially minded getting a foot job from the hottest girl at Sunnydale High, but because Xander was pretty sure that that way led trouble and detention. Stubbornly refusing to budge from his chair in the lunchroom for the rest of the afternoon until his pants dried was just bound to get him noticed, most likely by Snyder. And then crucified. If he was lucky.

Cordelia frowned slightly, and then stuck her lower lip out in a pout while shooting him a wicked sidelong glance. Grinning, Xander stuck his tongue out at her and began to rub her toes with the ball of his thumb in one of the ways that he knew she liked as a consolation prize.

Cordelia gave an almost imperceptible full body shiver, and her eyes went half lidded momentarily. Xander didn't think anyone else at the table noticed... and now that he didn't have his hot girlfriend stroking his dick with her toes, he could actually manage to tune back in to the ongoing conversation.

And to apply at least some concentration to eating whatever the hell this was that the cafeteria lady thought passed for food today.

Scratch that idea. Concentration was not what eating this... stuff called for. Total brain death was.

"So, you still get special meals made up every day, Cordy?" Buffy was asking, looking slightly askance at the minor feast Cordelia was unpacking, and then grimacing in distaste down at her own plate.

"Uh huh. My dietician prescribes them regularly, because, looking good and staying healthy? Not as easy as you'd think," Cordelia said, nodding. "And our cook makes them up every morning."

"You have your own dietician?" Oz raised an eyebrow, looking slightly bemused.

"Yeah! Well... no, not really. It's our family dietician," Cordelia said, making a face. "I don't really have my own, because Daddy says that that would be ostentatious or something idiotic like that."

"Uh huh." Willow nodded at her, her expression serious. "A family dietician is lots less ostentatious, obviously."


Willow turned her head, grinning across the table at Oz and winked. "Ostentatiousness is of the bad," Oz said, nodding.

"Well, I'm starting to so wish that we had one," Buffy said, forking a load of whateverthehellitwas into her mouth, and making a face. "Because this stuff? Uh... what is this stuff, exactly?"

"I'm thinking, glop," Xander said, raising a fork full and letting it slide off and drop back onto his plate. It hit with a moist thud. "Never been really sure what glop is exactly, mind you, but now that I've seen this? One with the glopness, it is."

"Eww." Cordelia wrinkled her nose, looking down at his plate.

"Well... the menu board said it was Lasagna Day," Willow said, her voice and her expression dubious.

"I've seen lasagna," Cordelia said, still eying Xander's meal with equal amounts of dubious and disdain. "I'm pretty sure that that wasn't it."

"I hope it's not the same lasagna," Xander said, eying his fork with trepidation, "But it would explain a lot if it is."

"Gotta agree with the Cordy," Buffy said. "Mom's made lasagna, and it didn't look anything like this. Or smell or taste anything like this." She made another face, looking down, adding, "And I'm pretty sure this stuff moves on its own between bites."

"Moving is fine. But if it screams or mewls," Oz said, "Back away slowly while reaching for the flame thrower."

"Thanks ever so. And on that note, my appetite is officially deceased," Buffy said, sighing.

"So, how's the new girl doing?" Cordelia said, starting to eat her prepackaged meal.

"Faith?" Buffy shrugged, and said, "Well, now that the Khaki Toast is, uh, toasted, she's not so much with the freakage."

"That's good," Xander said, nodding and forcing down some more gloppage, "As is the stakeage of the ancient monster vamp."

While he and Cordelia had been spending the weekend playing variations of Studly Vampire and the Hot Babe, and screwing each other brainless, apparently some ancient killer vamp had shown up hunting their newest slayer, Faith. After it had supposedly killed her Watcher and chased her across the country to here. Xander figured that a little freakage was forgivable on Faith's part, all things considered.

And then Buffy and Faith had managed to kill off Ancient Vamp's minions and dust the Big Bad in the process, without Xander or Cordelia ever really needing to be involved or even knowing about it until it was all over and done.

Xander thought that he could feel bad about the whole 'not being involved' thing, but everything seemed to have worked out all right, and no one died. All for the good.

And besides. Hot sex with Cordy. An entire four day weekend full of hot sex with Cordelia. Well, three and a half days, anyway. Round up. Which now looked to be leading to a whole week of hot sex with Cordy every chance they could find or make to get some alone time and a bit of privacy. Both after, during, and at school.

He kinda figured that he could be excused a bit of Slay Adjacent-ness on that basis, even if no one except for him and Cordy knew about the whole hot sex thing.

Xander figured they might also lose the whole permanent half smirk, half smug grin thing they both had going sooner or later, even. Maybe.

"Speaking of," Buffy said, interrupting his train of fantasy life, "What's everyone got on their Slay Calendars for tonight?"

"We're out, Oz and me," Willow said, giving her a rueful and slightly apologetic look. "Wolf watching."

"Yup. Full moonage," Oz supplied.

"Ah. Oh, forgot," Buffy said, sighing.

"Ah... kind of figured you'd have had that covered," Cordelia said, frowning. "What with the whole two Slayers, no waiting thing?"

"Well, did. And normally, yeah," Buffy said, nodding. "But tonight for your staking pleasure, three vamps, no waiting. On opposite sides of town."

"And I say, huh?" Xander said, raising his eyebrows. Maybe if he held his nose while choking this stuff down...

"Giles found three new killings in the obits a few days ago," Buffy said, shrugging. "You know – with the suspicious neck ruptures and Bar-be-cue fork stabbage? All due to rise tonight."

"Ah. And all buried separately," Xander said, nodding.

"And in completely separate cemeteries, yup, yup."

"Okay," Xander shrugged, giving up on trying to find a way to make his meal palatable and settling for just trying to not let it hit the inside of his mouth on the way down. "We can take one."

"We can?" his girlfriend said, looking askance at him.

"You can?" Buffy blinked, also looking at him a bit askance.

"Well, yeah?" Xander gave her a pained look. "Umm... solo slayage? All summer? We can handle a simple rising, Buff."

"Mostly," Oz said, nodding. Xander glanced over and grinned at the faint smile dancing at the edge of the werewolf's lips.

"Well, as long as they're not champion gymnasts or gymkata experts or anything."

"Well, if you're sure... " Buffy gave him a look that was half dubious, half hopeful.

"Oh please." Cordelia gave her a pained look, this time. She waved a hand airily. "Seriously, we have staked new rising vamps before. Honest."

"Yup. One person gives them an, ah, hand up and out," Xander began, shooting his girlfriend a half grin.

"And the other one stakes them in the back as they come up," Cordelia finished, laughing. "Cue startled expression and instant dust pile."

"It's a science," Willow said, snickering.

"Don't try this at home, kids," Oz finished.

"Oh." Buffy looked nonplussed for a moment, as if that strategy had never occurred to her, and then grinned back. "Cool. Settled then – you and Xander take one, and Faith and I'll each take one. Whoever gets dusty first goes and backs up someone else."

"Aye aye, Captain," Xander said, grinning back. "Commander Nighthawk and the Commando Cutie reporting for duty."

"Commando cutie?" Cordelia mouthed silently, arching her eyebrows at him. "Help. I've fallen in with dorks and I can't get out."

"Poor Cordelia," Willow said, her expression filled with mock sympathy. "We feel your pain."

"Welcome to the dork side," Oz said.

"Yup," Willow nodded enthusiastically at her. "We have cookies!"

"Thanks, I feel so much better now."

That settled, Xander glanced over at the wall clock, and frowned. Huh. Just under twenty minutes into lunch. If they hurried... he nudged Cordelia's other foot with his and glanced pointedly at the clock, raising his eyebrows.

Frowning, Cordelia followed his gaze, then glanced down at her watch. She smiled broadly, and nodded, yanking her foot out of his lap and bending over her food.

Smiling back, Xander bent over his plate and began forking down his glop with a vengeance, no longer even tasting or registering it.

"Hrmm." Cordelia detached from his arm long enough to turn her head and give him a quick and thorough head to toe once over. "You... actually look good today."

"Try and restrain your enthusiasm," Xander said, smirking and cutting his eyes over at her.

"Oh, bite me." Cordelia huffed irritably, and took his arm again, pressing up against his side. "I'm serious."

Xander shrugged, which incidentally caused his arm to rub against the side of Cordelia's breast. Yum. Have to do that more often... If he did look good, it was because he was actually taking Cordelia's advice for a change, instead of fighting tooth and nail against it. And was wearing stuff that she'd picked out on the last shopping expedition he'd been dragged along on with her. Charcoal gray denim slacks that weren't jeans no matter what the label said, and a long sleeved black shirt of some kind of thick, soft material that Xander couldn't name under torture.

The way to Cordelia's heart: take her advice on fashion and clothes. Among other ways, anyway...

"Hey, it's all your fault – it's stuff you picked out." Xander sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. "My girlfriend dresses me. My manhood will never recover."

"You're about to get laid, dumb ass," Cordelia said. "I think your manhood will survive it."

"Point," Xander said, brightening immeasurably. Glancing sidelong at her, he added, "You look... edible."

She did, too: a white and floral patterned V-neck and low cut blouse that exposed lots of breast slope, and a tight, short, dark blue skirt that exposed acres of long tanned leg and made his fingers itch to hike it up over her ass. Just a hint of dark blue, lacy bra peeking out with her cleavage... Her long hair was swept up and over to one side, trailing down her back and right shoulder, and leaving bare a long, nibble-able section of neck and left shoulder. All in all, edible.

"Better than your recent meal?"

"Pleah. I've seen week old roadkill that looked better than that stuff," Xander said, grinning at her.

Cordelia made a face. "Eww." Giving him a coy, sidelong look, she said, "So, that means you want to eat me all up, then?"

Waggling his eyebrows, Xander smirked and said, "I would, but we don't have time to do it properly. Have to settle for the next best thing."

"Rats. And, okay." Checking her watch again, she lengthened her stride. "C'mon – we don't want to be late for class. Again."

"It's Trig. I can deal with late."

"Well I can't. And neither can your grades, lamer." Cordelia scowled sidelong at him, adding, "And after we skipped all day Friday so we could sleep in and, ah, then do a lot of not sleeping, we can't afford to miss any more classes, Xander."

"Yes, dear," Xander said, nodding. "But the, ah, not sleeping activities were loads more fun than geometry."

"Oh God yes. Hurry up, Dorkus. We're wasting minutes."

Reaching the back storeroom toward the rear exits behind the lunchroom, Xander did a quick check and then pulled out the spare key he'd swiped and copied, working quickly at the lock. Cordelia swept a fast look around, watching for Cordettes and other witnesses, and pushed him inside as soon as he had it open.

"Quick," Cordelia said, throwing her purse and book bag onto a shelf before reaching back to lock the door behind them. "We have forty-five minutes, counting our free period."

"Let's not waste any more of them," Xander said, letting his back pack drop and kicking it into the corner behind him.


She came into his arms as he turned, Cordelia's arms going around his neck as she lifted her face up to his. Xander didn't have to bend his head far to capture her lips: Cordelia wasn't much shorter than he was when she was wearing heels.

He found over and over again that he kind of liked that in a girl, especially this one. Just as he liked the fact that she made a substantial handful of extremely curvy female in the circle of his arms...

Nothing delicate or fragile about his girl.

Cordelia's tongue slid between his lips, wrestling with his for dominance, and Xander very nearly lost the ability to form coherent thoughts.

His girl. Cordelia Chase was his girl. Cordelia Chase was his girl. And she'd made it clear over the events during the course of the past several days that she was his in most all of the ways that really counted. That in itself was equal parts of heady, intoxicating, and terrifying, all at once. Almost as heady and intoxicating as kissing her was. Nearly as intoxicating as having her lying beneath him, legs up, open and spread wide, full breasts heaving and jiggling, with her face flushed and contorted in orgasm had been...

Cordelia's back began to tremble and then shake under his roaming hands, and then she first giggled, and then snickered into their joined lips. Finally, she pulled back, bursting into laughter with her eyes dancing.

"Commander Nighthawk and the Cutie Commando?" Cordelia shook her head, starting to giggle again. She thumped him lightly on the chest, giving him a half dismayed, half amused look. "Good God, lamer. Where do you come up with this stuff?"

"Uh... " Xander said, valiantly wrenching his mind back from the happy image place it had wandered off to. Had to – it was far too small to be out on its own. He shrugged, smiling lopsidedly down at her. "Years and years of comic book reading, playing Champions with Jesse and Jonathan, and an active imagination? I dunno."

"Glack." Cordelia shook her head again. "And to think I used to have cool."

"Oh how the mighty have fallen," Xander said, starting to laugh as well. "Don't worry, Cordy," he said, lowering his head to capture her lips again, briefly, "You're still cool."

"Amazing how none of it has rubbed off on you."

"I'm impervious to cool. It's my one super power."

"Oh joy. And lucky me," Cordelia said, sighing heavily. "I'm deeply involved with the Boy Who Has No Cool."

"Well, not that deeply right at the moment," Xander said, his smile becoming lopsided.

"I have plans," Cordelia said, reaching one hand down between them and starting to work at his belt buckle.

Xander pulled back slightly to give her a bit more room to work. "Eek! Oh, help. I'm being molested by a cheerleader!"

"I really don't need any help, thank you."

"Oh. Well, carry on then."

Cordelia gave a throaty laugh and said, "I thought we were carrying on." She managed to get the buckle of his jeans open, and then began working the belt through it before undoing the snap. That out of the way, Xander's response was completely derailed by the sound and feel of his zipper going down, followed by Cordelia, err, taking things firmly in hand through his stretch boxers.

"Gnnng!" Xander's entire body stiffened abruptly, suddenly matching what Cordelia had taken hold of. Her smile took on a decidedly malicious aspect and she slid her curled fingers and palm down along the briefs encased length of him to the bottom V of his open zipper, and then slowly back upward. When she squeezed the circle of her fingers together slightly tighter around his cock just under the head, it elicited another inarticulate sound, made his hips buck against her hand, and damned near made his knees buckle.

"Guh!" Xander's eyes rolled back as Cordelia slid her grasping fingers slowly up over the fabric covered head, and then back down, repeating the motion a couple of times. "Ughnn... careful," Xander managed to gasp out, "It might go off."

"Oh?" Cordelia arched her eyebrows and gave him a look that had cat and canary feathers written all over it. "But I want it to go off."

She slid her hand down again, pulling the front of his briefs along with it and then sliding back up until only her bare fingers were circling the equally bare head of his dick and the first inch or so, smoothing oozes of pre-cum along the underside of it. Xander's knees nearly went out from under him again, and his back arched as his cock twitched in Cordelia's grasp.

"Guh. Uh... but.. if it... goes off... now," Xander said, his eyes squeezing tightly shut, "You're never gonna be able to wear that blouse again."

"Oh. Oh! Well then... " Cordelia's eyes widened. "I'll just have to do something about that, won't I?"

Rising up on her toes, she leaned forward and kissed him deeply while slowly tightening and loosening her grip just under the head of his cock. Not interested in her having all of the fun – or all of the teasing, Xander brought his hands down from Cordelia's shoulders to the buttons of her blouse, undoing them one at a time. Cupping her suddenly exposed breasts, he slid his palms over them, feeling her nipples stiffen under the lacy bra. Cordelia groaned and her tongue began working even more frantically against his.

After pinching and pulling her nipples to full hardness under the material of the bra, Xander reluctantly moved his hands away from her breasts, sliding them along her sides towards the back.

Pulling away from his mouth just far enough, Cordelia said, "It unsnaps in front... " and he reversed course, fumbling at it slightly for a moment until the catch popped free suddenly and her tits bounced freely against his hands. Making a satisfied sound deep in her throat, Cordelia leaned back into his lips as his hands cupped her breasts again.

Just about the time that Xander thought that he was going to explode all over her hand, the underside of her chin, and probably the ceiling, Cordelia released him suddenly and pulled away from his lips. The abrupt change did make his knees go rubbery for a moment...

By the time that his eyes quit rolling back in his head once more, Xander found that somehow, Cordelia had managed to change position to where she was kneeling in front of him, eying his partially exposed erection speculatively. Reaching out and up, she tugged the front of his briefs down as far as they'd go, and then took hold of the sides of his waistband.

"Oh, my. I think that Little Nighthawk is getting bigger." Cordelia looked up at him from under her eyelashes, her expression pure innocence. Xander didn't believe that expression for a hot minute... "Does he have amazing growing and shrinking powers?"

"Oh, God – if you only knew," Xander said. It would have come out a throaty growl if his voice hadn't cracked part way through it.

"Let's find out." Smirking up at him, Cordelia slowly licked her lips and began working Xander's pants down over his hips and ass. Once they were down past the curve of his cheeks, she gave them a firm steady pull and yanked them down to his mid thighs. She repeated the process with his briefs, sliding them down as far as they'd go, watching with apparent fascination as his rigid cock bobbed out free in front of her face.

"My." Her eyes slowly going half lidded, Cordelia reached out and grasped him by the base, circling him with her thumb and first two fingers and sliding them along the shaft up to the head and then slowly back down. Leaning forward, she stuck out her tongue and ran the tip of it upward along the first few inches, getting a deep groan from Xander.

"Uh, Cordy?"

"Umm hmm?"

"I thought you were in a hurry?"

"I am," she said, nodding. "This is me hurrying." Opening her mouth slightly, she pulled him down until the head of his dick was aimed right at her mouth, and leaned forward until her parted lips slid slowly over the tip and past it.

"Oh God." Xander clenched his hands into fists by his thighs, matching the near full body clench he went into as the tip of Cordelia's tongue began flickering lightly over the tip of his hard-on.

He was pretty sure that he wasn't in danger of exploding immediately, no matter what his nerve endings were telling him, but if she kept this up for very long...

Cordelia slid her palm and curled fingers up along his shaft until they met her descending lips about an inch and a half below the head of his cock. Xander let out a nearly agonized sounding groan as his hips bucked forward slightly.

Sliding her lips backward, Cordelia let the head slip out from between them with equal slowness, and drew her head back a bit, looking up at him wide eyed.

"Wow. That sounded painful," she said, arching her eyebrows. "But gee, Xander. I thought you liked my blow-jobs."

"Oh God," Xander said again, nodding frantically. "I do. That was an agonized groan of intense pleasure."

"Ah. Okay." Lowering her eyes from his, Cordelia fastened her gaze back on the project in front of her, licking her lips slowly. "Just checking."

And, oh gods again. Damn. Cordelia on her knees in front of him with her blouse falling open and a blue lace bra cupping the sides of her full breasts as she slowly and lightly ran the tip of her tongue over the end of his raging hard-on was more erotic looking than anything he'd ever seen in one of his dad's porn videos. She loosened her grip until her palm and fingers were just barely touching him, except where he was pressing upward against them as his cock tried to stand straight up, and leaned back again to look up.

"So. You mentioned something about tit fucking fantasies the other night?"

"Now?" It came out in kind of a strangled sound except where his voice cracked again. Xander's eyes nearly bugged out, seeing his extremely stiff dick in his girlfriend's hand right above the luscious tits in question. "You mean right this minute?" Oh gods... he just died and went to geek heaven...

"Well... " Cordelia gave his twitching hard-on a speculative look. "You'd probably explode gallons like you did in my mouth Thursday night, and I really don't want to try and sneak out of here with cum all over my face, chest, and hair."

"Uh, yeah. That could be, like, uh... bad," Xander said, nearly babbling with his head going up and down like a bobblehead doll. "Well, not bad bad, but bad as in of the embarrassing, and you I we... oh god I'm babbling, kill me now, please."

"Naw." Cordelia snickered up at him. "I'd rather make you suffer first."

"Snerk." Xander looked down at her wide eyed and deceptively innocent expression over those tits, and burst out laughing. "Oh yeah, and you would, too."

"Yup." Cordelia lost the ability to maintain the innocently malicious expression and lost it in laughter as well. "You... bet," she gasped out, finally. "Death by blow job. Only where you never ever get to actually come."

"That would do it, all right."

"Okay. So, I'm not that mean," Cordelia said, still laughing. "Well, I am, but... "

"Just not completely heartless, yup," Xander said, snickering. "Although there have been bets made on that."

"Me being heartless or me being able to kill someone with a blow-job?" she said, arching her eyebrows.

"Both," Xander replied, and they both broke up laughing again.

"So, like, maybe not right now right now," Cordelia said, when they wound down again, "But in general?"

"Oh, definitely. Every time you've worn something low cut to class and then bent over where I could see down your top, usually," Xander said, grinning down at her.

"Ah. I'll have to remember that," she said, nodding. "So, you fantasize about me in class a lot, huh." Cordelia went back to slowly and lightly running her curled fingers along the length of his shaft.

"Unnggh!" Xander arched backward for a moment and derailed slightly before he regained control of his speech centers. Sorta. "Uh, I'd plead the fifth, but I think that cat escaped the bag already."

"Gee, ya think?" Cordelia smirked up at him and then leaned forward slightly to flick the tip of her tongue along his sensitive glans. "No wonder your grades suck."

"Speaking of sucking... "

"Aww. Is Little Nighthawk feeling neglected?" Pulling his erection down so that it was more angled toward her than aimed straight at the ceiling panels, she moved her head forward until her slightly parted lips hit the swollen glans, and then slid over it.

Xander groaned, feeling his eyes roll back again as Cordelia's soft lips and hot, wet mouth slowly slipped over the head of his cock and then down along the length of it. Stopping about halfway down where her lips met the circle of her index finger and curled thumb, she began to play her tongue along the sensitive underside. Xander groaned again and jerked even straighter upright as his cock twitched and jumped in his girlfriend's mouth.

"Uhhhhh... Cordy?"

"Umm hrrmm?" Cordelia looked up at him without stopping what she was doing.

"Gnnng!" If he thought Cordelia's tongue was doing things to him, that was nothing compared to the sensations that that idle 'hrrmm?' just sent through the sensitive underside of his dick. "Oh God, whatever you just did, it nearly sent me through the ceiling, Cordy."



She frowned and then her face brightened and her expression took on a more than slightly wicked cast above the head of his cock. "Mmm! Ymmm menn thnnn?"



Oh God. He was right: Cordelia was going to make him pay for every single liberty he'd taken the other night with that thrall fantasy... "Uh, Cordy? If you keep that up... uhh... I may lose control of my knees and fall over and brain myself."

"Hmm." The wicked expression was replaced by a thoughtful look as the last humm made him jump and twitch in her mouth again. Cordelia leaned her head back and let him slide out of her mouth with excruciating slowness. "Well... as long as you leave this behind," she said, giving him a slight wiggle with her hand to emphasize what the 'this' was.

"Gee, thanks, Cordy," Xander said, shaking his head. "Nice to know where I stand here."

"Hey, a girl's got to have priorities," she said, giggling up at him. "Okay, come on, dork. I'm just kidding." Looking around their, uh, playground, she pointed behind him to a couple of stacks of boxes of cleaning supplies. "Back up and lean against that stack over there. Can't have you falling over and hurting yourself – I'm the only one that gets to hurt you with sex."

Twisting a bit at the waist, Xander looked over his shoulder behind himself. There were three stacks of boxes at the end of the storeroom: one taller than Xander, one about chair height, and another about two thirds of the height of the tallest one. That would work... and the shorter one had other possibilities too... he turned back to Cordelia and nodded, not completely trusting his voice. That soft hand around his hard-on was still doing its bit to disrupt his speech centers.

With a somewhat reluctant expression, Cordelia gave one last slide along the length of his shaft, up and down, and then released him. Xander gasped at the loss of sensation, and then pulled himself more or less upright and began backing up to where he could lean while Cordelia slowly and sensuously rose to her feet. She slid her hands up along her stomach and sides, slowly, smiling at him, and cupped her breasts to tease at them while he positioned himself.

"Wow. I think I've created a sex monster," Xander said, planting his feet and leaning back against the boxes.

"You so have. Doctor Nighthawk's Laboratory," Cordelia said, laughing. She smirked at him and then slowly ran her tongue along her upper lip while looking him up and down. "Turns innocent girls into horny sex maniacs."

Xander smirked back, laughing as well. "You were never innocent, Cordy."

"I was too! Back when we were six."

"Heh. If I'd known you were going to turn out like this," he said, watching appreciatively as she pinched and pulled on her hard nipples, "I never would have let you get away with turning into the enemy on us."

"Yeah. All those wasted years," Cordelia said, nodding and still laughing softly. "We could have been doing this from puberty on."

"I wouldn't have survived until Senior Year," Xander said, watching Cordelia saunter toward him while fondling her full breasts. She raised an eyebrow, giving him an inquiring look, and he elaborated. "Jesse would have strangled me before the ninth grade."

"Ah." Cordelia made a face at the not so pleasant reminder of their dead friend, and then shrugged. "He'd have had to have adjusted and dealt."

Glancing over, she spotted a stack of towels on one of the nearby shelves and brightened. Taking several off of the top of the stack, she dropped them on the floor in front of Xander, and then slowly eased herself down until she was kneeling on them with her face in front of his erection again.

"So," she said, reaching out and gripping him at the base of the shaft again, "Where were we."

"You were learning to play the skin flute?"

She glanced up at him, her expression going from startled to outraged, and then burst into giggles. "Oh God – that just sounds so very wrong."

"But musical and fun for the whole family," Xander said, waggling his eyebrows down at her.

"Maybe if your family is from West Virginia," Cordelia said, snickering. "Which in your case? Would so explain lots."

"Hey. My family tree has branches, I'll have you know," Xander said, deadpan.

Cordelia snickered again, and then went back to playtime, slowly and lightly gripping him and sliding her curled hand along his length until his erection twitched in her grip and grew even stiffer. Giving him a smouldering under the lashes look and a definite cat with cream whiskers smile, she leaned forward again until her lips met the head of his cock, parted slightly, and slid over the glans to close around him just past it.

Xander groaned again, and sagged slightly against the stack of boxes, suddenly grateful for the support.

Pausing to work her tongue against the head and underside of his erection for a few minutes until Xander was practically squirming, Cordelia followed through by slowly sliding her mouth down along him to the halfway point, and then slowly back up to just under the head. Rinse, wash, and repeat for several near agonizing long minutes... after a while of this, she circled him with her thumb and three fingers, and began slowly sliding her hand along his length in counterpoint to her downward sliding mouth.

And Great Googledy and all the Erotic Saints. They really had created a sexual monster with that role playing session. Not that Xander would even remotely consider complaining or anything...

All of the closet, front and back seat blowjobs that Cordelia had given him previously in their not-quite-a-year of making out together didn't quite add up to any one of the ones she'd performed since Thursday night. Not in enthusiasm or quality.

Releasing another heartfelt groan of pleasure, Xander clenched his hands at his sides and resisted the temptation to take hold of Cordelia's head and urge her along. With excruciating slowness, she slid her lips and tight, wet mouth and sliding fingers back along his cock until her pursed lips slipped over the head, while her ring finger hit the base of his erection. Then just as slowly back down until her lips met the index finger of her rising hand in the middle. And again. And again. And...

After some seemingly endless amount of time, she gradually picked up speed, beginning to slide her mouth and hand over him faster. Xander groaned again, and then stiffened all over, including inside of Cordelia's mouth, as he felt her other hand come up and the tips of her fingernails begin playing through the wiry hair on the underside of his balls, scraping lightly along the sensitive skin there.

He felt a distant clenching sensation deep in his groin, and then the beginnings of a pulsation down in his nutsack as Cordelia's lips slipped back down over the sensitive glans and the now super sensitized skin along the underside of his cock.

"Oh, God... oh, gods... Cordy? I think I'm... "

Hard to tell, but for a brief moment Xander could swear he felt Cordelia's lips smile around his cock, and then they clamped down around him about two inches below the head. Her stroking hand began sliding along his shaft from base to her lips with ever increasing speed as he jerked slightly, and went into an almost full body clench. She gently grasped his balls with her other hand while running her tongue in swirls around the sensitive head of his prick.

Xander let out a guttural sound that wasn't quite a scream or a groan, but somewhere in between, and felt his nutsack try to crawl up into his abdominal cavity. Cordelia's hand gripped him even tighter, still slipping along the length of him from her lips to the root with increasing speed.

Black spots and bright colors swirled around the edges of Xander's vision as it suddenly felt like the tip of his cock exploded inside Cordelia's mouth. His legs shook and his knees turned to jello briefly as the first hot, thick ropes of cum jetted out of the tip of his dick against the back of Cordelia's throat. He faintly registered her making a gagging sound as her mouth clamped down tighter around him.

"Oh... gnuhh!" The feel of Cordelia's tight mouth gripping him and her tongue working against him as she swallowed frantically was incredible. He could feel her throat working as it seemed like endless jets of cum shot out of his balls. For a long minute, Xander wasn't sure if his cock and nuts were ever going to stop pulsating, and for an even longer one, he was almost afraid the top of his head was going to literally come off.

Finally, the rhythm of Cordelia's stroking slowed, and the black spots started to clear from his vision. He could still hear her making swallowing noises as his cock jumped and twitched in her mouth, but the first intensity of his orgasm was starting to fade. The gush of cum from his nuts slowed finally, and ended, and the frantic swallowing sounds slowed as well and died away.

"Uhhhh... God." Xander sagged farther back against the boxes with his knees quivering. Holy crap.

Having learned over the course of the weekend past what that did to him, Cordelia began working her lips and tongue up and down along the length of the now hyper sensitized first few inches of his cock and the super sensitive glans with slow up and down spiraling motions of her head. Far from collapsing, his now almost painfully sensitive erection gave several more valiant twitches – that didn't produce much except for a pulsing sensation – and swelled under her tongue.

Finally, still gripping him about two thirds of the way up, Cordelia pulled her head back and let him slide gently out from between her lips. Kneeling back, she leaned her head back and grinned up at him.

"I'm thinking someone enjoyed that," she said. Her hand slipped up to where her fingers were circling the tip of him, thumb and index around the bottom of his head, and the others and her soft palm gripping the sensitive first few inches of his still twitching hard-on.

"Oh... you have no idea," Xander said, fully opening his eyes finally to look down at her.

Reaching up with her other hand, Cordelia wiped away a few escaped trickles of cum, and smirked up at him. "I think I can guess, yeah."

"Wow." Xander gave her a look of sincere amazement. "Even after a weekend full of incredible blowjobs, that was incredible."

Cordelia's expression nearly instantly went from arch and smug to almost insufferably pleased looking. "Really?" she asked, her eyebrows rising.

"Well, yeah," Xander said, nodding. "Seriously."

"Cool." She continued the motion of her hand on the head and upper length of his cock, squeezing and teasing him from post ejaculation flagging back up to working hardness. "Wait – just this weekend?" Cordelia asked, looking up at him curiously. "I mean, I know we've done that before."

"Uh... " Xander mentally cursed his lack of a brain to mouth filter while trying to think of a response that wouldn't get him killed. Or maimed. He shrugged, a bit weakly.

"Come on, 'fess up, Dork-boy."

"Well, ah, uh... " Xander shrugged again. "Before it was... uh, almost like that was something you had to do so we could get back to working you up?" The last sentence came out all in a rush, sounding as lame as it had in his head, and he resisted the impulse to cringe.

"Oh." Cordelia flushed slightly, looking down and away for a moment. "Uh... well?" She shrugged, glancing back up. "Umm, sorry?"

"Hey, don't be sorry, Cordy," Xander said, shrugging back at her. "Uh, guy here. There's no such thing as a bad blow job."

"Just some are better than others, right," she said, frowning. Cordelia went back to watching what she was doing, which admittedly was worth her full attention. Definite pleasurable sensations increasing as her hand slipped over the head and back, raising his cock's interest levels again. "Okay, maybe, yeah. I wasn't quite as enthusiastic as I am now."

"Again, no big, Cordy. It's all good."

"Right. Well... " Cordelia sighed, and glanced down at her watch. And crap – the last thing he'd wanted was to make her feel guilty... She looked back up at him, and a slow grin started to spread over her lips. "Well, as much fun as that one was for both of us," she said, "If we're going to get me my jollies before we run out of time, we'd best get cooking."

"Heh. And I'm all about the Cordy-jollies," Xander said, grinning back at her. He held out a hand to help her up to her feet, and pulled her up against him once she stood.

"Good. Because I am so going to hold you to that."

The Plot Thickens – and Lengthens – in the Next Thrilling Installment... Coming Soon!
