"How often do you play Kouki?" Akashi asked getting three balls out from the cupboard that were within the basketball court hall. The light brown haired male shrugged. Not often that was for sure.

"I'm not a starter. I don't play often. Maybe when the senpai's leave. I'll be a starter, but then other prodigies may come take over," he said simply looking to the brown basketball in his hand.

"Do you know I'm a coach. I enjoy teaching them. I'll help you get better. What position are you?" Akashi asked passing Kuroko a ball as well.

"I'm a point guard,"

"You realise that you weren't born with that title. You can be a small forward if you tried," Akashi stated putting a hand on his hip before he turned round and brought out some cones from the cupboard. He got out 30 cones. Each getting further away. Their was three colours of cones: red, blue and white.

The white ones were in front of the basket. The red were to the left going back left and the blue was to the right of the white and was going back to the right. Akashi took out another two cones then put it under the other basket and half way point.

"You can be a shooter. I wasn't born a Point Guard but I excelled well. I haven't seen you play, so I can't really say much about your skill. Tetsuya, what's Kouki like?"

Kuroko bit his bottom lip, it had been a while since had played with Furihara on the same team, he did remember back at the beginning though, he was very good, "Furihata has no overwhelmingly obvious skill above his average basketball skill, but he displays great caution and level-headedness on the court and can control the pace of the game extremely well. Furihata is the kind of point guard that relies on his teammates and only functions to support them, kind of like me," Kuroko explained.

Akashi pouted turning his head away from his boyfriend and friend. Kuroko and Furihara looked to each other before shrugging. They walked over to Akashi and he shook his head then got Kuroko to stand in front of the basket and got Furihara to stand at the left.

"I'll get you to play a game in a second," Akashi snuck up behind Kuroko and took his good arm and helped him into position of shooting the basket.

"Have your fingers face the basket when it is up here," Kuroko had the basketball in one hand, his hand slightly tilted back so it could rest against his palm. "Now lift it straight up in the air and tilt your hand down, like a swan neck," Kuroko got the ball into position then did as he was told and shot the basket. The ball hit of the rims and came back towards him.

"Nearly. Keep trying that and try this," Akashi bent down and punched the ball hard and it began to bounce. He caught it then handed it to Kuroko. It was hard to deal with a ball when your hand was limited.

"You shoot," he said turning his attention to Furihara who happily put the ball into the basket. "Again," Akashi demanded then stood in front then hit the ball out his hand. Then he passed it back. "Again," he repeated.

Furihara jumped up into the air then shot the ball, the ball hit against the rim and fell in. Akashi smiled but then frowned, "Use both legs to jump on those. One leg is perfectly fine for blocking an attack or dunking. But for shooting you need perfect balance," Akashi stepped back and shot the ball with both legs coming of the wooden floor at the same time.

The ball went in perfectly and he went to retrieve his own ball. He walked back over to Kuroko who shot the ball and it went into the basket. That had to be the first time it went in, Akashi gave him a kiss on the forehead then whispered to him, his lips still on his lovers head, "Good job."

Akash turned away then muttered, "Again," before walking over to Furihara who was wonderfully red at the display of affection. "Stop gawking and shoot again," Furihara did that then got it in perfectly.

"Very nice. Have you ever done an alley oop. Just because we are smaller, we can still do them," Furihara was puzzled then Akashi went over to basket and stood beside it.

"Tetsuya. Shoot the ball when I tell you to. Furihara jump onto my hands," The two looked puzzled. "Trust me. I'll give you a boost," Kuroko threw the ball and Furihara jumped onto Akashi's hands that were cupped and was brought into the air.

The male grabbed the incoming ball and threw it down the net. The boy fell to the floor and was caught by Akashi, "Landing that may be a little harder. That is a great way for the ball to go in, and if say Teppei was being marked, you can use that instead. Though you may have to jump of his knee," Akashi stated then left Kuroko to his shooting while he gave Furihara some help.

"A point guard has to know were everyone is, and has to encourage them and give orders. You'll need to figure out where everyone is and then access how to deal with the issue. Tetsuya is very good at this. He tends to motivate the team and can quickly access the situation, that's why he works with Daiki so well," The male nodded then began to go one and one against Akashi.

He didn't feel as scared, Kuroko was there and the red head wasn't too bad. He was really nice and friendly. He felt bad that they had previously called him a monster. He indeed was a good guy.

"Tetsuya. Let's play that game," Akashi led the two over and got them to stand at their previous marker.

"You have to get the ball in before moving. It's about speed and accuracy. When you are done with a line, move to the right. If you are at the end go to the other end. If the person catches up, then you lose," Furihara nodded. He was slightly at a dis-advantage as it would take longer for him to get to Kuroko, as he had 20 markers to clear, but Kuroko only had 10, but then again, Kuroko wasn't as skilled at shooting.

"I know what you are thinking. And your logic is correct," Akashi stated while he had back turned to the two of them as he walked away to the back of the court.

"I need to practice as well, so I can't assist. Three...two...one...go," he called out and both began to shoot. Kuroko took it slow as he tried to get them in, so he wouldn't have to go back. Furihara was faster but he still missed.

Akashi was dribbling on his own and making shots that were simillar to the reckless and formless Daiki shot's. He turned to make sure they weren't watching and dunked the ball in. He was a lot smaller but he could still dunk.

"I saw that Akashi," Furihara laughed.

"Good, I was testing you,"

"Uhhh," Furihara began to stammer. Both turned around, "Akashi, can you run over here for a second," The male did as he was asked and stood beside Kuroko.

"I'm sorry...this has been on my mind...but...you guys recently had had sex...right?" The two just nodded there head.

"Erm...ehh...when you have sex isn't it supposed to be sore...going that way in...since...you two are both guys...aren't you supposed to sore...but...none...but none of you look like you are in...any pain...so...I was erm...I was wondering...who topped?" He asked going extremely red. He hung his face as he didn't want to see his friends reaction.

"Furihara, it's alright," Kuroko reassured. "I was inside of Akashia, so he's the one in pain,"

"Wait what! Sorry, it's just that...I thought you would have topped," He whispered.

"You do realise that I am also 16 right? Every time I think of topping I get so embarrassed, so I don't mind going underneath, anyway. You know the cowgirl position, we were in that, since Tetsuya is kind of useless without his other arm,"

"I didn't hear you complain once. My left hand did a fantastic job," Kuroko pouted only to get a large hug from his lover who kissed his cheek.

"I wasn't complaining, it's harder for you to keep yourself up," Akashi pressed his lips against his softly then turned to look at Furihara.

"Boys! Dinner time," Akashi nodded then led the two into the dining hall. Aoba was already sat at the table. Furihara sat down beside Aoba, then realised that no one was picking up their food.

"Akashi if you do the honours," Furihara watched as Kuroko closed his eyes as well as everyone else. He watched as Kuroko put a fist to his chin and just waited while everyone else clasped their own hands together and closed their eyes.

"Thank you lord for the meal that you had created for us, that we may be indulge in your creation and be thankful for the life you created here on earth. Amen," Furihara was dumbstruck. He wasn't religous, a simple Itadakimasu would have done him some good.

Aoba noticed the weird face that Furihara had and the male patted his head, "Sorry, that sometimes confuses people. Eat up," the boy nodded but when looked at what he was eating he had no idea on what it was.

"Eh, sir, not to be rude, but what exactly is this?" The food looked amazing, but it looked to fancy for him to even comprehend it.

"It's lasagne with chicken. Tetsuya and Seijuro both really love it. Do you not like it?" The shook his head then looked at the fork that was on the table.

"I have never tasted western food. It's extremely expensive," The boy looked at the fork with confusion. He looked to Kuroko who was slipping it onto the concave-d part. He did the same then it slipped off with a small splash as it landed in the pasta.

"Have you never eaten with a fork," the boy shook his head. He watched again as Kuroko scooped the meal up with the concave-d part and put it into his mouth.

Furihara tried again and successfully got a small amount into his mouth. He smiled then took larger and larger bites. He was so focused he didn't notice the friendly conversation at the table. Aoba was talking about his day excitedly while he eat, he told them about how he was in the car and some twat drove up in front of him cutting him off.

Akashi was responding, laughing at his father while he too spoke about his day with the rest of them, mainly his dad, "Uh Kuroko. That line dancing video. Why?" Furihara asked when it went quiet again. He watched as the two of them hung their head in shame.

"An american producer had heard about us and asked to test our abilities. He gave us the routine to do and learn it in an hour. Of course we got it. We got a lot of money from it," Kuroko explained.

Furihara nodded then looked to his plate to see that it was empty, "I have to do some work now. Behave yourselves," Akashi and Kuroko stood up and took their dishes to the plate. Furihara did the same then watched as the two began to do the dishes.

"He who cooked doesn't have to dishes," Akashi explained then began to scrub the plates clean while Furihara dried.

"Tetsuya, do you think you can scrub with help," Kuroko nodded then walked over and began to scrub at a plate with his own good hand. Akashi smiled and put an arm round Kuroko and pulled him in closer to his body.

"Hope he leaves soon. I want to have some alone time with you," he whispered into his neck. Kuroko smiled and continued with the plate then passed it over to Furihara who dried it off and put it into a stack. He was unsure of where everything went.

Once they were done, a knock at the door was sounded and the three walked over to see an older lady with a smile, "Mother. I'll be going. See you tomorrow Kuroko, thanks for having me round Akashi," Furihara bowed before he left with his mother.

Akashi grinned then brought his lover into his arms, "Now your all mine," he smiled kissing his neck softly. He led his boyfriend to the couch and put him down before he crawled on top and captured his lips hungrily.

Akashi moaned into the kiss then straddled his hips and put his hand on his chin keeping his head up from slipping. "I want to do it again. Now," Akashi whispered. He pulled down his jeans and did the same for Kuroko then began to take his clothes off, until they were in only their boxers.

"We can't do it here. You're dad," Akashi shrugged then trailed his hand down his body makng his lover shudder under him.

Kuroko walked into his third period class and took his seat. It was a study period, Furihara and Kagami rushed over to talk with him as well as Fudaka and Kawahara, "How's lover boy," Kagami asked with a laugh only to receive a kick in the leg.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," he smiled then looked to Furihara with a smile.

"Coach wants to see us now," Kagami said reading his text. The 1st years got up and went to the gym hall to practice, "Furihara, when did you leave Akashi's house?" Fudaka asked making his way up the stairs.

"Well I stayed for tea then left after that," His two closer friends looked suprised.

"Was it scary?" Kawahara asked with shock. Furihara shook his head.

"He's quite nice as a person, but if Kuroko wasn't there I wouldn't be so sure,"

"No he's always like that," Kuroko interjected with a smile. "He's always really kind...he just gives of a scary vibe, like Kagami," The blue haired male stated as they headed to the gym.

"Furihara, don't mention the basketball yesterday. Okay?" The boy nodded slowly. Kuroko smiled then walked ahead with a sigh.

"Why were you so late?" Furihara asked.

"If your implying anything else, we went to bed at ten. I just couldn't be bothered getting up to head to school, when I did get dragged out I got my bandage changed on my hand and was given a wrist support so I can use my right hand for basketball," he explained.

"Did you to go for round two," Kuroko blushed shaking his head. He didn't voice why not when clearly things were getting heated on the couch, but as he had predicated Aoba did come and Kuroko was put off the idea for a bit.

The five of them met up with the second hears and began to talk about strategies, "Seriously Kuroko why'd you have to punch your hand against a lamp post?" Riko asked fuming.

"Yes, calling my very close friends and me monsters and mentally messed up, doesn't anger anyone nor did I appreciate you's slagging of Seijuro when you don't even know him,"

"For first impressions he's scary,"

"So was Kagami...yet I don't think you ever wished that you could chain him up and throw him into the sea," Kuroko growled angrily. The second years retreated from Kuroko's tone.

"When you were seniors...we played Teiko. Akashi didn't do very much in that game,"

"Oh I remember. I was benched, there was no point in him going full power when you were an easy team...and besides...Seijuro...had quite...a pleasurable night," Kuroko hid his face as he spoke about such things.

"Thought your first time was yesterday?" Hyuuga frowned. Teppei laughed then rubbed Kuroko's head.

"You can pleasure someone without doing it. Second of third base?" Teppei asked quietly. They hadn't seen their coaches extremely red face. She was enjoying this information quite a bit.

Kuroko put three fingers up and heard Hyuuga scoffed, "What you think I can't give my boyfriend a blow job?" He growled angrily. Riko walked on as mental images went into her head causing her nose to drip blood.

"Akashi is more dominant, anyway how is your hips?" Hyuuga asked quietly. Kuroko frowned turning away. Furihara laughed then shook his head.

"Kuroko is the one who tops not Akashi," everyone went red from embarasement then turned to coach who was extremely red in the face. She couldn't help but imagine an innocent Kuroko on top of Akashi. Akashi would be more innocent and covering his face with his hands. Kuroko would move them away and with a loving smirk would whisper into Akashi's ear 'I want to see your face...while I pound into you'

"Eh coach?" Teppei asked. The female screamed then turned to Kuroko pointing a finger to him.

"Are you doing this on purpose?" She yelled before running into the hall quickly. Kuroko was confused then heard Teppei laughed harder.

"Riko has an obsession with Yaoi. She must be getting mental images of the two of you," he laughed making Kuroko blush even more. He headed into the hall with the rest of the team and was instructing the team on Murasakibara's character.

"I played with him yesterday, he doesn't jump too much, but he's extremely tall and won't get into a game until he thinks he may fail. I really want to bring snacks on and tempt him with them so we can win. Just because we are smaller we are not dis-advantaged," Kuroko punched a ball and caught it then summoned Teppei.

"Try and get the ball of me," Kuroko said then began to bounce ball and got lower to the ground. He bounced it really low to the ground, the ball going just above his ankle. He smiled then asked for Furihara to come over.

He passed the ball that was barely of the ground and Furihara took it then dribbled close to the ground, he passed back to Kuroko then Teppei watched as Kuroko bounced the ball between his own legs and took of down the court, the ball staying as far low, but that did mean it couldn't be at ankle but just below knee. Kuroko passed back to Furihara and he shot the ball in jumping up as high as he could, so Teppei had problems to reach it.

Kuroko smiled and looked to Kagami who was gawking at the two, "I can dribble and I do have perfect control of the ball. I just don't use them in games, other wise mis-directions wouldn't work. Did you know that Teiko's warm ups and training were torture," Kuroko took his phone out his pocket and went onto a video.

"Captain...can we stop. My legs are about to fall off?" Aomine whined as he lay on the ground panting heavily. "Tetsuya are you recording, so we all know how you died,"

"Kuroko Tetsuya. Died from basketball training. I can see it now," Kuroko panted. The group laughed. Akashi walked forward took the camera of Kuroko and showed the camera Kuroko who was lying on his back and was dripping with sweat and was panting extremely bad. Akashi moved the camera to show the rest of the group dead on the floor.

Akashi went to grab everyone's water bottle and began to wipe their faces of and put the plastic cap in their mouths and treated them like little rabbits as they sucked for water. They'd slowly reach up take the bottle before going onto their sides and would suck on the bottle as if they were only a baby.

When it came to Kuroko, Akashi patted his head styling his hair up with the sweat that was on his face. He splashed some water on his face then gave him the bottle, "I'm going to refill mine. I'll do yours as well,"

"Mummy can you do mine," Aomine asked holding his bottle up. Akashi laughed at his nickname and took the bottles of his team mate and filled the bottles up. He returned moments later and handed everyone their bottles before he took a seat beside Kuroko and handed him back his phone.

"I want evidence to my death," Kuroko laughed along with Akashi.

"Who are we playing tomorrow, Aka-chin?"

"Seirin High School. Their group started up this year. They won't be too hard to deal with, so don't go over board," Akashi instructed as everyone took a break.

"Tetsu!" Momoi came running in and tackled him in a hug. Kuroko rolled away pushing off of her and crawling closer to Akashi.

"Just finished with Seirin. There is no one special, maybe just the centre but he's not as great as Mu-kun," The camera was back in Kuroko's face and he was still huffing and puffing.

Kuroko took his phone back and filmed Akashi, "Come round to mine tonight," Akashi asked looking down at his feet.


Kuroko turned his camera off then gave an awkward smile to his team mates, "Let's get some simple practice done. Cool?" Everyone stood up and got to practice.

The game had began and Seirin were doing their all to make sure that they stayed up with Murasakibara and the tall group. It did help with keeping the ball lower, it was harder for them to reach the floor this way and it gave them a slight advantage.

Izuki was put out and the game was now tied with seconds left, Furihara was in place and was terrified at how tall they were. He stood at the basket then Kuroko requested for the ball to be thrown at the basket by Hyuuga. He did as he was told but it was clearly going to miss. Murasakibara was blocking Kagami and didn't notice as Kuroko ran towards Furihara and jumped into his hand and went flying in the air. His hand killed but he grabbed the ball and slammed it in, just then the buzzer went signalling that they had won.

Everyone stared in shock as Kuroko had dunked the ball into the basket. When he landed on the floor he looked for Akashi and found him at the front. Murasakibara laughed shaking his head, "Kuro-chin dunked," he laughed loudly then looked to the male with a frown. "Have fun against Kaijo," Kuroko nodded then was brought into a hug by Hyuuga and Teppei who were laughing so hard.

"Good team work you two," Teppei laughed then went to line up. Everyone bowed to each other then walked away. Kuroko headed to the changing rooms and began to strip into his casual clothes. Everyone heard a knock at the door then watched as Akashi came in with a large smile.

He made his way to Kuroko and patted his head, "Good job out there," he smiled tilting his head to the side to see his lovers sweaty body. He touched his shoulder then wrapped his arms around him.

"Ryota just won his game, you'll have him next. The 6 of us are going for milkshakes. Coming," Kuroko put his shirt on then took his shorts off. He put on his jeans with a frown before buttoning them up.

"I'm all sweaty," Akashi laughed then sat on the bench and waited for him to finish getting dressed.

"Kouki," Akashi turned his head back to the look at the male. He nodded then watched as Akashi smiled. "You did great. It's hard being a point guard, but you did really well. The buzzer beater made me happy. Small people can jump to,"

"I can't dunk yet,"

"Do you not teach these people anything, Junpei?" Akashi asked turning his head to look the captain who was putting his shirt on.

"They don't need to know how to dunk. Besides he's too short,"

Akashi shook his head then stood beside him and measured his height against his own. He happened to be smaller than him, "Small people are springy," he turned to Furihara then smiled.

"Practice jumping more. I assume you have those steps in a gym room. Jump onto it then off then put them up higher and higher till you can spring above my waist," He stated simply then took a seat on the bench.

"You reduced Atsushi to tears. Thank you for that," he laughed walking over to Kuroko and sitting on the floor to help him with his shoes. He leaned his head against his thigh and gently rubbed his cheek against the cloth.

"I want food. Come on — hey I can give you your reward now if you want?" Kuroko shook his head quickly then watched as Riko walked in. She saw Akashi's head at Kuroko's groin and ran out the room screaming. "You sure, it may be better with your team mates watching?" Kuroko shook his head then leaned down to tie his shoe.

"No thank you. I like to be in private," Akashi helped tie the other shoe then watched as he stood up.

"Meet me outside? I'll get the others," Akashi asked. Kuroko got his bag and headed outside. When he got outside he noticed someone standing their with a frown. He turned his head and glared at Kuroko.

Without a word, Kuroko was pinned to the wall. He felt his head smash against the wall when his fist connected with his face. The blue haired male fell to the floor in pain, he didn't retaliate. He was in pain and he was all fuzzy.

His eyes closed when he heard a gasp, "WHO ARE YOU?!" He heard Kagami yell. The generations of miracles stood behind. Akashi looked to Kuroko then hissed, he went to run forward but was stopped.

"If you fight him now, you'll be disqualified. Don't blow your chance," Aomine held him back with Murasakibara. The two stepped forward and Kise and Midorima blocked his path.

"Akashi, who is that?" Furihara asked with worry.

"That's Shougo Haizaki. He used to be a miracle, before Ryota came. I kicked him out as Kise was better than him and he was not needed. He was too violent as well and would take out frustration on Tetsuya because he's physically weaker. Akashi stepped to the side of Kise and walked over to his lover. He picked him up and put him over his shoulder and carried him over to Kagami.

He put him on the ground then got his iPhone out. He put the flash on and opened his eye and shun it inside his eye, "Come on. I'll take you here if you don't wake," Akashi whispered into his ear. "I'll buy you how many vanilla milkshakes. Just get up," he asked kindly. Slowly Kuroko came to.

"I had a weird dream what you would buy me as many milkshakes as I wanted," Akashi smiled then pressed his lips against Kuroko's forehead.

Seirin watched the scene before them. The generation of miracles were not as they had assumed. They looked after their own. They protected each other and would stop each other from doing something stupid. They were so close as a group and even when facing each other, they were never the enemy – they will forever remain friends.

Kagami smiled seeing how close they all were. They had such a deep bond, he looked up and watched as Aomine and Murasakibara took out the violent male sending him to the floor. The two looked to each other and smiled, they headed back to Kuroko and gave him a hand up.

"Let's go get those milkshakes," Aomine smiled as they six headed to the closest place that would do such a drink. Kagami couldn't help himself but follow the six prodigies.

Okay it's finally finished. I hope you enjoyed this story. Please leave a review on what you thought of this story. Oh and if you ever want to give me suggestions for KnB yaoi's go ahead, though I do have a story planned. It may be a while but will be an M. Sorry to those who were wanting this to be an M.

Please review