One Week Later.

"Good evening and welcome to BBC News. Our top story tonight: Britain's most dangerous criminal mastermind James Moriarty has finally put behind bars. Moriarty, the man behind a series of heinous crimes around London this year including the bombing of Westminster Bridge last week and the attempted bombing of national landmark Big Ben has been sentenced to life in prison. In other news, the questioning and detaining of London's homeless citizens believed to be in alliance with James Moriarty makes history this week. The operation controlled by London's police network and government SWAT teams has questioned nearly five thousand individuals around the city this week. Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade and government official Mycroft Holmes have this to say…"

"Oh good God Sherlock will you ever turn this off" Mycroft Holmes piped up as he turned his face away from the television with embarrassment and irritation. 221B was bustling, Greg Lestrade sat feet away on the couch with Sally Donovan beside him, smiling. Mrs Hudson patted Greg on the back smiling widely as she passed him a large mug of coffee.

"What you talking about Mr Holmes, this is a moment to be celebrated." Greg said taking the coffee as his counterpart began to speak on the television.

"We believe by the end of next week, all will be as it should be once more. And of course, as I've said everyday since the tragic events on Westminster bridge last week, the police network offer continual condolences to the families of those who have perished." The television Greg finished off, speaking calmly and respectfully into the camera.

"Very well said Greg and well done" Mrs Hudson said proudly, sipping her tea as she rested in John's armchair. Greg smiled back at her before turning to Mycroft smugly as Sherlock moved out from the kitchen holding a plate of hobnobs and ginger nut biscuits.

"Here, here!" Sherlock acknowledged as he crunched on a ginger nut and placed the plate on the coffee table.

"You act as though Geoff has done everything." Mycroft said in an irritated tone.

"It's Gary actually." Sherlock corrected incorrectly making Greg scoff.

"You seem to forget who really saved you all" Mycroft finished, ignoring his brother.

"Oh Mr Holmes" Mrs Hudson laughed "Can't you just give someone else have their day in the sun"

Mycroft threw up his hands in aggravation. "You know I have a lot of things I could be doing right now and I chose to be here!" Mycroft said.

"Well you know where the door is big bro" Sherlock said, grabbing another ginger nut. Mycroft scoffed and nestled himself further into the couch, crossing his arms.

A knock came on the door causing Mrs Hudson to rise immediately, out of habit.

"I'll get it Mrs Hudson, it's probably John and Mary" Sherlock said, rushing out the door. "And my goddaughter" He added proudly as he ran down the stairs like an excited child.

The silhouettes of John and Mary Watson were unmistakeable as Sherlock reached the door of 221B. Sherlock opened the door, his grin uncontrollable as he set eyes on his goddaughter.

"Here you go Sherlock, you can give me a well earned break" Mary said as she passed Rosie to him.

"Hello there Rosie" Sherlock said as she held the new-born.

"She's getting bigger everyday." John said proudly.

"Yes, I would expect so. Newborns grow one ounce per day on average, of course she's getting bigger. Aren't you?" He added playfully to Rosie as Mary passed him to go up the stairs. "Why even mention something so obvious" Sherlock said to John, confused.

"I'm not really sure to be honest…everyone just keeps saying it" John said, slightly embarrassed. "Everyone upstairs?"

"Except Molly" Sherlock said, holding Rosie close and looking at John once more. "She has a little surprise for everyone. She'll be home soon"

"Sounds quite exciting" John said as they started moving up the stairs.

"Quite. Honestly, I have no clue what she has up her sleeve" Sherlock said as they reached the landing and moved into the main room.

"Isn't she lovely John" Mrs Hudson said as she moved towards Sherlock and Rosie. "Hasn't she grown!"

John looked at Sherlock, who smiled in response. "Isn't she precious!"

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about" Mycroft butted in from the couch.

"Oh shhhhh" Sherlock hissed to his brother. "She is precious Mrs Hudson" He said as he leant down to pick up a small parcel from the coffee table. "I got you a little something Rosie…" He began opening the wrapping paper with one hand. Mrs Hudson, noticing his difficulty took it from him and opened it, taking extra care to make the most animatic facial expressions at the newborn, who giggled uncontrollably in response. John moved closer to his best friend to get a better look at the small gift, before making a small affectionate scoff. The gift was a small magnifying glass, almost identical to Sherlock's.

"It's really nice Sherlock" John said. "Thank you"

"It's not for you!" Sherlock said, confused.

"I know, I was just…" John laughed, but before he could continue there the sound of the door opening downstairs interrupted him.

"That must be Molly" Sherlock said, his tone one of excitement and curiosity.

"Is everyone here?" Molly's voice rang from downstairs, making Sherlock smile affectionately.

"Yes" He responded.

"Ok" she said, the smile could be heard in her voice. After a few seconds of silence a sudden movement was heard, like thunderous steps of a large animal…and then it appeared. Suddenly a huge grey mastiff dog ran into the room, its large tongue wagging in time with its tail. Its silky ears flopping side to side as it excitedly bounded around the room. Sherlock stared at it for a moment, confused. The dog then moved over to the couch sniffing Sally, then Greg and Mrs Hudson.

"Get this thing away from me!" Mycroft shouted in disgust. "It's drooling on my suit!"

Mary stepped towards Sherlock, taking Rosie from his arms. Sherlock hardly noticed, he was completely distracted by the magnificent beast. A small smile began to build on his face, as the dog began drooling all over his brother. Molly was watching Sherlock from the doorway, eagerly awaiting his response. The giant dog lead in one hand and a huge red dog bed in the other. She put the bed down with a thump, catching Sherlock's attention. She smiled at him, mirroring his own expression full of childish glee.

"Do you like him?" Molly said softly, her knees almost buckling under the intense look of love and happiness she got in response as Sherlock made his way over to her.

"He's perfect" Sherlock said as he lifted his hand and caressed her cheek lightly. Molly stared into his clear blue eyes, so full of love and kindness. He moved forward, his lips centimetres from her own. His hand rested on her cheek and lightly pulled her forward.

"Get him off me!" Mycroft's voice sounded making Molly and Sherlock gasp in surprise. The dog's two front paws were on Mycroft's chest and his giant tongue was licking his face with gusto. Greg was trying in vain to pull the dog off.

"He may need a bit of training" Molly whispered through a giggle.

"What are you going to call him?" Sally said as she watched in amusement her superior continued to attempt to pull the giant dog off Mycroft Holmes.

"How about Flint" Sherlock said.

"After his colour?" Sally asked.

"No" Sherlock said smiling and turning to Molly. "After the pirate"

Molly laughed. "Flint…I like it"

"Will you please just get it off me!" Mycroft repeated. Mrs Hudson started to laugh causing little Rosie to giggle in turn. Sherlock stared into Molly Hooper's brown eyes, so in love with every thing that she was and is. He cupped her face in his hands once more, ignoring his brother's desperate yells and kissed her. He kissed her so tenderly Molly felt her heart might just explode then and there. She sighed as his hand moved gracefully through her loose hair. She knew then, in that moment that it would always be just her and him here in 221B, in love and solving crimes. The detective and his pathologist…and the pirate.