And here we are, you and me, on the last page. 1939 reviews, 1145 favourites and 1148 follows over the four stories, I hope you enjoy the ending. I'm on here for any questions, or if you want a more immediate reply I'd go to my Tumblr, dannifielding. Keep an eye out for a new story on the 10th November. I love you all, thank you so much and I hope I do this justice xxx


The darkness had never seemed so cold and destroying, the sight of the stars that normally drew him to them just seemed to be watching him, staring him down as he knelt in the doorway of the TARDIS, staring out into the universe. One minute he had been consumed by a deep, all-consuming anger and then it had disappeared into horror, then numbness as he stared at the point where his wife had been.

He'd only been trying to scare her. He was going to pull her back in. He wasn't too sure what he was going to do then, he'd not got that far in his blind rage, he just wanted her to be afraid, because that's how he had felt. No more Roman Rory, no more Amelia. And now, no more Danni...

He ran a hand through his hair, grasping so tight it hurt but he didn't care. He was a monster, she was in his care and he'd killed her. Not accidentally, or indirectly, but he'd held her out of the TARDIS and she'd exploded in a golden light that meant that he had no body to mourn or bury, no chance of ever seeing her again. The TARDIS had opened it's heart and now she was lost forever, scattered across time and space.

He scrambled up, spinning in delirious grief and he ran to the console, dropping in front of it as he clawed at the side, trying to find a seam or a way to dig his fingers underneath the metal and tear it open. He couldn't get a grip, his TARDIS was just too well built that the panel that had opened had disappeared into the metalwork.

"Give her back, give her back!" He screamed over and over, begging the machine that didn't reply. He continued until he couldn't see anymore, punching the console once and jarring his knuckles, they would bruise later but he didn't care. He collapsed against it, curling up into himself and trying to take comfort from the cold surface but finding nothing at all. He didn't deserve comfort, he deserved to be alone forever. He destroyed everything he touched, she'd been doomed from the moment she'd met him.

"Please give her back." He whispered hopelessly, the tears streaming down his face. He didn't care about Amelia anymore, he'd learn to understand why she didn't tell him. Everything ended, but it wasn't supposed to mean them, it wasn't supposed to mean her.

He'd had so many plans, so many half-baked ideas and when they'd not worked, he was going to be right there with her, holding her hand then joining her. His life wasn't worth anything if he couldn't share it with her.

His sobs echoed through the console room as he continued to beg anyone who might have been listening to just give her back to him. He'd look after her this time, he'd keep her safe and away from anything that could harm her. He'd love her for all time, and she'd be happy and healthy always.

Just please.


Koschei held Danni against him tightly, eyeing the half a dozen Time Lords surrounding them and their leader, who was still eyeing the ginger like she was a piece of meat. The alley was closed at the sides by the ruins of the buildings there, but he could drag her down to the other end, the way they were heading in the first place and work out something more long term from there.

"Stay back." Koschei demanded, "You're not getting your greasy hands on her." Danni smiled slightly, touched by his protectiveness.

"You think you can stop me?" Rassilon replied and, in warning, Koschei chucked his hand out, a bolt of blue energy smashing into one of the Time Lords, throwing him into a wall where he crumpled, falling to the floor unconscious.

"Yes." Koschei replied, "Now let us past."

"I'm no use to you now I'm in the Time War." Danni pointed out, "Why do you even want me?"

"Don't be stupid, child." Rassilon retorted, "I need you to unlock the Eye and, using your manipulator, I can finally return to the universe and my rightful place as ruler."

"Do you even hear yourself?" She snapped, "'Ruler'? Who the hell do you think you are? You have no meaning in the universe anymore, no one even knows who you are!"

"I am Rassilon!" He screamed, slamming his staff down on the ground in rage, "Grab her!" The remaining Time Lords began to advance on them, but Koschei was ready. He quickly began retaliating, body flashing it's x-ray in fury as he easily threw them all further and further back. They were really idiotic, weren't they? He was the Master. As if they could ever beat him!

"Get off me!" Danni screamed and he turned to see Rassilon holding tightly to her arm, smirking triumphantly. He looked at Koschei, as if he was pitying the blonde man and his attempts, and then the pair were gone. He roared in anger and turned to the rest of the men to demand they take him to her, but they all quickly vanished in the same blue light they'd arrived him. Leaving him in the middle of the alley alone.

His mind raced, going over what had happened again and again as he tried to think of a way to save her. He'd been foolish to think Rassilon would stand back and let his men do all the work. If the man hadn't been insane before he'd be resurrected, he certainly was now and there was no telling what he'd do to his pet before he managed to find them again.

He looked up at the Spire, flashing skeletal again as his use of his energy caught up with him. He needed the new regenerations and soon, it was becoming harder and harder to recover when he let the excess go.

His only hope was that Rassilon was as impatient as he was, because then he'd have taken her straight to the Eye. So that's the way he headed, not hiding in the shadows, making a beeline straight towards the grand building. He wanted them to see him coming, he wanted them to know exactly how angry he was.

No one took what was his.


The Doctor wasn't sure how long he'd been on the floor. the TARDIS had tried to warm him up, raising the room temperature without him touching the thermostat, but he was still shivering, the emotional numbness that was starting to wash over him having a physical effect on his body.

He had no one to turn to. Amy and Rory were gone, Jack would go on a rampage and he couldn't allow anyone else to get hurt because of his mistakes. She was his light, the one he'd wait for because she would always cheer him up. His constant, the only one who always came back. What had he done?

He needed to explain, surely someone could see that he hadn't meant to do this? It had been an accident, he'd just wanted to scare her a bit. It wasn't his fault, was it? He let go, but he hadn't meant to. He'd meant to keep hold. He'd never meant to let go. He loved her more than the universe could comprehend, no one else could possibly understand that. She was his everything.

He scrambled up off the floor, hands shaking as he piloted the TARDIS as quickly as he could. The TARDIS threw him back to the floor as she took flight, but he didn't really care. The jarring pain he felt in his ribs was nothing compared to what Danni must have felt, it was just a cruel reminder that he was alive when she was not.

He was actually rather apprehensive as he stepped onto the floor of Stormcage, walking slowly as the door shut behind him. His feet felt heavy, his back hunched over as if he was carrying the weight of his actions on his back. He just had needed someone to understand, the only other person in the universe who knew the agonising pain at the loss of someone they loved so completely. Only she came close to making it all okay, and he had to try.

In the cell, River didn't even look up. She probably hadn't even noticed he'd arrived as she flicked through her TARDIS diary, reliving past glories with him and their Danni-Girl.

"River." He stated, his voice cracking and his confidence in this particular move dropping rapidly. River shot up from her relaxed state, gun at the ready until she spotted the Time Lord in front of her. His body sagging, his hand grasping at one of the bars on her cell were all giant give-aways that something wasn't right. Then she saw the look in his eyes. There was a broken man in front of her, and there was only one reason why he'd look like that and be with her.

He'd killed Danni.


Danni was still struggling even as they were transmatted into the Panopticon, Rassilon chucking her to the floor the moment they landed. She skidded with a yell, glaring up at the pretension arse who had taken her.

"Take me back right now!" She demanded and he laughed at her, turning to his little minions. Time Lords were really not in her good books right now.

"Chain her up." He told them and two grabbed her, yanking her off the floor and leading her to the middle of the room.

"Let me go!" She screamed, however she was useless at the best of times and soon she was chained by her burnt wrist to the ground. She tugged at it and almost screamed at the searing pain that accompanied it. Right, so there was no moving. Rassilon strode over, bending down and grabbing her free arm.

"Soon you'll take me back to the universe, where I can rule over what your dearest 'husband' destroyed by trying to stop me." He told her victoriously. She bared her teeth as she gave her arm away from his grasp. Her skin was crawling at the mere feel of him holding onto her.

"When Koschei gets here, he's going to kill you." She snarled back. Not that she enjoyed being reliant on anyone saving her, but it was nice. She really needed to start being more self-reliant. If she didn't die first. Well, if she was going to die, maybe she could make it on her terms. Although, being chained up didn't seem to be the best way forward for that...

"He'll be too late." Rassilon replied calmly, "But until that infected shell appears, I shall be needing this." He quickly slipped the manipulator off and turned it over.

"Give that back!" She demanded and he turned back to her, backhanding her across the face once and sending her further away from him. Her hand shot to her cheek which felt like it was pulsating.

"Do not demand anything from me, child." He snapped back, going back to looking at the manipulator, "I'm disappointed, that ill-bred vagrant didn't complete his task. No matter, I'll just have to make my own adjustments."

"If Koschei couldn't, you've got no chance of fixing it. He's a genius, you're a crazy old man." She retorted, responding to his glare with her own hate filled one, "Couldn't even stay dead properly, could you?" She continued, unsure why she was trying to deliberately goad him, he just made her so angry, "You should wallow in your own failure like the rest of us mortals." He chucked the manipulator down to the ground, making sure it was just out of her reach before walking over and grabbing her by her hair, harshly tilting her head back.

"Think about what you say to me, child." He warned, "I am not as kind as your Time Lord suitors."

"Not as good looking, either." She interrupted with a smirk, "You hit every branch on the way down, didn't you sweetie?" He slapped her again, harder this time but the smirk didn't go away. She was going to die anyway, why not go out in a blaze of old insults and River-like turns of phrase?


River slowly stood up, putting the book down on the bed as she headed over to the Doctor. He wasn't the Doctor she'd tried to stop Danni from going with, the man with all the answers, a smile and a stupid bow tie. This was a man with nothing left, who'd lost it all and at the end, he'd come to her.

She held the gun up, keeping it trained on him expertly.

"What did you do?" She asked firmly, her anger coming across in her clipped tones. He looked at her gun, no fear or worry at the sight of the weapon, then locked eyes with her.

"I didn't mean it." He promised forlornly, "I was only trying to scare her." River didn't like that answer, his vagueness had no place in this particular conversation and she cocked the gun, making sure he knew she would kill him without a regret.

"Wrong answer." She retorted, "Tell me what happened, now, Doctor." He sighed, leaning on the bars like they were the only things holding him up.

"I held her..." He trailed off, a sob cutting him off and her aim became slightly less firm, "I held her out of the TARDIS door. The TARDIS jolted and she fell..." He put his head in his hands, his whole body shaking, "What have I done?!" He screamed, sliding to the floor, legs bent in front of him, head hanging and his elbows resting on his knees, his hands dangling down in between, "She deserved better than me." He whispered.

"Yes, she did." River replied harshly, walking over before crouching down and leaning against the bars just next to him, facing into her cell rather than towards him, "But you're the one she chose, and neither of us can deny her anything, can we?"


Danni looked around the grand room from her place on the floor. The gold benches, all in groups she guessed meant something, seemed a bit ostentatious in her opinion, but it only reinforced her opinion that most Time Lords were up their own arses. Each group had a Gallifreyan symbol above it that she wished she could read, and where she was currently sat on the floor was the start of what appeared to be a pathway up to one of the walls where there was an ornate carving. She felt like she was sat there waiting to be scarified to a god of some sort.

She looked like it too, she guessed as she once again wiped at the trickle of blood dripping from her nose. Rassilon hadn't been kind to her, just like he'd promised, but she didn't care that her face ached, or that her wrist had started bleeding underneath the shackle wrapped around it. Perhaps she was going to be sacrificed, but she never would help him. Ever.

She'd been left alone once he'd managed to control his anger, the Time Lord going to finish off his 'Master Plan', whatever that was. He'd left the manipulator on the floor, just out of her reach as a way of tormenting her.

It was working, she felt naked without it on. There hadn't been a moment since she'd first put it one five years ago that she hadn't been wearing it, and every time she looked down at her wrist and saw the burn, not the leather she'd have a moment of pure panic before the rest of her brain kicked in and reminded her it wasn't there anymore, and it was just across the room from her.

She pulled her knees up to her chest. She was going to die here, wasn't she? In a strange... what was it? Oh, yeah 'pocket universe'. Her third universe, actually. And still not her home, or her original. Somewhere on her own.

Was the Doctor okay? Was he happy she was gone? Or was he destroying himself over what had happened? She wasn't sure which one she wanted, if she was honest. She didn't want him to wallow in sadness, or worse, but she also wasn't too happy on the idea of him being fine with her being dead. There wasn't a way that he could be that was appealing to her. So, she hoped he was happy and safe and fine. Even if that meant he'd tried to kill her, that part of her that loved him held onto the hope that he was okay.

Her parents would never get their ending, either. Part of her had always thought they'd see each other again, but this just proved that it was never going to happen. She hoped beyond all things that they'd forgotten she'd ever existed, because they'd be broken to never know what happened to their daughter. They'd be happier without ever knowing her.

She glanced at the archway that made the door. She hoped Koschei would be there soon. They'd get back to their universe, and she'd never let him go.


The Doctor and River sat in silence for longer than either of them could say. To the Doctor, the life in front of him seemed endless and pointless at the same time. To River, she knew her life wasn't much longer. She didn't have long left in Stormcage, which meant she didn't have long left with Danni. She rolled her head on the bars, staring at the side of the Doctor's head. All this time she'd thought he was using her Danni-Girl, just so he wouldn't be alone. But if that was the case, then he would have just picked someone else up. Each of his other companions were never replaced, but were always followed by someone else to help fill the void of his lonely life. There should have been over Danni's, other Amy's and Donna's after the loss of the red-head, but there wasn't. She could tell that there was nothing left for him. He'd given up, because there was no Danni.

"Why didn't you shoot me?" The Doctor asked her, eyes downcast and sullen. All his energy had gone, his hearts beating slower and he couldn't even find it in him to look at her when he asked.

"Because that's why you came." River replied, "So I could kill you. But you don't deserve the relief of me killing you." He nodded, chuckling once.

"Somehow I'd end up regenerating anyway." He replied, "The universe won't let me die." River watched him run his hand through his hair. He seemed so lost. Danni would hate to see him like this.

"She's not dead." River admitted quietly and the Doctor's head couldn't have snapped around any quicker. When River didn't elaborate he scrambled up, turning so he was kneeling the other way, holding onto the bars.

"What do you mean?" He asked hopefully, "River, where is she?"

"The Time War." River explained slowly, sadly as she recalled the story she'd been told, "The TARDIS shot her into the Time War, where the Master is waiting for her."

"That doesn't make any sense." He insisted, his hearts pounding a mile a minute, "She can't be there, it's Time Locked."

"The TARDIS saved her the only way she knew how." River continued, "But Rassilon's there too. There's a fight by the Eye of Harmony but Danni escapes. Uses the link with your aspect to come back into our universe." His eyes filled with hope, the Doctor grabbed her and pulled her head closer, placing a kiss in her bushy hair.

"When?" He asked eagerly.

"Soon." She replied and he jumped up, turning with renewed energy and purpose. His Danni-Girl was alive! He could make it up to her, explain his mistake. She'd forgive him, and he'd spend the rest of life showing her how sorry he was.

"River Song, I knew I always liked you!" He exclaimed, "Must dash, been an absolute pleasure." And with that he darted to the TARDIS where he'd be ready and waiting for her to reapper.

River watched him leave, not even bothered about the kiss on the head which normally annoyed her because it felt so patronising. The joy he felt wasn't reflected in her face, or in her heart.

Danni would return, after a fight with Rassilon. However, she'd be shot before the Eye is activated. She come back into this universe, only to die in the arms of the man she loved.


Koschei had gone to the Vault first, because he couldn't risk not having his new regenerations before leaving the pocket universe. He'd torn the place apart in his urgency, almost setting off something rather suspect in his wake but they weren't there. He quickly ran out of ideas, everything he knew about them had lead him to the Vault. He needed more time, he had to do more research.

That's why he'd headed to the Panopticon to rescue Danni, so he could take her away and find out more about how to gain a new cycle of regenerations. There had to be something documented somewhere on this godforsaken planet. They'd travel around together, much like her and her 'husband' would do, finding out what he needed before heading back. He'd keep a closer eye on her this time as well, eager to make sure no one took what was his again.

The moment her shackles came off he pulled her into a searing kiss, holding her firmly in place for a moment before slamming the manipulator into her hand.

"Put it on." He commanded and she did, quickly as she could, fumbling with the straps because she'd not really had much practice taking them off and putting them on again, "We need to get out."

"But we're here!" She hissed, her arms shooting out at her sides, "Isn't this where we're supposed to be?"

"Doesn't she know, Koschei?" A grand voice replied and they both spun to see Rassilon waiting for them in the archway, gauntlet on one hand and staff in the other, "You can't leave, because you're not stable enough to survive outside the constant reset of the pocket universe. It's the only thing keeping you alive."

"Is that true?" Danni asked him, looking up at the blonde man in surprise. She knew he wanted more regenerations to fix the state of constant dying, but she didn't realise he was actually dying. The look he gave her, the one that suggested that she was an idiot and what she'd asked was the equivalent of standing there and drooling, told her it was, "What do we do?" Her hand tightened it's grip on his, the despair she felt terrifying her.

"We run." He told her, "We find the regenerations, and we come back." She nodded, agreeing with his plan without either considering or caring that it meant that she wasn't going home any time soon as well. He was marginally surprised at her consideration for him, but it was short lived as Rassilon turned his gauntleted hand over, a ball of glowing gold energy appearing just above it.

"Or you can have these ones." He offered, "I'll even let you come with me, serve under me, ruling over the universe. Just give me the Time Child, and you can have as many as you like." Danni was vaguely reminded of the Labyrinth. David Bowie offering Sarah the glass ball for her little brother. And just like the movie, Koschei took a moment then very firmly shook his head.

"Why don't any of you understand?" He snapped, "She is mine. You don't get to keep her, she's my pet!" His voice rose until he was shouting, glaring opening at the Time Lord in the archway. Rassilon nodded, motioning behind the pair as he brought his staff down hard on the marble floor. There was noise behind them and the pair turned to see the ornate marble at the end of the pathway opening up, a half-dome appearing slowly.

"Is that the Eye of Harmony?" Danni whispered and Koschei nodded slowly.

"It's moved since the last time I was here." He commented, turning back to the Lord President, "You've redecorated." He mocked, "Why reveal it? We have the manipulator, we can just go." Rasslion nodded, waving his hand again and the ball of regeneration energy disappeared.

"I know. But you won't. I will give you the regenerations, you will take me with you and I will save her life" He explained.

"Save my life?" Danni asked, confused. Rassilon's hand shot out before either of them noticed, a bolt of energy shooting out and hitting her in the stomach. She screamed as she flew backwards, hitting the marble dome with a crunch and she fell to the ground. Pain spread from the impact zone like tree branches, burning her from the inside out and her hands flew to her stomach as she held it in reaction to the attack. Her vision was white, her eyes were ringing and everything hurt so much.

"Danielle!" A voice shouted, panicked and scared and she tried to focus on it, but she couldn't.

Koschei was on the floor next to her, cupping her face even as the dome opened like eyelids, slowly and groaning with the effects of being closed for so long. Her hands clutched her abdomen like it was her lifeline, but the red liquid was already soaking through her clothes. She was dying, and rapidly as well. He shot up, arm at the ready as his rage caused him the flash blue.

"What have you done?!" He screamed and Rassilon smiled evilly, which was something since he was the Master, and therefore the villain of any piece.

"Take me with you, and I can save you both." He offered, "Without me, she will die." Koschei shook, torn between killing the man and trying to save Danni. He crouched, taking her roughly by her arm and pulling her up. She could barely hold her own weight, the light flickering in her eyes and he only had one chance. He hugged her tightly.

"Listen to me." He whispered in her ear as she leant on him, "Look into the Eye for only a moment, press the button then close your eyes. I'll hold him off."

"I'm not leaving you." She slurred, her knees giving way and he caught her.

"I'm right behind you." He promised, "Do it." He turned to Rassilon, looking like he'd decided to accept. Rassilon obviously believed him, until Koschei pushed Danni onto the dome, "Never." He declared and Rassilon's face dropped.

"Then you'll both die." He retorted and Koschei shook his head.

"Not a chance." He promised, "Now, Danni!" And as Danni forced herself to do as he told, one hand pressed on her stomach and the other poised over the big green button on the control pad, he began to fire as much energy as he could at the President.

Danni opened her eyes, looking into what could only be described as eternal, soul-destroying abyss and she pressed the button, her hand immediately shot out to grab Koschei, but feeling nothing but emptiness.


The Doctor spun around the console, he'd been pacing around it for the last half a hour, hoping beyond anything he'd ever hoped that Danni would be back soon. He'd worked it all out, he'd wrote his apology and memorised it, planned all the beautiful places he would show her and made sure he knew exactly how to keep them both out of danger. He wouldn't let anything hurt her again, he wouldn't hurt her ever again. It was just the two of them, no more companions coming between them, no more life or death situations. Just the pair, him showing her just how much of his hearts belonged to her.

The TARDIS panel dropped down and he couldn't hide the delight at the sight of the golden light that poured out, taking care not to get caught in it but waiting with a giddiness he wasn't sure he could contain. A crack echoed through the room and she appeared, skidding across the floor and into the railing with a scream he'd never heard from her before.

It became quickly apparent something was very wrong and the moment he could he rushed over to her side, rolling her onto her back where she wheezed, the blood now dying half of her clothes red.

"No." He breathed, "No, no, no." Her hand was clasped on her stomach, where her manipulator was supposed to be was a burn he didn't have time to focus on. He moved her hand and she groaned as he lifted her top up, surprised and horrified at the hole that was there. It was a miracle she was even still alive.

"Koschei?" She whimpered and he shook his head, stroking her cheek as her eyes flickered open slightly.

"No, it's me." He told her with a forced smile on his face.

"Spaceman?" She whispered and he nodded.

"Yes." He reassured with a nod, tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered and he shook his head.

"No, don't be. It's okay, I promise." He told her, "Let's get you to the medi-bay, okay?" She nodded and he helped her up, feeling her immediately collapse against him, "It's only in the hallway. Just hold on for me, okay Danni-Girl? I've got you, I'm not letting go."

"Koschei?" She whimpered again and he placed a kiss on her temple as he wondered if he should just scoop her up into his arms.

"He's right behind you." He lied, the TARDIS panel shut and no sign of the other Time Lord, "I'm going to pick you up, okay? It might hurt, but we have to go." She shook her head as he placed an arm around her ribs, ready to grab her under her knees and pull her up against him.

"Theta." She moaned in pain and he stopped immediately, having no idea what to do, "It hurts."

"I know." He replied urgently, "We need to get you fixed up, okay?"

This must be what it felt like when the Doctor was regenerating. It was if she could feel each part of her body shut down, the blood no longer running and her limbs becoming cold and numb. Each breath felt slightly further apart, her heartbeat slowing down. She pushed away from him out of reflex, stumbling slightly away as he stood, devastated because his hope had been shattered again.

"I think..." She muttered, "I think something's wrong." She fell against the console, trying to hold onto it.

"Please Danni." He begged, "I'm sorry." He stepped closer and she shook her head.

"No!" She exclaimed, feeling it coming, she didn't have long left. He stopped in his tracks, shaking and crying as she turned to face him. His beautiful face, his gorgeous hair. She loved him so much.

"I think..." She started again, "I think you should stay back."

"No, please." He rushed forward as she screamed, her head flying back as she exploded. Every pore on her skin blew, every cell in her body burnt away as the Doctor stared, dumbstruck as golden light poured from her. Then it stopped.

"Well," She declared with a voice she didn't recognised, "That's new." And her eyes rolled into her skull as she dropped to the ground, unconscious.