A/N: Now, I will explain all!

Title: Blue Roses in the Wind, Epilogue

By: Aqua

Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Yu-Gi-Oh. It belongs to a very talented man in Japan. The only things I own in this story are my thoughts and feelings

Thoughts: Finally, it is over! Yahoo!

Yami: ~*sniff* I will so miss this.~

"-and so the Maiden of the Sea was removed from her bindings and ascended into the great unknown, to forever be with her true love. Her warrior. Her knight. Her destiny." Said Isis as she looked the painting. She paused for a moment before she walked out of the room and closed the doors.

Seto was in his room letting the spring breeze in. It was morning, and the little sparrows were chirping outside to greet the new day. He softy smiled at the birds then walked to his desk and sat down. On his desk was a journal opened to a new page, for a new day. He picked up his pen and began to write-

"It has been 2 weeks from the duel, and the last of Diao Wei. In our hearts, that memory will last forever. Yet, questions were still unanswered. Yugi's friends and I went to the library to check on documents of Mizu Hana. It seem there was a Mizu Hana. Was. Mizu Hana was my neighbor but, she didn't go to France. We found out that the plane she was on, crashed before she could get to the European border. There were no survivors."

Seto stop writing for a while, as the memories pass through his head.

"-Mizu always loved blue roses. She would always have one in her little hands. She often talked to them, knowing the Legend, tell them all her secrets. That is how Diao Wei, the Maiden of the Sea, knew about her, and me. It took Diao Wei, five long years to get enough strength to make her into human form. Also, she put up illusions, of the mansion, of the computer chip, just to get closer to me. To have love, what she longed for. But, the illusions only worked when she was there, explaining how Yugi saw a barren land at Mizu's mansion. And, just by coincidence, Mizu and Diao Wei, looked so alike."

Seto looked up from his writings and listened to the birds again before he continued.

"-But no matter what, Mizu will always be in my heart. She was the first one to ever care, to ever trust, and to ever love. She taught me friendship, like no person could ever do. And I, will take up her lessons through the rest of my life."

Seto closed his journal. He smiled at what he wrote. Thinking with all the- "HEY SETO!!" called a voice. Seto ran to the window. It was Yugi Moto. "HEY SETO, DO YOU WANT TO COME TO THE ARCADE WITH US?! MOKUBA IS COMING TO!!" Seto saw his little brother wave. "SURE I WILL BE THERE IN A SEC!!" he answered back and ran through the door.

As he went out, he passed a counter. Next to a little jewelry box with a craved angel, was a picture frame, with a picture of Seto, Mokuba, and a little girl with fair skin, light blue eyes, long bluish-blackish hair pulled into a haft-bun and the cutest yellow dress you have ever seen. And in her hands, her tiny hands, was a blue rose dancing in the wind.


A/N: Yes!! IT IS FINALLY OVER!! I hope I answered all your questions. Also, there is no Elemental Bind or Queen of the Elements. I made that up. Also, I suck at duel scenes. They are fun to watch, but hard to write. Oh ya. As you could tell, Isis was telling the Legend in the beginning and ending it now. Well, I hope you see you guys on my other stories, I will update "For the Love of a Blue Eyes" next week, so get ready for that! Well that is it! R&R AND NO FLAMES!! Hope to see you again soon!