TOW Chandler saves a life

Ok, this is just something I thought of. The gang doesn't know Chandler (like in most of c+m stories!), the rest of the gang exists, though. Also, Monica has a little daughter, Samantha, who is 6 years old. The father of the child left soon after the birth.. This is all you need to know. The characters are not mine except for Sam. Please leave a review!

It was a cold night in fall and Chandler was angry. He had let his boss talk him into some extra hours of work. Now, it was almost midnight and Chandler finally on his way home. He was cold, tired and hungry. Suddenly, it started to rain. "Oh, my lucky day." Chandler mumbled to himself and walked a little faster. It struck him that no one was home to wait for him. One of the reasons why his boss always made him stay longer and not the others. Chandler hated it anyway. He didn't mind work he just hated his work. It was boring and Chandler knew he was too good for it but he couldn't tell his boss. So he just said 'Yes, Sir' and did what he wanted. 'What a wonderful life', he thought angrily. The rain became harder by the minute. Chandler mumbled some curses under his breath. It just wasn't his day.

Chandler was almost home when it happened. He always looked for his key before he arrived at his building. Usually, he didn't need to stop walking for it but that day he just couldn't find it. He stopped in the pouring rain to search his key. He just couldn't find it. Then it happened. Chandler didn't pay attention to the car on the street and he didn't care for the other one either. Brakes squeaked and a loud "Boom" was heard. Chandler turned around and saw how one of the cars almost went head over and the other one just drove away fast. Chandler ran to the remaining car. He saw a woman and a little girl inside. The girl was crying and the woman didn't move and was full with blood. "God." Chandler mumbled. He didn't know what to do because he was in shock. With trembling hands he managed to get out his cell phone and call an ambulance. He knew he wasn't allowed to get them out himself but when he waited for the ambulance to arrive and the little girl didn't stop crying he had to do something. Carefully, he checked for a pulse on the woman. Luckily, she still had one. "Are you hurt?" he asked the little girl. She didn't answer right away but her crying slowed down a bit. "Are you hurt?" Chandler asked again. "N-N-No." She replied with a shaking voice. He didn't know if it was right, but he took the little girl and lifted her out of the car. She shivered. Chandler put her in his jacket to keep her warm. "What's with mommy?" the girl asked. ""Your mommy will be fine." Chandler assured her. From the far, he heard sirens and was relieved when the ambulance finally arrived.

Chandler watched while the ambulance worked on the woman. He held the little girl tight to his chest. He didn't want her to see what was happening ho her mother. "Was she in the car, too?" one of the first-aid men asked pointing at the girl. Chandler nodded. The man took her and the girl started crying immediately. He didn't care and checked for any injuries. "She seems to be fine." He handed her back to Chandler who took her without hesitation. She calmed down at once. "We gotta take her to the Mercy. You should come with us." Chandler nodded. He didn't know why he even did it. He didn't know that woman and he was tired. Still, he followed the man into the car. From his place he had a good look on the woman. "Mommy?" the little girl was scared. Chandler didn't tear his look away from the woman and held the girl tighter. "Sssh. Mommy is fine. She is just tired and has to sleep." Chandler whispered. "I am tired, too." The girl whispered back. "Then sleep a little. Mommy won't mind." The girl got more comfortable in Chandler's arms and actually closed her eyes. Chandler stared at the woman. She was beautiful, he could tell even with the tubes and the blood everywhere. "Is she gonna be ok?" he asked. "Probably." The first-aid man answered shortly. Chandler felt the tiredness overwhelm him but he tried hard to keep awake. "Do you know her name?" the first-aid man wanted to know. "Huh?" Chandler had been almost asleep. "Do you know this woman?" "Eh, no. I was just there." "Luckily. There are hardly people on this street at that time."

The little girl, Chandler still didn't know her name, was asleep when they arrived at the hospital. The woman was brought into ER and Chandler was asked to wait. He did but he was wondered if her family would be called, too. Even if jut to keep the girl calm. So Chandler asked one of the nurse: "Will her family be here soon?" "We don't know who she is yet. We have to wait for missing reports, unfortunately." The nurse informed him. "Didn't she have her driver's license with her?" he wondered. "Apparently not. We sent some people to check the car but they haven't found anything yet... you don't know her?" "No but I called the ambulance." The nurse nodded and walked away. Chandler could only wait. "Mr.?" he heard a childish little voice asking. He opened his eyes slowly. Where was he? As he stared into the blue-green eyes in front of him, he remembered. "Yes?" "I am hungry," the girl told him, "and where is mommy?" her eyes looked glassy from crying and sleeping. "I can get you some food but I can not take you to your mommy." He told her. "Why?" "Your mommy is sleeping." The girl's eyes got wide. "Like great-grandfather?" she asked scared. "Oh no, no. She is just exhausted and so she has to sleep." Chandler explained. The girl smiled. "You maked me scared, Mr." "I'm Chandler." She giggled. "Weird name." "Weird, huh? What's your name?" "Sam." "Sam? Why don't we get something to eat now?" she smiled at him an he smiled back. Since she was still tired, Chandler carried her.

While eating a little salad, Chandler asked Sam, who was eating some cookies, a little out. "Do you know your mommy's name?" she looked up at him. "Mommy?" he had to try it differently. "Do you have an aunt or an uncle?" Sam nodded excited. "Uncy Ross. He's mommy brother." She told him proudly. "What does he call her? He doesn't call her mommy, does he?" "Nooo." Sam said and laughed a little child laugh. "He calls her... something with M..." the little girl tried to remember it but she couldn't. "It's ok. But these people want to call your family because someone has to take you home. Do you know your daddy's name?" Sam stared at him sadly. "I don't have a daddy. Just me and mommy." Chandler didn't know what to say. At least he knew that the brother of the woman was called 'Ross'. Unfortunately, it didn't help much. "You certainly know your last name, too, right?" Sam chewed on her cookie and nodded. "Geller." Why hadn't he thought of it sooner? Of course, she knew her last name! "We have to go to one of the nurses." Chandler told the girl. Sam stuffed the last cookies into her pocket and signed Chandler to pick her up. He just did it. He certainly wasn't in the mood to fight with a little girl.

When the returned, one of the doctors walked up to Chandler. He smiled. "She'll survive." Chandler sighed in relief. "It isn't as bad as we had thought, she is strong. Just her broken leg gave us some worry but we got that under control, too." "Can she see her?" he pointed at the girl in his arms. "Actually, yes but I don't know if it is good." "Does she look that bad?" "It's not even that; she just doesn't remember anything. We think it I just temporary but there is a slight chance that she has amnesia for good." Chandler was shocked. "It's gonna be hard to find out who is she is." "Her name is Geller. She has a brother called Ross. That is all she could tell me." The doctor looked at Sam, who was already asleep again. "We'll try to find him. I'd suggest you and that girl go and see her, she's awake." "S-she doesn't even know me." Chandler told him. "Right now, she doesn't know anybody." With that he was gone.

A nurse guided Chandler and Sam to the woman's room. Chandler wished he had a name for her. She was still 'the woman' or 'JaneDoe' for the doctors. He didn't like either. The woman sat in bed. Her leg was in a plastered cast, some bruises covered her arms and face. Around her were monitors. The whole atmosphere scared Chandler. Sam was still asleep in his arms. The woman looked at him questioningly. "I am Chandler." He began and paused. "Do I know you?" she asked. Her voice sounded a little weak. "No. I just called the ambulance." Chandler told her. She tried to smile but failed. "I don't remember anything." "This is your daughter." The woman stared at him with watery eyes. "I have a daughter?" "Yes. She was very anxious to see you but fell asleep none the less." "I forgot my own daughter." She said sad. "The doctor said it is just temporary." Chandler assured her. "He said 'probably'." The woman corrected him. For a moment they were both quiet. "You remember nothing at all?" Chandler then wanted to know. She shook her head. "Nothing." He hoped the doctors and nurses were able to find her family. Hopefully, that would make her remember. Sam, apparently, didn't help.

A doctor entered the room and asked Chandler to leave. He promised her to come back later. "Did you find them?" Chandler asked a nurse at the reception. She just stared at him, confused. "The family of that woman who has amnesia." He explained. "Oh," the nurse nodded, "Yes. We found out her name; Monica Geller but we haven't been able to contact her family, yet." Chandler thanked her and went back to the waiting room. The girl became heavy and he needed to sit down. He lay Sam beside him and got comfortable himself. Chandler was tired. All he wanted was to crawl into bed and sleep for at least 15 hours. But he had to wait. He couldn't leave the girl all by herself. 'Monica', he thought. Finally, he had a name for her. He just wished she would remember. Chandler's eyes became heavy and eventually they closed for good. He was asleep.

Chandler awoke to several voices around him. He recognized the little voice of Sam and opened his eyes. The girl was still beside him but she was awake and chewing on a piece of bread. "Ms. Geller wishes to see you." A man, who was presumingly a doctor, told Chandler. "Is her family contacted already?" "No, but we are working on it." "Wanna see mommy?" Chandler asked Sam. She looked a little scared. "The doctor said mommy doesn't know me anymore, is that true?" Chandler was angry that someone had told the girl. "Your mommy has slept so much that she forgot some things." "And me, too?" Chandler nodded. "She doesn't even know her own name." Sam stared at him with wide eyes. "Really?" "Yes. But maybe when she sees you she'll remember you. But if she doesn't, just let her be, ok? In some days she'll be your same old mommy." Sam hesitated for a moment but then nodded. Chandler was surprised that the girl seemed to understand.

Sam clung tightly to Chandler's hand. She was scared. Many people ran around her and didn't care who they almost bumped into. Chandler felt her fear and lifted her up into his arms. His back was a little sore from the day before but he didn't care. "Good Morning." He said to Monica as they entered the room. She looked a little better than the day before. She smiled. "Morning, Chandler." She replied. She had even remembered his name. Sam turned in his arms and looked at her mother. "Mommy?" she asked carefully. Monica looked at the girl. Her smile disappeared and was replaced with a sad expression. "Mommy?" the girl asked again, almost crying. "Shh, what did I tell you?" Chandler whispered softly. Sam began sobbing and buried her head in his chest. "I am sorry." Monica said. "I just can't... my memories just won't come back... please don't cry... Sam." Chandler stared at her. He hadn't told her, her name. Sam looked up, too. "You know my name." Monica smiled. "It just popped into my head." "You're making progress." Chandler stated happily. "So you know who I am?" Sam wanted to know hopefully. "Your mommy only begins to remember, Sam." Chandler told her. "Ok." Was all the girl replied. Suddenly the door burst open and four people ran in. "Monica? Oh my god, what happened?" asked one of the women. "Sam? Are you all right?" one of the man took Sam out of Chandler's arms. "Uncle Ross!" the girl exclaimed happily. "Who are you?" the other man asked. "I called the ambulance." Chandler was tired of saying the same but it was the truth and his only connection to Sam and Monica. "Mommy doesn't know us." Sam told her uncle. Ross looked at his sister. "Monica?" she looked unsure. She probably didn't even know that her name was 'Monica'. "The doctor said it was just temporary." Chandler explained them. "Who were you again?" Ross asked again, a bit sharply. "He is very nice, uncle Ross." His niece informed him. "Well, since we are here now, you can leave." Chandler stared at him. Sure, he wanted to leave and finally get some real food and decent sleep but could he just leave? Ross looked angry so he decided to do what he had said. "Bye, Monica. I hope you'll be better soon. And Sam, it was a pleasure to meet ya." Th girl giggled. Chandler took one last look at Monica. She didn't look happy. She almost looked as if she wanted him to stay. He dismissed that thought and left after he had said goodbye to everybody politely.

On his way home, Chandler grabbed a hamburger and some french fries. It was no real food but the next best thing. Afterwards, he fell into bed and slept. He didn't even care that he was still fully clothed. The silence didn't last too long though: the phone rang. "No," Chandler mumbled still half asleep, "no one's home." The phone didn't stop ringing. Chandler hopped off the bed and answered it. "Bing." Silence. "Hello?" Chandler tried again. "Oh, your last name is Bing, I thought...anyway, I am Monica' brother, Ross." The voice finally said. "Is anything wrong?" "No... yes. Monica...," Ross sighed, "she wishes to see you." Chandler was surprised. "What?" "Her amnesia... she is very confused and stuff... anyway, she wants to see you. I can't explain it and I don't understand it but could you come back here?" Apparently, it was very hard for him to make this request. "Em, yes, sure. I'll be there as soon as possible." Ross hung up. Chandler was taken aback for a minute. He didn't know this woman and she didn't know him but at the moment it seemed as though Chandler was her favorite stranger.

Monica felt overwhelmed but not in a good way. They tried to talk with her, tried to find out what had happened. But she couldn't tell them. She didn't know what had happened and she didn't know who they were. "Stop." She said as loud as she could, which was still pretty quiet but the room went silent. "You can't talk with me like that, I still have to remember all these things... and all of you, apparently." Her brother, Ross, looked at her with pity. She didn't like that. "We are sorry. It is just so... we are worried and we want you to remember as soon as possible. We thought confrontation was the best way." Monica shook her head no. "Yes, it is the best if you talk with me, tell me things from my past but not like that. Start with little things." "Chandler did that, too." Sam said. Monica looked at the little girl. 'She is my daughter', she thought and even smiled a bit at the thought of having a child. Monica wondered why they had sent Chandler away. At least, he hadn't pushed her like that. It seemed like the little girl - her daughter - wanted him back, too. "I am Rachel," one of the women said gently, "we used to live together before you got pregnant." Monica nodded. She wished she would remember. "You'd have let me lived with you but Ross here," she pointed at the man who said that he was her, Monica's, brother. "thought it would be better if I'd move in with him." Rachel saw that her friend didn't remember what she told her. It made her extremly sad. She stepped back a little and Ross hugged her. "I hope she remembers how to cook." "Joey!" Ross was really angry, Monica had to notice. She wondered if her brother was always like that. "Sorry." Joey mumbled. "You must remember me." The other woman then said. "It's me... Phoebe!" Monica smiled at her. Even though she didn't know who she was, she seemed to be nice. "She doesn't remember anything or anyone, Pheebs." Rachel told her. "But I will." Monica told them. 'Hopefully', she added in her mind.

Even though they tried to give Monica time, her "Friends" pushed her. They told her stories, this time not all together but one by one. Still, she was annoyed. She didn't want to hear stories but to ask questions but they'd always drift into a story. Her daughter kept quite though. She sat near Monica's bed and listened and watched. It made Monica think of Chandler and she began to miss him more and more. When just Ross was in her room, telling her something about his son she just had to say: "Ross, could you call Chandler for me, please?" her brother was definitely shocked. He had expected a lot but not that. This man was a total stranger to her but still, she wanted to have him there. "Chandler?" he asked. "Please." It sounded almost desperate. "I'll call him." Ross told her and left the room. 'A moment of peace', Monica thought and sighed deeply.

Chandler arrived quickly and when he came into the room, followed by Ross and Sam, Monica's face lit up. Ross' expression changed from blank to angry but he tried to hide it as good as possible. "Chandler got me somethin', mom." Sam told her smiling and pointed at the cap on her head. "It's cool, isn't it?" "Yes, it is, little squirrel." Everyone but Chandler, who was just confused, was shocked. "You always remember things with me." Sam stated proudly. "Mommy always calls me 'squirrel'" the girl explained Chandler. He looked at Monica. She seemed confused herself. "Monica, I'd suggest I take Sam home with me for the next days. At least until you can go home." "Uh, yes... thanks." "But I wanna stay with mommy!" Sam whined. "She remembers me now!" Chandler got on eye level with her. "I told you the cap came with something, do you remember what it was?" he whispered. It made Ross even angrier because he couldn't hear a thing. "Yes." The girl replied ruefully. "But she remembered Squirrel, Chandler!" "Your mommy remembers very little things, yes, but she is not back to her old self yet." He just hoped the girl would understand him. Sam nodded sadly. "I can keep the cap?" she asked carefully. "Of course." "Let's go home then." Ross told Sam. She turned around again, ran to Monica and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow!" she then ran to Chandler again and hugged him, too, before she and Ross left.

Chandler felt a little awkward alone with Monica. She on the other hand seemed just fine with just him there. "I am glad you came back. I mean these people are my family but... you know, they are so... anyway, it is nice to see you." It was probably the longest sentences Chandler has heard from her and he wasn't quite sure how to answer her. "I know you are not so comfortable with me." Monica went on. "That's because I don't know you." She smiled a weird little smile. "Then we are two. It is nice to be with someone who knows just as much - less - as me." Again, she made him speechless. The silence was interrupted by a nurse who entered. "I need to run some test. Would you please step out?" she told him not so nicely. "You are coming back, right?" Monica asked him a little worried. "Sure." Chandler simply said and left the room.

Even outside the room, Chandler still felt awkward. He wasn't sure if he wanted to spend time with Monica. She seemed to be a nice woman but he knew nothing about her. It might not matter to her but it mattered to him. For her friends and family he was an intruder. No one had said anything but he could tell they didn't like him. Chandler tried to explain that it wasn't him who wished the connection but Monica. They just wouldn't believe him. Why would they; he was someone they didn't know and she was their friend. They wanted to help her and he was in their way. The nurse came out again. "Are you family?" she asked looking curious. "Ah... I am a... friend." The nurse eyed him. "She will be able to go home in just a few days." Chandler didn't react to that. "We don't know how long the amnesia will stay, though." "Can't you give her anything that will make her remember?" "No. Just make her remember." Chandler stared after that woman. He himself couldn't make her remember and the ones that could she didn't want to see. It was hopeless.

The next few days, Chandler was "forced" to spend time with Monica. He tried to have at least one other person with him in the room. Even if it was just Sam. The little girl was a great help for him and Monica seemed to like her the most of her "past people", how she called them, too. After two weeks she still didn't remember much. She had a flash from time to time but that was it. Chandler always felt bad when one of her friends or her brother entered and he was already there. The looks were killing him. But Monica wanted him there and he didn't have the guts to say no. It wasn't like he didn't like her, he just felt weird being there. "Chandler, can I talk to you?" Monica's friends called him by his first name because he had felt stupid when they addressed him as 'Mr.Bing'. He nodded at Rachel, who had asked him. They stepped out. "The doctor told us we could take her home tomorrow." He didn't respond in any way. "We are not sure if she'd appreciate to be without you." Rachel tried. Chandler was shocked. What was she asking? "Are you saying I should move in with her?" "No!" Rachel quickly said. "Of course not. I was just asking if you could visit her... on a regular basis." Chandler was relieved. For a moment he had thought he'd have to move in with a person he didn't know. "Sure. That won't be a problem." To his surprise, Rachel gave him a warm smile. "Ross might act like a total ass but it is just because he doesn't know what to do and because his sister would rather be with a total stranger than the people who love her." Chandler nodded. He totally understood that. "Despite that, he is very thankful for your help." "I don't think so." "I know him. He just doesn't know how to express some of his feelings." In that moment an elderly couple walked up to them. "Rachel." The woman said. "Mr. And Mrs. Geller, I am happy to see you." "Ross didn't tell us earlier, we just came back from Waikiki." Mr.Geller explained. He noticed Chandler and eyed him curiously. "Maybe that is even better. Monica has amnesia and doesn't remember anything or anyone. She has hardly gotten used to us, yet. I think Sam she remembers the best." Rachel informed them. "Oh my god!" Mrs. Geller sighed. "Who is he, the doctor?" Mr.Geller asked, pointing at Chandler. He wondered why he didn't ask him directly. "No, that is Chandler Bing. He... well, he saved Monica's and Sam's life. He called the ambulance." The Geller's stared at him and he felt embarrassed. "Thank you then." Mrs.Geller said. She still seemed a little confused about him. "We can see her, right?" Mr.Geller wanted to know, not caring for Chandler anymore. "Sure. Just go in." They did. "Don't worry about them. Monica is not too close with them, you shouldn't have problems with them." With a smile Rachel went back also. Chandler wanted to wait a moment. Somehow he had hoped that when Monica would go home his visits would be unnecessary. Apparently, he was wrong. Sighing, he went back in, too.

When her parents walked into the room, Monica was surprised since she actually remembered them. "Mom, Dad." She shocked everyone with that. "You remember them?" Ross asked hopefully. "Yes." She smiled at them. Her father smiled back while her mother looked like she didn't know what to do. "You are back from your vacation?" "Yes, honey." Her father told her. "It's nice you remember us." It was lame but at least Mrs.Geller said something. It was the moment when Chandler re-entered. "Chandler, I recognized my parents!" Monica told him proudly. Everyone stared at him and he wished he hadn't come in. "Great." He simply answered and walked to the window. The others developed a small talk where Monica actually talked, too, to everyone's surprise. The present of her parents seemed to give her some strength. Sam sneaked over to him. "hi." She whispered. "Hi." He answered in the same quiet tone. "Why does mommy remember them and not me?" the girl was obviously sad. Chandler took her into his arms. "I told you, she will remember you soon." "But she remembered them now." Sam sobbed into his chest. He put her down again and looked into her big blue eyes which were watery. "Your mommy doesn't choose what and who she remembers, you know. It just happens." Sam didn't look any happier. "I don't like that. I have to stay with uncle Ross and aunt Rachel and I want to go home. I want mommy to be like she was." She told him and he actually had to concentrate because she talked very fast for a 6-year old. "I understand but I can't give you your old mommy back." Sam looked as if she was about to cry. Chandler didn't tell her that he wasn't even sure if she ever would be the same again. He had heard about cases where the people remembered their old lives but never returned completely to their old selves. Of course, he couldn't tell that a little girl. "Sam, we have to go home now. Your mom needs to rest." Ross suddenly said. The room was quiet again. She turned to her uncle with a pitiful look. Ross felt bad for taking her away from her mother but what else could he do. "I wanna stay with Chandler." She surprised everybody with her request especially Chandler himself. He gently turned her around again. "Sam, you are going home with Ross now." It came out a little harsher than he had planned but it seemed to work anyway. "You are here tomorrow?" she asked very quietly. "Of course." He gave her a kiss on the forehead and she went over to Ross who picked her up. They all said goodbye and just Chandler stayed, like always.

Ross felt even more angry when they were on their way home. Neither he nor Rachel or Sam spoke a word. Joey and Phoebe took a cab and his parents wanted to go home by themselves. But Ross wasn't angry at any of them he was just angry at Chandler. How dare he to turn his niece against him? His fists clenched around the wheel so his knuckles turned white. Rachel looked at him concerned, he noticed. "Ross, I don't think he did that on purpose." She spoke quietly because she didn't want Sam to hear what they were talking about and she wasn't sure if she was asleep already. "Yeah sure." Ross grumbled. "I know what you are thinking but it is not like that at all... I don't even think he likes to be there so much. But Monica wants him there." Even though, or especially because Rachel was right, he became even angrier. "the question is just why? What did he do?" "He saved their lives." Rachel offered carefully. Ross didn't respond. The rest of the drive they spent in uncomfortable silence.

"So you actually remembered your parents." Chandler said. He hated silence and since Monica didn't look like she would say anything, he just began. "They just walked in and woosh, I knew who they were." "Maybe now it'll be easier to remember other things and people, too." She became quiet. Did she even want to remember? Chandler wondered from time to time. He didn't dare to ask, though." I can go home tomorrow." She told him, obviously changing the subject. "I know, Rachel told me." "You are still gonna come and see me, right?" "Yes." "I was already worried you wouldn't." Chandler didn't like the way the things were going. "I can't always be there." Monica didn't expect him to be so cold all of sudden. "I never said that you should." Now it was Chandler who looked somewhat astonished. "What do you mean? I think it was you who told Ross to call me to come back again." "Yes. Right now, I want to have you here because you are so different from the others and I feel...good around you. Maybe if my memories are fully back that'll change." "Alright. So it is a contract on time?" "If you want to call it so, yes." Even though it was weird, it actually relieved Chandler to know that she was just something like tool for him. She just needed him for some time and then he was free to go. Or so he thought....

This was the first part. I'll only post the second one if anyone wants me to. So if you want to know what happens next, tell me. Written by Anika