So this is the second part. It is a little shorter than the first and also includes an epilogues. I thought it would be stupid to exclude it and put it into a third chapter. Anyway, the characters are still not mine. Please read and review!

PART 2 When Monica walked, or better stumbled because of her crutches, into her apartment followed by her friends, her daughter, her parents and Chandler she felt a rush of emotions run through her. Suddenly she remembered little things: how she had found every one of these chairs, how she had diapered Sam on the table, how much she had to save until she could buy that fridge. All those things simply came to her. "Do you remember anything?" Rachel carefully asked. Monica didn't see these little things as anything important so she shook her head no. "I guess we hoped for too much." Phoebe whispered but Monica could still hear her. In some way it hurt her. Everybody wanted her to remember. Of course she wanted that, too, but every time when they looked at her so expectantly like she just had to remember but couldn't, and she had to disappoint them they just looked so sad. Monica always felt like she had failed then. It was killing her. It was too much pressure they put on her. She was sure she would remember way easier if they'd just be a little less expecting. Unfortunately, she didn't dare to tell them. For Monica it seemed like only Chandler understood her. He never pushed her in any way. The fact that he didn't even know anything he could tell her, she just ignored.

"We should leave her alone for a while." Rachel whispered to Ross. "She is going to feel weird, all alone here, don't you think?" he replied. "I don't think she'll be all alone." Ross felt the anger rising once again. Why could a stranger help his sister? He felt like he was unnecessary and it was a horrible feeling. Since Sam had been born, he and Monica had been even closer than before. He could be the 'big bro' and that was something he loved to be. He had thought with this amnesia it would be just the same but it wasn't, not at all. Now Chandler had this role. "Ross...Chandler will never be her big brother." Rachel told him in a quiet tone. Had he said that outloud? "I know that." He mumbled. "She just needs someone who understand her." "I do understand my sister! He doesn't even know her." "And that's exactly what she wants." Rachel was right and Ross hated that. He wanted to be there for his little sister, comfort her, support her. Ross didn't want to stand next to the man who now gave all this to his sister.

Chandler felt even more like an intruder when he stood in Monica's apartment. He knew that everybody wanted him to leave but for Monica's sake they kept quiet. Chandler liked her friends. He had always wanted people who cared about him like they did. His work had always been in the way. The thought made him sad. If it hadn't been for the money, he would have quitted a long time ago. Now with this Monica-thing going on in his life, he actually worked less. Just for a woman he yet had to figure out. He hadn't even done that for his mother, he realized. Chandler just wished Monica's friends would accept him. A little part of him wished they would treat him like one of them. He knew it was way too much to hope for. But it was a nice thought to think of them as his friends, too. His emotional rants were interrupted by Sam, who tugged at his pants. He lowered down to her eye level. "I wanna stay home with mommy." She whispered. "Sam, you know what uncle Ross said." "I know but maybe mommy wants me to stay." Sam explained him. "If she doesn't remember anything, how can she find stuff here?" Chandler smiled at her. She was a smart girl. "Maybe that is the plan, Sam. She doesn't know where everything is and so she has to remember." The girl looked stunned but also sad. It hurt Chandler. The little girl had to suffer the most.

The atmosphere was awkward and Monica wished they would just leave. Except for Chandler. She wished he would never leave her. It was a dangerous thought, she knew but she couldn't shake it off. She tried to tell herself it was just because he had saved her life. The thoughts about Chandler made her remember a man. At first it was just a face she saw in her mind. Dark blond hair, green eyes, a sexy smile and a very manly feature. "Tobey." She choked out. The 'Friends' tensed. Even Sam knew the name; it was the name of her father. No one knew what to say. Monica looked at Chandler with a somewhat lost expression. "Tobey... he was your boyfriend... Sam's father." Rachel explained shortly. Monica nodded. Somehow she had known she didn't have a husband or boyfriend even though she had a daughter. She had felt it. It was sort of an emptiness but she didn't miss Tobey. She had only said his name but the memories of him came back like a movie. Tobey, she realized, was something she had forgotten already before her amnesia but it came back nonetheless. Monica wanted them all to leave now. She decided to tell them: "Could you leave me alone now? I am really tired." "Are you sure you don't need help with anything. You won't be able to walk for a whole while." Ross said. "I'm fine. I've got the crutches." Everybody seemed to be relieved. She could imagine that it wasn't easy for them either. Just Sam looked sad. It hurt her so much to see her daughter suffer. The memories of Tobey had brought back some of Sam, too. She was the person she remembered the most. "Tomorrow, Squirrel, you can stay here, alright? I just need to be by myself tonight." Sam was more than happy to hear that. The girl kissed her mother goodbye and made everybody leave fast because she wanted to give her mother time now so she could come back early the next day. Chandler, of course, thought he was supposed to leave, too. "Chandler?" he turned around. Ross noticed it, too. He decided to swallow his anger. Maybe it wasn't so bad that Chandler helped her, he tried to tell himself. Deep down he knew he did the right thing even though he ached to go back and help his sister himself.

The door closed after Ross and Chandler and Monica looked at each other. Chandler didn't like it. He wanted to go home, go to work anything but this. He felt awkward. It wasn't Monica, it was just the whole situation. She seemed to feel that, too. "Why are you so uncomfortable around me?" she asked. Around the others she was always a little shy and reserved but with him she just said what was on her mind. Chandler didn't know how to explain it without hurting her. "I am not uncomfortable around you." He began unsure. "But we are total strangers, your friends hate me, especially your brother, and every time we are alone it is just...weird." he knew what he said sounded stupid but it was just the truth. To his surprise, Monica smiled at him. "That was cute." Chandler gave her a sheepish grin. Suddenly, he felt better. Maybe he just had to tell her what he felt. Maybe that was all they needed...

Rachel didn't often see a quiet Ross. A quiet Ross was never good. Rachel didn't even understood why he was angry. She herself liked Chandler. He was a nice guy and so she was happy that at least someone like him looked after her best friend. But how could she make Ross see that, too? "Sam..." she heard him say in a warning voice. "But I AM NOT dirty." Sam protested. Rachel walked into the bathroom where Ross and Sam argued. "Do you think I'm dirty?" Sam asked Rachel. "You better do what Ross tells you." She replied. "You want to be clean for mommy tomorrow right?" Ross knew it would work. Sam stared at him. "Of course... but I am not dirty!" Rachel had to giggle. In times like these, she wished she and Ross had kids of their own. "Rach, help me." Ross mumbled. "You're all on your own, honey." Amused, she left the bathroom again.

"I really have to leave now." Chandler told Monica. They had just finished their second game of Monopoly. "Already?" Chandler stared at her. "It is almost one o'clock." he informed her. "Oh... I didn't realize that.... will I see you tomorrow?" "If you want to." "Yes." "But only on one condition." Monica was surprised. "You spend some time with your friends, too. Talk a little and stuff." She looked at him intensely. When Chandler began to feel uncomfortable she answered: "Alright. But you'll be there." A sigh escaped Chandler's mouth. That was exactly what he didn't want. "I need you there." She admitted quietly. "Then I will be there." Monica didn't hesitate and hugged him tightly. She practically hung to him because she could hardly stand on her one good leg. Chandler didn't know what to do at first but after a moment, he hugged her back. The hug was over soon. Monica opened the door. "Be here at 11am." He nodded and left. On his way home Chandler tried not to think about facing Ross again tomorrow. The others weren't so hard to him but just one icy glare of Ross and Chandler felt like he was back in kindergarten and was scolded for something he hadn't done. But he couldn't even leave. Monica had said that she needed him. Except for his boss, who didn't count, no one had ever told him he was 'needed'. It was a wonderful feeling. He decided to think of this feeling whenever Ross gave him these 'looks'. Maybe it would help to make it better...

In the hospital, Monica had fallen asleep with no problem. Now at home it was all different. She just had to look around and some little things came back to her but she couldn't figure them out. Sometimes it was a date, sometimes a name, a face but that didn't help her. It was like a puzzle. She had some pieces but didn't know how to bring them all together. Also, she missed having someone around. In the hospital there had been the nurses, then Chandler. She wished Sam would be with her. Monica felt how she remembered her little girl. It was pretty much the only thing that came back to her. She hopped around the apartment again, hoping it would make her feel tired. Instead of thinking about sleep, her thoughts drifted to Chandler and to Ross. She could tell her brother didn't like Chandler. It seemed like he was afraid of their connection or whatever it was they shared. Monica sat down on the couch. It was very comfortable, she realized. Around her it was pitch black. She found she had remembered enough for the day. Slowly, but surely she fell asleep.

When Chandler woke up, he found himself in the kitchen. His neck was stiff and he had a horrible headache. Why had he fallen asleep in the kitchen? He wondered while drinking water. The last thing he remembered was coming home from Monica. He wanted to drink a coffee- that's when it happened. While waiting for the coffee he had fallen asleep. Chandler just wanted to take a shower when the phone rang. "Bing." He answered. "Bing. What the hell are you doing home? Don't you think you work at least once a week?" His boss was more than just angry. Chandler kept cool. "I've got so many extra hours I could stay home for the rest of the year." He could almost see his boss turning red through the phone. "Bing... I warn you. Either you come to work RIGHT NOW or you are fired." 'now or never', Chandler thought. "I hope you find someone as stupid as me to do your damn work!" satisfied with himself, Chandler hung up. He was aware that he didn't have a job anymore but for the moment he didn't care. He felt free. With his new freedom, Chandler took a quick shower and went to Monica. Nothing could destroy his good mood. Nothing...

Chandler knocked at the door. It took only a few seconds until Sam opened his the door. She gave him a toothy grin. "Hi." "Why are you so happy?" he asked while entering. "Because I can stay home again!" he looked around the apartment and saw just Rachel and Phoebe. His day couldn't get any better. He was free of his job and Ross wasn't there to harass him. Monica's face lit up immediately. "Hi, Chandler." Phoebe greeted him. "Hi." He sat down on the couch, next to Monica. "We were just talking a little about men." She informed him. Chandler just nodded. "We wanted to leave anyway." Phoebe then told him. "You don't have to leave just because I am her now." He decided to make everything clear for good. "I didn't want to intrude, really I didn't plan that. Monica wants me here, and I'd like to be here, too, but I do not want to stand between her and you." Chandler took a deep breath, worried he might have said too much. Phoebe looked amazed. "No, it's not that. Rachel and I want to go to the movies, we just promised Monica to wait until you were there." Now, Chandler felt all stupid. Rachel and Monica found it funny and giggled. Even though he was happy to see Monica so amused and happy, he was still embarrassed. "And just so you know, we never said we didn't like you. The whole situation is just complicated." Rachel explained him while she put on her coat. Chandler couldn't answer. He wasn't even able to look into their eyes. "Bye." Rachel and Phoebe said and left. "God, I don't think I ever embarrassed myself like that before." Chandler groaned. "Hey, it's ok." "No, now they also think I am stupid." No one thinks you are stupid." Monica assured him. Chandler was suddenly reminded of his loss of a job. "What is it?" Monica asked concerned when she saw his expression. "Oh, nothing." He knew not telling her would hurt her. She had told him so much about how she felt and he just kept quiet. "Do you want to eat something?" she asked changing the subject. Her tone was a little more reserved. "No, thanks." An uncomfortable silence followed. "We could play Monopoly again." Monica suggested. Chandler didn't want but said yes anyway.

After their movie, Rachel and Phoebe to go shopping a bit. "Why does Chandler think we don't like him?" Phoebe wanted to know. "Ross. He is the problem." "I like Chandler and I know Joey does, too." "I like him, too. But Ross thinks Chandler will take Monica away from him." "He is not Tobey." "I know that but Ross doesn't seem to see the difference." "He is good for Monica... and that is good for me!" Phoebe stated, pointing at a skirt. For a moment the problem Chandler-Ross was forgotten.

Neither Monica nor Chandler paid much attention to the game. Sam, who had somehow joined the game, did most of the things. "You two are boring." She told them disappointed. "Sorry, honey." Monica sighed. "S'ok. I wanna watch a movie now, and you tow have to watch with me." The girl informed them and already went looking for a good video. Chandler trotted over to the couch. "What do you have?" "I want the 'Lion king' or 'the fox and the hound'." Sam told him. "What do you think, Monica?" "Why don't we first watch 'lion king' and then 'the fox and the hound'." "Yeah!" Sam declared happily. She sat on the couch between Chandler and Monica and they watched the movie. The two adults were hardly paying attention but Sam was all excited. Monica at least tried to concentrate. She wanted to do it for her daughter and she also tried to think of times when they had watched it together in the past or how they had bought the videos. The memories wouldn't really come, though. Chandler, on the other hand, was distracted. He smelled some sort of perfume he hadn't smelled on Monica before and it was way too intense for him. It was a wonderful smell, but it kept it from doing anything else. He wondered why he hadn't noticed it before when they had played Monopoly. He really wanted to pay attention to the movie even though it wasn't his genre but Monica's smell wouldn't leave him.

After the two movies, Sam was still in a 'Disney mood'. "I wanna watch some more." "Sam..." "Why not?" Chandler suggested. "I don't mind." Monica eyed him. He apparently didn't want to do anything alone with her, no matter what it was. "See? So what could we watch...?" Sam was looking for a suitable film while monica took the chance to talk to Chandler in private. "We don't have to watch kids movies, you know." "I like Disney." Chandler replied lamely. "Well, you didn't pay that much attention." "Why, did you watch me?" it as supposed to be a joke but Monica blushed. "I did not watch you exactly, just checked on you from time to time, I'd say." Chandler was amused by her revelation. "I did not check you out." She corrected herself. Chandler was even more amused. "Let's just forget it and watch another one of these wonderful movies." Monica said with a sigh. Chandler smiled to himself. Slowly, he realized, it wasn't just a favor for Monica anymore. He liked to be with her.

"Ross, why are you home already?" Rachel was surprised when she entered the apartment, followed by Phoebe. "I left earlier." He simply replied. "I figured, but why?" "What, can't I come home earlier?" Ross seemed to be mad. "Of course, I am happy to see you... I was just wondering." Rachel mumbled. Ross sighed. "I'm sorry, ok? It was a bad day." "It's alright." They hugged. Phoebe glared at them. "If you think about making up now, don't forget me standing right here!" she reminded them. "That won't happen." Ross assured her. He didn't just leave work early. Tobey had showed up. Ross had told him to get lost but he kept asking about Sam and how Monica was now after her accident. Ross had almost lost his temper but he just called security and they led Tobey out. Now Ross was all angry but he was also worried that he might show up at Monica's. For the first time he was glad that Chandler was there for her.

Sam fell asleep when they were at their fifth movie, Bambi. Chandler was finally able to pay attention but now he wasn't so happy about it. He had always cried while watching Bambi. "Are you crying?" Monica asked quietly so she wouldn't wake Sam but also with a little amusement in her voice. "No." Chandler quickly replied. "It's ok to cry." Her voice had suddenly turned very serious and he wasn't sure if she was just talking about the movie. " "Could you put her into bed? I'd do it myself but it is hard with a child in arms and crutches." "Of course." Chandler carefully picked the girl up. She was feather light. He tugged hr in and returned to Monica. "she didn't wake up." He told her. She had already turned off the movie. Chandler looked at hr questioningly. "I couldn't see you cry." She explained with a smile. Chandler sat down again. "How do you feel?" he then asked all of sudden. "What?" "Your leg, your bruises. I've just realized that no one seems to ask you how you fell, just if you remember." "I'm fine. My leg hurts from time to time, but the doctors gave me good medication." They fell silent again. Chandler caught himself thinking about work. His old work. Somehow it made him happy to know he didn't have to go there ever again. Of course, there was still a money problem. He'd have to find a new job, he was aware of that. "Why can't you tell me what you are thinking of?" Monica asked quietly, totally interrupting his thoughts. "I lost my job." He simply told her. He decided it wouldn't harm to tell her. "I am sorry." "Don't be, I am happy." His statement confused Monica. "You are happy to lose your job? Do you swim in money?" Chandler laughed. "No, I'll have to find a new job but I am happy I lost that one. It was horrible. My boss always got me extra hours and sent me away to conferences. I am so glad to be rid of him." "Is it my fault?" she wanted to know. "Please don't consider is it a 'fault', it is more like... I don't know. Just don't blame yourself for anything. Yes, I did work less because I spent time with you but I don't regret a single moment of it, I swear." Chandler looked at her intensely. Monica just stared back with watery eyes. Something in Chandler switched at that moment and he felt a little dizzy. His face, as if a mind of his own, moved towards Monica's face. To his surprise she did the same. Everything happened in slow motion and then their lips finally met. Neither thought about anything because it simply felt right what they did, it was just the wrong person who walked into the apartment.

Ross had decided to just inform Monica it was possible that Tobey might appear on her doorstep. Rachel had agreed. At least if it really happened, she'd be prepared. So he went over. When he opened the door though, he thought he was in the wrong apartment. On the couch were his sister and Chandler kissing like there was no tomorrow. A weird sounding noise escaped Ross' mouth which caused Monica and Chandler to stop kissing. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked in a voice that actually scared Chandler. He wasn't even sure himself what had just happened. It had just overtook him. "It overtook you?" Ross' voice seemed a little high-pitched. Ooops... "Ooops?" Ross was even more angry. Why do I say this all outloud? Chandler wondered. "I am sorry." He finally managed to say for real. Monica kept quiet beside him. "You should be... how do you dare kiss my sister!? I even trusted you!" Chandler wished with all his heart Monica would come to his rescue but she didn't. Sam walked out of her room, though, looking all sleepy. "Why do you yell?" she wanted to know. "And Sam in the next room." Ross said, now more quiet but Chandler could see how angry he was. "I don't know what to tell you." He honestly said and hoped not to get killed for it. "My sister doesn't need this, alright? She has gone through it once and I won't let that happen again, do you hear me?" "Ross, stop that!" Monica suddenly yelled, shocking everybody including herself. Suddenly everything was back. Even the accident she could recollect. "Chandler is not one tiny bit little bit like Tobey. He did not get my pregnant and leave me, he would never yell at me because he had a bad day at work, he would never steal my money to pay debts. Chandler is not Tobey." Monica had to breathe. Ross stared at her. "You remember that?" he was also a little hurt. She nodded. Sam stood at her bedroom door and was quietly sobbing. Chandler went over to her and picked her up. "My daddy was bad." She told him sadly. "No... he couldn't be that bad because he had a part making you." The girl smiled through her tears. "I remember everything." Monica told them. "I remember moving here, I remember giving birth, just everything. Even when Joey won that prize where he ate seven pizzas. It was so disgusting." Monica smiled and even Ross' face softened. "I am sorry. But today Tobey visited me and when I saw you and chandler kissing... something in me just went mad." "It's ok. Like Chandler said, it just overtook us." Ross and Monica hugged. "what did you do?" Sam wanted to know. "Oh, nothing, really." Chandler told her. "Sometimes I just don't get you adults." Sam stated and Chandler smiled.

EPILOGUE A few weeks later, Chandler went with Monica to the hospital for the check ups. Ross had wanted to come but eventually declined. He tried to accept Chandler to the group which was not too easy for him. He was just glad that they didn't make out in front of him all the time. He sure wouldn't be able to stand it. Ross had to admit that Chandler was a good guy. He cared for Monica and for Sam and both seemed to like him a lot, too. Still, Tobey was very vivid in his mind. Deep down he knew Chandler would never be like that, but he had to be careful still. Rachel found a way to distract Ross from caring too much for Monica and Chandler: they started trying for a baby. Rachel and Monica already chatted, without the boys of course, if she and chandler would ever have kids of their own, too. Monica had to admit that she was actually interested. She couldn't tell Chandler yet, not after two weeks relationship. Also, they had agreed to go very slow. But for everybody's sake, Chandler had moved in with Joey. So he was nearer. A job was harder to find though. But Joey could help in that area, too. He just introduced him to one of his writers at his TV show and Chandler got a little job. He had only very little saying in the job but Chandler loved it and was finally happy. To refresh Monica's refound memories, she and Chandler talked a lot. It helped her keep it in mind an it helped him getting to know her better. Everybody was happy except or Tobey who showed up one evening just to see Monica and Sam with another man. No one cared for it, when Chandler and Ross warned him and almost beat him up. Afterwards, the two 'heroes' decided to forget their stupid little 'fight' and become friends. And that's the end of the story.

I couldn't think of a good ending. I just wanted to finish it which I did on my mother's birthday actually (October 16th). Anyway, please leave me a review! Written by Anika