
There was no man in the crane. There must be a trigger to drop the container. Isabel must have it, his choices narrowed. He had planned to shoot her leg or arm to knock her down but that wasn't an option now. He could try talking her down but he might not succeed.

From the corner of his eye he saw the arrow head flutter away until it found the back of Isabel's skull.

The force propelled the unassuming villain forward, folding over in a huge thud in front of Felicity.

"You're welcome" said Helena with a half nod

The Arrow brought down Isabel's man. The muscle only had only enough time to shoot one round before he was pinned to the side of the van.

"Helena" The Arrow breathed out, intense eyes revealing for the first time something she had never seen in him… fear. Not of death but of deep loss, the kind she knew well, the kind you don't recover from.

"There was only darkness inside her, she was going to kill her" said Helena in a cold voice

The Arrow nodded. "Thank you" sincere gratitude shone through his narrowing eyes. He couldn't judge her for crossing the very line he was about to cross. There was no black and white when it came to Felicity, only light and shade.

Felicity had looked away when Isabel's body flew forward. She shielded her eyes in an attempt to avoid being haunted by the devils face.

All she could hear was distant gun fire and grunts.


Her heart beat was loud, and her hands shook as she put all the effort she could into squeezing her eyes shut.

"Felicity, are you ok?" said Oliver now crouched in front of her.

She didn't move so he moved closer.

"Felicity, you are safe" he said gently.

She turned to him wide eyed and breathed a huge sob of relief. His shoulders slumped as he leaned towards her, cupping her face, needing to feel her.

Felicity eyes wondered over his face, the feeling of calm starting to settle upon her. Movement in the darkness caught her eye. Without thought or consideration she placed both hands on his shoulders and pushed him down.

Swinging hard and fast, with all the fear and anger that coarse through her, her fist connected with Isabel's strongman's face.

He had managed to unpin himself from the side of the van, part of the arrow protruding from above his right thigh.

"Ahh" she yelled

The Arrow rolled her over, switching positions looking for the target. A hard palm to the nose knocked the man out cold.

"Oh God I hope you broke his nose because I think he broke my hand" whined Felicity

"Well Miss Smoak, you have been quite busy. Any chance you could take it easy for a while, maybe stay home and read a book? " said Lance

"You mean like a normal girl?" smiled Felicity

"Yes exactly like that"

"That would be my preference too" said Oliver into Felicity's ear piece.

"Can I go home now?" asked Felicity as the plaster technician finished wrapping her fingers in tight splint.

"We have a dead Rochev, her injured man, eight gang bangers from two major crime families and four triad ninja warriors to process. We are going to have a lot of questions."

"I am sure you will. I don't know how much help I will be since I was in the van most of the time." Felicity shrugged with a small smile.

Lance wasn't fooled, amused yes, but not fooled. At any given time Felicity Smoak was more aware of the evils that lurked the street of Starling than anyone, expect maybe her man in the green hood.

Felicity stood up and with her good hand she shook Lances hand. "Thank you, for …for being the person you are."

Lance shook his head, how did this lovely creature of light get caught up in such a dark world?

"Do me a favour and be careful, no heroics…rest ok?" he called out, her blonde ponytail swaying behind her as she left triage.

The familiar sound of her heels clicked their way down the foundry stairs with Diggs heavy pace close behind her.

Oliver, Helena, Roy and Sara silenced as she walked towards them.

Roy was the first to approach her; he pulled her into a hug careful not to hurt her. He didn't say anything but he didn't need to.

Sara cocked her head to the side and zipped up her leather jacket. "I am so glad you are ok" She smiled as she stepped back to go around the table that obstructed her exit.

Felicity wasn't going to let her leave like that, not after coming back to help her fight for her life. She stopped Sara and gave her a big hug. "Thank you Sara, I owe you" said Felicity.

"No, you don't owe me anything, friends don't keep count right?"

"Right" smiled Felicity.

Sara mouthed 'Good bye' to Oliver and made her out into the cold night air. She wasn't to know it was her last goodbye or perhaps she would have stayed longer.

Felicity turned to Helena next. Helena stood there with deadpan eyes. She picked up a small bag and flung it over her shoulder.

"I am not one to overstay my welcome, I'll be off too" she said.

"Helena…" started Felicity

Helena stopped her signalling with her hand for her not to approach any closer.

"I don't know what it is about you Smoak but for whatever reason I am glad you are ok. Try and stay alive, I might need you sometime" she said lifting her nose a little higher as if her words or the moment meant less than nothing to her.

"You know where to find me" said Felicity. There was light inside of Helena, even if she couldn't see it herself. Felicity knew that one day she would be the person she was born to be and not the killer card she was dealt.

Digg knew that his friends needed a few moments alone and with small kiss on the top of Felicity's head he said goodnight and left the foundry.

"Well, we did it" smiled Felicity

"You did it, that whole Felicity Smoak reality show…" he shook his head grinning widely. "You are amazing" he said now standing right in front of her.

"I was scared" she confessed quietly as he placed a stray hair behind her ear that sent a shiver through her body.

"So was I" he whispered near her ear.

Gently lifting her chin he held her gaze for a moment, without wasting a word his eyes said everything that needed to be said. Small tears escaped her eyes as he kissed her. Tears sent from her heart that said 'I am sorry ', that said 'I love you', that's said 'Don't let me go'.

They stood there a while just holding each other, appreciating the quiet and the rare time alone.

They held on tightly appreciating the fleeting calm before the storm.


Thank you all so much for reading my first fanfic! Your encouragement and comments have meant a lot to me and made me smile when I most need to. Thank you guys, you are all amazing. You can find me on Twitter Bianchi_Claudia or at TodayOnMySideOfThePlanet . com :)

PS: I loved writing this so there is sure to be another soon x