That's it guys. I'm sick. Which makes me wonders how was I able to wade through swamps and lived through jungle storm in my line of career. The couple day's been cold. Not that cold, but a little exposure brings me a headache. Maybe it's the fact that I'm glued to my laptop that made me sick. Still, here it is! My next work!

Yes, we have swimsuits. MOAR FANSERVICE INBOUND!


Let's begin this...Ite. My head...

Disclaimer: I do not own TAMNI and the likes...

"A week off?"-Kamijou asked, holding the phone in one hand while cooking with the other.

Next to him, the Majin, Othinus, who is wearing a pink apron and also cooking, turned her head to him.

Kamijou just gave a shrug.

"Oh, hold on."-The boy then put the phone on speakers and set it down, as he needed his other hand and also to let Othinus hear it as well.

"Yeah, I've gotten a break from my usual traveling"-On the line was none other than the hero's father, Kamjou Touya.-"Seriously, that Tabitake..."


"Nevermind. So, this trip's been successful, a bit too successful. And with we all haven't meet since that terror attack on Tokyo, your mom wants to meet you again to make sure that you're fine."

"...It's been months since that."

"Which is why she wants to see you even more!"

At that point, another voice butted in.

"Not just the recent attack, Touma dear. I heard you disappeared during WWIII and only got a notification that you've returned. So, I need to see you in person to make sure!"-Kamijou's mother, Shiina, voice came through.

"I'm...I'm not against it, but I don't know if the school would..."

Othinus tapped his shoulder quietly, earning his attention, then nodded as if saying "I'll take care of it."

"Yeah, I guess that's fine."-Kamijou nodded his thanks.

"Ah, okay then. Oh, by the way, Otohime is coming too you know!"

"...S...She is?"

"Yeah, she heard it and asked to come again."

"She...heard it?"

"Yeah, I told her. You two are great in the past, so no trouble there, right?"

"...Well, it's not a worry to begin with."-Kamijou gave a small smile although his parents can't see it.

"So, now that's cleared, let's switch subject."-His father said with his usual outgoing attitude.

"Like what?"

"Like, did you get yourself a girl or two?"

"Ghbh?!"-If Kamijou was drinking something, he would've spat it out by now.

"Is that a yes? I'll take that as a yes. You hear that dear?! Our son has gotten someone!"-Touya quickly annouced it to his wife next to him.

"I haven't answered it yet!"-Kamijou yelled through the phone.-"And why 'or two'?!"

"Ara, but you didn't denied it."-Shiina was quick to pick up.

"G-gah?! I..."-He looked over to Othinus.

It scares him.

Othinus was suddenly going dere-dere. She unknowingly struck a shy pose, averting her eye from him, and a blush visible on her cheek.

Regardless, she gave him a nod.

"Well...if...if we count Valentine and all that...I guess it's safe to say so..."-Kamijou's voice was small in volume.

The sound of a short cheer and even a highfive could be heard from the other line of the phone.

"...?"-Kamijou and Othinus has a mirrored confuse face.

"Anyway, who's the lucky girl?"-The word "lucky" hit both Touma and Othinus hard.-"No wait, I think I know who she is!"

Kamijou was about to gave a reply, though suddenly the line went blank.

The "couple" that is currently cooking stared at the phone then to each other, like wondering what the hell that was about.

Regardless, food won't cook itself, and as the nun complaining in sync with her grumbling stomach, Kamijou and Othinus got back to their respective side of the kitchen.

After a good 15 minutes later...

Kamijou's phone rang again.

"God, both my hands are"

"I'll get it."-The Magic God grabbed the phone and press answer."Hel-"

"IDIOT! ! ! ! ! !"-Even without being on speaker, the voice was still projecting as loud as a boat horn.

Both Kamijou and Othinus winced at that.

"Biri biri?!"

Without another word said, Othinus hung up.

The couple just stare at each other for a brief moment before acted like nothing has happened and continue with making dinner.

Sure enough, the phone rang again.

"Your hands are free now. Answer it."

"No, I would chop off my hand before that."

"Let me help you then. I'm sure chopping you like I did in the Phases isn't that hard even without a lance."

"It's a sensitive matter between the two of us, you know."

"And I'm senseless."

Kamijou gave up.

He grabbed the phone, and answer the call, keeping the phone as far from him as possible.

Seems like that super volume roar wasn't there anymore, so Kamijou brought it closer.

"...about?!"-Was all he catched.

"Sorry, Biribiri. What were you saying?"

"What?! It took me enough breaths to say it once now I have to say it again?!"

"In protection of my eardrums, I have to keep the phone away! Heck, Index is...Hold it Index-hime! This Kamijou-san have nothing to do with that loud YYYYEEEELLLLL! ! ! !"-A sound of biting and collapsing can be heard from Mikoto's phone.

While taking the biting attack, Kamijou pressed the speaker button.

"A-a-anyway, mama just called. She said something with you!"


"Expected."-Othinus nodded slightly. She wasn't even trying to help the unfortuned boy squirming in pain.

"S-she also said something about going to a b-beach? What does that..."


"...I...I already decided. I...Wait, you are charging head first into some sort of trouble again, aren't you?!"

"What?! No! This Kamijou-san is not doing anything dangerous!"

"You usually add '-san' when you are denying to have done anything dangerous, Touma."-Othinus voiced.

"Ah-hah! So you are doing dangerous things!"-Mikoto voice is filled with triump.

"I'm not! All I'm doing is cooking for In...dex..."-Kamijou trailed off, as he looked up and got a nice view under Othinus's skirt.

The next word he uttered sealed his fate.

"... ... ... ... ...Lace?"

"...Yes. Lace."-With that, Othinus opened the drawer.

"! ! ! I'm sorry! I didn't meant that! I'll accept any punishment but at least get Index off of me, will you? I-Wait what are you doing?! Why are you grabbing that thick rope?! Heck, where did you even got-WORST! Wait wait Othinus-san! I wasn't trying to...!"

"It's futile to resist, human."

With that, the line went dead again.

"? ? ? That idiot...? What does that even...? Eek! Wh-what about that beach invitation?! What do I do? If he's just relaxing there way am I going to come! B-but...but...but...i-if...if he was out doing dangerous thing...again...then...then I-I have n-no c-c-choice! IF! I-If it happens! Right! No choice!"-Mikoto was wondering aloud with a red face, her Gekota phone in hand.

To anyone who was standing near her, it wasn't very convincing.

Turns out, after Othinus restrained him in a kneeling position, her ultimate goal was...

"Okay, Touma. Say Ahn~" was devoid of any emotion.


"What's wrong?"

"You should see WORST less often."

"What? We just chat about normal girl stuff. Nothing to it."-The Magic God said, chopsticks still raised in Kamijou's face.


"Well, we have little time to prepare. So why don't we go out to buy swimsuits for me tonight?"

Kamijou opened his mouth to answer, however, Othinus stuck the rice-filled chopstick into his mouth before he could.

"Ow"-Kamijou was slightly surprised at that, but he took it in and swallowed it regardless-"Can't you go by yourself? It's not that..."

"Leivinia texted."

"?! She texted you?!"

"Yeah, she was saying something about revenge and 'bring Kamijou Touma to that 50% less skin covered swimsuit shop'. Oh that's nice. Let's do that!"


"I take it your experience there was rather traumatic. So, in order to cure it, you are coming with me."

"Please don't use that sort of logic on this unfortunate Kamijou-san!"-Kamijou yelled with anime tears down his face.

"Why are you being so cautious? It's not like you haven't seen everything."-Othinus recalled.

"I would still try to avoid it, thank you."

"That leaves me no choice. I'm going to keep you tied up like this and drag you there."

"There is a third choice! Why is it that you insist on tormenting me with that god-like beauty of yours?!"

Silence hung.

Index was glancing back and forth at the two other individual, eating food like she is eating popcorn when watching the confession scene of a romantic movie.

Kamijou has a clueless face. Did-did he hit a landmine?!

'Oh dear lord...'-Then it dawned.

Othinus is once again starring blankly at him. No, maybe she's...blushing? And her mouth is slightly agape.

'I know that look! That's the one she gave me back on Sargasso! In that bedroom!'


"Funya."-Was all she gave.

"Gah?! That's not an answer! It's the same with Biribiri!"

"Nothing."-She snapped out of it and force another chopstick full of rice into his mouth.

"Ah?!"-Kamijou swallowed it-"I appreciate that you are feeding me, but please let me tal-Awo?"-Another chopstick, this time was meat, is forced in.

With that, as much as Kamijou wanted to continue the conversation, he has no choice but to let that goddess feed him.

He made it sound like it's a bad thing.

...Okay, it might be bad.

After the meal, Othinus was planning to use door number 2 (drag Kamijou along the dirt while keeping him tied up and head for the mall to buy swimsuits) But Kamijou chooses door number 1 (walk with her). He would try to convince the Magic God to switch to door number 3 (let him stay) but that would lead to door number 2.

And thus, Kamijou Touma, hero of WWIII, Savior of nearly 10000 clones, is drag out to buy swimsuits with Magic God Othinus.

To say he was crying anime tears was true to every last bit.

First chapter! Please leave reviews for me! It gives me an outside view of how people saw my work!

Thank you.
