"How cute, I always knew those two would end up together" DeathStroke chuckled as he pulled his Eye away from the scope on his rifle. "Well I guess killing him is going

to be a lot more fun knowing that his poor darling is going to be a widow". DeathStroke took a deep breath and cleared his mind of all the possible ways he wanted to kill

Oliver and focused on the task at hand. He heard an alert come from his codec, it was his employer that so desperately wanted Oliver Queen dead setting up a face to

face meeting. Slade starred off into the distance listing to the sounds of a busy city, breathing in the cool winter breeze that hit his helmet. At moments like these he took

the time to think about the two people in the world he cared about. His son, he thought about all the memories he had of him there weren't too many but the few he had

he cherished them, and Shado…..his beautiful Shado she was ripped from his life to soon, Slade never had feelings for any woman until she came along. When he

watched Oliver make his move on her it took every piece of fiber of his existence not to decapitate him right then and there for touching her he didn't love her, hell he

didn't eve care about her. Slade snapped out of his trance to another alert coming from his codec, the meet up was a few blocks from his location. He stood up and got a

running head start before he jumped to the building next to him. For the next few minutes were spent free running from building to building until he reached his

destination. With his eagle like eyes he scouted the area a few minutes just to make sure it wasn't a trap. That's when noticed his client a perky little blond who looked

out of place, he jumped behind her silently and said. "You look really out of place sweetheart, you must also be the one depositing money into my bank account". "Uh…

um". "My god you're an amateur haha that is rich". "Yeah... uh sorry this is my first time dealing with…" "Assassin"? "Yes that's the word". He could tell she wasn't lying,

she was green as grass. Why would she possibly want Oliver Queen dead? "Well, I think we should keep this to a first name basis my name is Felicity and you are"? "Just

call me DeathStroke". "Ok Mr. Stroke, I mean Death….ugh I mean…" "Spit it out you halfwit"! "Right sorry. My client would like Mr. Queen terminated no less than

tomorrow night, I just deposited another 20k into your offshore account". "Alrighty then", as Slade started to walk off felicity shouted" hey! Don't you wanna know who

you're working for"? "Nope that's not how I work. And just like that he was gone leaving her to shiver in the cold with a look of confusion on her face.