Swim Lesson

Chapter 1

Nico was sitting on the beach, watching the waves, his arms around his knees. "Hey, Nico." said a voice and he looked up to see Percy Jackson walking toward him. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "You were gone and left everyone worried."

"Sorry, I got called away…to Dad's." Nico said, blushing and looking away. "And I like watching the waves."

"Did things…go well?" Percy asked hesitantly.

Nico shrugged. "I guess."

Percy gave him a skeptical look. "What happened?"

"Nothing really, just dealing with dead people and my dad's flower-crazed wife."

"The usual?"

Nico smiled slightly and nodded.

"So you like to stay here by yourself watching the sea?" Percy asked, his arms folded.

"Hum, yeah?" Nico said unsure, watching him.

Percy smiled a little and plopped himself down next to Nico. "Maybe I can change the 'alone' part." He said, laying down with his arms behind his head. "Feels like home." He said, softly. "What does it remind you of?"

"Uh, nothing." Nico said looking away.

"Oh, come on!" said Percy, pushing himself up on his elbows. "It must remind you of something."

"Um, maybe…your mom's blue chocolate cake." Nico said.

"See, that's something." Percy said, smiling and stared at the fading rays of the setting sun. He sat up and stretched his arms above his head. "Well, I'm going swimming. Care to join?"

Nico blushed again. "Uh, I can't swim."

"Really?" Percy stared at him in shock. "but, you're sixteen and—"

"It's not my fault." Nico snapped. "Mom never had time to teach me…or Bianca…"

Percy stared at him for a moment. "What?" Nico asked. Percy got to his feet as Nico watched him.

"Get up…" he said.

"Why?" asked Nico.

"…and take off your clothes."


Percy pulled his shirt over his head. Nico's cheeks blazed scarlet. "What the hell are you doing?!" he asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Percy said. "I'm going to teach you how to swim."

"Um…no thanks." Nico said.

"Move. Butt. Now." Percy said, offering his hand to help him up. "Come on, it'll be fun." Nico hesitated. "Quickly or I'll have to carry you." Percy threatened. The younger boy blushed and bit his lip. "Are you considering that opition?"

"What?! Don't be stupid. I'm coming…" Nico took Percy's hand and let the sea prince pull him to his feet. Percy studied his face for a moment then started to pull off his jeans. Nico bit his lip and blushed again.

"Come on, Nico. Shirt off. Pants too if you don't want them wet." Percy said. Nico's cheeks remained scarlet as he pulled off his shirt and slid out of his jeans.

"You'll probably drown us." Nico said.

Percy laughed. "While you're with me that can't happen."

"I don't know if your seaweed brain is capable of such a task." Nico said, grinning.

"I'm Poseidon's son! And if you're doubting me so much let's find out who's right. You're lucky to have me." Percy said. "No one else at camp will show you." He leaned really close to Nico and whispered in his ear. "In case you didn't notice, you're not that popular."

Nico frowned and looked away. "Yeah, I didn't notice strangely enough."

"Well," Percy patted Nico on the back. "I know how it feels." Nico nodded and moved away slightly. Percy's bareness was making him nervous.

"So, swimming…" Percy frowned. "It has occurred to me that I'm probably not the best teacher for this, I mean…I don't really swim. I tell the water to move me." Percy rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly then looked at Nico. "Why is your face so red? Did you get sunburned or something?"

"No," Nico said, going a deeper shade of red. "You're…I mean, I'm nervous."

"Aww." Percy pulled Nico into a headlock and ruffled his hair. "Is the Ghost Princess scared? A little water won't kill you."

"It's Ghost King." Nico said, blushing and trying to pull away. "And I'm more afraid of your ugly face."

Percy laughed and released him. "Wanna race hippocampi?"

"Percy, I can't swim. What if I fall off?" Nico asked.

Percy shrugged. "I'll save you."

Nico scowled. "I don't like being saved. I'm not a Disney princess."

"Oh, come on, Neeks. Don't be a downer." Percy turned toward the ocean and let out a long whistle. Two hippocampi reared their heads out of the water. Nico laughed. "Will they let me ride them? Most animals don't like me."

"I'll tell them you're a friend." Percy leaned closer. "By the way, I've heard smiling makes people way more attractive than glaring at the ground. Just saying." Percy leaned back with a smile plastered on his face. Suddenly, he yanked Nico into his arms and began to carry him out deeper into the water toward the horses. Nico cried out in surprise and grabbed Percy around the neck, trying to ignore the fact that they were both practically naked. Percy set Nico down carefully on the purple hippocampus.

"This is Drosia. Your sunburn is showing again." Percy said, referring to Nico's bright red cheeks. Nico bit his lip, his blush deepening. He ran his hand over Drosia's neck.

"Race you to the straight?" Percy said, climbing on Avra, the other hippocampus who scales were a pale blue.

"OK," Nico said nervously.

Percy turned the hippocampus around. "Ready, Sunburn?"

Nico scowled. "Don't call me that!"

Percy smiled, loving how he could get under Nico's skin. "Remember what I said about smiling, Sunburn." He smirked. "Ready? Set? GO!" The two hippocampi surged forward. Nico cried out and held on tight as Drosia chased after Percy and Avra. Percy laughed, raising his hands in the air with a shout of joy. "Better speed up, Sunburn, or you'll lose!" He shouted back to the Ghost King.

Nico scowled and leaned over Drosia's neck. "Come on, girl. We can't let that sexy dimwit beat us." Drosia whinnied in agreement and sped forward, gaining on Avra, but they were still far ahead. Percy smirked when he made it to the straight first, making a sharp turn and accidently running into Drosia who he thought was farther behind. Drosia reared in anger and Nico cried out as he slipped off her slick back. "Percy!"

Percy's eyes widened and he dove off Avra's back into the water below, searching for Nico. Nico sank through the water, struggling to fight his way to the surface. A stream of bubbles left his mouth and his vision started to darken, the great weight of the ocean pressing all around him.