My heart felt thanks for the amazing reviews and feedback dear friends, I'm deeply touched! Gratitude for your patience too. I know it's been a long wait since the last chapter. This is the last update of the story, as drawn out and lengthy as my muse could conjure. Not easy to do now my life is upside down. Plans of moving to a place off the grid in a new country will do that. Yet even with all the real life adventure, a new C&K story has taken my muse prisoner already. But first, enjoy the last stretch of the Italian, sorta-kinda-honeymoon-holiday with our ladies!

ps. Got me a bad case of S03 countdown shivers.

"If she's not gay she's at least bisexual."

"You are kidding me, right?!" Hurrying back to their severely ransacked bed from the toilet, Caroline voiced her surprise at Kate's statement. Burrowing between the outstretched arms of the younger woman she nestled herself, waiting for an answer.

"No, nope, I'm not kidding. From what you've told me, Gillian has probably never been to bed with a man sober since being deflowered, and I even doubt she got through that uninebriated. Now why is that, you think?" Opening her arms, Kate giggled at the pair of bewildered, blinking blue eyes closing in on her and missing the hand speeding towards her legs.

"Wind-up merchant." Slapping Kate across a thigh teasingly, Caroline turned her head to capture her lover's lips, smothering the cute yelp with a slow yet demanding kiss. A kiss that begged for more. Turning around fully, Caroline moaned as her cool skin connected to the warm body underneath her. After a fun photo shoot at the statue of Bruno, she'd had Kate twisted around her fingers and tongue all evening, keeping her wound up and wanting for release. Then making her come more times than she could remember and was now quite determined to pick up where she'd left off.

"My turn, Elliot. God I want you." Kate hissed grabbing instantly feisty hands, pinning them behind the blonde's back, making the roll over easier. Straddling a pair of bucking hips she raised herself over the writhing Doctor, settling them on the bed with her weight.

"Oh, a new trick, ought to remember that one." Caroline grunted and grimaced, struggling against Kate's strong grasp on her wrists. Giving up as soon as a pair of hungry lips made her left nipple stand to attention. "Christ up a Cherry tree, Kate, that's not fair."

Kate let go as soon as she felt the blonde's body slacken, showering her lover's fleshy frame with warm, wet open mouthed kisses. Her hands not far behind, drawing erratic patterns all over a quivering torso.

Knowing she could overpower the bronze beauty, now completely focussed on trailing her way up her neck, easily, Caroline decided to let Kate have her way. Her mind was momentarily distracted by words like deflowered and cherry anyway. "What was your first time with a woman like, Kate?" Caroline inquired tentatively, revisiting a nagging curiosity.

Lifting her head, Kate smiled wantonly. "I've already told you, haven't I."

"Well, you told me who, but not how, how it was. You know all about my first. You were there so it's only fair thah..." Biting on her lower lip the Doctor moaned as two fingers slid between her slippery folds, resting either side of her swollen clit.

"Why Dr. Elliot, are you asking me to kiss and tell?" Leaning on one hand, hovering above Caroline's face, her lips curled up into a cheeky, challenging smile.

"Uhm" The two fingers increased pressure on her throbbing bud, making the blonde's breath catch as she reconsidered, "ok, maybe not."

"I'd show you but we'd need a horse." Kate buried her face in Caroline's neck, resuming the meticulous assault on her lover's body, waiting for her words to sink in.

"But, I, you, we'd need a... what?" High pitched disbelief rang around the room.

"A horse." Kate deadpanned and stopped what she was doing, her eyes resting on Caroline's screwed up nose. Feeling the ripples of laughter rise in the blonde's body, she sat up straight, hands resting on her own hips. "What?"

"A fucking horse, Kate?" Flat, daring.

"Well, it was more like being fucked on a horse, Elliot." Giggling.

"Look, I understand if you want to keep the experience to yourself. A horse... pull the other leg Mackenzie!"

Tying her braids up, Kate stretched her back, her eyes resting on her lover's un amused expression. "The next time I'm on Skype with Shannon, join us so she can tell you exactly what she did to me, on the back of her Hannoveraner. Now there's a natural bard, our Shey is. If you still want to find out that is." The mischief and a thick Yorkshire accent riding hard on her words as she took the tease a little further.

"Shey?" Caroline's voice rising an octave as the giggles followed.

"It's her bards name. Short for Shannon Grey, pronounced as shay. Anyhow, I'm dying to introduce you to her, Caroline. You two nerds should get on a treat." The confident tone drew a warm smile from her lover. "I'd so love it of you were to become friends."

Trailing the back of her hands up Kate's sides lightly as she sat up, the Doctor purred. "Can't wait sweetheart! But it'll have to because said nerd is stuck under your mind blowing hot, naked, body. Are you going to use that magnificent thing on me now or what?" Grabbing hold of Kate's thighs firmly, Caroline reversed positions, flipping them over with all her strength.

Not giving up on the controle so easily, Kate took a deep breath, sitting up, flush against the Doctor, taking her lips. Her right hand sneaking between the blonde's legs, she entered Caroline's slick centre forcefully, eliciting a feral cry that made her shudder close to climax. Inhaling the sent of her lover deeply, she whispered in Caroline's ear huskily, "You on top works just as fine, Elliot. I'm going to make you feel good all over, all night." The fresh release of hot cream over her fingers gave away just how turned on Caroline was despite her effort earlier to appear calm and collected. The fact that blue eyes glazed over and her lids trembled told her even more. "Come for me, Caroline."

When Kate took her this deeply, there was no other outcome possible than a hard, fast and seriously bone rattling orgasm. Caroline wrapped her arms around Kate's strong shoulders and surrendered to the hot, electric tendrils passing through her body, shaking against taut bronzed muscles and tendons holding her upright. Impaling herself on her lover's fingers, the blonde let out a low moan as the next orgasm hit her.

Kate weaved her fingers into her lover's hair and pulled her head back far enough to catch the older woman's mouth, devouring her hot breath and desperate moans as she came hard. Her own muscles contracting along in sympathy with the fiery release.

Moving from the bed to the luxury bathroom, what started out as an innocent bubble bath with champagne, turned into another mind expanding adventure. Caroline recognised the smouldering look of a mind hatching a deviously sexy plan, giving in to the directive devotion of her creative lover. Knowing that was all there was to it to make it breath taking, enchanting and safe; loving surrender. There had never been anyone in her life that able to mirror her own resistance so elegantly, so daringly and with such integrity that it led to freedom, it made her crave for new fields of release, to let her heart soar. Trapped between the slippery tub and Kate's body, Caroline sped towards another orgasm. Fast fingers drew her close to the edge, holding her there, balancing, a fragile equilibrium.

Evading her lovers hungry mouth, Kate slowly eased the pressure, drawing the blonde's awareness back to the now, breathing deeply. Caroline's strong, almost desperate grip on her hips filled her with delight and determination. Electric blue eyes opened hitting her square in the heart. "You're so beautiful, Caroline. I want to see all of you when you come. Sit on the edge of the bath."

Caroline stretched her legs, pushing herself up on the wide comfortable ledge of the spacious bathtub. Gasping with no time to think, Kate dove between her legs, lapping at her needy core. Shivering she spied the dark beauty grab the hand held douche, adding the hard spray to the maddening sensations already going on down below. Clutching tight at the mess of braids spread out over her lap with one hand, the Doctor spread her legs, opening up as wide as she could, cursing to the heavens how good it felt.

Feeling her lover spread out more, Kate lifted her face, opening her eyes, following the traction of Caroline's strong beckoning gaze. The heady and sacred connection stirring the dance to the next level. Caroline's deep, throaty voice made her skin tingle and her nerves flutter. Licking and nibbling and biting at the taught leg that lay across her shoulder, Kate moved up along that invisible cord on her way to the other pair of soft quivering lips. Kissing the blonde fiercely, she entered her gently with two fingers, curling them up against soft, warm and wet spongy tissue. Circling and jabbing that one ridge she knew made Caroline's vocal abilities mute, she braced herself, holding onto her lover securely.

The familiar bubble of fazed out senses and slackened muscles, the plateau before the final climb descended on her. Caroline sucked in air, allowing the release of all tension, easing into the ascent and mind blowing sensations Kate caused with the shower head. Pulling her lover closer to her face the blonde whispered hard, "Please."

"Please what, Elliot?" Voice cracked, eyes trained on swollen lips.

"I want, oh shit..." The slight shift in Kate's position caused a particularly wonderful wave of white heat all over her body, making it hard and redundant to say what she needed.

"Speak to me, Elliot. What can I do for you? Hmm?" Blowing cool air into her lover's flushed, pink face, she was rewarded with a sexy pair of eyes hanging on her every word and a laugh that died in a strangled cry.

She had no idea what Kate was doing to her but it was driving her into a delirium of a whole new level. Observing her body from a distance, she saw her legs start to shake and her head loll back against the black and white tiles. The sudden urge to pee dragged her back into her body and she instinctively tried to pull back from the source of the pressure. Kate's arm around her waist prevented that. Yelping her despair, she sat up seeking eye contact with the younger woman.

"Welcome back, Elliot." Gentle, loving.

"Please, Kah, stoh, oh God, I'm, I need to..."

"Shh, it's alright. I've got you, Caroline." Leaning her forehead against her lover, Kate whispered," I'm going to make you come like a fountain. Let go, sweetheart. I've got you, it's ok." Capturing her lips, Kate sealed her promise tenderly and started to draw circles over the spongy ridge firmly, rhythmically and with all the love she felt for the beautiful woman, surrendering to her knowing hands. Kate dropped the shower head and lowered herself, sliding into the hot, lavender scented bathwater. Adding her tongue and lips to the precision work she performed between her lover's legs, Kate felt tears stinging behind her eyes, knowing what this level of trust meant to her Caroline. Speeding up the pace of her fingers, she jabbed hard and fast, hearing the Doctor's juices create that distinctive sound of a woman about to ejaculate. Hearing the beautiful feedback, the steady heart beat, rapid breathing and cute little whimpers and tremors building; her body's harmonics, singing like a perfectly tuned instrument to Kate's loving orchestration.

Floating on a sea of stars, her muscles convulsed and shocked like eb and flow but felt heavy, grounded all the same. Her sight blacked out for who knows how long, returning to her as flashes of more colours than she could name dominated her vision. Kate's voice was clear, close by and anchored her soul as everything she thought she knew and was blew apart and imploded back into her body during the longest, deepest orgasm she'd ever experienced. The warm spray of liquid she felt expel from her centre quite forcefully, caught by a pair of dark lips was accompanied by deep cleansing, freeing sobs from her own mouth. The surrender to it all was completely. It took ages for her body to stop shuddering but safe in the arms of Kate, she was where she wanted to be the most, where she knew home to be.

Waking as a ray of sun slid over her face in a room that looked as if a bomb had gone off, Kate had to chuckle. Beside her in their equally wrecked bed lay her lover, deeply asleep, curled up like a cat, hands tucked under her chin. A sigh of contentment escaped her as she lay back down on her side, gazing at Caroline's fully relaxed features. A sharp shiver ran up and down her spine as images from the day and night before played on her mind. Closing her eyes, Kate slid a hand down between her legs, knowing she'd be soaked already, again and groaned softly. Not able to resist, she pleasured herself lazily, breathing deeply, keeping her muscles relaxed. Opening her eyes to a thoroughly scrunched up but vacant pillow a new wave of adrenaline rushed through her veins. A husky, "Caroline, where are..." passed her lips just before a warm, wet, teasing tongue pushed away the finger circling her clitoris. Giving her an unexpected indication as to where the Doctor had gotten to. Crunching her abs, Kate curled up, searching for eye contact.

Caroline latched onto her lover's pussy, holding bucking hips down as she lifted her eyes, knowing Kate needed her. Feeling the orgasm wracking through her lover's athletic body, she held her gaze as wave after orgasmic wave connected them in the act of lazy morning love making.

"How are we going to manage keeping our hands off each other when all winds down back to normal at home, I wonder?" Caroline asked no one in particular, eliciting something between laughter and moans of pain from Kate. Stretching her legs she lay down beside Kate, spooning her from behind. "I'm going to have trouble walking as it is today."

"Have you ever considered a career change, Caroline? I think you'd do mighty well at stand-up." Kate reached back, stroking the blonde's thigh, giggling. "But seriously, are you a little tender down there." She enquired as she cupped her lover's trimmed ginger patch gently with her hand.

"You did make me squirt three, no five times, not counting the other orgasms, so some tenderness is to be expected, right." Capturing her lover's lips as the younger woman turned her head she reassured Kate it wasn't a problem. "I love you Katherine Mackenzie."

As the suns morning rays crept across the bed, they lay in each other's arms attached at the lips, silent except for the occasional happy laugh or deeply contented sigh.

The Corso, the famous high end fashion area in Rome held their attention only for a short while. Neither of them had much of an interest but observing those that did like the glamour and worked at being the next "ít girl or boy" had an alluring humour about it.

Enjoying a break after their shopping spree for gifts to take home, Caroline laughed heartily. "I think that's me done. Just keep the coffee and cold water coming." Sliding off her high heals, the Doctor rubbed her aching feet soothingly, closing her eyes.

"A large iced tea with extra mint will do me fine in this heat." Wiping her brow with a napkin, the shade of the parasol brought relief from the bleaching sunlight. Kate gave their order to the pretty waitress that spotted their arrival at the busy sidewalk cafe. She leaned back in her chair, dropping the bags in the seat beside her. "Did you find everything on your list?"

"Let me see." Caroline kept her eyes closed as she summed up the mornings purchases. "The works of Ovid for William. A replica sword for Lawrence, metal this time. God save us. A bag and driving gloves for mum, with a matching pair for Alan and their new hot rod. Posh table linens and a calendar with naked Romans for Gillian, oh and that smashing choker with the butterfly trapped in amber for you. I'd say that's a yes. Check!" Opening her eyes, her heart melted at the sight of Kate's wide grin.

Loving how easily and most of the time unintentionally, Caroline made her lose it, describing the simplest things in her own special, funny way, Kate giggled. Stretching a leg under their table onto Caroline's lap she said, "You make my heart sing, Elliot." Plonking a large bag on the table, Kate created cover as Caroline gently placed Kate's leg on her chair and slid over to the empty one between them. She kissed the languages teacher slowly, thoroughly, hungrily before slinking back to her seat at the sound of the waitress scraping her throat subtly.

The young woman pointed at the bag hoping one of the slightly dazed women would move it. Caroline obliged blushing wildly. Crisply dressed in custom black and whites, the girl couldn't help cracking a smile. Leaning into Kate she spoke softly, with a heavy Italian accent, "You are a beautiful couple, Signora. Enjoy your drinks. Let me know if you need anything else." Placing their order on the small table, the brunette turned and left them to their business.

"Well... that was..." Hiding an impossibly wide grin behind her hand Caroline left her remark unfinished.

"Very professional!" Kate exclaimed, reaching over the table to pull away the hand covering her lover's brilliant smile, holding it for a moment.

"Hmm, yes. I love you to bits, sweetheart. But now I have to spend a moment of quality time with this scrumptious cappuccino and it's delectable foam calling my name, Kate darling.

"Sure." Kate had to put down her chilled glass of mint iced tea as the giggles took over several times. "How you can stomach that stuff, even on a hot day like today, amazes me."

"I'm a barista's dream." Caroline peered over the rim of her cup, licking the foam off her lips slowly, seductively. Swiping a finger along the rim of the cup, the blonde managed to get all of it into her mouth.

Kate's jaw dropped as she watched the blonde devour her favourite beverage down to the last drop.

Placing the china cup on it's saucer gently, Caroline returned her lover's hazy stare. "What would you like to do now, Kate?"

"We've passed it so many times this week, I'd love to take a look at the inside of Castel St. Angelo. We'll be out of the harshest heat of the afternoon and there's an adjourning garden we can take a stroll through afterwards." Kate looked up from her well worn copy of the Lonely Planet guide to Rome. "In all my travels to the Eternal City, I've never been there."

"Show me the way, love." Caroline signalled the waitress, getting up briskly, her heals dangling in one hand.

Approaching the huge conical castle, originally the Mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian and his family, from the Ponte Angelo covered in its many baroque statues of Angels, Kate shared what she'd read about the once tallest building in Rome. "Legend has it that the Archangel Gabriel appeared on top of the Mausoleum and ended the black plague in 590 A.D. giving the castle it's new name. Many Popes used it as a safe place to hide when Rome was under attack. There's a covered corridor straight to the castle from the Vatican. All manner of dark dealings went on in it's dungeons and catacombs. Spooky indeed. Let's go in and find out." Kate skipped like a schoolgirl. She loved this type of excursion. Holding Caroline's hand they entered the dark and thrilling world of Roman history. A world of divide and conquer, of sin and salvation, of fiction and somewhat questionable facts presented throughout the museum. Kate felt very lucky to have her personal guide present. Enchanted as she was by the Doctor's in-depth knowledge of Classical and Renaissance Rome, Caroline was uncharacteristically quiet and lost in thought through most of the museum. They made short of the darkest history and prison stories, not needing to reminisce on torture techniques. The catacombs were fascinating though, and showed the layers of the old city under the new.

Particularly struck by the enormous marble figure of Archangel Michael lifting his sword in the centre of the larger than life building, they sat for a while, silently, taking in the perfectly lit statue. Kate mostly staring at her stunning girlfriend, who sat gazing off into space with a small smile gracing her lips, easily rivalling the most celebrated statues she reckoned.

A low, well spoken British accent pleasantly interrupted their moment of repose. A bearded, burly tour guide wearing a bolder hat gathered his group around a glass showcase to the side of the statue.

"As we come to the end of the tour, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to leave you with five incredible facts most people don't know about the Romans to ponder." The buzzing crowd quieted down. "The harsh summers in the city gave rise to all manor of problems concerning public health. They invented shopping malls and public toilets with plumming. Men were given tax breaks if they used public restrooms. Urine was used as medicine and as a bleach to wash their white tunics and linens. Men and women wore amulets with large phalluses for good luck and good health. Drinking the blood of a Gladiator was another medical practise. Yes, I can hear you thinking, the Romans were simultaneously ahead of their game as well as utterly insane. Very true. Last but not least. Left handed people have gotten a bad rap all through history. In Africa it's a bad omen to point with or use your left hand. Christians say the devil sits to the left of God and angels to the right. The Romans had their own version of superstition concerning lefties." Pausing for dramatic effect, he pointed at the painting of a left handed demon in the corner, "The word sinister actually comes from the original Latin word for left, so left handed men and women were deemed untrustworthy or sinister. Interestingly enough, left handed Gladiators were revered as demigods. Modern research how ever has shown us, that left handed people are very creative and sensitive. They have held high innovative positions throughout history all over the world. I thank you for your attention ladies and gentlemen. A token of your appreciation is very welcome. Have a wonderful stay in the Eternal City. It was a pleasure being your guide. "

An enthusiastic applause rose from the crowd of tourists and Caroline and Kate made their escape to the gardens around the castle.

"So, I should be well careful around you, Elliot." Kate teased, grasping Caroline's left hand, kissing the back softly.

"Oh I think you know exactly what I can get up to with this naughty left hand of mine." Caroline whispered into Kate's ear, noticing they were almost alone in the shady garden of Parco Angelo. When the couple strolling the other way was out of sight, the head teacher cornered Kate up against an old sycamore tree, kissing her ardently.

"You bet I do!" Kate gasped as her back connected with the tree's wide trunk, returning the kiss passionately. "And I'd love to see your handy lefty work with, erm, some out of this world chocolate and lemon gelato, and, oh, let's say, using my body as..."

Tugging Kate by the hand, Caroline knew exactly where her girlfriends wonderful mind was heading and strutted determinedly towards the exit of the exquisid garden, searching for the nearest parlor. She hadn't been able to keep her mind focussed on anything but her experience of last night and was relieved to get out of the sun.

A short taxi ride had them back at the hotel long before melting point, both for the ice cream and their impatient desire to be alone.

Apon entering their room, Kate stood still, struck by how tidy it was compared to the decadent mess they left behind this morning.

"Blimey! Remind me to tip the maide propperly before we leave." The pleasant surprise evident in her voice, Caroline, entered their suite, neatly piling their bags and boxes on the vacant table by the window. All except one small packadge. She placed that on the nightstand beside the bed, a mischief's grin plastered on her face.

Climbing onto the bed, beckoning her lover with her index finger, Kate sat on her knees. Her tie-dye tank top was the first item to recieve flying lessons, followed by her shorts and sandles. Her underwear dissapeared soon after.

A white lacy blouse and beige chino's were left piled on the carpet beside her lavender brazier and thong. The beige heals stayed on as Caroline kneeled in front of Kate on the freshly made bed, placing delicate kisses in a circle around her belly button. "Look what you do to me. I need to have you, Kate, can't stop thinking about last night, you, what you did, it's driving me crazy for you I can almost taste you."

Folding her arms around her lover's head as hot, soft lips traced a path up her body, Kate released a shivery breath. "You've got me, take me."

Smiling she lowered Kate down onto the bed. Barely opening her mouth, she kissed her lover, teasing and flicking with the tip of her tongue, resisiting the urge to pounce and devour. Genteling and slowling her movements down till she felt Kate sigh deeply and surrender, melting into the tenderness.

The starck contrast between her heated skin and the cold ice cream made her skin tingle and goose bumps rose from head to toe. The warm hand spreading the melting substance out over her breasts, the hot tongue licking, almost rasping the milky liquid off her like a cat's tongue, made her squirm and squeal.

Caroline sucked and licked every inch of the delicious gelato off an even more fabulous body reverently. Moulding her mouth around the soft, sweet and chocolaty breasts of a woman, trying to escape and get closer to the sensual torture, at the same time, was quite a feat. The Doctor managed a bit easier by slipping thigh against the raven beauty's dark, drenched patch.

The soft and sensual, multi sensory assault made her mind go blank and her eyes snap shut. Caroline fed her ice cream from her mouth and kissed her so tenderly she cried silent tears of joy. The salty tang adding to the creamy pallet. Cold lips winding in lazy circles around her hard nipples almost made her come. Then the slow burn of drawn out cunnilingus that went on and continued and lasted till her body was taught as a bow and her entire awareness was filled with the need for release. The rising heat in high contrast to the already forgotten, unexpected sting of ice cold gelato on her throbbing clitoris made her scream her release. Two fingers sank easily past erratic, tight contractions, thrusting and corkscrewing her towards another explosive orgasm. Kate blacked out in the nurturing arms of her lover, safe, sated and unable to move a muscle.

Rosy, relaxed and satisfied after sharing a plate of the chef's recommendations in the hotel restaurant, Kate lifted her Chianti. "To you Caroline, for making this holiday perfect. For letting me into your heart and mind. For letting me get to know the amazing woman you are a lot better." Clinking her glass against that of a teary eyed Doctor, Kate winked.

"Thank you, darling. I, uh, thank you too for everything." Caroline stammered, short of breath and unable to elaborate with words. "I love you so much."

The kiss that followed told Kate all she needed to hear before the two of them set off, back to merry England.

The end. xxx MC