Clary went straight to her bedroom and got ready for bed, The whole day had been tiring. She was still flustered from her encounter with Raphael and her mind was revolving around Jace. He'd kissed her with so much intensity, it was so weird...

Different from how Raphael kissed her but still weird, she liked it a little bit if she was being honest but she loved Raphael. She wasn't the love em and leave em type of girl. She still had aspirations and morals. She was still the same shy girl, who held her head high. She still tried to be tough and strong when tribulations were thrown her way.

She climbed into bed, simply willing all thoughts of almost being caught, seeing her mother disrespect Magnus and kissing another boy to go away. Her young mind couldn't process so much things, though she was mature, she still wasn't ready for some things. She was still innocent and virtuous.

In the wee hours of the morning Clary was up, she showered and got ready. She put on a simple black sweater, denim jeans and black converse. She did the half-up, half-down style with her birds nest of hair. The house was full of silence, until she reached the kitchen. Isabelle was at the stove making one of her famous drop-dead meals.

Alec was sitting next to Alec at the table massaging his scalp, no doubt preparing him for another day with Jocelyn Fairchild. My mother was a nightmare, a complete bitch. Even though I loved her, I had to admit she was a force to be reckoned with. I wasn't at all sorry when people told her off, because she deserved it and then some.

Clary grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat beside Magnus, resting her head on his shoulder. He relaxed into her touch, they were the closest of the four. Even closer than her mother. She'd known Magnus since she was a baby, they would take baths together and sing along to Madonna.

"Are you alright?" She asked, rubbing his arm.

"Yes, your mother's just aggravating me to the point of a panic attack" I narrowed my eyes. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Jocelyn will be dealt with sooner or later if she doesn't clean her act up. I'm doing this as a favor to her, she already knows I'm the best out there. I already have other jobs lined up if need be" He waved me off.

"Raphael though, he went into over drive. He worked up until two in the morning, he's been trying to not lash out at anyone but Jocelyn's really pissing him off" He said. I frowned at that, poor Ralph.

"My mother truly is a force to be dealt with" I said.

"So are you coming to school with us?" Alec questioned. I shook my head.

"I have some errands to run after school and since my last period is a free period. I'm leaving early." I said, Magnus's eyes locked with mine. He smirked, knowingly.

"Alright, well if you change your mind. There's an outfit on the bed for you tonight" Magnus said, waggling his brows. I knew he meant visiting Raphael. I was going to surprise him, since my mother was pissing him off.

"I'm gonna go" I said. "Bye, Alec. Magnus" I refused to even glance at Isabelle. If she wanted to do the evade and ignore for popularity, I would throw it right back at her. I was pissed when she asked for girl's time. I told her no and slammed my door in her face.

It may have been a bit harsh, but she treated me like a groupie in school, and I wasn't. Just because she was prettier than me, and had more credit didn't mean she could treat me like dirt then expect everything to be all fine and dandy. We were family, and you just don't treat family like that. I'd picked Simon up on the way, but he barely said anything but hello.

He was too busy debating with Eric about some lyrics for a song they were performing Friday night. I heard most of it and literally cringed. They were one strange band, but I guess if they were having fun who cares?

I parked to the far end of the lot, and left Simon to chat with Sebastian. He, Jace and Smerliorn... eh, Meliorn were standing by the front of the main building. The 'IT' squad just beside them. Jace was talking with Malibu Barbie, I walked over to them and smiled sweetly at Sebastian.

"Hey Clare" He said, I suppressed the urge to growl at him.

"Sebastian, may I have a word?" He grinned.

"Sure you may have a word, hell have an entire sentence" I gave him my best bitch brow and he cleared his throat. I tilted my head toward the building, leading the way. Not looking back to see if he was following me or not. Once inside, I stood by my locker and glared at him.

"So I here we've a hot date tonight" I said, he swallowed.


"Shut it. I already told you. No! We could have gone as friends but now..."

"What about now?" He questioned.

"I don't want to be friends with you. You're patronizing and you're a liar. I'm not one of the girl's from the Bitch Squad. I don't care for you looks, this whole game you're spinning won't work for me. Because I am most definitely not interested" I quipped. He recovered from his momentary shock enough to grip my wrist as I tried to walk away.

"You've had your say now listen to mines. I am not going to give up that easy, you're what I want and I'll have what I want" His words, shaking me to the core, I tried to pull away but he tightened his grip. "Don't think you can get away with acting so brave Clare Bear. We both know you aren't anything but a shy, un-confident, scared little girl" I choked at his words. No one had called me that since...

He let go of my wrist and walked off outside the building. I stood there shaking with tears, running out of the school building. I rushed towards my car and got inside, locking the door. I slid low into my seat and cried, rocking myself. Thank, Raziel I had parked far enough where no one could see me crying. A knock sounded at my window and I jumped.

Magnus, Alec and Isabelle stood by my window. I wiped my tears, blowing my nose with a tissue. I opened the door, getting out the car. Alec's face was red, I could tell he was mad. Magnus looked concerned and Isabelle looked plain frustrated.

"What's wrong?" Isabelle asked. I glared at her.

"Don't even act like you care now, just go hang out with your stupid friends and save the pathetic act for someone who gives a damn!" I snapped, walking off. Alec and Magnus looked awe-struck. They'd never seen me so angry, hell I hadn't ever been this angry. But it wasn't mean for Isabelle. It was meant for Sebastian, the guy who knew something only one person knew.

And that person was dead...

First period, I dreaded. I sat beside Aline and said nothing. Jace stared at me, he looked like he was searching for something. Whatever it was, he probably wouldn't find it today. I wasn't quite in the mood, I couldn't wait to get out of this stupid class and go see Raphael, he always could cheer me up and make me feel better.

"Hey Clare, are you alright?" Sebastian asked. I narrowed my eyes, refusing to look at him. I opened my mouth to say something but decided against it. I shook my head. "What's bugging you?" His eyes held an amused expression.

"Nothing..." I grumbled. For the rest of the class I tuned everything out, watching the clock.

As soon as my free period came, I signed out and headed for Raphael's penthouse. I took the back entrance, Emmett his bodyguard was outside waiting on me. I'd texted him telling him I would be there soon. He smiled at me, his bright blue eyes giving off adoration. He was like the older brother, everyone wanted. He was fun to be around.

"Hey Emmett" I said, as we rode up Raphael's private elevator. I grinned at him.

"Hey Clary, how're you doing? I haven't seen you in what now? Three weeks?" I nodded, giving him a hug.

"I'm fine, how are you? I've missed you"

"I've missed you two little one" He grinned, I playfully glared at him.

"You two, Grizzly Bear" He rolled his eyes.

"So what brings you by so early?" He asked.

"I was planning on surprising Raphael"

"He just finished working the studio. Came home about three hours ago, he's been knocked out since. You okay? You look like you've been crying" Sadly I had. Sebastian had confronted me in the morning, initially taking away from what I was saying to him. Then he latched onto my arm and it hurt like hell. It still hurt, I'd hit it against my car door when I was leaving school. Some tears had spilled.

"I'm alright, just not having a good day." I said.

"Is someone messing with my shorty?" I giggled.

"Emmett, I'm fine really. I just have been having a bad day, seeing you now puts it all at bay" He chuckled.

"Good to know, I have to run a few errands. I should be back in five to six hours tops, call me if you need anything" He said, I nodded. Exiting the elevator, the doors closed and he disappeared from view. The penthouse was gorgeous, it was fixed in a space-modern style. Raphael's mother decorated it for him. He didn't really like it but he loved his mother so much he put up with it.

I walked down the hall and found Raphael's bedroom, I slowly opened the door to see him sleeping. He was shirtless, his toned abdomen showing. Cue the drool, my eyes traveled lower to his Calvin Klein gray boxers that fit his form perfectly. I closed the door slowly, pulling off my shoes, socks, sweater and resting them on a chair in the far corner of the room.

I slipped into bed with him and kissed his chest, eliciting a mighty groan from the Spanish God himself. There went my panties, shaking my head. I kissed downward, running my tongue along his well-defined chest. I could feel his chest rise and fall with each breath. He looked so sexy asleep, he had the hottest bed head I'd ever seen.

"Clary" He murmured, I'd grinned when I heard it. He purred, doing nothing but make me wetter. He had that effect on me and millions of other women around the world. I stared at him, he was still asleep. My grin widened when I realized he was dreaming about me. I rolled on top of him, straddling his hips. I could feel his evening wood. He was well endowed and gifted. I placed a chaste peck on his lips, causing his eyes to flutter.

"Hey" I whispered, he smiled. Hugging me.

"You're here" He grinned.

"Yes, I wanted to surprise you" I said, kissing his cheek.

"Well, I'm not really surprised right now" He smiled.


"No, I've a much more dominating feeling" His eyes darkening. I loved how he could just go from Mr. Sleepy to flirty Fred in literally seconds. He was so different in public, with other people especially women. I'd have never expected The Raphael Santiago to be my boyfriend, hell I'd never expected him to be the polar opposite of what his reputation held.

"And that would be?" His fingers, moved up my body to my hair. He pulled it out of the ponytail it was in, allowing my hair to tent us in.

"Love, lust, happiness. I guess combined" He winked, I smiled. He'd always said he loved me and I always believed him, the look in his eyes told me he did. That more than anything else proved it before he'd even said it months prior.

"Would it be insane if I felt that way too?" I raised my brow. He chuckled, softly.

"Not at all, it's quite the given" He kissed my cheek. "How long are you staying?"

"As long as I want, well until Alec or Magnus calls. I already texted them, telling them I could be busy. I might even be able to spend the night" I smiled. He kissed me, flipping us over. Sooner than later I was on my back with his impending erection digging into my thigh.

"Stay the night" He said, deepening the kiss. I was growing wetter and wetter with each ministration of his tongue. I wrapped my right leg around his waist, sliding my hands down his chest.

"I was already planning on it" I whispered, breathily as we broke off for air. His eyes lowered on my outfit, the desire in them feeding my own. His eyes locked on my wrist and he scowled, taking it in his hand softly. I winced a bit.

"Clary what is this?" He asked, his tone made me shudder. Sending tingles straight to my wet, throbbing core. I frowned, I didn't want to think about Sebastian at all, much less right now.

"It's not-"

"Don't you dare say it's nothing. There's a nasty bruise on your wrist and there's hand prints, too big to be a female's so who did this to you" He growled, he was protective of me.

"It doesn't matter, Raphael. I'm fine" I said, dismissively.

"This" He gestured to my wrist, which was still in pain. "Does matter, everything that happens to you matters to me. No matter how small it is" I said. He frowned, kissing my wrist. I winced a bit.

"Please, tell me who did this?"


"You already know why... No one puts there hand on a woman, much less my girlfriend" I felt my heart pang at his words.

"Sebastian Verlac... some jerk at school, he told people yesterday we were going on a date so I confronted him today and he got pissed. He frightened me, but what shook me up the most was him calling me Clare Bear" I said, his facial feature's softened. I could tell he was indecisive.

"How would he know that?"

"I don't know, that's what scared me. He creeped me out, he said I was what he wanted and he always got what he wanted" Raphael scowled, no doubt thinking of the many ways to hurt Sebastian.

"Wait, you said Verlac?" He questioned, I nodded.

"That's sick son of a bitch comes from a long line of bastards. His whole family is evil, I worked with his aunt who's his guardian. The woman could pass for Lucifer herself. I met him once, he's very aggressive." He looked deep in thought. "Stay away from him, I'll send Jasper to guard you for a bit" He said with finality.

"Is that really necessary? The kids in school already know me as Jocelyn Fairchild's daughter. They've seen the new car she's given me and to make things worse I'll have a bodyguard following me. Could anyone scream Snob any louder?"

"He'll be there as a student, he's only 19. It won't hurt to have it cleared with the school, I after all have a huge influence in the state" He winked. His mother was the governor or California. She was a nice woman, though I'd never met her. Raphael wanted me to meet her, but I thought it best to wait until I was eighteen.

I kissed him. "Let's not worry about that right now. I just want this to be about me and you" I said. He moved off of me.

"I'm going to get you some ice for that, I'll make some soup and we'll watch movies. Does that sound good?" I nodded, giggling. He was going to baby me, he loved taking care of me. I loved him taking care of me. It felt nice to have someone to just be me with, especially if that person was the person you loved.

I lied in the bed as Raphael came back in with a large tray. He had an admiration-filled look on his face. I sat up, leaning on the headboard. He held me in his arms, as he set the tray on the bed. Lifting me in between his legs. I rested my head on his chest, melting into him.

"Clary" He said, I hummed. "The Grammy Awards are the night before your birthday. I was wondering if you'd be my date?" I thought for a second, The party would stretch until three in the morning and I'd be eighteen within a few hours of attended. I didn't think it would be that bad.

"What do you think?" I said, playfully.

"Great, I'll have to ask Magnus to make a dress for you" I gasped, remembering Magnus had caught me the evening before. "Is something wrong?"

"Yesterday after you lead my mother away. Magnus caught me leaving your dressing room, he knew right away what was happening, or should I say about to happen?" I furrowed my brow. I felt Raphael sigh, which made me smile. I knew he wanted people to know, but we couldn't be careless. We only had twenty days left or in this case nineteen because of the Grammy Awards. "He's happy for me, he think's you're a nice guy. Though he'll probably give you hell for a bit filling the big brother roll"

Raphael shuddered, I giggled. "At least you'll have nineteen days to prepare for Alec" I laughed, he choked.

"That's not funny. Emmett would literally snap him in half before he even got near me" Raphael winked. I rolled my eyes. It was true, but even more so Raphael was a trained, jujitsu, Martial arts and black belt fighter. Due to his movie stunts.

"Now" He said, his voice soothing. He placed the ice wrapped in a thin cloth on my wrist. I moaned, it felt as good as it could get. "I want you to eat first, then we can watch any movie you want"

I turned in his hold, my eyes lock with his. I sat up on my knees. "What if I want to do something more?" I questioned.

"You'd have to eat first" He said, I moved closer. I straddled his thighs, and hooked my hands around his neck.

"Later" I said, kissing his neck. He took a deep breath. He placed the big tray on the nightstand, smirking at me.

"Seducing me, Clary?" He fished his fingers into my hair and directed my mouth to his, he kissed the corner of my mouth. "Aren't you a little too bold today" He grinned. I moved my head to kiss him but he pulled back clicking his tongue.

"Clary, Clary, Clary" He smiled. He flipped me over, hovering over me. Removing the ice from my wrist, he slowly pushed my hands above his head. "May I ask, what could be more important than food?"

"You" I said, without hesitation. He smirked, kissing my cheek. He trailed his lips from my cheek to my earlobe.

"What about me specifically?" He asked, I knew he was baiting me. I wasn't one for dirty talk, but I wasn't opposed to it. The things we did, said would make a sailor blush.

"All. Of. You." I enunciated.

"Be more specific, Clary" His hand went to rest on my clothed center. I moaned, as he pressed his palm flat against me.

"Your... your, hard, big, cock" I blushed, he chuckled. Kissing me full on the lips, I latched my legs around him, lowering him unto me. He lowered his hands down my body, encasing them on my waist.

"Hmm... I guess I like some things about you" He says. I grin, shaking my head.

"What would those things be?" I move my hands from his neck to his abdomen. Moving my hand to his snuggly fitted boxers, I could feel his impending erection. He pressed into me.

"Clary" He growled. I raised my brow, smiling at him. He had the worst, but best affect on me. I kissed him, thrusting my tongue into his mouth. I brushed my hands against him. He was as hard as wood. Sliding my hands inside his boxers, I gripped his member.

"Clary, maybe we should stop?" He slowly, unlocked my ankles from his hips and stared at me.

"I don't want to" I pouted, he buried his head in the crook of my neck groaning.

"It's not like we haven't done this before" He said, thinking out loud, debating. I knew he would always consider me in his decisions, in our decisions.

I crashed my lips to his, not waiting for an answer. Deepening the kiss, I sucked on his bottom lip. Whilst his hands found their way to my breasts. I could feel my self getting wetter and wetter. My wetness seeping through my panties. I groaned, I wanted him, needed him.

"Patient Dear" He smirked, knowingly. His eyes held one thing now, Pure, untainted, love-filled, animalistic lust.

He toyed with the hem of my shirt, his fingertips lightly brushing against my lower abdomen. The feel of his warmth, fueling my yearning for him even more. He lifted it up, pressing his beautiful, luscious lips against my stomach. He kissed just below my stomach, eliciting more than a moan from my end. He pulled my shirt off entirely and threw it somewhere in the room.

His hands trailed over her now exposed upper-half. His lips moving across the tops of her breasts. I needed him so bad, I moved my hands to his shoulders, feeling the mass of muscle build the man I wanted, needed, loved had.

"Raphael! I need to feel you!" I groaned, getting sick of his incessant toying with me.

"Oh, don't worry Clary. You'll. Feel. Every. Single. Part. Of. Me" As he nipped my collarbone.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head. It felt incredible, his hands expertly reached around to my back, heisting me up a bit. He unclasped my bra clasp. I turned red, it wasn't that I as embarrassed. Raphael always made me feel special. It was just, he other than my mother and physician was the only person to ever see me naked. Fully, exposed. I usually felt inferior to the many women who threw themselves at him.

They were a million times prettier than I was, had curves for days and were just genuinely and naturally endowed. He threw my discarded bra over his head and sucked on my collarbone.

"So beautiful" He said, in a trance. His eyes stuck to my breasts, He looked at me with such lust I grew even wetter. I didn't think it possible to feel anymore hornier but he made anything possible.

He lowered me back down, closing the gap between us. He took my breasts in his hands and massaged them, kneading them. Circling his thumbs around my now erect and fully hardened nipples. I threw my head backwards, onto the bed pillows as he bent slightly and took my left nipple into his hot mouth, eagerly licking and biting down on it. Whilst rolling my left nipple in between his fingers.

I could feel the familiar tingling sensation down between my thighs. I pressed my legs into his sides, pressing into him more. Wanting the friction, I so desperately needed.

"Not yet, Clary" He said, as his mouth left my breast. His eyes burning into my own. "Not until I say so"

I groaned in agony. "I need you. Please, Raphael"

"Move Up on the bed" He said, gesturing to the top of the bed. I did as he said, moving up. He lowered himself a bit to be eye level with my waist.

He slowly undid the button and zipper on my jeans. His breathing grew heavier as he slid them down my legs. Chucking them somewhere, sitting back on his heels he drank in the sight of me next to nothing. All I was wearing was black cheekies.

"Magnifico" He marveled in the sight of me.

He ran his fingers down my hips, to my thighs. Straight to the back of my knees, bending them upward so my feet lay flat on the mattress. He positioned himself in between my legs, his fingers tracing the waistband on the cheekies.

I was damn near panting, writhing so bad it was very much almost the same. "Raphael, Please. I need to feel you"

"What do you want?" He questioned, hooking his thumbs into my panties. He slid them down my body and threw them over his shoulders. He did a double take when he saw how wet I was. I was dripping onto his sheet, he smirked, smugly. "Is it this, you want?" He ran his finger up and down my slit.

"Or this?" He stuck his finger inside me, eliciting a cry from me. I was so far gone, it wouldn't have taken much to bring me to the most perfect conclusion. I wasn't at all saddened, Raphael had perfect recovery time and he was just perfect like that.

"Or is it this?" He smirked, plunging his tongue inside my wet, throbbing core.

"God, Yes!" I cried out, He thrusted his hot, wet tongue in and out of my moist center. He moved his hands above his head, using one to knead my right breast, fondling my nipple and the other to circle my clit in a teasing manner. I moaned, moving my head from left to right.

I was writhing and bucking uncontrollably, until Raphael firmly pressed the hand he was using to knead my breast to pin my stomach down to the mattress. He removed his fingers from my clit and thrusted two fingers inside me. His tongue lying flat against my clit. He thrusted fast, flicking my clit steadying into a rhythm. He licked around my wet folds, licking my clit.

He went faster, curling his fingers upwards until he hit my g-spot. I screamed as I came, he replaced his fingers with his mouth. Lapping at my juices, he didn't let up instead. He thrusted his tongue into me again, pinching my clit until I came undone. For a few seconds I was blinded, I could barely think straight until he moved on top of me. He sucked my juices from his fingers. He crashed his lips to mines, and allowed me to taste myself.

I tasted of a honey like substance, he thrusted his tongue into my mouth.

"Raziel, that was amazing. Clary" He mused, I licked the juices off his chin. Running my hands up and down his back.

He touched my fully erect nipples, tweaking them with his fingertips. I moaned, sharply. I wanted him inside of me, and I wanted him now! I moved my hands downwards to his boxers. I lowered them as fast and as low as I could. He chuckled, against my lips at the urgent pace, in which I was using. He took over, sliding them lower. He kicked them off and they flew off the bed.

Raphael's heavy, thick cock sprung to life. Pressing into my upper thigh, he shut his eyes. Kissing me, I was impatient and grabbed a hold of his hard member. I directed him to my sex. Staring into his eyes, I captured his lips into a searing kiss. Nothing but electricity shot throughout my body, he was my other half, my better half.

He began stroking himself, moving up and down his shaft. The sight sending tingles down to my core, wetness seeping out. I reached downward, to touch my clit when he slapped my hand, gently out of the way. He chuckled darkly, his dark eyes growing darker. "No need for that, Clary"

His eyes flashed with nothing but lust and love. He was in such a trance, I don't think a single thought other than us joining together right here and right now was on his mind. I felt the same way, hooking my fingers into his long dark, curly tresses. He positioned himself at my entrance, his eyes locked with mine the whole time. He plunged into me, burying himself so deep inside me. We both cried out in pleasure, I threw my head back , deeper into the pillow, arching my back.

"You feel so good..." I moaned out. He gave me some time to adjust to his rather large member.

He kissed me again, his lips giving off the same passion, lust and desire as before. He started to move inside of me, slow and gentle at first but soon increasing his pace. I moved my legs and locked them around his waist, my ankles crossing. I met his every thrust, our bodies moving together as one. Sweat beaded across our bodies, as we moved.

Raphael sucked on my breast, as I held onto the bed sheets for dear life. He shifted positions, moving so he straddled me. He unlocked my legs from around his waist, and rested them onto his shoulders. His hands gripped my waist giving him a better advantage as he pounded into me with every thrust. My insides, tightened as he went hard and fast.

"I'm so close, Clary. Cum for me" Reaching around my leg, he started to flick my clit. I could feel my orgasm building up, he pinched my clit and I convulsed with the most intense orgasm I'd ever had.

"Raziel! God, Raphael...!" I screamed, as I came even harder.

"Fuck!" Raphael growled, as he thrusted into me one last time. He cummed inside me, throwing his head back as I milked him. We both were panting, trying to control our breaths. He slipped my legs from his shoulders and collapsed on top of me.

It was mind-blowing. We hadn't been together in three weeks, I'd missed being so connected to him. As our breathing went back to normal, he rolled us over. He lie on his back, hugging me into him. I lied half on the bed, half on top of him. Our legs tangled.

"That was amazing" I said, sleepily. It wasn't. It was more than amazing, there were no words that could describe how I felt.

"It was better than amazing, it was indescribable" He said, kissing my head.

We drifted off into a deep sleep.

A/N: I decided to write in pov's. I like it better than writing she pov's.

I added the lemon, since it's been so long. This was by far the longest chapter for this story.

There's a big bang coming there way. Anyone notice anything about their little rendezvous? -wink,wink-