Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.

A special thanks to Er-BearG32 for beta'ing my story.

A prompt from vaultcat. It was asked for a story with either wee!chester or de-aged Sam where Dean takes care of Sam.

Summary: Sometimes its the love of family that will power through anything.

Family's Love

Chapter 1: Learning about the curse.

Sam was walking down the street trying to calm down. He knew he shouldn't be alone, but he just had to get out of the house for right now. He and Dean had just been arguing and even though Sam didn't really mean that he didn't need Dean's help, it just sorta came out. As much as he did like that his older brother had his back sometimes it just got terribly annoying. Always treating him like a child. He was almost thirty.

He continued along the pathway down the street. Not really paying attention to the nagging headache that was forming behind his eyes. He just chalked it up to trying to calm himself down from the screaming match he just had with his brother. Running his fingers through his hair, Sam walked down the semi-deserted street.

"Dammit, Dean." Sam said gripping his hair by the roots.

He sighed and lowered his arms to his side. All of a sudden the pain behind his eyes intensified. He doubled over clutching his head. Falling to his knees. Screaming. Screaming for the one thing that he knew would make it better, but wasn't there; Dean. Trying to get his trembling hands to work, he went in his pocket to get out his phone so that he could call his brother.

Sam fell to the ground. The blackness surrounded him and he succumbed to it. There laid Sam's unconscious form on the side of a deserted road. The last thing that slipped passed his lips was his brother's name. His phone laying right next to him with Dean's name on the screen pretty much waiting to either be called out or taken back to the home page. Dean's name stayed illuminated for a few seconds before it became dark again.


How could he do something so stupid, Dean thought. Of all the idiotic, hair-brain, world's dumbest things he could have done, he does this. Dean paced the study after Sam stormed out of the house. Dean mused, he probably would have killed his brother if he didn't love him so much. He never understood why Sam had such an aversion to him helping him. Didn't Sam understand that that was his job, Dean's primary job was taking care of Sam. Then later came the so-called family business.

"I CAN TAKE CARE OF MY SELF!" Sam screamed.

"Oh yeah," Dean countered. "You did a bang up job so far. I told you to stay behind me and wait for me."

Sam sighed and collapsed on the couch. "You know you don't have to be my protector all the time. I'm not a little kid anymore."

"Yeah, well," Dean almost sounded a little defeated. "You'll always be a little kid to me." Dean walked out of the study towards the kitchen. "You want a beer."

Dean always was one to try and change the subject when things got heated between the two of them. So as to them not saying something that they would regret later.

"You sure you want to give the baby a beer," Sam snidely said.

Dean stuck his head back in the study and looked at Sam. "Stop being a bitch."

"When you stop being a jerk," Sam retorted. He got up and walked to the back door.

"Where are you going," Dean asked.

"I'm going for a walk. I need some air," Sam voice dripping with sarcasm. "Is that alright with you, dad?"

Sam walked out of the house before Dean could even say anything. Dean just looked at the door where his brother was just at seconds ago. 'Just one time, just once, he would grow up and see that I'm not trying to hold him back,' Dean thought.

Dean decided that stressing over the argument would not change anything so he decided to look up on what they were dealing with. It was something about that woman that didn't truly scream witch. It had to be something else. He sat down behind Bobby's desk and started reading up on old lore to see what they were dealing with.

Dean was immersed in the book on old lore that he didn't realize how long he was sitting there until he needed a refill on beer. When he stood up, and stretched the kinks and spasms out of his back from sitting too long, a single thought passed his mind that maybe he was getting too old to be chasing monsters. Dean smirked and shook his head at the thought. Yeah, right, him too old.

Dean walked into the kitchen, though stiffly, and grabbed himself another beer. When he stood back up from the fridge, he noticed that it was still really quiet. Where's Sam? He looked at his watch and saw that it's been about two hours since Sam had left. Actually it was starting to get dark. Where the hell was Sam?

Dean was brought out of his thoughts by the phone ringing. Dean looked at the caller-id and picked up the phone.

"Hey Bobby," Dean said. "How's it going?"

"Just peachy," Bobby said. "Rufus is about to drive me nuts."

"That good," Dean laughed. "Well, you the one that said you could do it alone. We did offer."

"Shut up, idjit."

Dean laughed.

"Listen," Bobby said. "The reason I'm calling is to tell you, it's going to be a little longer than I thought. Two, three days tops."

"Oh, okay." Dean trying to calm down from laughing.

"Stop laughin', you idjit. Oh and I expect a house when I get home. Don't burn it down.

"Whatever, old man," Dean said. "The house is going to be just fine."

"Listen, you boys don't kill each other while I'm gone."

"You don't either." Dean hung up the phone. That laugh was most welcome. Something to change the atmosphere. Now that old worry began creeping its way up Dean. Something was not right. Sammy wasn't home.

He knew how long it would take for one of Sam's cool down walks. He should have been home hours ago. It's now been three hours. Dean walked towards the couch to get his jacket. His heart dropped a little when he saw that Sam's jacket was still on the couch next to his. Which meant that something really had gone wrong.

Dean was rushing out the door when his cell rang. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and almost had to do a double take when he saw the caller-id. He put the phone to his ear.


"Dean, no. It's Jody."

"Sheriff," Dean sounded surprised. "What are you doing with Sam's phone?"

"Sweetie," She started. "We needed to talk."

"I can't right now," Dean trying to cut the conversation short. "I have too..."

She cut Dean off mid-sentence. "Well, make time! It's about Sam."

Dean was a little taken back from the harshness of her tone.

"Where's Sam?"

"That's what I want to talk to you about. Where are you?"

"At Bobby's. Do you want me to meet you somewhere?"

"No." Jody rushed out. "No. It's best if I come to you."

Now Dean was really getting worried. "Jody, what's wrong with my brother? Is he hurt? Tell me where you are and I'll be right there."

"Dean, calm down. Physically there is nothing hurting on your brother. He's resting now. I'll be at Bobby's in a few minutes. It is just best if I come to you."

Less attention, she thought.

Dean hung up the phone. As much as he didn't want to agree, she wasn't telling Dean where she was. He knew he would just have to wait until she got here.

Jody's POV

Jody, driving her truck towards Bobby's Salvage yard, looked in the back seat at her other occupant.

"Oh Sam," She sighed. "What have you boys gotten into now?"

She could see the Salvage Yard sign up ahead. She took deep breaths, knowing that there would be a world wind of emotions that was about to happen.

"This is going to be interesting," she said tuning into the driveway.

She put the truck in park and got out. Dean was standing at the door waiting for them. Jody thought it best if she tried to explain what was going on before he saw his brother.

Sam's POV

The sleeping form in the truck was blissfully unaware to what was going on outside. All the child knew was that this sweet lady picked him up and was giving him a ride to his brother's. The small form began to stretch in the seat. He opened his eyes when he noticed that they weren't moving any more. He could see the lady talking to some man. The man looked angry. He began to get scared. She said she would take him to his brother. Who was this man? Why are we here? Tears began to pool in his eyes. Now all he wanted was his Dean. He knew Dean would be upset that he got into a stranger's car but she said she knew him.

The boy could see the woman holding the man back, trying to talk to him. The more and more that he witnessed this, the more scared he got.

Then all of a sudden, they were both looking at him from the front window. He sat back in the seat at the scrutiny stares he was getting.

The man walked over to the side door and opened it. His eyes were narrow. His brow was creased together. The man just had the look of anger all over his face. The boy slid back in the seat not really wanting to be here but not wanting to be close to the man either.

For the longest moment it seemed that no one talked. They just looked at each other. Then the older one broke the silence.

"S-Sammy," he stuttered out.


A/N: I hope you like my new story. It is really different for me. Please leave a review and let me know what you think. :)

A/N: There shouldn't be a long wait between chapters. If all goes well the next post will probably be Monday. :)

Many hugs and kisses

Mandancie :)

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