Fraywood Prologue

A/N: Well, it's probably not what you were hoping or expecting. But I'm suffering from writers block and this is the best I could come up with. I will be changing the last chapter because I want Alec and Clarys relationship to progress a bit more. Please Review, give me ideas, opinions, criticism, etc.

*In the scene in COB where Jace is about to drive his knife into the demon*

"STOP!" cried an unfamiliar voice in the shadows.

All three heads turned to see a teenage, mundane girl dressed in green converses and a hoodie standing there. She was a willowy girl that still had some filling out to do, with long red curls and green eyes. Freckles splayed across her pale cheeks and nose, and she had small, rosy lips.

To say the least, Alec was intrigued by the redheaded stranger. There was fear in her eyes by what she must have assumed 'physco murderers' but she stood tall and strong, with her shoulders squared and her chin pointed toward them in a defiant gesture.

Jace was talking to the girl, but he wasn't listening. Alec was staring at her, even though her attention was on his best friend. The only time he broke out of his concentration was when something blue moved out of the corner of his eye, and pounced on Jace. Alec mentally scolded himself for getting distracted and rushed forward, currently forgetting the girl, but Jace already seemed to have everything under control. With one final slash, the seraph blade cut through the demons heart, where black blood spilled out and eventually the body melted away into nothing.

Jace's arm was bleeding, and the golden boy was cradling it gently. Alec rushed forward and drew out his stele to draw an iratze on his arm. As the wound faded away, the black haired boy turned to look for the girl, but his sister already seemed to have caught her. The golden whip was encircled painfully tight around the girl's tiny, pale wrist.

"Izzy, let her go."

His sister turned to look at him, but reluctantly pulled her whip away. Red (or that was what he nicknamed her anyway) rubbed the spot on her wrist where the whip had been.

They were interrupted by another mundane, and a bouncer. The mundane boy was a tall, gangly teenager with dark hair and dark eyes, with crooked, square glasses sitting atop his nose. For some reason, Alec jealously thought that this boy was her boyfriend, and his blue eyes flashed dangerously with fire that only Alec seemed to hold.

"Clary? Clary, where are they?" The boy asked. Red (Or Clary now, he supposed) looked between the three shadowhunters in confusion. Then, realization came and she slowly turned to look at her friend.

"No, Simon… I must have been seeing things. It's a little stuffy in here, you know? We should leave. Now. Right now." She nervously laughed and grabbed Simons shoulder, skirting around a very annoyed looking bouncer and not once looking back.

Clary, he thought, what a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl… Alec pondered over what had just occurred. A plan slowly formulated in his head.

Yes, he would go to Hodge and ask permission to bring Clary to the institute. Unfortunately, he had some things he needed to do and he wouldn't get back until nightfall. Well, it wasn't like she was going anywhere. She would be there, waiting, for her black haired boy to bring her home.


*When Jace was out looking for Clary*

Alec was seething. He was supposed to get Clary. He was supposed to bring her to the institute. But Jace had gotten to her first. His chance with her was gone, gone, gone.

He raised his fist and punched the wall closest to him. At least she would be safe, yes, Jace would bring her home safely.


*When Clary comes to the institute, with demon venom on her*

There she was. His redheaded angel. Her long red curls splayed out on the floor. Her skin was splotchy, bloody, and scratched. Her green eyes slowly faded into an almost gray color.


"There was a ravenor demon." Before Alec could demand a further explanation, Jace pulled out his stele and started to lower it toward her arm.

"No. No no no no no. Jace, she'll die!" Alec firmly stopped Jace's wrist. His brothers golden gaze flitted up to his burning blue one. Unlike Alec's, who's eyes where burning with intense fire, his were calm and still, like honey. This only infuriated Alec more.

"It's her only chance." They held eye contact for a few more moments, before Alec finally released Jace's arm to let him draw an iratze on Clary's.


Days passed, and Clary still hadn't woken up. He watched her from the shadows. At least she was slowly healing, that was all that mattered.


No one could deny Jace's affection for Clary. Alec didn't want to hurt Jace, so he stayed as far away from her as possible. From the insults, to the cold answers.

He watched as the girl he had come to love fall for the golden boy. He watched from a distance, unable to touch her, to hold her, to love her and tell her everything's all right.

He couldn't kiss her or hold her hand or run his hands through her long red curls.

He watched as she slowly accustomed to the shadowhunting world. While he sat in his room thinking of how a lifetime would be with her. Thinking of how it would be like to make love to her every day. To be inside her every day.

He thought of how it would be like if they lived in the Lightwood estate. Where they would have tons of children. How he would come home to her every day. How they would grow old together.

He thought of what it would be like to sleep beside her every night. To gently but firmly hold her in her sleep so all her worries would slip away. He thought of what it would be like with her arms around him, warm and comforting and loving.

He dreamt dreams of her every night. He dreamt of love making sessions in all positions and his huge house in idris. He dreamt of a dark haired boy with her green eyes, and a blue eyed boy with red hair like hers. He dreamt of her willowy frame, of her stomach swollen with a next child.

But in the morning, that was when reality came. That was when Alec had to open his eyes and watch his Clary live her life without him by her side.

He didn't know when, but, someday, someday soon, he would break. He would let all his emotions out. And, by the Angel he hoped, she wouldn't be there when it happened.

*When they get ready to leave for Magnus' party*

Alec stood in between Jace and the scrawny mundane. They were getting ready to go to the warlocks apartment. Personally, Alec hated any type of social gathering. He would much rather either be reading in the library (since he was considered one of the cleverest shadowhunter of his time) or killing some demon.

Or making love to Clary.

He pushed the thought out of his mind. Right now he couldn't be distracted by visions of bending Clary over a counter.

Showers are nice too.

Now Alec wanted to bang his head on the wall in frustration. Masturbating would have to wait till shower time.

As if his situation couldn't get any worse, Clary walked (very clumsily) down the steps. She had thigh high boots and a tight leather dress that barely reached her mid-thigh. Her breasts looked nicely rounded and you could easily see the slight curves of her lean, slim body. Alec felt his blood run southwards. Right now the only thing he wanted to do was fuck the redheaded girl he loved against the wall. Honestly, he didn't know how much longer he would last.

Clarys small, 5'8 frame walked up to Jace. Her green eyes couldn't meet anyone's. She stuttered under her breath, "How do I look…?"

"You look beautiful." Jace said. Alec saw Clary blush, and a wave of jealousy crashed over him.

Meanwhile, the mundane looked like he was about to faint. "CLARY!"

Jace ignored him and said, "Doesn't she, Alec?"

He had to clench his fists to keep from grabbing her by the waist and guarding her from any other horny teenage boys sight. Finally, he said, and he had to choke the words out, "She looks like someone who's name should be on the bathroom wall."

Then he walked off before he could get on his knees and beg for forgiveness.


That night, after Dumort…

Alec lay in bed, looking at the ceiling. At least here, no one could see his thoughts, his deepest desires. Closing his eyes, he let himself drift away…

The Lightwood manor was beautiful. It was spring, and the Alicante fields made the gardens blossom with new leaves.

He was there, holding Clary from behind. Her red hair was neatly combed and tumbling behind her back, over her chest. Alec started kissing, biting, licking, and sucking on her neck, leaving a mark there. Stating she was his.

She moaned and leaned her head back on his chest as he smiled against her skin.


In his dream, they were married. They were a tad older, but Clary still held the everlasting youth in her green eyes.

"Love, I think it's time we start a family…"


"Yes." Said Alec, and without farther ado, turned her around and kissed her on the mouth, hard. He swept his tongue over her lips, asking for entrance. She opened and he took no time in thrusting his tongue in her mouth, swirling around every inch and fighting for dominance.

His hands found their way to her bum to her thighs, and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around him as he clumsily stumbled inside, up the flights of stairs and finally to their gigantic bedroom.

Alec laid her down on the bed and started unbuttoning her shirt. When it was gone and threw off somewhere in the room, he took in the sight of her pale skin. Unlike when he first saw her, she was now covered in scars like he was, like a shadowhunter. He didn't mind, like most men would have. To him, it only made her more beautiful.

He ducked down and kissed her freckled shoulder, slowly easing down the bra strap. Then he reached his hands behind he back to the clasp and undid it.

As it fell away, he took no time on leaning down and taking one of his nipples in his mouth, kneading the other one with his hands. Alec did this until they were pert and standing up, then slowly trailed his tongue down her body, to her stomach. He loved the taste of her- it was so sweet. So Clary.

When his tongue reached her belly button, he thrust his tongue in and as a result the redhead arched her back. He felt her hands fist in the back of his shirt, tugging it off over his head and rubbing her hands over the lean muscle of his shoulder and chest. He shivered at her touch, going father down her body.

Alec fumbled with the button of her shorts, drawing them down her legs and throwing them to the other side of the room. She was wet, for him. Only for him.

The black haired boy met her green eyes, and slowly, deliciously pulled her panties down with his teeth. He sighed as he saw what was revealed to him. He grabbed her right leg and drew it over his shoulder so it dangled there. He rubbed his hands on her thigh, and then kissed her ankle, to the inside of her thigh, breathing in the scent of her arousal. He bit the inside of her thigh, leaving another mark.

He reached Clary's delicious core. She was already so wet. She was a moaning mess under him, under his touch.

Without waiting, he thrusted his tongue into her wet cavern, then took it out, swirling it teasingly over her clitoris while drawing her other leg over his shoulder so he could have easier access. He repeated his merciless attack on her core and then let her legs down and crawled back up her body.

Alec kissed her gently, sweetly, letting her taste herself through his tongue as she fumbled with his jeans until they were finally off. He pressed his erection against her thigh, and in response she grinded back into him. He let out a moan in response, then met his blue eyes with hers, and whispered,

"Are you ready? To be a parent?"

She thought about it for a second, then met his eyes, and steadily whispered, "Yes."

That was all he needed to tear off his boxers and let his length spring free. Once again, Alec took Clary's legs and drew them over his shoulders. He lined his erection to her entrance, kissed her thigh one more time, and smoothly pushed in.

She arched her back in response, unintentionally pushing his hilt deeper within her. Alec finally decided to let her legs down, to have more freedom, and Clary foot against the back of his thigh.

He slowly started thrusting in and out of her. He kissed and sucked her neck again, biting it as their bodies moved in sync. She met his thrusts with her own and wrapped her hands around his neck, and whispered in his ear, "Faster…"

Alec obeyed, and soon he was thrusting into her at a fast pace. They were both building up, but he wanted her to let go first. As she got closer and closer to her high, he bit Clary's ear and started whispering sweet nothings in it, like "I love you" and "You are so beautiful."

She finally let go, and soon he followed, letting his seed explode inside of her. Their bodies were sweaty and shaking, and he pulled out of her. Then he wrapped his Clary in his arms, kissing her forehead as she tangled her fingers in his messy black tresses.

"I love you." She said, and kissed his lips.

"I love you, too."

Alec was teaching his two sons how to spar in the garden. Michael, his oldest, stood beside his father. He had messy black hair and green eyes. He inherited Clary's art talent.

Alec looked a little older, the tiniest, barely noticeable stubble along his jawline. His younger son, Simon, Clary chose to call him, crookedly held the seraph blade. He had messy red locks and Alec's blue eyes, and freckles splayed across his nose.

"Dad, I'm hungry." Michael said.

"Hi Hungry, I'm Dad." Alec replied, and shuffled his hands over his sons black hair. Simon laughed at his Father's joke. Before the quarrel could escalate any more, Clary stepped outside with a small bow and arrow, and handed them to the struggling Simon.

"Maybe seraph blades aren't your strongest ability."

The redheaded boy looked at them in his hands, and then smiled up at his father. "Yeah, Dad! I can be badass like you!" Alec again smiled down at his younger son. Then he walked over to his wife and kissed her on the lips. Their two sons made a choking sound in the distance, but Alec ignored it as he affectionately pressed his hands against Clary's belly, now swollen with another child. He leant down and kissed it.

"So, Clary, do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?"

She smiled down at him, looking at Alec. "Oh, it's going to be girl this time. I need a break."

Alec laughed in response and kissed her belly. The two boys ran up and hugged their mother as Alec wrapped and arm around her.

"I love you, Clary."

"I love you too."


And that was when he woke up.

So, I need your opinion. When I'm done with these to fanfics, should I make a Clary/Magnus one?