
Chapter 4

A/N: Welp. Sorry for the late update. I'm probably not going to be able to update any stories for a week or two, maybe more, due to exams. Bleh. Nasty, nasty little exams.

ANYHOOO… Since I should be done with this fic shortly, and I'll most likely start another one involving Alec/ Clary, I have two different plots in mind. I just don't know which one I would want to do when the time comes. So, I decided to ask you guys.

Here they are:

PLOT #1: Imagine if Clary was raised in the institute instead of Jace, if Jace grew up as a mundane. What would be different? Where does Alec come in, since he is her parabatai? When the time comes, who will she choose?

Yeah… I'm kind of excited for that one. I might have more details later.

PLOT#2: (I might cry while writing this one, but it still sounds okay to me) Its been three years since her brother sent the note. During those three years, Jace's condition got worse, until finally he couldn't handle it anymore. He gave out. When he passed, he told Clary to live her life to the fullest, even without him. But how? How can she live without her Jace? He also told her to watch out for Alec, who is still devastated over his breakup with Magnus. So, listening to Jace, she tries to reach out to Alec. Eventually, they decide to take a long, roadtrip around the country after they become close. But after a while, will Alec feel more? He cant acknowledge his feelings though, it would be betrayal?

Or would it?

Well, there you go. I have great ideas for both.

I'll stop with my rambling now and get on with the story.

Alec POV:

The black haired boy warily made his way to Clary's room. Funny, how when you're alone, you don't get as nervous. Yet Alec was always nervous around her; he might not show it, but every time she smiles, his heart breaks and forms itself again and beats one hundred miles per hour, all in one second.

He'd planned on taking her to the library. Yes, it was boring, but it's not like he could go to the garden. Blasted allergies.

His rough fingers felt the small, silver necklace tucked in his pocket. He knew she would like it; it was delicate, yet beautiful and striking and radiant at the same time. Just like her.

The necklace was of intricate silver, with a locket on the end. It might have seemed plain at first sight; but Alec added a GPS sort of thing in it; not in the creepy way. It was to keep her safe, so he could find her if he needed to.

He himself imbedded one in the Lightwood ring. So she could find him as well.

Swallowing one more time, he raised his fist and knocked on the door. A couple of seconds later, Clary showed up in the doorway, a look of surprise in her dark, emerald green eyes. They glinted so pretty in the light, in the darkness. Like bright gems that could never be tarnished.

"Alec?" She inquired. A smile slowly raised on her lips as she looked at him.

Breathe. He ordered himself, before grinning. "You don't think I'd forget your birthday, would you?"


When they entered the library, Alec became slightly calmer as he inhaled the familiar scent of parchment and ink and coffee. It was familiar and comforting. He was always fascinated on how pieces of paper could mean so much; could be so gentle. To him, it was magic.

Looking over at Clary, he squeezed her hand one more time before leading her over to a couch near the fire, which he had already lit. Leave it to Alec to always remember things. He motioned for her to sit down, and then went and retrieved the picnic basket he'd tucked under a desk. Simon reluctantly agreed to help Alec, and at the moment, he was grateful. He couldn't cook much better than Izzy.

Well, he might learn for Clary's sake. Apparently she was almost as bad as Izzy as well.

"Let's see… We have sandwiches, cake, cookies, fruit…" He tallied as he skillfully retrieved the items out of the basket. Clary eyed him gently, noticing how he so quickly got distracted by things. She hadn't even realized that she drifted away until Alec's voice snapped her out of her pondering.

"Clary, by the Angel, I'm sweating over here and you're staring off into space." He joked teasingly at her.

"Actually, I was staring at you…" Said Clary, albeit reluctantly. Alec seemed pleased as he sat on the couch next to her.

"Sorry it's not as romantic as it should be, but this is the only place I could think of…"

Clary looked at him before smiling and said, "I think it's perfect."

Alec's smile, and blush, grew brighter as he boldly got a piece of fruit and offered it to her. She opened her mouth, and he savored the feel of her soft lips on his fingers. Just one touch was all it took to unravel him and his entire being.

When they finished the food, laughing and joking, Clary eyed the books on the floo.

"The Hunger Games?" She asked.

"You haven't read the Hunger Games?!" Alec exclaimed, pretending to be hurt.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy lately."

"Well, I could read it to you sometime…if you like. You don't have to-"

"That would be amazing." Said Clary. Honestly, she would do anything to hear his voice. It was so deep and stern, yet not loud or attention seeking at all.

Alec felt the necklace in his pocket again, before speaking, "I've got something for you…" And he pulled the necklace out.

She gasped at it. It was so beautiful; surely it couldn't be for her? Would he really do something like that? "Alec…It's..It's… Oh god, it's beautiful. Thank you."

"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it!" And, to prove her point, she leaned forward an pressed her lips to his.

He complied quickly, laying the necklace on the stand to run his hands over her thighs, back, and ravel in her dark red hair. She did the same, and soon they were out of breath from the kissing, but Alec leaned in again, not wanting to be away from her for a moment.

He had never understood why love was always associated with fire; now he did. For the very thing running through him, to his very core, was something that felt like fire. And it made him feel more alive than anything in his entire life, and he never wanted it to stop.

Eventually, though, they had to breathe, and when they pulled away from each other, they looked at each other in bewilderment, which quickly turned to realization, which soon, after that, turned into something someone could count as love.

Alec's heart was still beating out of control. His black hair was messy, again, but he didn't bother trying to neaten it. The only thing he focused on was Clary and her equally messy hair.

The kiss was everything an actual first kiss should be; innocent, sweet, loving. Passionate. Not like their first kiss they had shared, were Alec's emotions where practically taking over.

"Wow…" Clary blew out a breath, and Alec forced himself to smile, then lifted his hand to caress her cheek.

"Wow." He copied her words, and then after a couple more seconds staring at each other, Alec picked up the necklace and fastened it around her neck. "You're so beautiful…" He unconsciously said, as he ran his hand through her hair. Thank the Angel his braver side was currently awake, and that it was dark so hopefully it could hide his blush.

Clary scooted over and rested her head on his chest, so they were lying together on the couch. Alec's hand absentmindedly played with her red curls as he leaned his head back against the couch.

She yawned, and said, "I'm going to sleep here. You're really comfy."

His response was a chuckle.

When she finally fell asleep, Alec looked around the library. So many memories happened here; his kiss with Clary, the adventures the books had taken him, playing hide and seek with his brothers and sisters. Hodge yelling at Jace and Izzy to pay attention to class while Alec wrote down notes.

He could see it all. As if the figures where real; just out of reach. Maybe one day he would come back here, after he was older, and replay the memories again.

Looking down at Clary, he smiled. He just hoped that her feelings would one day be as strong as his. Jace would no doubt be mad; furious, even. But Alec knew Jace; he knew that eventually Jace would forgive and forget and move on and be happy. It's what so many people admired about him. Jace was the optimist; the fun one. The one that killed countless demons while Alec never had.

It's not that Alec wasn't skilled; it was simply because Alec didn't get a pleasure in killing, unless the demon or person personally inflicted harm upon his loved ones. That was when Alec got scary.

*In the morning*

Clary's POV:

As Clary opened her eyes, she noticed that her head rested on a lean, warm chest. She knew right away where she was, so she cracked her eyes open a little more and blinked to adjust to the light.

She looked up at Alec, who's hair was messier than usual. His long black lashes nearly touched his cheekbones and his pretty, pale lips where slightly open.

As she removed herself from his arms as gently as possible, Clary stretched a bit. Then she tiptoed her way to the kitchen and decided to shuffle through the cabinets.

Now, what could she make? Clary could at least make pancakes; and maybe she'd try bacon. Coffee was easy… Yes. She was going to make breakfast for them.

Alec's POV:

Alec woke to the smell of pancakes and bacon and coffee, and his stomach rumbled in response. But he quickly noticed that Clary wasn't in his arms; she was nowhere to be found.

He got up so quickly he had to blink his blue eyes a couple times to walk correctly. When he was properly coordinated, he sprinted off to the kitchen.

There stood Clary, with her long red hair in a messy bun while she stood over the stove, flipping pancakes. There were already a couple of them and some bacon, which Alec happily noted.

He walked over to come behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach, smiling against her neck and burying his face in her hair.

"Morning." Clary said, trying her best to ignore his body that was pressed so close against her.

"Good morning."


Minutes later, after they were done eating, Izzy came in, followed by Simon.

"Guys, have you seen Jace?" Izzy asked, worried for her brother.

Alec and Clary exchanged worried glances. "No, why?"

"He hasn't come back yet, and you know what that might mean-"Before she could finish, Alec jumped up and rushed out of the kitchen. He had to find Jace. He had to find his brother.

If anything hurt him, they were going to pay by the hand of Alec Lightwood.

A/N: Welp here ya go! So yea… I just finished Allegiant… I am highly considering sueing Veronica Roth for making me emotionally unstable.