So I reached 104 follower on Tumblr the other day- I'm now at 105 ^^ and like I said I wanna do a give away c: Unfortunately, I can't give anything cool like merchandise or things of that nature because of financial problems…instead I'm giving out writings (I know that prize sucks haha but it's all I have OTL)

giveme-yourworst was the 104th, so they get something special- I'll write whatever you'd like, any ship, any AU, any genre, any fandom (as long as I've seen/read it ^^;) You can give me a list of you top 3 in a note or something. I'm already really nervous because Oh, Lord, He Could is one of my favorite fics ever XD you probably don't read my own fics but on the chance you do, I'll also update one chapter of the fic of your choosing along with your other prize :D

As for the rest of the rest of the prize, here are the rules-

1. You MUST be following me- this is a thank you to my followers after all. I will be checking to make sure.

2. 10 people are eligible for the prizes and they are the following:

· first person to leave an ask gets a one shot of their choice- any prompt, any genre, any pairing (within reason) AND a chapter update of one of my fics

· next 3 people to leave an ask get a one shot of their choice- any prompt, any genre, any pairing (within reason) OR a chapter update of one of my fics

· next 6 people get an update to one of my fics

3. In the ask, you MUST have _somewhere- it doesn't matter where and the specifications for the prizes (just act like you're the first ask to be safe)

4. Anons (for obvious reasons) will not count.

5. Since it's October, you can also add 'boo' or 'spoopy' to your ask (or by themselves). On October 15th I will tally them up, and if I receive 20+, I will do a Halloween oneshot. If I get 50+ I'll make it multi-chaptered.

****REMINDER- You HAVE to puttchor눈_눈SOMEWHERE in the ask! You also CAN NOT be on anon guys OTL I can't stress that enough…

One prize per person. To those of you that follow me but are not reading my fics, I'm sorry if you receive an update prize ^^;

To all of my readers, thanks for putting up with the lack of updates…I've had so much going on it isn't even funny. I'll be working according to the giveaway this month, and hopefully, if I still have a place to live, I can continue updating in November :'D I love you guys- I really do.