It was another sunny morning when Levi woke up. His eyes squinted as he burrowed deeper under his covers, and he groaned. The alarm clock screeched in his ears; his hand skillfully navigated to press the snooze button. Eyes closed, he stayed in bed.

It was the first morning of summer break. He hadn't had the pleasure of sleeping in during school; he had forgotten how nice it could be. Normally, he would have been up hours earlier, drinking coffee like nobody's business and grading his students' essays. While being a teacher had its good side, it was tolling on the man, and he relished the feeling of freedom that summer brought. There was no doubt in his mind that the seniors that had passed his classes were doing the same.

After lying in bed until the heat had made his skin sticky with sweat, Levi got up to take a shower. It was an unusually hot summer that year and he shivered when the cold water hit his flushed skin. His thoughts continued to wander as he washed himself, and much to his annoyance, he found himself thinking of one student in particular.

Eren Jaeger had been one of the many trouble students that had plagued his eighth block class the previous year. He was determined, unnaturally so, and his turquoise eyes displayed his emotions for all to see. His brown hair was always a mess, and he could be excruciatingly oblivious at times. It almost hurt. In all his years of teaching, Levi had never met a student like him.

The boy had confessed to him shortly after joining Levi's class; it wasn't an uncommon occurrence. Levi was an attractive man with a small frame and piercing steel blue eyes. He still remembered the gleam in the kid's eyes when he'd rejected him. Instead of acting like the brat he was, though, he'd replied calmly that he would change his teacher's mind. He said he'd prove himself, whatever that meant, and Levi had stared in shock as he'd walked away.

As Levi stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist, he chuckled. Eren had graduated and was probably going off somewhere else. It was unlikely that they would ever meet again, and whatever could have happened between them had been extinguished before it could begin. Maybe, if they hadn't been teacher and student things would have been different, but Levi knew better than to dwell in the past.

Sighing at himself, he brushed off the thought of Eren Jaeger and continued his day as planned. He had no idea that said boy was, at that very moment, excitedly telling his best friend Armin what a great apartment he'd managed to find for them. An apartment that just so happened to be right across from Levi's.