Hicca and the Toothless

As Toothless walked into the forest, he didn't notice the big rat walking to the edge of the woods, and going to the Haddock house.

As the rat sneaked to the house Hicca heard the rat but she stayed low not wanting to scare it yet. It started to rain as the rat was only three feet from her stable, and Hicca let her presence be known to the rat growling as she rounded the corner of her stable. The rat froze at the site of the dragoness.

Hicca tock the rat's moment of pause lunge at it, barking and roaring all the time. But Hicca got held back by the chain a mere inch away from the rat. The rat then ran a wide circle round Hicca, and she gave chase.

The rat claimed the side of the house and sat on the windows edge giving Hicca smug look.

With Toothless

As Toothless walked he heard Hicca's barking and roaring and ran back to the female Night Fury's home.

Back to Hicca

Hicca's constant barking and roaring woke Spitelout, as he open the door the rat went through the window.

"Stoop that." Spitelout said but Hicca started up again her head pointing to the baby's window. "Hush, now, hush." Hicca kept on "Stop that racket!" he said as he slammed the door and went back to sleep.

"What's wrong Hic?" Asked Toothless as he got out of the woods.

"A rat!" Hicca said as she pulled on the chain, her caller pulling up and getting stuck below her ears.

"Where?" asked Toothless, as he trotted to her.

"Upstairs, in the baby's room!"

"How do I get in?" Toothless asked

"The little door. At the back door."

Toothless trotted to the door and went through the dragondoor. Toothless stopped trotting and went to dead crawl and went up the stairs. All the while thunder went off. As Toothless got to the top of the stairs he sniffed for the rat and then lightning flashed and he spotted the rat and Started to growl at the rat.

Toothless snuck over to it and thin the rat ran. And the fight began each given each other clever moves and countermoves. At one point Toothless bite the rat's rump it Squeaked and got out of the dragons mouth.

With Hicca

With Hicca's consent tugging at her chain the part that was attached to the stable snapped off and Hicca was able to get into the house.

Back to Toothless

Toothless and the rat came to stand still and thin they started to fight again and knocked over furnisher. The rat thin climbed on the edge of the baby's crib and was about to jump in but Toothless stopped it before it could but he accidentally knocking the bed over startling the sleeping baby awake and making him cry.

But at that moment Hicca came in and trotted to the babe cooing at the babe to calm him down.

Toothless chased the rat to a chair that had a fur blanket on it, knocking it over and trapping the rat and then Toothless killed the rat.

Toothless came out right paw in the air and blood coming out, he licked it and limped over to Hicca and the baby. Hicca smiled at Toothless as he got near but thin frown as she washed him lick his wound.

"Merciful Gods! Oh, you poor little warrior. Thank the Gods you're not hurt." Spitelout said as he said this he saw the Furies. He placed Hamish on a chair that was still standing and grapping an axe waving it in Toothless face and saying "You… You vicious brutes. Back!" He backed Toothless into a closet closing the door and placing a chair in front of it.

All the while Hicca barked at the dead rat to show that Toothless killed a rat and not attacked the baby, but Spitelout just ignored her.

"The pound. The pound, that's it. I'll write the pound."

Hicca kept barking trying to get Spitelout to look at the dead rat. But he just grasped the chain and dragged her to the basement and Hicca yelped at his roughness. As Spitelout put Hicca in the basement he unclipped the chain and thin slammed the door.

As Hicca tried to find a way out she herd Spitelout say "I don't even care if there is only one alone down there, he's picking up this devil immediately."


Outside the rains have stopped and Stoick and Val had just come home. As they rounded a corner the saw the pound wagon "Val, look."

As they got closer they herd Spitelout say "And when you get there you'll destroy that devil at once."

"Don't worry, Spitelout. We've been after this one for months. We'll take care of him" The man said as he loaded Toothless on the wagon.

"What do you suppose…?" Val asked Stoick

"What's going on here?" Stoick asked the man

"Just picking up a stray, Chief." The man cracked a whip and the yaks started to move. "Caught him attacking your kid."

Both parents ran to the house screaming Spitelout's name.

Dearing the whole time Thornado and Hookfang were watching and hearing the whole thing.

"I was certain he was no good the moment I first laid eyes on him." Said Thornado

"Yeah, but, uh… I never thought he'd do a thing like that." Said Hookfang as they walked to the front door.

With Hicca

Hicca laid in the basement's darkness on the floor. Then her ears perked up at the sound of Stoick's voice. And she started to scratch and bark at the door.

"I'm sure there must be some mistake. Hicca wouldn't…" Stoick said as he open the door Hicca raced out and went to Hamish's room, barking the whole way.

"What is it, lassie?" Stoick asked.

Hicca led him to were the dead rat was. When Stoick got there he picked up the fur and saw the rat and said "A rat!"


"A rat? We should've known." said Hookfang

"I misjudged him. Badly. Said Thornado

"Come on. We got to stop that wagon."

"But, man, we don't know which way they've gone." Said Thornado as he fallowed the Nightmare.

"We'll track 'em down."

"And then?"

"We'll hold 'em. Hold 'em at bay." Said Hookfang as he stopped and started to sniff the rain soaked earth. Thornado looked on sadly and shucked his head; he walked up to the Nightmare and said "Ach. Let's face it, man. We both know you've lost your sense of smell." Hookfang look up at him and just snorted at him and went back to sniffing.

Hookfang and started to howl and run again and Thornado fallowed him. That proses happen one more time before they reached the wagon. They barked and roared at the yaks scaring the animals half to death and soon the wagon tipped over to its side.

Hicca and her family soon came to the tipped over wagon and Hicca ran over to the gate of the wagon and smiled at Toothless.

"Hi, Hicca." said Toothless a smile on his face as will.

Soon Hicca and Toothless herd whimpering and Hicca went to see what happen. What she saw shocked her. Hookfang laid on the ground under the wagon unconscious he didn't even respond to Thornado nudging his head, Thornado sniffed and howled into the rain that started up again.

Few Months Latter

It was Snuggletog and Toothless was lying on the floor a red collar around his neck, Hicca was next to him and around them were four Night Fury cubs played. Three girls that looked just like there mama, and one boy that looked just like his papa.

The male baby Fury was just about to run some were else, but Toothless stopped him by steeping on the cub's tail.

All of a sudden there was a pop and smoke came from the fire health. Stoick ran to the door coughing and opening the door and said "I must have put in a wet log." Thin he saw to dragons he smiled and said "Uh-oh. Val, visitors."


The two dragons were no other then Thornado and Hookfang. Hookfang had a broken hind leg.

"Why, it's Thornado." Val said

"And good old Hookfang." Stoick said

Hamish and the cubs were coming to greet the elder dragons with the male cub tugging on Hamish's close but Val picked up Hamish saying "No, no, not you, young man. You're going to take a nap." As the baby roes into the air and the male let go of Hamish.

The male cub fallowed Val and tugged on her cab but Hicca came and grabbed his scruff and put him back near the health, Just as Thornado and Hookfang came in. Stoick went and get fish for the dragons.

"Oh, no doubt about it. They've got their mother's eyes." Hookfang Said

"Aye. But there's a bit of their father in them too." Thornado said as he pushed the cub away that was tugging on his wing.

Hicca went and sat next to Toothless who had his chest puffed out proudly.

"Well, and I see you finally acquired a collar." Thornado said as the male cub chased after him, but Hicca picked him up and placed him in the sleeping basket. But he just out from it and back to his sisters.

"Oh. Yes. Complete with license." Toothless said as he scratch behind his ears.

"Oh, yeah, a new collar. Caught the scent the moment I came in the house. Hookfang, I says, Hookfang, somebody's wearing a new collar. 'Course, my sense of small is very highly developed. Runs in the family, you know." Hookfang said to the four cubs

"There'll be no livin' with him from now on." Whispered Thornado to the two Adult Furies.

"As my grandmamma, Old Firewarm, used to say… I don't recollect if I've ever mentioned Old Firewarm before."

"No, you haven't, Uncle Hookfang." Said all the Fury cubs

"Huh? I haven't? Well, um… As Old Firewarm used to say… She'd say, Uh… She'd say… uh…"

The cubs looked up to Hookfang whiting for he's answer.

"Hmm. Draggone. You know, I clean forgot what it was she used to say." Said Hookfang.

All the adults chuckled at the old Dragon's misfortune. Life was back to normal that is for a few months that is. But that is a different story.


AN: My first completed fan fiction! Cookies for me! And to my reviewers and readers. Without you this would have never gotten to it is now thank you.

To the reviewers that have stories keep writing them stories never give up.

To the reviewers that don't have stories of their own try a hand at it you may blow our minds with an brilliant head cannon.

Thank You and R&R