"Where your pen goes when you drop it: 3% exactly where you dropped it, 5% ten feet away from you and 92% into another dimension, never to be seen again."

Ron woke me up with a rough shake to my shoulder. Shrinking back when I glared at him (I didn't like being pulled from my sleep so roughly) he quickly muttered, "We're at Hogwarts. You should get your robes on" before hurrying out.

The boys must have gone to change and left the compartment for me. I grinned slightly. They acted better than most grown men at just eleven years old. It was adorable.

Then I made a face when I realized that I'd be going to school with a bunch of snot-nosed brats.

Ah, well. At least there would be magic. I had a lot to learn other than the small collection of spells I remembered from the book series.

It was a good thing that magic would be interesting. It was easier to learn when you had an interest in the subject.

Shaking myself from my thoughts, I eyed the black robes I'd used as a pillow.

While I was firm believer that you could never go wrong with black, these robes proved me wrong.

They were shapeless, drab and plain.

I clearly didn't need to worry about my shape currently in this... incarnation, but I'd always enjoyed dressing myself. Not overly so, but enough that I liked it and I felt confident it.

Bah, it didn't matter. I didn't need to worry about this right now.

That reminded me, what the hell was I going to do to stay in shape here? Back home I was a swimmer but there was no swimming pool at Hogwarts as far as I was aware.

If the Hogwarts meals were anything like they were in the books, I'd be one fat-ass bitch by the time Christmas came around. And I definitely didn't do dieting. I loved delicious food too much to do that.

I immediately crossed Quidditch off the list. There was no way I was going to play that game of death.

Huh. Another thing I shared with Book Hermione. Acrophobia.

My feet were going to stay on the earth where they belonged, thank you very much.

I visibly shuddered, imagining myself on a tiny little stick of wood thousands of feet above air with other players and bludgers flying at me left, right and center.

Nope, not in this lifetime. I paused. Or in any other..

As I shrugged on my robes, I decided that I would have to start running. It was only sport I could do here.


"First years! Firs' years over here!"

A giant man who could only be Hagrid led us through a steep, narrow path

"You'll get your firs' glimpse o' Hogwarts in a sec. Jus' round this bend here."

Despite my earlier tiredness, I was so excited it took all of my willpower not to bounce around like a an overeager child high on sugar.

I was actually going to see Hogwarts! And I was going to live there! I was going to experience the moving staircases and the ghosts and I was going to do magic!

All the energy that had disappeared earlier was back and in full force.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed the other first years were eyeing the castle in as much awe as I was. But Harry was the most enraptured. The small boy was staring at the castle as if it held all his hopes and dreams.

And in a way it was. He'd come from a home that wasn't really home. It made sense that he'd want to see this as a place where he'd belong.

I decided that, despite the fact that I originally didn't want to be involved in the danger Book-Hermione had been in and that I didn't know him well, I'd try to help if it seemed like he really needed it.

Because in a way I didn't have a home either. I didn't know Hermione's parents, they were strangers to me. Hermione and I may have been the same person (still very odd to think about) but I didn't have the memories of this life.

I was alone here.

Hello, Hello!

Jada/Hermione is more like a confused teenager with no idea what to make of her situation and I decided to hit her with a little dosage of reality. Just a little.


