Monday, 8am

Just six days after their surgery, Jac and Jonny had returned to work and had just exited the locker room in their scrubs.

"Y'know, I've been wearing pyjamas all week, and these actually don't feel any different." Jac smiled. "Not that you'd know considering you walk around my flat-"

"Our flat." Jonny corrected.

"Sorry. I meant not that you'd know considering you walk around our flat stark naked." Jac stated. "And I am in serious need of a coffee." She stated as she opened the door to the staff room.

"SURPRISE!" Mo, Elliot, Sacha and a group of nurses shouted.

"Oh my god!" Jonny laughed as he followed Jac into the slightly crowded room where Sacha was standing with a large chocolate cake iced with 'Welcome back Janny!'.

"Welcome back to work!" Sacha smiled as he gave Jonny a bear hug. After, he went to give Jac a hug but Jonny stood in the way.

"She's still a bit tender, so I wouldn't." Jonny warned and Sacha nodded.

"Nothing like a bit of nonalcoholic champagne to start the day." Mo smirked as she poured out the sparking beverage into plastic champagne flutes.

"What's all this for?" Jonny asked as he wrapped his arm around Jac's waist.

"We just wanted to celebrate both of you being in good health and we all wish both of you a speedy recovery although I think Jonny's almost there." Elliot explained cheerily.

"Oh trust me, I'm just high from all the painkillers." Jonny smiled.

"Right, everyone raise your glasses." Mo ordered. "To Janny." She smiled

"To Janny!" Everyone shouted including a rather loud bellow from Sacha.

"Janny? Really?" Jac moaned as everyone took a sip of their drink except her.

"Yeah, c'mon. Let's show them a bit of Janny." Jonny smiled as he leant in and kissed Jac on the lips.

"Aaww!" Mo squealed as they pulled apart. However, they didn't break eye contact, and Jac decided that she didn't care what the others thought so she leant in, cupped his cheeks in her hands and gave him a passionate kiss. "Ugh, too far." Mo moaned as she screwed her eyes shut. "Are they finished yet?" Mo asked.

"Nope." Sacha replied.

"Rights if you two don't pull apart now, you ain't getting any cake." Mo threatened, but neither of them paid attention to her as they deepened the kiss and Jonny let his hands rest on Jac's bum. Sacha wolf whistled which just made everyone smile, when finally the couple pulled apart. "You two finished?" Mo asked sarcastically.

"Wait." Jonny said before he pecked Jac once more on the lips. "Now we are." He smiled smugly.

"Oi, nurses start doing whatever you actually do on this ward now." Jac ordered fiercely and they all quickly scurried out of the room. "What? They were annoying." Jac stated as Jonny raised his eyebrows at her.

"I'm a nurse." He stated.

'Yeah but you're charge nurse. There's a difference." Jac stated

"Ugh, will you two just shove some cake in your mouth to stop you from eating each other's faces off again?" Mo ordered.

"I think someone's a little bit jealous." Elliot smirked.

"What? I could get a bloke if I wanted to." Mo argued.

"Go on then." Jonny ordered.

"Fine." Mo huffed as she walked over to Sacha and without hesitation, snogged him on the lips. "Happy?" Mo so kissed as she pulled away. "What?" She asked innocently.

"I can't believe you just did that!" Jac laughed.

"Jac, aren't you due in theatre?" Mo asked to change the subject.

"Er no, Jac's not due into theatre until 10am. She's assisting me." Elliot stated and Mo rolled her eyes.

"Well then, in that case I'd better go and do the ward rounds." She huffed.

"I did them five minutes ago." Elliot stated.

"Alright then, I'm off to... Oh sod it, you lot shut up." Mo ordered before she left the room and everyone had a little laugh at her actions.

"Go on Sacha's you're meant to chase after her." Jonny stated.

"I'm pretty sure that that kiss was to prove a point. It didn't mean anything." Sacha stated.

"Yeah, sure." Jac said sarcastically.

"It didn't!" Sacha protested.

"You're voice always goes high when you're lying. Did you know that?" Jac smirked and Sacha huffed.

"Right, I'd better get down to Keller. Y'know, lives to save an' all that." Sacha said before he left the room.


Jac and Jonny were sitting on the sofa sharing a blanket and watching the undatables -Jonny's idea, not Jac's- after a long day at work.

"Y'know, when me and you weren't together a few months ago, Mo suggested that I went on this show and pretended that I had Tourette's." Jonny smirked. "And the bad thing is, I had actually considered it. She just sorta thought that, when the cameras were turned off, I could tell the girl that I don't have the condition, but I couldn't do it. Because I just couldn't stop thinking about you." He admitted.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you either." Jac admitted as she twiddled her thumbs. "When I had, my first dialysis session, it was after I'd collapsed on Darwin and I just woke up attached to this machine... I really wanted Sacha to go and get you because I didn't know what was going to happen to me but... I didn't think that it'd be fair if I begged for you to take me back, just because I was ill." Jac explained quietly.

"And that's why you were reluctant to accept my kidney." Jonny concluded. "Because when I came down to see you, you were on the machine and you didn't want to be a burden did you?" He asked softly.

"I just didn't want to take something so important from you, when I didn't know if I could trust you." Jac admitted.

"And now? Do you trust me now?" He asked curiously, but she didn't look like she knew how to reply, so he continued. "Because I am never going to leave you Jac. And I would never do anything to hurt you. I know I've done so in the past, but I've learnt my lesson and I won't do it again. I promise." He said as he took her hands in his.

"Do you... Want to get married then?" She asked quietly. "I mean, I know you've always wanted to get married but I'm not particularly fussed so I don't-"

"Jac, you don't have to explain." Jonny said because he knew she was just nervously rambling on. "Of course I want to marry you! But, I've got to do the proposal properly sill be right back." Jonny stated before he carefully got up and disappeared into the kitchen leaving Jac to wonder if he had already bought a ring. And she believed that her suspicions were confirmed when he returned with his hand behind his back. He grimaced as he bent down on one knee and then cleared his throat. "Jac Naylor," he smiled, "will you do the great honour, of being my wife?" He asked as he showed her a red and white haribo ring leaving Jac shaking her head in dismay.

"Wow Maconie, you really splashed out on this one didn't you?" Jac beamed. "And I will. Only if you don't call me your missus." She stated. Jonny couldn't contain he smile as he rolled the confectionary ring onto her finger and then pulled her to her feet. They both gave a passionate kiss for a long minute before they eventually fell apart.

"Now, about having children," Jonny began jokily.

"That's for another day and don't forget about the endometriosis." Jac stated and Jonny nodded.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment, but could I possibly, kinda maybe, go and phone Mo?" Jonny asked.

"I knew you were gonna ask that!" Jac stated.

"Well that's just us baby, fiancés. We know each other." Jonny winked.

"What have I told you about calling me baby?" Jac asked.

"Of course. Now, was that a yes? About phoning Mo?" He asked.

"Go on then."Jac sighed and Jonny pecked Jac on the cheek before he zoomed off into the bedroom to get him phone.

"Mo? Yeah shut up a minute I have got some fantastic news!" Jonny announced. "Wh- no she's not pregnant!" He protested and Jac's mouth fell a open at the thought of such a thing - she was going to kill that registrar one day.


After a long few hours of receiving and making phone calls to spread the good news, Jonny finally joined Jac in their double bed. She was lying on her left side with her incision on her right side well protected so Jonny also got under the covers on his left side and wrapped his arms carefully around her abdomen.

"Y'know, I was willing to settle down with you without marrying." Jonny admitted.

"Dammit." Jac muttered. "In that case, I take back my suggestion." She joked.

"Nope. No turning back now bab- sorry, I mean jacky." He corrected.

"Don't call me Jacky." Jac sighed.

"Alright then... How about my little ginger nut?" He asked and Jac couldn't help but laugh.

"Hell no." Jac replied. "Just call me Jac. Y'know my actual name."

"No you're actual name is Jacqueline." Jonny stated. "Anyways, how are you looking forward to spending every night for the rest of you life in the same bed as me?" He asked happily as he nuzzled his nose in her neck to get comfortable for the night.

"Surprisingly, it's not as bad as it sounds." Jac mumbled as she closed her eyes with the side of her head resting on her pillow - she could easily relax in the arms of him no matter what the day had been like.

"Wow, I was expecting a sarcastic response... Im liking this side of you." Jonny smiled.

"What? The backside of me?" Jac joked.

"Well to be honest, every side of you has a great view." Jonny whispered into her ear.

"I'm tired Jonny, just go to bed." Jac muttered.

"Okay sweetheart. Night night." Jonny whispered as he reached behind him and turned off the bedside lamp.

Jac felt warm in his hold, the hold that would hopefully be available to her for the rest of her life. She couldn't believe that she had even suggested marriage. Because had she have not brought it up, Jonny wouldn't have said anything about it. But she figured that considering they both loved each other, and that Jonny had made such a sacrifice for her so that she could live a normal life, getting married would be a small sacrifice in return. Besides it wasn't that hard to wear a dress for a day and say I do, was it? Anyhow, she was sure that the two highlights of the entire day would be the after party and then to put it politely, consummating, the marriage in the evening.

She could tell as he fell asleep because his arms felt heavier on her waist, but lighter on her stomach and she could feel each breath on the back of her neck become slower and deeper. She couldn't believe that she, Jac Naylor, was getting married. Especially to a nurse of all professions. But it wasn't about that, she couldn't help who she and fallen in love with, because even though her brain said one thing, her heart would always over power it with another. She wasn't alone. Not anymore, she would have a husband. And maybe even have a child -if it was possible- either naturally or with fertility treatments because she knew that even though she didn't mind about having children -like she had felt about marriage- Jonny certainly did. And in the end, all of her future decisions would have to be made with her fiancé in mind because she, was not alone.

The end. Thank you very much for reading my story. Please review :)