Second Chances

A/N: Thank you everyone for all the reviews. Here is the final chapter.

Disclaimer: Still have no rights to the show.

Two months later:

Jane looked at the ceiling for what had to be the billionth time that evening. Lisbon was due back from her case in New York City, granted it had been only a few days but since their first night together he became accustomed to having her around and sleeping by his side. Which made the past few days the most horrible days in his new second chance life he was leading. He had been forced to stay in Austin after he mange to piss off both Abbott and the mayor of New York City, feeling he needed to be punished Abbott had forced him to stay and fill out paperwork. The elevator dinged and he looked over to see Fischer, Cho and Lisbon exit, getting to his feet he walked over to her.

"Welcome home," he told them all as he pulled Lisbon into a hug. "Especially you," he whispered into her ear before leaning down to give her a kiss.

"Did I miss anything here?" Lisbon asked as she tried to disentangle herself from him but he refused to allow her to move.

"Nope," he replied as breathed in her scent and sighed. "I hated being away from you."

"May that serve as a lesson for next time," she said as she pushed him away.

"Lesson learned," he smiled and grabbed her hand, he was ready to take this reunion somewhere much more private. "Let's go home."

"Sounds good." She agreed, though she seemed a bit more eager to get to her bed for other reasons.

"Did you want me to stop anywhere for dinner?" He asked as they walked over to her car.

"No, I just want to go home, take a hot bath and crawl into bed," she told him as she handed him the keys. "Drive."

"Yes, ma'am," he joked and opened the door for her, she slie in and rested her head against the seat, closing her eyes as he walked behind the car and open the trunk to drop off her overnight bags then walked around to the other side and allowed himself in. Lisbon was asleep before they even left the parking lot.

"Teresa," he whispered as he pulled into her assigned parking spot. "We are home." She mumbled something unintelligible and drifted back off to sleep. He shook his head and turned off the car, got out and walked over to her side. He opened the door and smiled. "I can always carry you in."

She opened one eye and looked at him, "I can always shoot you," she forced herself off the seat and followed him to the apartment. He unlocked the door with his own key that she had given to him after their first night together. After twelve years of foreplay they moved rather fast. "Why don't I go start you a bath as you undress?" He suggested as he closed the door behind her.

"That is sweet but I think I just want to crawl into bed," she told him as she made her way up the stairs.

"I'll just grab your stuff from the car," he told her as he watched her disappear into the bedroom. Locking the front door behind him after grabbing Lisbon stuff he headed upstairs to their bedroom, she had already claimed one of his shirts and had crawled into bed leaving her work clothes in a heap on the floor. Picking them up he placed them in the hamper and then stripped to his boxer shorts before crawling into bed next to her.

"I'm glad you are home," he whispered as he reached over to turn off the light.

"Hmm," she replied as she turned and cuddle into his side, resting her head on his shoulder and throwing an arm across his chest.

"Better?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around her, she gave a slightly nodded before burrowing deeper into his embrace. "Sleep my dear."

He woke up a few hours later, Lisbon still soundly asleep next to him. Slowly disentangling himself from her sleeping form, he got up from the bed and then padded out of the bedroom, down the stairs and into the kitchen. He filled the kettle and then placed it on the stove, after turning on the gas he went to the cupboard in search for some tea. The cupboard held a huge selection of teas thanks to him, picking out some chamomile; he dropped the tea bag into one of Lisbon's coffee cup.

"What are you doing up?" Her voice startled him.

"You should be sleeping."

"I missed the heat," she replied as she walked over and grabbed another cup. "What are you drinking?"

"Chamomile, it will help you fall back to sleep," he told her as he reach for her cup and placed it next to his.

"Oh, that reminds me," she told him quickly before leaving the kitchen even faster.

"Reminds you what?" He yelled as she disappeared. He was sitting on one of the kitchen stools when she returned a few moments later with a box; she placed it on the counter in front of him.

"For you."

He eyed the box with curiosity, for once caught off guard by a present. Usually he knew what he was getting from her before she'd even bought it. "What is it?"

"Something you could use."

He opened the white box top and looked inside, a smile instantly on his lips. "How did you?"

"Found it in antique store," she told him as the kettle started to whistle. "Why don't we christen it?"

Jane pulled out the bluish teacup and saucer placing it on the counter. She took one of the tea bags out of the coffee cup and placed it into his new tea cup then proceeded to make the tea the way he loved to have it.

"Here you go," she handed him the cup with a smile. He took it and looked at it. "Is something wrong?"

"What? No, it is perfect," he told her as he reached for her, he pulled her into his lap. "Thank you," he placed a quick kiss on her lips.

"My pleasure," she sighed and rested her head against his shoulder.

"You should really head back to bed," he rubbed her back thoughtfully as he used his free hand to take a sip of his tea.

"Only when you are ready," she replied sleepily. "I found I don't like sleeping without you."

That fact made him smile with satisfaction. "Oh, so you do miss me."

"I don't like not knowing where you are," she told him with a yawn then continued. "It is easier to keep track of you when you are in bed."

"Nice to know," he nodded in understanding. He placed his used mug in the sink along with hers then they headed back to their bedroom.

Jane dropped the teabag into the trashcan just as Marcus Pike entered the kitchen area of FBI. Jane took a sip of his tea before speaking. "Agent Pike what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" He might have won the battle for Lisbon's affections but that didn't mean his jealousy ever truly went away.

"I had to meet with Abbott about a case," Pike replied as he took a step closer to Jane. "Where is Teresa?"

"At home asleep, the team didn't get in until late last night," Jane informed him as he started his way out of the kitchen.

Pike's voice stopped him before he could exit "I heard about the engagement, congratulations."

"Thank you."

Marcus nodded and followed Jane out of the kitchen area and into the bullpen, Jane started for his couch while Marcus headed to Abbott's office but he stopped mid distance and looked back at Jane.


Jane stopped and turned around to face him, he could be civil with him. He was the victor after all. "Yes?"

"Can you tell Teresa that I am happy for her?"

So he could be gracious too, that was good of him. "Of course."

Marcus took a deep breath before speaking again. "She deserves the best, take care of her." Then he walked away just as Lisbon exited the elevator.

"Marcus," Lisbon said a little shocked. "Uh, what are you doing here?"

"A meeting with Abbott," he told her. "Don't worry I am not using the team for the case." He added on when he noticed the look of concern of her face.

"Nice to see you again Marcus," she told him truthfully.

"Thank you," he nodded and started back towards Abbott's office.

"Marcus," she called his name out. She made her way over to him then dropped her voice so the rest of the agents couldn't hear. "I never meant to hurt you in any way."

"It's okay Teresa, I am happy as long as you are happy even if that is with Jane."

"I hope you find someone," she told him before leaning up to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek. He nodded and smiled before leaving her.

"Should I be worried?" Jane asked from behind her.

She jumped and turned on her hill to face him. "Damn it, Jane you scared the crap out of me and why the hell should you be worried?"

"Kissing another man," he told her as he used one hand to motion the retreating back of Pike.

"That was a kiss on a cheek, nothing else," she crossed her arms across her chest. Jane knew she was bristling more that Jane seemed to be doubting her.

"Still counts," he smiled, he took a sip of his tea. He did love teasing her.

"Sheep dip, you have kissed many woman on the cheek."

"Yes, but they have meant nothing to me," he smiled at her as he placed a hand on her back and guided her towards the bullpen.

"Better not," she muttered under her breath.

"No worries dear you are stuck with me for the rest of your life," he told her as they approached her desk. Lisbon looked around the room then turned to face him.


"Of course, my future is with you and only you," he replied before leaning down and giving her a quick kiss on the lips then retreated to his couch. Lisbon smiled and sat down and started her paperwork from the previous case just as the morning sunlight caught her ring. She smiled and the leaned back in the chair, no matter what the future would hold for them they were together. They came into each other lives by fate; they stayed there by choice.

The End.