Yes I finally updated! Believe it! Let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Mass Effect or it's characters. I'm just playing with them for my pleasure :)

Chapter 5

Shepard lay in bed, panting while slight tremors raced through her body. Her hand seemed to have a mind of it's own as it crept downwards. Her fingers slowly started to play with herself then quickly picking up speed as she desperately tried to finish what Thane had started. It didn't take long before she came with a quiet moan of relief.

"Commander, are you okay? Your heart rate and body heat just jumped into abnormal ranges." EDI voice rang through the cabin.

"EDI!" Shepard exclaimed. "I'm fine EDI, thanks though."

"Very well Commander. Logging you out."

Goddamn…what the hell was that? Adeline questioned as she stood up and quickly changed underwear before heading down to the Crew Quarters to speak to the master thief.

"Kasumi!" Adeline exclaimed as she stepped into the thief's quarters. "What's the plan? Are you reading to get that graybox?"

"Shep! Good timing!" Kasumi grinned. "Yes I do believe it's time. Everything is set up and ready to go. Now I can finally get Keiji back." The thief's eyes glistened for a second before she bowed her head.

"Then let's go." Shepard turned her head upwards. "EDI, set a course for Bekenstein."

"Yes, commander. Setting a course for Bekenstein. ETA three hours."

Shepard turned on her heel and exited Kasumi's room. She headed for the elevator, hesitating slightly as she passed Thane's door. She turned her head, looked at the glowing green lock before muttering to herself and heading up to her room. Shepard finally reached her Captain's Quarters and opened the door to reveal Miranda, Tali, Kelly, Gabby.

"What the hell are you guys doing in here?" Adeline asked, shock under coating her voice.

"Shep! You're going on a hot date! You need to look stunning!" Tali answered, giggling.

"A hot date? But it's just Hock that I'm going to be with." Shepard explained. Kasumi walked in and gave the girls a knowing grin before stepping towards Shepard. Miranda and Tali looked at each other before rushing forward to grab Shepard and plop her into her desk chair.

"What the hell, you guys?!" Shepard exclaimed, her body pulsing blue.

"I could've sworn I told you, Shep." Kasumi looked puzzled. "You can't show up to Hock's party without a date so I nicely asked our resident assassin, since he already has a notable reputation, to help out. He accepted which is why you need to look smoking hot tonight." She explained as Miranda pulled out her curling iron and Tali grabbed her dress and laid it out on the bed.

"You did WHAT?" Shepard shouted. Oh my god…

"What's the problem, Shep? You and Thane not only work well together, he's quick and silent, plus not to mention very handsome. You couldn't ask for a better date! Besides I could've asked Zaeed or Garrus." Kasumi winked and everyone laughed.

Adeline was flabbergasted. Her mouth hung open and her eyes wide as Miranda started to curl her chocolate-brown hair.

"Close your mouth, commander, before you catch a fly." Gabby teased and the girls went to work.

It took two hours and thirty-five minutes before Kasumi declared that Shepard was ready to get dressed. Her chocolate-colored hair was curled, the soft waves hitting the middle of her back. Kelly had done the smoky eye look on her sapphire blue eyes, making them pop and added fake eyelashes. Her plush lips were a deep oh-so-kissable crimson red.

"There! What do you think?" Miranda asked, turning Adeline around to face the mirror.

"I look like a whore." Shepard answered, deadpanned.

"No you don't Shep! You look delicious! Hock won't be able to keep his eyes off of you." Kasumi chuckled.

"Neither will Thane." Gabby muttered, causing Tali to giggle.

Kasumi shot them both a murderous glare. "Now let's get you dressed! You don't want to keep Thane waiting, do you?"

Shepard sighed. "No." She walked over to the leather dress and Miranda helped her in it. She slipped on her heels, the necklace and the bracelet. "Why don't you guys go downstairs and see if Thane is ready?" Adeline asked.

"Yes, commander." Kelly, Gabby, Tali, and Miranda answered and walked out. Kasumi was the last to leave.

"I'll see you downstairs." Kasumi walked to the door but before leaving she turned around to look at Adeline. "Oh and Shep?"

"Hmm?" Adeline hummed.

"Don't forget to wear that garter." Kasumi winked and then vanished.

"How do you..?" Shepard asked, her question hanging in mid-air. "Oh screw it." She looked over at the drawer where the garter sat, thinking for a second. Should I wear it? What would Thane do if I don't? Shepard chuckled before deciding not to disobey the assassin and opened the drawer. She pulled out the garter and slipped it up until it was peeking out of the bottom of her dress, looked once last time in the mirror, and then headed down to the CIC where Thane was waiting for her.

Shepard finally hit the CIC deck and walked out when the doors slid open. Everyone turned around and a collective gasp rang through the space as they took in the stunning appearance of their commander. Kasumi materialized beside her.

"Shep, glad you could make it." Kasumi teased. "Let's go. Thane's waiting beside the airlock doors."

Kasumi took Adeline's arm and lead her to the airlock while Joker gave a piercing cat call. Shepard turned her head to glare at Joker but her eyes didn't make it passed the appearance of Thane. Goddamn… She gasped. Thane was impeccably dressed in a sharp black tux with a green tie and white button up shirt underneath.

"EDI," Kasumi acknowledged the artificial intelligence. "We're ready."

"Understood Miss Goto. Pressurizing the airlock. Ready. You may proceed."

"Ready, siha?" Thane's voice grumbled in question, taking Adeline's arm from Kasumi.

"Ready." Shepard answered and the airlock's doors opened revealing Hock's mansion.

"Oh and siha?" Thane murmured as they climbed into the personal shuttle.

"Yes Thane?" Adeline asked.

"You should wear green more often." Thane grumbled, his fingers whispering over the top of the lacey green garter on Adeline's thigh before settling into the seat next to her.

Adeline shuddered and bit her bottom lip as heat started to grow in between her legs. Oh god, is Kasumi trying to kill me? She wondered as they flew off to retrieve a stolen graybox.

More to come!