New Dimensions: Episode 1- Time Travel

~Fallen Firefly

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing.

This story is copyrighted by me and it has a lot of dialogue. Sorry but I wrote this a long time ago and that's why. I will be editing it putting more story and less talk but yeah... enjoy... I hope.


Minako sighed. She was bored. She looked across the room and saw Ami sitting reading a book. She looked down a hallway and saw Setsuna struggling to get a book barely out of reach. They were in Hotaru's library. Hotaru was still in school. She had invited the three of them to come over her house after school and Minako and Ami, although they didn't go to the same school, both had a pupil-free day. Setsuna wasn't feeling her best in the morning. She woke up with a stomach ache but now that the ache was over, she was able to make it to Hotaru's house.

Hotaru had invited Usagi, Chibi-Usa, and Rei over but they couldn't make it. Usagi had dragged Mamoru and Chibi-Usa with her to eat and Rei said she wanted to stay home and meditate.

"I'm bored." Minako said as she crossed her legs and arms.

"You mean to tell me that you have absolutely nothing to do?" Ami asked flustered.

"What is there to do?" Minako said as she looked around the large library.

"Eh... here." Ami said as she dug in her sack and pulled a thick book. "Read this. It's a love story and it will leave you in tears."

"Love eh?" Minako said as she grabbed the book. "It looks like a dictionary. Gone With the Wind. I don't want to read it." She said as she examined the cover.

"Why not?"

"Because... it looks boring. And plus, you know how it is gonna take me a lifetime to read a book like this."

"It only took me three days."

"To read... 1024 pages!? You're a bookworm." [A/N: Actual number of pages in G.W.T.W. depending on how large your book is."

Ami rolled her eyes and stood up and began walking toward one of the hallways.


Hotaru stepped into the house. When she heard voices coming from the library, she went running towards the library door.


"Where are you going?"

"Going to look for another book." Ami mumbled as she walked off into the darkness.

Minako sighed. All of a sudden, a thought struck her. She knew that if any of the other scouts found out, they would be in trouble. If Luna found out...

"I must not think about what Luna might do." She said to herself and then screamed, "Guys!"

Ami and Setsuna came running. Ami was holding a book and Setsuna had two books under one arm and one on the other.

"What? You scared me!" Setsuna cried.

"Oh... I-uh just had an idea... of something we can do... instead of just ehm... reading."


"Setsuna... I was wondering if we can... go to a different dimension."

"What?!" It was both of them this time and the both of them dropped their books.

"Y-you heard me. Let's go to a different dimension... time zone... thing."

"Mina-san! D-don't you know in how much trouble we might be in if- if the other scouts found out?" Setsuna said taking the seat next to Mina. "If Luna found out?! Look, Hotaru's going to be home soon. Any second now alright?"

"No. I want to do something fun. Hotaru might now come until the next hour Setsuna. You know how slow she is! Please? Oh please!"

"Have you gone insane?" It was Ami now. She was down on her knees picking up her and Setsuna's books.

"N-no I am not! Please Setsuna! Some fun for once."

"What if we are gone by the time Hotaru comes back." Setsuna questioned.

"You can put that weird spell thing. Slow time down or freeze it."

"Minako... you know I can't do that. You very well know that I can't transport you guys to different times unless its Sailor business."

"Well I'm bored! And that's all of our business." Minako whined. "You know that. Because you are all bored."

"Setsuna... you know that I'm going to have to agree with her. I read almost every book in this library."

"Thank you Ami!" Minako said winking.

"I can't. If Luna found out---"

"Who said Luna's going to find out?" Minako smiled a sinister smile. "It's not like some people are going to let their conscience bother them like uhm... a certain person... I won't say any names *cough* Ami *wheeze*. I wonder if Hotaru's got some cough medicine. This cough is really bothering me."

Ami blushed and Setsuna chuckled. "Still... I can only do it if it's an emergency."

"Oh please! It is so dreadfully boring here!"


Hotaru was still making her way to the library. On her way up, she fell to her knees. She was tired of the walk from her school to her house.


Minako looked at Setsuna with puppy-dog eyes that no one could stand.

"Ugh! Alright!" Setsuna said taking out her transforming pen. "But only... only this once. I might end up telling Luna."

"Yay!" Minako jumped.

Ami cleared her throat and stood up from the ground. She placed all the books onto the nearest table and took out her pen. Setsuna and Ami both sweat-dropped when they saw that Minako had already transformed.

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go!" she whined.

The both of them transformed and Setsuna opened a time gate. "Put all of your things in your subspace pockets." They did so and then they each held each other's hands and Setsuna muttered, "I can't believe that I'm doing this." And they all stepped in.


Hotaru opened the door and said, "Guys! ... G-guys?" She stared at the empty library. 'It was my imagination.' She thought and closed the door to the library.


The three of them stood in front of the time gate and Setsuna opened her communicator.

"What do you want? Future of past?"

"Future! Future!" Minako giggled. Ami sweat-dropped. Setsuna sighed and said, "Alright. How does... A.C. 195 sound?"

"Oooh! I bet it's gonna be one of those, meal in a pill places! Where teachers are robots and everything is served to you in a tiny tiny little pills and---"

"I highly doubt it Minako." Ami said as she raised her hand to calm her hyper friend.

"C'mon! Let's go already!" Minako whined.

The three of them stepped through the time gate and instantly were transformed into a rather, clean alley.

The three of them each took out their belongings from their subspace pockets and de-transformed. Minako searched through her purse and found a little mirror where she began putting on orange lip-gloss and body-lotion with glitter. Then she began fixing her hair.

"What are you doing?" Ami questioned.

"There might be some really cute guys here in the future and I want to make them drool."

They both sweat-dropped and then they too began fixing themselves.

"You never know." Ami giggled as she reached for Minako's body lotion. "That's right Ami." Minako said slapping Ami's back. "Ouch." Ami whispered.

They began walking to who knows where. "The clothes hasn't changed much." Minako whispered as she looked at the people passing by wearing something similar to them.

"You're right. It's as if time has frozen. Setsuna, do you know why when we stepped through the gate, we ended up in an alley? I thought it would be a room."

"Well... it has been hundreds of years Ami. Many wars have passed and who knows, maybe that they tore Hotaru's house down, but when we stepped through the gate, that spot was exactly where Hotaru's library had once been."

"Why did we have to bring our stuff?"

"So that we won't look suspicious." Setsuna stated calmly. "In this time, they just finished going through a war. We have to look as normal in here as possible."

The three walked into a restaurant called 'Nibblers' and looked for a seat. The café was full.


"I'm so glad that that war is over neh?" Duo said leaning back on his chair.

"For once, the braided baka is right." Wufei mumbled.

"You're right Duo. It is a burden off of your shoulders when you don't have to fight anymore." Quatre said.

"Yes you are all right. But we still must be on the look out. I know that there are some people in this universe that hates the sweet smell of peace." Trowa said as he silently drank his tea.

"Trowa... I'm telling you this as a friend... that was pathetic." Quatre said.

"Nani!?" Duo said in an incredulous tone.

"Eh?" Quatre asked.

"Check 'em out. Those babes at the door." Duo said signaling towards the door.

Everyone except for Heero leaned forward and looked towards the door. There stood three girls. One of them, who looked like the oldest, had long, dark-green hair that went down to her waist. The second, also had long hair but it was blond and she had a red bow tied neatly above it. The third girl had short blue hair. And her eyes matched her hair.

"Big deal. Just a bunch of worthless and weak onna's Duo." Wufei said as he leaned back on his chair. Trowa did the same, not saying anything.

"I don't care if they are worthless and weak. They are hot." Duo whispered.

"I have to agree with you Duo once more." Quatre said in a small voice and he leaned back on his chair.

"They look like they are looking for a place to sit." Duo said out loud.

Heero looked at their table and noticed that they had room for three more in their table. Duo noticed this also because he too, stood up and began waving at the girls.

Minako was the first one to see him and she waved back. Then Duo signaled for the girls to come towards their table.


"Hey look. That cute guy's waving at me. I got a boyfriend already." Minako said with a grin on.

"He's not waving. He wants us to sit with him... no them." Ami said as she saw that the braided young man was sitting with five others.

"Let's go!" Minako said as she dragged the other two. Ami noticed a blond and blushed furiously. "Oh God almighty. I'm going to need your help." Ami whispered to herself.

"Hey handsome." Minako smiled and winked.

"Hey chicks. I saw you by the door looking for a place to sit and... We have some extra seats. Just wondering if you wanted to sit with us." Duo said smiling at Minako.

"Thank you very much." Ami uttered bowing as they all slid into their seats.

"So uh... where are you from?"

"Not from around here." Setsuna muttered.

"Oh really?" Quatre said interested. "Where then?"

"Tokyo!" Minako said.

"Well, ladies... this is Tokyo." Quatre informed them.

"Not only are they worthless and weak, they are stupid also." Wufei muttered. Ami glared.

"Never mind that... where are you guys from?"

"Me... You're looking at a 100% American man." Duo said proudly as he pointed to himself.   "I currently live in Arabia. Just here with my friends." Quatre smiled. Ami smiled also.

"China." Wufei mumbled.

"No one cares." Minako said.

Wufei closed his eyes and both of his hands were trembling fists.

"Ooooh! Wu-man got moded by a hottie!" Duo squealed with excitement.

"Shut up Maxwell."

"And you bang-boy?" Minako said turning her attention to a young man with his hair in such a way that it practically defied gravity.


"Oh. You?" Minako looked at Heero when she said this.


"Is he mute?" Minako whispered to Duo.

"He just doesn't talk much. Nor does bang boy..."


A brunette waitress came and asked if they would like anything to drink.

"Another root-beer!" Duo said.

"Same here." Minako muttered.

"Another glass of tea." Quatre said.

"Yes uhm... I would like a glass of tea also." Ami mumbled.

"Alrighty. And for you young man?"

"Boba." Wufei said.

"Ok... and you three?"

"Just water." Setsuna said.

"Ok. I'll be right back!" The waitress bowed and briskly walked away.

"Oh I'm so dreadfully sorry for being so rude!" Ami said covering her mouth and blushing. "Girls, we didn't introduce ourselves."

"Oh. Please excuse us!" Setsuna said. "My name is Setsuna."

"Ami Mizuko." (AN: Is it Mizuko or Mizuno?)

"I'm Minako Aino and you can call me Mina or your girlfriend. I'm single and I wouldn't mind having one of you!" Minako said winking at a certain braided boy. This left Duo with lightly stained crimson cheeks.

"Duo Maxwell... and I'm proud to say that I'm single also."

"Quatre Rebarba Winner." Quatre stated proudly.

"Wufei... Ch-Chang Wufei."

"Trowa Barton."


"I can see that you are the strong silent type." Ami said glancing worriedly at Heero. He looked back at her with cold eyes and then he looked out the window.

"His name is Heero Yuy and please excuse his rudeness." Quatre said glaring at Heero.

"That's alright. We have a friend just like him. She barely talks... practically emotionless." Setsuna said thinking about Hotaru.

"Ya hear that Heero? We found you a girlfriend!" Duo stated.

"Yeah... we also have an obnoxious friend who matches the personality of someone in this table." Minako said. "I'm not pointing fingers." She pointed directly at Wufei when she said this.

"Shut up weak onna."

Ami giggled and Setsuna smiled and the waitress came with there drinks.


Hotaru sat in the kitchen of her rather large house. No not house, mansion. She was nibbling some noodles with a soda by her side.

"When are they coming?" she questioned herself. "I could of sworn that I lent them each a key to come inside. What if I gave them the wrong key?"

She ran to the telephone and dialed a telephone number. It was Minako's house. Artemis picked up.


"I knew it was you. We have caller I.D. hehe. What is it Firefly?"


All of the girls drank quietly and Minako and Duo kept on stealing glances from each other. After every glance, their faces became even more scarlet.

When they finally finished, the girls stood up and so did the boys.

"I'll see ya later Duo." Minako said putting her most seductive pose and making her voice as passionately tempting as possible.

Duo couldn't do anything. He stood there frozen. For once in his life, he found the girl that he liked. All of those others were just cute but this one... this one is beautiful.


"Is Minako there?"

"Oh I'm sorry Hotaru... Minako left a long time ago. She said she was on her way to your house."


"Why? She's not there yet?"

"No... but don't worry. I bet she just got distracted by some good-looking looking young man and is flirting."


"Well, I have to go. Ja!"

Hotaru hung up and called Haruka's cell-phone.

"Eh--- hello?"

"Haruka? Is Setsuna around?"

"No Hotaru. Is there anything that I can get you?"

"No. Just wondering."

"Alright. Well, bye."

Hotaru hung up without saying bye and began doing her homework. It was so quiet, Hotaru felt like screaming to end the silence. It was driving her crazy. Then she heard giggles coming from the library. She walked towards it and was surprised to see the three of the girls each of them sitting on a different couch, acting as if nothing has happened.

"N-nani!" Hotaru mumbled.

"Oh Hotaru!" it was Minako.

"Where were you?"

"We went to the future Hotaru! You won't believe what we saw! They were so cute! These five guys. Duo Maxwell was so damn hot! So were the others but Duo seemed to like me out of all of them."

Minako got stared from Ami and Setsuna.

"What? Oh... oops."

"You're not going to tell Lune are you?" Minako screamed realizing that she had just spilled their secret.

Hotaru only glared and finally she said, "No I'm not."

"Setsuna..." Ami began, "I liked it there. When can we go back?"

"Are you crazy? We are not going back."

"B-but you told them..." Minako began, putting her puppy-dog eyes again: "You told them that we might be back to see them!"

"I perfectly remember saying that... We might be back to see them. I'm not going to risk going back there and Luna or Artemis finding out."

"But Setsuna..."

"Enough. I don't want to hear anymore. We are not going back."

Hotaru signaled for the girls to come to her room, not really caring at all at how heartbroken Minako was.