Disclaimer: I don't own the X-Men, or Frozen. The former belongs to Marvel, which is owned by Disney now, so I guess they're both Disney property!
Also, spoiler warning for the ending of Frozen. (All will be explained!)

Bobby had recently volunteered to help maintain the Institute's ledgers. He was a few years into his Accounting major now, and when the Professor offered to pay him, he waved it off and claimed it was good practice. It took a bit of clever work to balance books that contained expenditures for both maintaining military planes and weekly groceries after all.

The mansion's residents who knew him from his teens were a bit surprised at how he took to it, considering all the antics he used to get up to... The antics he still got up to, technically, though they happened less often now. As with the other X-Men who'd decided to pursue college-level education outside the mansion, he wasn't home as much. And when he was, he usually had some work to accomplish. It was probably close to the only thing he took completely seriously, punching numbers, so when he sat down to work, people respected him enough not to disturb him.

Which brought him to the rec room, alone except for the couple of logbooks spread out in front of him. This was one of his rare afternoons off in the week, so the rec room was relatively quiet for the time of the day. It was just after lunch, meaning the younger mutants were still at the high school, the older ones were either away at campus or had some other affair to see to, and the senior staff were busy with their own X-related administrative work. Which meant the only person who could conceivably bother him was...

"Uncle Bobby!"

A head popped up from behind him, beaded ends of her stark white micro braids tinkling by his ear.

Bobby blinked, and then grinned at the minuscule version of Storm smiling brightly up at him. "Hey, kiddo. Your mom know you're here?"

She shook her head, braids swaying with the motion. "Nope. I just had a nap, an' her an' Daddy are downstairs." She climbed over the back of the couch impatiently. He knew that look. It was the one she wore when she was bored. Most of the mansion knew it well. It was the look that could talk Rogue and Laura into sitting down to a tea party, or Remy into helping her with a coloring book, or Scott into driving her into the neighboring city to visit her best friend Sarah Rogers.

Bobby steeled himself for whatever it was she wanted from him, remembering the last time she used it on him to help her finish a pint of ice cream before dinner, or that time she begged him to let her ice slide through the halls. But this time, all she did was turn her big blue eyes up to him and ask: "Do you want to build a snowman?"

Bobby's careful look became a vaguely amused smile. He hadn't seen the movie, but he was friends with enough girls to know a Frozen quote when he heard one. He looked outside. It was nice and cold out, but since it was nearly March, there wasn't much snow to play in. And what little there was wasn't exactly snowman material.

He spared the ledgers a short glance before shutting them with one of his trademark conspiratorial smiles. "Do you haveta ask?" He got up, picking her up with one arm easily amid her startled laughter. "Let's get you bundled up 'fore we go out there though, okay? The cold never bothered me, but I think your folks might kill me if I let you catch a cold..."


By the time Storm and Wolverine had finished with the Danger Room and found them both outside, Kendall was about done with the snowmen. The two parents stood just outside the door, watching their little girl stick a carrot onto the last of her snowmen (she had a small army by now.) And by the sound of it, she was narrating the entire plot of her new favorite movie to her new favorite friend.

"... so after that, Elsa isn't afraid of her powers anymore! And she uses her powers to make cool things! Like ice all over the ground, and then her and Anna and Kristoff and Olaf all go skating on it and it's so cool. Do you think you could do that, Uncle Bobby? So we can skate any time we want to?"

"Sure could, kiddo. Right after I make your ice castle, right?"

Kendall nodded eagerly and stretched out her arms. "A really big castle! And a magic ice dress!"

"Dunno about that last one, K-girl. I dunno the first thing about dresses." Bobby laughed, rubbing his hands together. "Let's see if I can't make you that castle though, okay?"


Logan shook his head with a grin as he watched Bobby Drake ice up a tiny castle from the ground up, to the delighted squeals of his little girl. Beside him, Ororo smiled fondly.

"Looks like Kendall has a new favorite friend," she murmured, laughing as Kendall immediately launched into a five year old's rendition of the movie's big solo number. Bobby kept pace with her, raising walls and spires of ice around her as she spun and ran about.

"I coulda seen this coming." Logan grunted, eyes never leaving Kendall. She was a little ball of excited energy, but she was also running over ice. Bobby could be trusted to keep her from slipping, but that didn't mean he wasn't worried anyway. "... She ain't shut up about the movie since you took her to see it last week."

"I expected it as well. All week it's been, When is Uncle Bobby coming to visit? and, Can Uncle Bobby play Frozen with me yet?"

Across the yard, Kendall struck a pose under a majestic archway made of crystal ice. "The cold never bothered me anyway," she proclaimed.

Bobby had whipped out his phone in time to snap a picture of the little girl before she spun on her heel and disappeared into the small castle.

"Remind me to ask Drake for that picture." Logan grinned, finally marching towards the pair. Ororo followed after him, her own quiet laughter trailing behind them.

... This was supposed to be a meaningful oneshot about the similar themes between the movie and the X-Men, but I got distracted.

I might turn this into a series of Kendall's misadventures with the mansion residents. Who doesn't want to read about Laura and Rogue talked into a tea party, amirite?