Thanks again to Aspiringactor for betaing this chapter.

"Are you sure about this Peter?" Kitty asked the next day, wearing her new black costume from the night before. She was following Peter in his Spider-Man costume to Oscorp Tower, they had to tell Flash before they went and he now believed they were an official team.

"I'm positive, Kitty." Peter told her as Kitty now put her arms around Peter's neck as he scaled to the top of the Tower. "The tracker that I put on that Hobgoblin guy leads directly to Oscorp Tower. So I'm willing to bet it is either Harry or his Father who we had to deal with last night."

"Okay I guess he blamed Spider-Man for what had happened to Watson and he might have gotten crazy..." Kitty sighed before they noticed some sort of floating vehicle which resembled a smaller version of the Helicarriers seen on the news report of HYDRA's fight against SHIELD at the Triskellion.

"The tracker is coming from that thing." Peter said and making sure Kitty was safe from possible falling, he went shot a web at the vehicle and went climbed through some sort of vent.

It lead to them being in a large room which made up of most of the vehicle, "Welcome to my little craft, I made it made just for this confrontation, my name is Norman Osborn head of SHIELD's HAMMER Division which has managed to survive despite the revelations about HYDRA." They heard a voice say and when they looked at the front of the place – it shocked them.

It was Norman Osborn sitting on a chair smirking at them and behind him was several large monitors – reached showed footage of Peter changing into Spider-Man, "I have had secret cameras picking these up and I was able to save them for myself since most of what remained of SHIELD at the time was still in disarray." Norman laughed as he got up from his chair "interesting movies, wouldn't you say Mr Parker and I think your little girlfriend is Ms Pryde."

"I didn't believe dad at first Pete." Peter heard as he and kitty saw the Hobgoblin appearing on his glider "but I can now see that you were the one who took my MJ away from me!"

"What did you do to your own son Osborn?" Kitty asked venom in her voice seeing that Norman must have had a hand in his son becoming a villain, Peter was glaring at the man who used his son (and a former friend of his) for his own agenda.

"I have plans to make a better world and you two do not factor in them!" laugh Norman as Harry began throwing bombs at Peter and Kitty which they dodged and they were shocked to see Eric Williams come in with his robotic scythe hand visible, "Eric please leave with Harry while I take care of these two myself!" Norman told Eric, Eric told Harry to come down and he relucantly did so thus allowing Eric to ride the glider with him out of the vehicle place.

"Okay so I just saw a guy with a scythe for a hand..." Harry muttered under his breath as Kitty had a similar look of disbelief under her mask "how more insane can reality become?"

"I gave Harry the latest version of a serum I created called OZ." Norman laughed as he skin was becoming dark green and it looked like he was getting bigger and made Peter and Kitty look terrified "however OZ took several tries to complete and I used samples of the gamma radiation that i created from what Samuel Sterns told me when I questioned him in custody as well as a sample of Extremis..."

Then Norman turned into a large green Hulk like monster and his hands seemed to have fire inside of him, kind of like the AIM Extremis guys they saw on the news. "I tested a dose on myself which allowed me to turn into this..." Norman laughed as he was getting ready to fight "luckily with my strong mind and some tests I can control myself while in this form and control the transformation, you will see what this Goblin can do!"

It was only through his Spider-Sense that Peter barely managed to dodge the fireballs that Norman threw at him; Norman ran and managed to punch Peter to the ground before he could dodge.

Peter barely managed to dodge and Kitty threw him out of the way before Norman could pound him, the monitors switched to a smiling man in a business suit, "Hello Norman, as you know I am your boss Phil Coulson the Director of SHIELD." The man smirked as Norman looked furious "We caught wind of your operation to build this thing and since it is technically SHIELD property we have gained control, we have managed to find some of the stuff you have kept hidden form us and I have already authorised SHIELD operatives to question every HAMMER agent we can find and look through the secrets we have managed to find from yours. We are shutting down this craft and if you survive Norman then I am looking forward to having you questioned in custody."

Then the floor started shaking and Peter and Kitty had to stay together to pick themselves up, Norman thundered in rage as the place was going in flames due to Norman continuously pounding the ground with his fiery hands.

"I think Osborn is distracted with his tantrum." Kitty told Peter as she used her phasing abilities to get them through the ground, when they were out Peter web slinged them to the top of a building to what the vehicle land in the ocean.

"You have that Osborn is..." Kitty asked but Peter shook his head.

"I know superhero stories and if the villain's body is not found then chances are he survived, I know this is real life but with what we know is now possible then I don't think we can take any chances." Peter told Kitty and she realised he had a point.


In the HAMMER base known as the Mobile Home, Eric had taken Harry there as he knew the place was a closely guarded secret that only a select few would have clearance too, "I thought Peter was my friend but he took my girl and now my dad from me!" Harry roared with his hood down and had taken off both his mask and his goggles.

Harry wanted to go back for his dad when he saw the place sinking but Eric told him that his father's orders was to keep going, they reached a room where there was MJ, Mark, Morbius and Toomes. MJ and Harry looked shocked as they saw each other and they ran to huge the other.

Once that was done Eric told the ones gathered "this group was an operation Mr Osborn had for a while, a group that would be needed to make sure the world was changed for the better...whether it wanted to or not, welcome to the Sinister Six!"