A/N Okay, so I have taken the liberty of writing this bonus epilogue chapter for all my loyal readers. To all those who favorited, followed and kindly reviewed I simply was not happy with just leaving it open to interpretation.

So I have written this chapter. It is set five years in the future and Hans and Elsa are going to finally have their ultimate happy ending. For those who may remember Isis was the alchemist Hans and Elsa met in chapters 16/17. He was the one who made the antidote for Anna. I decided to bring him in to offer his assistance.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy.


Five years later.

Four and a half year old Prince Samuel gazed out of his window at the snow which now blanketed the entire kingdom. Excitedly he raced along the hallway to his parents room and knocked incessantly. "Mama! Papa! it's snowing. Come out. I want to build a snowman."

The door creaked open revealing his blonde haired Father. He picked up the small child, ruffling his matching blonde locks. "You do eh champ?"

Samuel nodded vigorously. "Yes I do Papa."

Kristoff placed the boy back on the ground who then ran wildly to his Mother still snoring away in bed. He hopped onto the bed and began bouncing up and down. "Mama, wake up! wake up!"

Anna who was sleeping with her mouth wide open and her hair in disarray, let out an irritated whine. "Samuel. Go back to bed."

Samuel flung himself down on top of his Mother. "I can't. The skies awake, so I'm awake. And I want to go build a snowman with you."

Kristoff joined his wife and son on the bed. "Why don't we have some breakfast, and then we'll go build a snowman."

Samuel huffed. "But I don't want any breakfast."

Kristoff tickled his son's tummy. "You need to eat breakfast. If you don't, you won't grow big and strong like me."

"Or like Uncle Hans?"

Kristoff chortled. "Or like Uncle Hans."

"Hey, maybe Aunty Elsa will want to build a snowman. At least she doesn't have to make the snow this time. It's already here."

Anna sat upright at the mention of her sister's name. "Hey Samuel? remember what I said about Aunty Elsa. She's going to be having her baby real soon, and she needs all the rest she can get."

"But how much longer is it going to take for the baby to come? she hasn't played with me for ages."

"Babies have to stay in their Mama's tummies for a long time. The baby will come when it's ready," Kristoff explained.

Samuel turned his head to look at his father. "Then can she come play with me?"

Before Kristoff could answer, Anna interrupted. "She'll be really busy looking after the new baby. But I'm sure if you ask, she'll let you help."

Samuel looked proud. "Because I'm going to be the big cousin, right?"

Kristoff and Anna answered in unison. "Yes you are."

"You know, I think it's snowing," Hans said as he snuggled in next to his wife as they lay in bed together. He had already noticed the snowflakes gently falling outside of the window. "I always knew he was going to be a winter baby."

Elsa nudged her husband playfully. "He? what happens if it's a girl?"

Hans shook his head. "With the amount of moving around that baby has being doing these past few months. It can only mean one thing-"

"And what is that?"

"That he's going to be a strapping lad, just like his father." Hans gently placed his hand on Elsa's engorged stomach. "You hear that son. You're going to big and strong just like me." He then placed a gentle kiss just above her belly button, and in return he received a small kick. "That's my boy."

Elsa smiled at the sight of her enlarged stomach. "As much as I can't wait to meet our child, I'm actually going to miss my bump. Even if I can't see my feet, it's a gentle reminder that something precious is growing inside. Something wonderful and beautiful."

Hans embraced his wife affectionately, placing a kiss on her forehead. "And that is why we will love and cherish this child forever."

"But what if you want more?" A tear rolled from her eye at the thought that this would most likely be the only time she would ever carry a child.

Hans wiped the tear away, grasping her hand in his. "Elsa. I don't care if we never have another child. You have given me something special. With everything you've endured, including the loss of the babies, we are finally about to have our miracle. What is even more special, is that even after the doctors and healers told you it was likely you'd never carry a child to term, you were determined to keep trying. You are braver and more courageous then I ever thought possible."

"But it was your idea to visit Isis."

Hans smiled to himself. "Well yes it was. But you agreed for him to help us." He thought back to that time, ten months ago. When he thought all was lost, a ray of sunshine shone down on them.

Isis was absolutely dumbfounded when Hans had turned up on his doorstep. "Well I never. I hadn't expected to see you again. Don't tell me you've been poisoning more Princesses."

Hans laughed half-heartedly. "Those days are over. I am a reformed man. And now a King may I add."

Isis' eyes widened as he fell to his knees. "Your Majesty. I am so sorry, I had no idea."

"There is no need for such formalities old friend."

Isis clambered to his feet. "So what can I do for you?"

"It's actually my wife, the Queen."

"The Queen? so she did listen to my advice after all."

"Yes. Do you remember? her name was Elsa."

Isis smiled at the memory. "How I could forget about her? She was radiant, and pure like a snowdrop." Then Isis had a terrifying thought. If Hans was here then surely something bad must have happened. "I hope everything is well."

"It is. I finally have a place of my own. I have the girl of my dreams, and loyal subjects who honor and respect their King. However, there is something missing. Something it seems we may never have, at least not without your infinite wisdom and knowledge. You see, we desire a child."

The old man furrowed his brow in puzzlement. "I'm not actually sure I can offer help in that department."

"I know that. You see, the thing is we have tried, and believe you me we have tried a lot. She has conceived on five occasions, but each pregnancy has been lost before the third month. Don't get me wrong, she has been remarkable. But I feel like with each loss her pain becomes more unbearable. She is suffering and I cannot help her. We have consulted with several doctors and healers and none have been able to help her."

"I can only imagine the pain of the inability to conceive a much wanted child," Isis stated sympathetically. "The trouble is, this kind of thing is not really my speciality. A woman's capability of conceiving and carrying a child depends on many important factors. There has to be the correct balance of certain things. It will be nearly impossible to create a potion of that magnitude."

"Please, I'll do anything. I will give anything, just to see her hold a healthy child in her arms."

Isis sat deep in thought. "Hmm. There maybe something I can do, but it will take time. Please come back and see me in three days."

Hans face beamed ecstatically. "You mean-"

"I've never let you down before, have I?"

Elsa rose from bed and waddled over to the full length mirror. "Isis really came through for us...again."

Hans appeared behind her. "Yes he did. Maybe we should pay him a visit once you've had the baby."

Elsa turned to face her husband. "That sounds like a very good idea."

"I just wish he would hurry up and make an appearance. The wait is torturous. Maybe we could try a few things to help him arrive," Hans then suggested, smiling lustfully.

"What do you have in mind?" she asked in a sultry voice.

"Oh Elsa, I've heard of something that really is supposed to work."

"And what is that?"

"Why don't we go back to bed and you'll find out," Hans announced seductively.

Elsa froze at the thought. "Do you think it's safe? I mean in this late stage. Maybe I should ask the doctor. I wouldn't want anything to happen."

He kissed her passionately. "Trust me. It's perfectly safe."

"Well if you say so."

3 days later.

"So we've tried everything," Elsa informed her sister as they took an afternoon stroll through the royal gardens. The doctor examined me this morning and he told me that the baby is ripe and ready, so it's just a waiting game now." She gripped Anna's arm more tightly. "Any tips little sister?"

"Sorry Elsa. It really is just a matter of waiting."

"But from the doctors calculations, he or she should have arrived two days ago."

Anna smiled. "That's the thing about babies. They're unpredictable. They just come when they're ready. Not a moment sooner."

"I just cant relax. I don't think any of this will really be real to me until I'm holding him or her in my arms."

"So have you thought of names yet?" Anna asked curiously, wondering why she had only thought about discussing this now, almost at the end of her sister's pregnancy.

Elsa shook her head. "No, not really."

"No! Oh Elsa really? you're due to give birth, and you don't even have a name picked."

"Hans and I kind of thought we would just wait until it arrives, and choose then. I mean, I thought about it a few months ago, but there is so much choice it's unbelievable. And then how do you even know you've chosen the right one?" Before Anna could respond, both girls were then interrupted by a small child's voice.


Anna turned to see Samuel running towards her with Gerda sprinting behind in an attempt to keep up.

The Princess took Samuel in her arms. "Hey, are you giving nanny Gerda a hard time again?"

"No Mama. But nanny Gerda says she's not good at building snowmen, so we're playing tag instead."

"The older woman gasped breathlessly. "I think I'm calling a time out."

"Are you alright Gerda?" Elsa asked concernedly, seeing how red faced and worn out she looked.

"I'm fine your Majesty. He just gets more and more energetic every day. It's hard to keep up."

Anna giggled as she gently placed a hand on Elsa's stomach. "You've got more to come when this little one comes along."

"You know what Samuel?" Elsa said to her nephew. "Once this baby arrives, I'll build you the biggest snowman there ever was."

"You will?" Samuel wriggled from his Mothers grasp and pressed his lips against his Aunt's stomach, whispering softly "Hurry up and come out little baby."

"Uh," Elsa groaned.

"Samuel!" Anna barked, just as Elsa winced when more pain struck her.

The young Prince burst out crying. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt Aunty Elsa."

"It's not your fault Samuel. It's the baby, I think it's coming," Elsa exclaimed.

Anna's heart skipped a beat. "What, wait, now?"

Elsa grimaced as another wave of pain racked her body.

Samuel gripped onto his Mother tightly. "Is Aunty Elsa going to die?"

Anna reassured her son. "No Samuel. She's going to have her baby."

"Yippee!" Samuel screeched cheerily.

Gerda quickly took charge. "Don't worry, your Majesty. Babies can take some time to come, but I think it would be best if we get you inside immediately."

Gerda and Anna each took one of Elsa's arms and slowly led Elsa back to the castle.

Kristoff was just on his way to take Samuel off Gerda's hands when he saw the situation. "Oh, is it that time? Is Elsa...?

"Yes!" Gerda and Anna growled in unison.

"Kristoff, please find Hans, find my husband," Elsa choked out as she doubled over in pain.

The ice master bolted from the castle. "Yes of course."

Anna addressed another of the servants. "Would you mind taking my son to the playroom?"

The young servent bowed. "Of course not, your Highness."

Anna gave her son a kiss. "I'll come get you later, okay?"

The young boy nodded before the servant took his hand and led him away.

Gerda and Anna continued to lead Elsa to her bed chambers. They were almost at the door when Kai met them in the hall. His face almost dropped at the sight in front of him.

"Kai, please fetch some towels, warm water, some soft blankets and the doctor, immediately," Gerda commanded authoritatively.

Kai instantly became a whirlwind, frantically racing off to find what was requested.

Anna and Gerda helped Elsa onto the bed. "It's okay Elsa," Anna soothed.

Elsa cried out in pain. "Is it supposed to hurt this much?"

Anna sat beside her sister. "It's perfectly normal. It's the bodies natural way of trying to deliver the baby. I know it hurts but believe me, it'll be worth all this pain."

Elsa grabbed Anna's hand in a vice like grip. "Whatever you do; don't leave me."

The Princess smiled. "I'm not going to leave you. I'll stay as long as you need me."

Kai arrived with the items that Gerda required. "The doctor I'm afraid has been called away on an emergency. So it's just us I'm afraid."

Elsa gazed at the two servants with a worried look. "Who's going to deliver the baby?"

Gerda took her place at the foot of the bed. "Don't worry your Majesty. I helped deliver both you and the Princess, so I know what I'm doing."

Elsa managed a small smile. "I have faith in you Gerda."

The elderly woman looked up at the Queen. "Thank you."

Elsa's eyes then flicked to the door. "Where's Hans? why isn't he here?"

Anna gently smoothed her forehead. "He'll be here. Don't worry."

After a quick examination Gerda had good news. "Your Majesty. The baby is on it's way. I need you to keep focused on pushing this baby out for me, okay?"

Elsa screamed as pain tore through her entire body. "I can't, it hurts so much!" Suddenly there was a unnatural chill in the room. Frost began creeping up the walls.

"Elsa, Elsa. Don't panic. Just look at me," Anna implored. If Elsa lost control of her powers now, it could be disastrous. "I'm right here Elsa. You're doing so good. You're much braver then I could ever be."

Suddenly the door flung open and Hans ran in. He was at his wife's side immediately. "Elsa, darling. I'm here."

Elsa slapped him hard across the face. "Where were you?"

"I told you I was going hunting today." Ignoring the stinging pain on his cheek, he quickly took her other hand, attempting to offer some comfort.

"I'm sorry," Elsa whispered.

As soon as Kristoff entered and saw that Elsa's labor looked to be in full swing, he backed away towards the door. "I-I'm going to get Samuel and then wait outside."

Another scream from his wife had Hans' stomach in knots. Seeing his wife in pain was killing him. He stroked her forehead, trying to keep her as calm as possible. "It's going to be okay Elsa, I'm right here."

"Gerda took another peek under the sheet. "Okay your Majesty. I need you to give me another big push."

Elsa screamed. "Don't you see I can't!" The walls and ceiling was now coated in thick ice, and even the bed sheets were beginning to frost.

Kai shivered, before offering her some added support. "Just think about that beautiful baby you'll soon be holding in your arms."

"Elsa darling. This environment is not going to be very conducive for when the baby arrives," Hans warned her, in the lowest, calmest voice he could muster.

"Shut-up! I hate you Hans. This is your fault!" Elsa shrieked at her husband. He shrugged, not understanding what he was doing wrong.

Anna cast a sympathetic glance across at her brother-in-law. "She doesn't mean it. She's not thinking straight. The pain is just too much at the moment."

Hans wished to God he could take away her suffering, but he knew he couldn't. "Come on baby, you can do this."

Elsa gritted her teeth before ice shot involuntarily from her hand, narrowly missing him. "Don't ever call me baby! or I'll freeze your-"

A loud wailing cry suddenly interrupted her from saying the next word. "Is that...?"

Kai handed Gerda a blanket to wrap the newborn in. Tears filled his eyes as the head maid handed Elsa the tiny bundle.

"Congratulations your Majesties. You have a baby girl."

Anna squealed with delight. "A little Princess."

Hans stood in complete shock. "I-I have a daughter."

Elsa couldn't stop crying as she peered down at her tiny, perfect daughter. To everyone's amazement the ice slowly melted and the room warmed to a more moderate temperature. "Welcome to the world little one," she whispered softly, before pressing a gentle kiss to the child's forehead.

Hans felt an overwhelming feeling of absolute admiration and proudness as he embraced his wife and looked down at his daughter.

Gerda and Kai stood back allowing Elsa and Hans to have a moment with their new daughter. Anna then opened the door allowing Kristoff and Samuel to enter the room."

Kristoff took his wife's hand as he stared across at the proud parents, whilst Samuel skipped across to the bed. Elsa welcomed him up onto the bed to take a look at his new cousin.

Samuel asked excitedly. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a little girl," Elsa told her nephew."

"What's her name?"

Everyone in the room fell silent. They had all been waiting with anticipation at the naming of the new Princess.

Elsa looked down at the baby now sleeping soundly in her arms. "We've decided to call her. "Princess Annabel Katrine Westerguard."

Anna faced reddened. "You named her after me?"

Elsa re-directed her gaze to her husband. "Actually, Hans chose it."

Anna was speechless. "You did? Well thank you Hans, I'm honored."

Gerda spoke next. "Well I think we should give the King and Queen some private time with their Princess."

Everyone nodded in agreement as they were ushered from the room. Once they were alone, Elsa asked the burning question.

"Are you disappointed?" She knew how much he had been looking forward to a son, and therefore couldn't help but feel like Annabel wouldn't be all he had hoped for.

"Oh Elsa. I could never be disappointed. You have made me the proudest man in all the land. You have given me the most precious thing I could ever have asked for. A little Princess, and the future Queen of Arendelle."

The end.

I hope everyone enjoyed that. It was fun to write and kind of gave Elsa and Hans their happy ending.