Erik's POV

"What are you doing?" Madame Giry asked.

"What do you mean?" She rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean. This is going to end just like it did with Christine." I was angry by that point.

"No! No it's not. Annette, she loves me. And I love her!"

"Are you sure she loves you? She could be terrified of you for all you know."

"You don't understand a thing about that girl." I scoffed. "Didn't you see her a moment ago? She was relieved to see me!"

"Perhaps if she saw your face you would see how she really feels about you."

"She has seen my face." I said. She gave me a surprised look.

"Really? And how did she react?" She asked.

"She was very kind to me," I began pacing the room. "She didn't scream or run away like most others do. I think she truly does love me."

"Well, I suppose I should be happy for you too." She smiled. "Congratulations, I hope you will be very happy together." She sighed. "Now I have to find those girls and give them a few more lessons. Their dancing seems to get worse with every opera we perform."

"And I should find Charlotte, she has a knack for running into danger."

"Yes, well I'm sure if you find Meg, Lottie will be nearby."

Lottie's POV

"Meg!" I said running down the hall to catch up with her.

"Lottie, I thought you were talking to mother."

"I was, but it wasn't a very long conversation." I said waving it away. "Anyway, what are you up too? I'm kinda bored and I don't think Erik will be taking me home right away so I was hoping we could have some fun." She smiled.

"Erik, hugh? That's a very handsome name." I blushed and smiled.

"Yeah anyways, what do you do for fun around here?" She gave me a devious smiled and ran down the hallway with me trailing behind.

"Lottie hush, okay this is the head of the flies post." She said once we reached a ledge in the rafters backstage.

"I don't see him." I said looking around.

"That's because he's not at his post yet. He always checks the cables over there at about this time." She said point to a few cables holding up a large backdrop.

"What are we going to do?" I asked before she showed me a large black cloak and a black mask.

"I got these from the prop room. Claudius is deathly afraid of the Phantom."

"So we are going to dress like the Opera Ghost and scare the head of the flies?" I asked confirming our plan.

"That's the idea." She said placing the cloak around my shoulders.

"Wait you want me to do it?" She nodded and placed a finger against her lips.

"Shhh, now go hide over there." She said pointing to a ledge above the cables. I nodded and smiled. If this was what they did in the 1800 for fun then I was going to have to learn to come out of my shell and learn to pull some pranks. "Okay Lottie you stay there an I'll be over here." She said once I was in my spot.

We waited a few minutes before we heard a man whistling as he came closer. Finally he had gotten to the cables and began tugging at them. I reached over and hit one of the cables, making it shake. He froze for a moment then sighed and muttered something about rats.

I smiled and jumped down from the ledge trying to make myself look as big and scary as possible. He let out a girlish scream before running in the direction of Meg. Once he got there she jumped out and yelled 'boo'. He ran away not noticing that he was being tricked by to girls.

"Did you see his face?" I laughed walking over to Meg. She giggled and fell to her knees. We sat there for a moment laughing before she sighed and looked up at me.

"We should put this stuff away. If Mama finds out I was taking stuff from the prop room again it'll be my head." She joked as we took off the clothing.

"That was fun, he screamed like a child." She smiled and nodded.

"That was one of the best tricks I have ever witnessed." She said as we found our way to the stage.

"Meg Giry! Where have you been? I called for a dance lessons and no one has seen you anywhere."

"Sorry Mama. Lottie and I were just taking a walk." She said smiling at me. I smiled back and tried to stifle a giggle. Madame Giry wasn't convinced by our act.

"Lottie, you will be staying in the Prima Donna suite for the time being. Meg, will go show you to your room." She said before directing the next bit at Meg. "Then she will come down right away and practice her dancing."

"Yes Mama." She said before leading me to my room. We went up a one stair well then went down a couple of hallways before stopping at the door. "I have a feeling Mama will have me practicing most of the night so 'til tomorrow." We hugged and I entered the room.

It was beautiful, just like I remembered it from the movie. The only difference was there were no flowers in the room. I smiled and looked in the wardrobe, finding a few dresses and a changing gown.

It was getting late and I didn't think I would be seeing anyone else before bed so I took out the gown and set it on the bed before looking in a drawer to find a night gown. I smiled finding a very pretty one. I took both garments and went behind the changing screen.

Once I had finished I noted that the changing gown atop the night gown looked a lot like what Christine had worn after Think of Me. I smiled and went to the mirror. I slid my hand across the surface and hummed a tune.

I sighed and starred at the mirror. "Little Lottie let her mind wander. Little Lottie though am I fonder of dolls or of goblins or shoes?"

"Or of riddles or frocks?" Came a familiar voice as the mirror opened.

"Erik!" I wrapped my arms around him. He tensed slightly but eased into the embrace.

"Hello, I came to check on you." He smiled. "I heard Madame Giry wanted you to stay here, but if you would like to come down I'll take you." I smiled and looked around.

"Well it is pretty lonely up here. Okay, but I will have to come back early in the morning." He smiled and held out a hand. I looked at it for a moment and smiled. I took it and he began leading me down. I decided to make the trip a little more interesting so I decided to sing.

In sleep he sang to me,

In dreams he came,

That voice which calls to me,

And speaks my name.

And do I dream again?

For now I find,

The Phantom of the Opera is there,

Inside my mind.

Erik looked back at me and gave me a weak smile. "I rather not dear. Painful memories." He explained.

"Sorry." I said feeling a little guilty.

"No, don't be sorry. Maybe another time." I smiled.

"When we're married? I'm sure it would spice things up a little." His eyebrow shot up in a questioning look. I smiled and let him lead the rest of the way in silence.