UPDATE. UPDATE! UP-DATE! I have been gone from this for far too long. I am so, so sorry. Today inspiration finally struck and I got a whole chapter out in a day when I wrote nothing for months. lol So weird. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! I know I had a ball.

Donnie stays immersed in the depths of his lab for hours. He doesn't notice when Alopex comes back or if she comes back at all. His work is all consuming. It is late in the night (or is it early morning?) before his mind breaks the fog of concentration and when he does it is with a burst of excitement. "I did it! I really did it!" He throws his arms in the air, cheers spilling forth and reigning over them.

April is asleep when he makes the revelation, but not for long. Her eyes snap open, there is no in between or groggy state. She jerks up, a smile stretching clear across her face. "You did it?" Her voice is soft though, tentative to put too much faith in this. It's been so terribly long after all. One of the roughest battles they've faced. "You really did it?"

"Did what?" Raph along with the other two are standing outside the door. He crosses his arms and raises a brow. Knowing his dorky brother it could be anything.

Mikey's eyes light up as he shakes a piece of pizza in his hand. "Invent pizza that doesn't get soggy in milk?" He yanks the piece toward him and takes a huge bite out of it.

"I finally made it." Donnie breaths, his voice shaking slightly with the overwhelming disbelief. "Retromutagen you guys." He half laughs. He grins from ear to ear and holds his head a little higher as he places his hands on his hips. He is unable to hide his pride, not this time. "The key to turning Mr. O'Neil human again."

April's gaze softens and she stares with teary eyes at Donnie. She clasps her hands at her chest, willing her hands to cease their mindless trembling. "Oh, Donnie." She rushes forward and throws her arms around his neck. She presses him to her, her head leaning into the crook of his neck. "Thank you…" Her voice is barely a whisper. "You don't know how happy this makes me."

Donnie smiles tenderly. He lifts her arms and wraps them around her. "It's nothing." Anything for her.

"What's going on?" Casey says from behind the others. He wanders in, peeking over the turtles in an attempt to see what all the fuss is about. What he locks onto is April twined in Donnie's embrace. He stiffens and his blood boils. Stupid science geek.

April slips out of Donnie's hold and pivots. A grin takes up her whole face. "The cure! Donnie's found it!" She laughs. "I can turn my dad human again."

Liz is just moments behind Casey and April's words ring clear. She takes in a sharp breath and her heart leaps in her throat. "Cure…?" She breathes. Her eyes widen to the size of saucers. She lays her hand across her mouth to hide the trembling of her lips.

Everyone's eyes snap to her. She spoke ever so softly, yet they all heard. They sensed her very presence and the shock wafting off her in waves.

Liz takes deep, steadying breaths. Her world spins and threatens to topple her. She feels dizzy despite standing perfectly still. Her legs quake beneath her. "You mean…?" Images flood her head. She sees her long brown hair, feels it as it tickles the back of her neck, she sees her fair skin and nails that aren't even sharp enough to cut paper let alone through flesh. More than anything though she sees and feels the crippling loneliness. She watches as the turtles slip away, one. By. One. And when she turns desperately in her mind, her gaze falls on Slash…as he…slowly…disappears.

"Liz?" Leo is the first to say. He steps forward and reaches for her. He is deeply unsettled by the look in her eye.

Liz jolts to attention. There is a wild look to her eyes, as if she is a caged animal. Her heart hammers in her chest. She stares with wide eyes at Leo, clinging to the sight of him like he is all that tethers her sanity.

Raph tenses. His anxiety spikes and he surges forward. He goes to her, not caring if anyone else sees. At least Alopex isn't here. She would be the only one to genuinely mock him for his open show of concern and affection. "Liz," His voice is uncharacteristically soft. He takes her hands in his and tries to coax her into meeting his gaze.

Liz jumps at the intrusion into her space, but when she jerks her head up and sees who is before her the panic subsides. She lets out a breath and with it the knots in her stomach and shoulders ease. She curls her fingers around his hands, holding tight. "S-Sorry…" She is reminded of Donnie as she apologizes. She needs to work on that as much as him. "I just…imagined things." She shivers unbidden.

Raph raises a brow. "Imagined things? Like what?" He can only imagine. There are so many dark crevices for her to draw from in her life.

Liz shakes her head. She takes her hands back from him and wraps them around herself. "What ifs. About being human." Her throat constricts around the last word and she has to bite her lip in order to keep her calm. She doesn't want to go down that road again – the trail of memories.

Donnie leaves April's side and makes his way over to Liz. He studies her, contemplates her, every step of the way. He isn't sure whether to attribute it to her experiences of so many traumatizing events or whether it was a fear of the cure having a similar effect as her father's 'cure' did. "You don't have to worry." He smiles. "It won't be like before." A flicker of pain flashes in his eyes. "It'll work for sure." He clenches his hands in excitement and the waning smile springs back to life.

Liz ducks her head. "I know…" She murmurs. "I…" She averts her eyes and takes a step away. "I just…"

Mikey stares from afar. His brows knit together and a frown tugs at his lips. His eyes dart from one face to another. They don't seem to get it. Confusion creases each of their faces in varying degrees. And he senses the beginnings of another panic welling in Liz. "Hey," He speaks up, sure to do so before his brothers can get another word in. All eyes shoot to him, but he is unbothered. "You don't have to do it you know."

"What!?" There is a chorus of outcries. "What do you mean 'doesn't have to'?" Leo makes a face.

"Yeah," Donnie shoots Mikey a look that screams of how stupid he is being. "Why on earth wouldn't she want it?"

Raph scoffs at his little brother and scowls in his direction. "For real. This is her chance – to be human. Normal." It's all he's ever wanted and more. Surely she feels the same. Everyone would.

Mikey glares back at the lot of them. "Is it really so stupid? To want to be like us? To like it?" He knows this isn't about them or him or anyone but her, still he takes it a bit personally anyway. "We have a home. We have people who care what happens to us. Family. What is being human worth without those things? Is the gift of being human worth the pain of loneliness?"

His brothers bow their heads and avert their eyes. That's right. Sometimes they forget that without them Liz is completely and utterly alone. She has no mother or father to go home to, no home at all probably. No way to pay rent or feed herself. It isn't like it is down here. Up there it is a struggle to survive, one far more complicated than battling mutants.

Liz feels a calm descend around her. It hurts to see them so greatly affected by her, but at least she doesn't have to defend herself now. She sends a small, shy smile Mikey's way.

Mikey smiles in return. The tension knotting in his stomach over his indignation fades away. He is just glad he could help. Actually, it reminds him a lot of that time with Alopex. He was the only one who understood then too.

She loosens her hold on herself and lets her arms fall to her sides. "I'm sorry." There she goes again. But whatever. "I know you all were excited for me. But I, I just…" She tucks imaginary hair behind her ear and shrugs her shoulders. "I have nothing to go back to." It hurts to say, but that hurt doesn't make it any less true.

"No, we're the ones who should be sorry." Leo rubs the back of his neck. He blows out a breath. "We didn't consider your feelings, not really. We jumped to conclusions when we should have just asked." He smiles, but it is strained.

Liz chuckles. "Come on, Leo. Don't be so hard on yourself." She lays a hand on his shoulder. "Most sane people would want that – their old life back. A sense of normalcy. To forget everything in between and pretend it is all just a dream." Her eyes drift to the girl behind them. "Just like she wants it for her father. For herself too."

April scoffs. She crosses her arms and turns her head away. She doesn't need this girl using her as some kind of example. Besides, what does she know anyway? It isn't April the cure is for. Her father being human again won't stop her from seeing the turtles every day like before.

Liz rolls her eyes at April's behavior. Whatever. Let her be a child. "But for me…" She retracts her hand and picks at her lip. "I think this is my new normal."

Donnie smiles. He doesn't contemplate what this means for them in the long run. He'd rather not really. Because through everything he, just like his brothers, has grown quite attached to her. Thinking of the future will only ruin the mood. So he simply says, "As long as you're happy."

Raph looks away from her. He frowns and crosses his arms. Unlike Donnie he can not ignore what the future holds. She already said it clear enough. I only feel safe with him. There's no question. He has days left with her – at best. At worst he could lose her come morning light.

"Hey," Liz looks around. "Where is Slash anyway?" When she left him he was still sleeping. Clearly he isn't here now though. Everyone is far too at ease for him to be. "Alopex too." A chill races up her spine. Oh God. If they are anywhere near each other that is a recipe for disaster.

Donnie waves his hands. "Nah, don't worry about it. They left for a bit – different directions – but they'll be back. They just…" His gaze flits to April. "Didn't want to make things any more tense." He barely holds down a snort. Tense. If only that was how minor it was. It's so much more than tense.

Liz frowns. A sense of unease settles around her nonetheless. "Oh. Alright." She looks to the exit of their home, just visible from within Donnie's lab. She wonders where they could be. And more than anything she prays that it's just as Donnie says – nowhere near each other.

Alopex stands atop a tall building along some street or another. It is quiet out, more so than is usual. Then again, it is late. She has been out for hours now, more than she can count, and the dead of night has quickly snuck up on her. It might even be morning at this point for all she knows. Still, she does not want to go back, not yet. April has a tendency to linger through to the early hours of morning. It may have been a while, but Alopex is sure that hasn't changed.

A gust of wind blows suddenly and ruffles her fur and catches on her scarf, blowing it out in a wave behind her. It brings a certain calm down around her, one she has been sorely missing as of late. Her thoughts tend to tear her apart most days, whether it be from her horrid treachery toward the turtles or more recently because of not being able to protect Liz. There's always something. Unfortunately the wind brings something else as well.

She tilts her head into the wind and sniffs. A scent carries on the current, one that causes the hair on the back of her neck to stand on end. Him. She growls softly and narrows her eyes. She should've known she'd run into his vicinity at some point tonight. She surveys the surrounding area, now looking much more specifically for a large blue turtle. Nothing. He can't be far though. She rushes across rooftops in her search, a search she isn't sure why she is performing. She doesn't want to find him, she doesn't want anything to do with him. Yet she looks nonetheless, as if some unseen force is driving her.

She nearly speeds on by, but at the last moment movement catches her eye. She jerks her head around and sees the brute down below within an alley. It isn't altogether surprising she supposes. He probably lives in a different one from day to day. She very nearly leaves it at that and turns away, but then she smells it – a scent much more subdued than Slash's but one she will never forget, not until the day she dies. Her lips curl into a snarl and a soft growl spills forth. Every muscle in her body tenses and her eyes spark with fire. What the hell is Slash doing with that thing? She has a right mind to leap down and beat them both senseless – an eye for an eye. It snuck up on her, so it's only fair for her to do the same. Still, a tiny voice whispers how unwise that course of action is. You don't stand a chance against Slash and that mutant. It is Donnie's voice, because of course it is. She rolls her eyes. He just won't leave her alone, even when she's miles away. Please. This time it is Liz that speaks, her voice soft and cracking at the edges. You don't have to fight them – him. Alopex groans. Fine! She won't reveal herself. She won't hurt Slash. Happy now?

She refuses to just leave though. No way in hell. So instead she crouches down. Her ears flick as she strains to listen, holding her breath all the while. She needs to know just what's going on. Maybe she is just misunderstanding. That's the most she can hope for.

"Where the hell have you been?" The villain erupts.

The very sound of his voice sends a shiver up Alopex's spine and causes her stomach to twist in knots. She is sick of herself and the fear that thing induces in her, but there is nothing to be done about it. She can only listen.

"I almost thought you were dead!" He grinds his teeth and his yellow eyes sear into Slash.

Slash scoffs. "That was stupid of you. You should know I could never be taken down by anyone or anything. I'm too good for that."

The Newtralizer looks unimpressed. "Oh yeah?" He gives a derisive smirk. "Word on the street is that you nearly died at the hand of the Kraang. Before I met you." He raises a brow.

Slash clenches his hands into fists. "That was a long time ago." He says through gritted teeth. But it wasn't really that long ago. It was because of Liz. He can't say that though – not after all the accusations Newtralizer has made about Liz making him weak.

"I'm sure." The Newtralizer crosses his arm over his chest. "Then tell me brother," He narrows his eyes. "Where have you been."

Slash hesitates, he contemplates lying and pretending he was on a mission to take down some Kraang base or another. It's pointless though, he knows it well. The Newtralizer has already formed his own opinions – ones that have condemned Slash before he was ever put on trial. "You already know the answer." He says thickly.

The Newtralizer roars. "What is wrong with you?" His eyes spark with fire. "She's just some worthless mutant! She does nothing but drag you down and keep you from focusing on what really matters."

Slash is unfazed. "Oh, and what's that?" He keeps his voice even with much effort. "The Kraang?" He makes a face. "What gives yolu the right to decide what is and isn't important? What if I don't care about the things you do? What if I don't want to do this anymore?" He breathes out a heavy sigh.

The Newtralizer gapes at him. "Y-You…" Fury sweeps over his face. "Traitor!"

Slash squares his shoulders and glares right back. "I have not betrayed you. You know that." He shakes his head. "You just want me all to yourself, and you can't. Because we may be brothers, but I am her brother too. If fighting Kraang means exposing her to danger then I refuse, absolutely refuse."

The Newtralizer's fist shake and he grinds his teeth mercilessly. "You-" He freezes, the tiniest of movements catching his eye. He shifts his gaze upward, trying not to be too obvious about it. He may be furious, but unlike Slash he does not let his silly emotions get in the way of the decisions he makes. Up on the roof is a ball of white. What the…?

Alopex sucks in a sharp breath and ducks down. She presses herself flat on the concrete. Shit. Shit. Shit. She prays he didn't see her, but she knows he did. Those sickening yellow eyes locked with hers for the briefest of moments, there's no denying it. The pit in her stomach left by that encounter lets her know it.

Slash's brow creases and he frowns. "What is it?" He follows the Newtralizer's gaze.

The Newtralizer growls deep in his throat. "I saw someone. A mutant." He pushes past Slash and makes his way to a fire escape. "No one spies on me and gets away with it." Moreover it's that wretched fox. With her around there is proof of what he did to Liz. And he can't have that.

Slash doesn't know what any mutant would want with them. Their enemies would just jump in and take them down – using the element of surprise. He can't think of a single one that would have a use for spying. It gives him a bad feeling, but he can't say he disagrees with the Newtralizer, not this time. So he follows shortly behind the Newtralizer. Whoever they are they'll pay for messing with them.

Alopex leaps to her feet. There's no point hiding. It will only put her in more danger at this point. She sprints away, leaping from the rooftop to the next.

The Newtralizer springs to the rooftop in time to see her jump. Heh, she won't get away the easily. He flips his gun from his back and takes aim. It takes a split second and in the next he pulls the trigger, sending a blast of purple energy at her back. Just like that night.

Alopex doesn't even have time to land. The blast smashes into her back and knocks her out of the air. She sprawls out on the roof, her body spasming just like that night. Damn…not fast enough. She screams at her limbs to obey her, even the tiniest of movements will do. Yet they do not such thing. The electricity is too powerful, too fresh. It will take a few minutes to be able to even crawl. She knows from experience. Because of that thing.

The Newtralizer barks out a laugh. "I got her." He says over his shoulder. He twirls the gun about as a large grin stretches over his face.

Slash hops into view then. "Naturally." Slash grins in return. "So what is it?" He saunters forward, peering over the gap between houses. And he freezes. His eyes widen and he stiffens. No. He should have known. Of course it would be her. Son of a-

"A wretch." The Newtralizer hisses. "So let's show her what happens when you mess with us. Eh, brother?" He jumps to the next roof, mere feet from her twitching body.

Slash grimaces. A panic wells within him, one he can't quite fathom. It's Liz he supposes. Yet at the same time it isn't. He barrels forward.

The Newtralizer draws another gun from his back, one intended solely to kill. "Now," He walks to her front and points the gun between her eyes. "Game. Over."

Alopex looks up through blurry vision. She dimply registers that there is a gun pointed at her, but it does her no good. She can not move. It's over.

Slash rushes forward and plants himself firmly between the Newtralizer and Alopex.

The Newtralizer starts. "W-What are you doing?" He chokes out. Confusion washes over his face as he desperately searches Slash's face for answers.

"Leave it." If he can he'd rather not bring up their history together. Although Slash knows the Newtralizer must know. If he watched Liz then he unwittingly watched Alopex too.

Alopex's brows furrow. Huh? There is no pain, no more than before anyway. And…the gun, it's gone. Replaced by some large mass. It's…Slash? What? No. That can't be right. What the hell is going on here?

The Newtralizer's brows bore down hard as he narrows his eyes. "No, I will not 'leave it'. People who think they can spy on us and get away with it have another thing coming!" He breathes heavily in and out. "If we let her go now no one will take us serious ever again!"

Slash doesn't move. "Like you said, there's no reason to attack innocent mutants." He uses the words the Newtralizer once told him after he had attacked Leo for no reason whatsoever except the turtle was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Newtralizer seethes. "No reason? No. Reason!? I have all the reason in the world!" He can't tell him that though. Still, a half truth is just as good. "That mutant attacked me." He points. "I had to knock her out with the stun gun, but I didn't seriously hurt her. But now," He shakes his head. "Now she has proven she won't leave me alone. So I must." He looks hard at Slash. "So. Move."

Alopex opens and closes her mouth around empty words. Liar. Liar. Liar! She wants to scream it out to the world, but she just can't. Oh God please don't let him believe this monster's lies. She stretches her arm out and curls her fingers feebly around Slash's foot.

Slash's eyes dart backward at the sensation on the back of his foot. He notes her expression – pain, so much pain. But it isn't the only thing. There is a pleading edge struggling to find dominance. And are those…tears? He has never seen her so vulnerable. He could easily squash her now, anyone could really. That includes the Newtralizer. "No."

The Newtralizer stares in disbelief. "No…?"

Slash nods. "No."

"Why?" The Newtralizer screams. "You hate her as much as I do. I saw it. Every time she showed up with Liz. You wanted to end her so badly." His lips twist into a devilish grin. "Wanted to be the one to kill her yourself."

Slash cringes despite his best efforts. Yes, it's true. There's no denying it. And yet…this whole situation makes his stomach drop. "Things change." The mutt may still be annoying as hell and he wishes she'd just disappear, but…he can't…contemplate killing her. Or anyone killing her to be honest. Even she doesn't deserve that. "So back off. Before I make you." He reaches up and closes his hand around the gun, crushing the front.

The Newtralizer convulses. "Tell me you aren't a traitor now." He sneers.

Slash says nothing.

The Newtralizer throws his hands in the air and turns hard on his heel. He flees the scene without another word. He doesn't need this. He doesn't need him. With that fox still breathing it is absolutely imperative he vacates the area too. Once she regains the ability to talk again she will surely reveal the truth. Whether Slash believes her though…that's another issue entirely.

Slash does nothing but stare for the longest time at the empty space where the Newtralizer stood. Then his mind begins to function again. Did he really just do that? Did he throw away his relationship with the Newtralizer for this mutt? He turns, slowly, to face her. She is still sprawled out on the ground, her body continuing to twitch. It isn't as bad as it was initially though. That's good. Good!? He makes a face. Has he lost his mind? Why should he care? The simple answer is he shouldn't. The complicated one is that he does anyway, somehow, in some strange way. "You still alive?" He bends down to her level.

Alopex puts all her energy into her response. "N-No." She looks as hard as she can at Slash. She knows it probably only looks silly and pitiful though. She expects him to laugh any second now.

Slash rolls his eyes. "I'd ask you what the hell you were doing following me, but you wouldn't be able to answer me anyway." He frowns. He looks her over. Except for the singed fur around the impact point there is nothing wrong. "Need help?"

Alopex stiffly shakes her head. Not on her life. She may be incapacitated, but she is not some child. She can handle getting home on her own.

Slash scoffs. "Whatever." He won't argue. He doesn't want to haul her sorry butt back to the lair anyway. More likely he'd get tired of it and drop her off in some alley or another anyway. It's probably best he just left. So he simply stands, ready to turn away from her.

Alopex's heart leaps in her throat. A surge of energy rushes through her and she snaps her hand forward, clutching his ankle with all she has. She trembles faintly from something more than the electricity spiking within. "Knock…out…"

Slash raises a brow. "What?" What about knocking out?

Alopex focuses. "Knock…me…out."

Slash makes a face. "What? Are you crazy? No way." It's not that he hasn't wanted to – on multiple occasions in fact – but he certainly isn't going to do it with her so weak like this. It's in bad taste.

Alopex grips tighter. She feels sick just thinking of saying it to him, but she has little other choice. She won't be able to physically stop him from leaving if he so chooses. She only has words and the little time he is willing to give her. "Please." She gasps and releases him as the pain of the electricity acts up. She curls inward. "Can't…take…the pain." She hadn't had to endure it this long the last time, not before the mutant hit her with another and stole her consciousness away.

Slash stares in disbelief. Is he dreaming? Is she seriously begging? And to him of all people! He could have never imagined an instance where she was so tortured that she could ever ask anyone for help. That just isn't her, not from what he's seen. He sighs. He rears his arm back and hits her hard in the head.

Alopex drops instantly. Her consciousness leaves her and she is nothing more than dead weight on the roof.

Slash shakes his head. "Yeah, definitely crazy." He could leave her at this point. He did as she asked and he doesn't owe her anything. If anything she owes him at this point. Still, he can't do it. Instead, he lugs her up off the ground and slings her over his shoulder. There are better ways to carry her, yes, more delicate ways, but he is mad enough at himself for caring enough to pick her up at all. No way is he walking back into that lair cradling her like some kind of child. "I hate you so much." He grumbles, kicking at the ground in his frustration. "Stupid mutt."

He makes the treck back to the lair. Alopex doesn't stir even once. Why would she though? He hit her pretty good. It is only as he gets within sight of the entrance that a thought strikes him. What will the turtles think? Surely they'll jump on the opportunity to blame him for her current state. Of course, it half is, but not the worst of it. Hopefully Liz will be able to convince them. Otherwise he will be in for one heck of a fight.

When he enters everyone is gathered in the living area. Great. He has to deal with all of them. The humans, however, are nowhere to be seen. That's one good thing he supposes. At least that's what Alopex would say if she weren't out cold. "I didn't do it." He announces before they even notice him. He realizes he could not sound guiltier, but he honestly doesn't care. Not even a little.

Their heads snap up simultaneously. It is Donnie, however, whose strangled voice bursts forth. "Alopex!" He leaps to his feet and jumps the table, but he stops short of Slash. Fear coils in his stomach and he can't bear to take another step in their direction. The thought is physically painful. His mouth, however, is unaffected. "What did you do?" He bellows. "You get a kick out of attacking people? You-You-"

"Donnie," Liz is at his side in an instant. She lays a hand on his shoulder. "Please, don't." Her eyes plead with him. Once he meets her gaze and she is sure he won't do anything more she leaves him. She hurries to Slash, holding her breath that this isn't what it looks like and it isn't serious.

Slash focuses on her. He lifts Alopex from his shoulder and cradles her as he shows her to Liz. "I really didn't do it." He reassures.

Liz's eyes sweep over Alopex. She twitches every so often and the sight gives Liz chills. She is almost too afraid to ask who it was. She's pretty sure she already knows the answer anyway. "Allie…" Her voice quivers. She brushes her fingers over Alopex's face. "Then…?" She bites her lip.

Slash shakes his head. "Just a mutant. You wouldn't know him."

Liz averts her eyes. That's where you're wrong. She's almost certain of it. She doesn't want to talk about that now though. It isn't important. "So…you protected her?" Her eyes mist over and a smile curls her lips.

Slash scoffs. "I just happened to be there." He isn't about to let her think he's gone even softer than he already is.

Liz giggles. Sure. "Raph," She looks over her shoulder. "Come carry her please." He is the one with the least amount of issues concerning Slash. They have history.

Raph looks from one brother to the next, as if seeking permission. When there is no objection, he gets to his feet and makes his way over to Liz. His eyes settle on the motionless form in Slash's arms and his heart clenches. He's had enough of seeing her in pain. He doesn't want to see anyone suffer anymore, not even someone who cut him to his very core with the most treacherous of betrayals. "Who did this?" He looks intently at Slash.

"Some mutant." Slash says with a shrug.

Raph frowns. It isn't what he is looking for and Slash has to know that. It really isn't the time to argue though. So he simply takes Alopex from him, stumbling slightly at her sudden dead weight in his arms. "Um…thanks," He averts his eyes. "For bringing her back." Slash didn't have to and probably didn't want to.

Slash shrugs. "Whatever."

Raph carries Alopex back to the couch and lays her out on it after the others hurry to move.

Donnie hovers all the while. Once Raph steps away he is in his brother's place in an instant. "Alopex…" His eyes rove over her. He carefully lifts her and cringes as he notices the singed fur on her back. Kraang blaster. There's nothing he can do for it. He lays her down again and sinks to his knees. "You just can't stay out of trouble." He utters a breathy laugh. "Why not?" He presses his forehead to her shoulder.

Leo watches, but not really. He is more concerned about how this happened. His gaze goes to Slash. With Donnie and Raph preoccupied with Alopex and Mikey terrified of Slash he knows he is the only one that can ask. He is the leader after all. With a deep breath he heads toward the brute. He can't afford to lose his cool in the face of anger or fear right now. "So how'd it happen then?" He crosses his arms and watches Slash expectantly.

Slash looks at him without interest. "Ask her." He nods toward Alopex. He has a feeling she knows more than he thought. He still can feel her fingers as they curled around his foot with a desperation only subdued by her drained strength. He has no doubt she met the Newtralizer before. The only question is how.

Leo sighs. "Love to. Unfortunately, if you haven't noticed, she's out cold." He taps his fingers in his impatience.

Liz frowns as she looks back and forth between them. "Come on Slash." She tugs at his arm. "Just tell him. You didn't do anything, so it's ok."

Slash blows out a breath. "I was just meeting with a mutant I know and she was caught spying on us. He shot her as she ran – the end."

Leo eyes him with suspicion. "What mutant?"

Slash narrows his eyes. "None of your business."

Leo throws his hands in the air. "Fine. Whatever. I don't care." To be this obstinate about the dumbest details he has to be telling the truth. He exits the conversation before his aggravation causes a fight. That's the last thing they need right now. Or ever. He returns to his brothers, his mind and eyes never really leaving Slash.

Liz places her hands on her hips and just stares at Slash.

For a second Slash doesn't notice, but when he does he blinks down at her. "What?" He hates it when she is upset with him, no matter how serious she is about it.

"Why do you have to be so difficult with them?" She crosses her arms in a huff.

"I'm difficult with everyone. Trust me."

Liz rolls her eyes. "No you're not." She twines her arms around his and leans her head against him. "Not with me." A soft, contented smile spreads over her face.

Slash chuckles despite himself. "You're the exception." He reaches over and rubs her head.

"I don't have to be." She looks meaningfully at him.

Slash shakes his head. He doesn't comment on her sly remark. "I suppose you won't want to leave now until she's better too, huh?"

Liz's face falls. "I'm sorry I make things difficult for you." Her shoulders slump.

Slash frowns. ""Yeah, you do." He notes as she grows more sullen and quickly continues. "But I guess that's how you know I care. Otherwise I'd just leave, huh?"

Liz smiles to herself. "Yeah." Still, her happiness is tainted by the future hanging over her head. She may not want to think about it and Slash may be willing to give her more and more leniency on the matter, but that doesn't change the fact a decision will have to be made. Go with Slash or stay with the turtles? No, that decision is set in stone. She needs him as much as he needs her. The real choice is whether to say goodbye or slip away quietly in the night. Just one more day. One more. Then she will choose.

I couldn't decide where to end it and finally chose here. I could have kept going, but the rest is probably better suited for the next chapter. So what did you think? Did you like what I did with Alopex and Slash? It was super fun for me. I've always really loved writing their interactions. I hope you like it too. Also I diverged from canon with how Slash and the Newtralizer split, obviously. I tried to figure out a way not to, but in the end I felt it didn't really matter since Mona will soon officially be in the show and all of this is essentially AU rather than behind the scenes canon. Oh well. And I'm not quite sure yet, but next chapter might be the last. Two chapters max. We're getting to the end. :) Please review!