Chapter 5: Childhood memories

After coming up short inside Lydia went outside and spotted Aidan getting on his bike. "Aidan!" She called out going over to him.

Aidan looked up at Lydia and removed his helmet. "I don't want to talk about Lydia?"

"Look I don't care about the whole night-light thing." Lydia says. "But I'm sorry for laughing about it. After you left Ethan told me about how much it meant to you."

Aidan sighed. "It's not like I'm afraid of the dark or anything...well anymore. When I about seven years old I was convinced that a monster was in my closet. I was so scared that I started sleeping with my parents and that's when my mom bought me the night-light. I'll admit that I'm attached to it but it's a whole lot better then sleeping with a pink teddy bear."

A small smile appeared on Lydia's face. "Does Ethan sleep with a pink teddy bear?"

Aidan opened his mouth but quickly closed it. "Um...I didn't mean to say that."

"Why does he sleep with a Teddy bear?" Lydia asked.

Aidan groaned. "Growing up he had problems sleeping alone so my mom bought him something he could cuddle with. Like I'm attached to the night-light he's attached to the bear."

"Does Danny know that?" Lydia asked.

"I don't think so because whenever Danny stays over he has something to cuddle with so he doesn't need the bear." Aidan says. "Look that really did just slip out so don't tell Ethan that I told you that."

"I won't." Lydia says. "So are you okay now?"

"Yeah I'm alright, thanks." Aidan starts rubbing the back of his neck. "Um I guess we should eat back before-" He was cut off by the bell ringing and smiled. "Before the bell starts ringing." The two of them headed back inside the school and he walked her to her class. As the other kids walked inside he leans against the wall by the door, chewing on his bottom lip. "So um I got lacrosse after school but we can meet up later, I have to talk to you abut something."

Lydia nodded. "Okay, see you later."

Aidan gave her a quick kiss on the lips before backing away and heading to his own class.


After school Aidan and Ethan were making their way to the locker room

"So you're not pisses off at me about the night-light anymore?" Ethan asked.

"Naw, I told Lydia about why I was so attached to it and she was pretty cool about it." Aidan says. "So in a way you opening your big mouth was a good thing, and maybe one day I can returned the favor."

Ethan suddenly stopped and turned to his brother. "What's that suppose to mean?"

Aidan shrugged. "Nothing, I was just thinking maybe it's time you come clean about your little cuddle buddy."

"What I do on my own time it's my business Aidan so don't go babbling your big mouth" Ethan says before walking away.

Aidan sighed. 'It might be a little late for that.' He thought before catching up with his brother. As soon as he entered the locker room he knew something was wrong because all eyes fell on the two of them, mainly Ethan.

'Why the hell are they staring at me?' Ethan thought before heading to coach Finstock's office, Aidan right behind him. They spent a few minutes talking with him before getting his gear and heading onto the field, Aidan stayed behind. Ethan immediately spotted Danny sitting alone on the bench and went over to him. "Hey Danny."

Danny smiled up at him. "Hey, are you ready to show off what you got?"

Ethan smiled. "Yeah, I'm ready."


When Aidan got on the filed he spotted Lydia sitting on the bleachers and went over to him. "Lydia, why do I keep hearing stuff about what I told you, who did you tell?"

"I haven't told anyone." Lydia says closing her phone. "You told me to keep it to myself so I did."

"Well I didn't tell anyone else so how the hell did people find out about it." Aidan looked around and spotted Kevin pointing and laughing as Danny talked with Ethan. Kevin was on the lacrosse team with them and for some reason he hated him and Ethan. "Really?" He left Lydia and walked over to the group. "What the hell is your problem?"

Kevin frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I hear talking crap about my brother!" Aidan yelled causing others to look their way. Lydia got off the bleachers and headed onto the field while Ethan and Danny looked back at them.

"You're the one who said your brother sleeps with a pick teddy bear." Kevin says smiling.

"What is he talking about?" Danny asked looking over at Ethan who's face turned red before he walked away, Danny went after him.

"Awe I think we hurt his little feelings." Kevin says watching Ethan and Danny leave the field, still laughing. 'Faggots'

It came out as a whisper but Aidan heard and before he knew what he was doing he tackled him onto the ground. He hit him in the face a few times before he was pulled away by Scott. The two of them watched as Kevin picked himself off the ground before heading towards the locker room, his followers right behind him.

"Does Ethan really sleep with a teddy bear?" Stiles asked without thinking and Aidan immediately glared daggers at him. "Never mind, just forget I said anything."

In the locker room

Danny was watching Ethan as he removed his equipment before throwing them across the room. "Ethan will you calm down." He got no response from Ethan so he pushed himself off the lockers and walks over to him. "Ethan look at me." He placed a hand on Ethan causing him to stop what he was doing. "Hey."

Ethan looked over at Danny before turning and collapsing on the bench. "You must think I'm more of a f-"

"Don't say that Ethan." Danny sys cutting him off before he can say anything more. He reached over and intertwined together. "And I don't think any less of you."

Ethan groaned and rests his head on the lockers, closing his eyes. "I'm going to kill Aidan."

"Can I tell you a secret?" Danny says turning to face Ethan, making his voice low. "I have every episode of the Teletubbies that was ever made in my closet."

Ethan opened his eyes and turned to Danny. "Really?"

Danny nodded. "It's the only kids show that I really watch on a regular basis but I can't help it."

Ethan smiled and looked down at their hands. "It wasn't just any bear though, it was a care bear."

"You mean the one with the rainbow on it's stomach?" Danny asked.

Ethan nodded. "I use to love that show."

"We all have our embarrassing secrets that we don/t want anyone else to know but it doesn't change the way I feel about you." Danny says. "I love you."

Ethan looks back up at Danny. "I love you too." Just then Kevin stumbled into the locker room cradling his bloody nose. "Remind me to thank my ass of a brother one day."

"So do you want to go back out or we can leave if you want." Danny asks.

"We can go back out and if anybody says anything I'll just kick their teeth in." Ethan retrieved his gear and began putting it back on. Once he was done the two of them headed back out on the field.

Later that night

Aidan pulled into Lydia's driveway and turned off his bike. Lydia got off from behind him and removed his helmet. "I still can't believe you actually put that on your head, it's all messed up now."

Lydia shrugged. "It's okay I still look incredible." She smiled and handed Aidan his helmet. "So are you and Ethan okay now?"

Aidan shrugged. "He took off with Danny after practice before I could talk to him. I'm sure everything is alright now, considering he didn't try to kill me on the field."

Lydia looked towards her house when the porch light came on. "I better go before my mom comes out here." They kissed a few seconds before she headed for the door but when Aidan called her name she stopped. "Yeah?"

Aidan stares at her for a moment before continuing. "I love you."

That was the first time she actually heard him say the words out loud and she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. "I love you too."

Aidan smiled back as she quickly made herself over to the front door before slipping inside. Once she was in he started his bike and headed home.

Lydia watched him go from the window and when she turned around she found her mother standing behind her. "Oh hey mom." She then heads to the stairs.

"Hey mom." Her mother says following her. "That's all you have to say is 'hey mom? Why do you look so happy?"

Lydia turned to her mother and sighed. "I just had a good time that's all." Turning around the smile reappeared on her face as she disappeared I to her room.


When Aidan got home he found his brother sitting on the could watching TV. "Hey?' He places his keys on the table by the door before going over to the couch.

"Hey?" Ethan replied not looking away from the TV. "How was your date?'

"It was good." Aidan sits on the arm of the couch and stares at his twin. "Look I really don't know how Kevin found out about the bear and the only other person who knew was Lydia, who I accidentally told but I know she didn't says anything."

Ethan smiled and looked over at Aidan. "It's okay, we're cool."

Aidan smiled. "Good." He got up and went to his room but didn't turn on the light. Lying in bed he stared out into the darkness before glancing sideways at his closet door which was open. Shaking his head he closed his eyes and thought about something different but then he heard scratching noises and he jumped up. Looking around he didn't see anything but when he heard someone snickering he looked towards his bedroom door. "That's not funny Ethan!"

Still laughing Ethan got up and headed to his room.

Aidan laid back down but Ethan still had him a little rattled so he got and closed his closet door before plunging in the night-light. "Come on Aidan you're too old to be freaking out like this." He started to take it out but stopped. "One more night can't hurt." With that he kicked off his shoes and laid back down on the bed, moments later he was asleep.

A/N Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon, reviews are always welcome.