Seize The Day

By BekahNicole

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own anything associated with the Newsies franchise and/or Broadway. Disney owns that, and I in no way shape or form am trying to infringe on that. This is merely for fun. Of course, I do own some OC's in this which if you know the franchise, can quickly pick them out. I do appreciate feedback but not hateful criticism. With that being said, I encourage that you review my work with positive and helpful suggestions. Thank you, enjoy.

Ch. 1: The Runaways

It's about mid-August in Brooklyn, New York. The summer has been over for a little while and fall has taken over. The August breeze has a slight coldness to it that threatens of what's to come soon when winter finally arrives. However, right now it is a welcome feel from the relentless summer heat. My brother and I are walking down around the outskirts of Brooklyn. We don't exactly have a particular destination in mind.

That morning, we were kicked out of our tenement in one of the many slums of the city. Our mother had passed away from illness about 4 months ago. I'm surprised it went unnoticed for as long as it did. The landowner wasn't exactly the smartest guy out there. Anyways, he finally caught word about her death and immediately kicked us out. We are on our own. It's just my little brother and I against the tough city. We do have a father, but as to where he is? No clue. He left about two years ago west to work and earn enough money to support us. He was to send for his family when he finally got enough money. We still haven't heard from him.

Besides our father, I also have an older brother. He, like my father, left us. However, his intentions weren't exactly understandable. He left without telling anyone, and we haven't seen or heard from him since he left right after our father. As far as I know, both of them have died. I mean what else can you expect me to think after two years?

However, at this moment I'm thinking to myself how neither of us have anything. The landowner hadn't allowed us to retrieve any of our things before kicking us out. We literally only have the clothes on our backs and a whole 50 cents along with my brother's useless supply of random knick knacks he finds interesting stuffed inside his pockets. That's my brother's hobby of sorts. He likes to collect random junk that he thinks are cool or interesting to have. I don't remember when that started, all I know is that it's been going on for a LONG time. But hey, if it keeps him happy, who am I to take that away?

Anyways, the bottom line is that we're on our own from now on. Just two kids, aged 14 and 9, alone to fend for themselves in the roughest city in America. What could go wrong?

I look up in the sky and notice the sun beginning to shift behind some scary looking clouds. 'Great…it's gonna rain' I thought to myself. It was then that I also realized a pain in my stomach. It hits me that neither of us have eaten anything the entire day, and it's going on noon. I look around for a street vendor with relatively cheap prices considering my significant budget. Soon I spot a man selling some sausages for 5 cents each. 'Score!'

I lead my brother outside a bakery window on the opposite side of the street. "Okay, stay heah. I'll be right back with some food." He nodded in reply. I turn around and head for the man. I smile at him as I walk up in front of his makeshift vendor and hand him 10 cents. He smiled back and received the money happily. Dropping the money in his pocket, he handed me two hot sausages in a newspaper.

"Thanks mistah." I start to walk away back towards my waiting brother. I look up to find him but soon realize he is no longer where I had left him. Confused, I look around thinking I may have walked slightly crooked and went too far one way. I didn't. I was in the right place. Panic slowly started to creep through my mind as I realize I can't find my brother. Still clutching the sausages in my hands, I run over to where I had left him. I peek through the bakery window and received some stern looks by the owner. I look left and right and still he is nowhere to be seen.

I look back towards the man I bought the sausages from and notice a familiar shaggy brown haircut hiding around some crates behind the vendor. I release an intense sigh of relief not realizing I had even been holding my breath. However, I soon draw it back in as I realize what he is doing.

He is adamantly staring at a new customer the vendor was tending to. It is a tall man with a top hat and suit on. He has a long dark beard and beady eyes. His whole face is scrunched into a scowl. He's definitely not someone I would willingly want to go talk to. My brother was now slowly creeping up behind the man and vendor. He carefully reached his small hand into one of the man's pockets and slowly pulled his fist out. He apparently found what his grubby little hands wanted as he now had a smirk apparent on his face. He casually began his escape thinking he had gotten away with yet another one of his treasures. I wish that was true.

Right when my brother got halfway across the street we heard, "STOP! THIEF!" ring through the air. My brother and I look at the man to see him sprinting towards us. My brother whips around and grabs my arm pulling me down the street. We quickly make our way down the busy streets of Brooklyn, getting the attention of all the passerby's. We rounded a corner onto a street that I couldn't recognize. I take in my surroundings desperately looking for a landmark in which I will recognize. Finding no such luck, I push my way in front of my brother to lead him. I have no clue where I am going, however. I've never been this far on the outskirts of Brooklyn. I was never allowed. Brooklyn isn't exactly the best place to find yourself lost and, in our case, lost and on the run.

Just when I thought we were losing the man, I heard the blood chilling whistles. 'Da bulls!' I thought as I looked back and saw four policemen chasing after us whistle happy. Great, now I have to run away from the rich guy AND the police. This day was just getting better and better.

We rounded another corner that opened up into an open square that was fenced all around its borders. There was a massive crowd inside of the fence apparently watching something exciting because of all the cheers and noise. Just then I realize exactly where we are. I haven't exactly been here before, but I know of it. We have arrived at Sheepshead Racetrack.

I look back into the sky and see that it has turned a menacing dark grey color and is threatening to poor any second. Looking back in front of me I yell, "Come on!" and drag my brother to the nearest entrance into the racetrack. My plan is simple. We can lose our pursuers in this massive crowd and slip out one of the exits on the other side. We dodge between the multitude of people all yelling and cheering as a race was currently in progress nearing its finish. I sneak another peek behind us to see what distance we have obtained from my plan. My heart skips a beat from joy when I see no trace of any police or of the man.

However, as soon as I turn my gaze back in front of me BAM! Next thing I know I'm laying flat on my back in the dirt. "Ouch" I mutter under my breath as I try to sit up. My hand ventures to the back of my head feeling a little pain there. I must have hit my head when I fell.

Then I notice a hand in my face accompanied by a strange voice, "Hey youse okay?" I look up and am greeted by the cold, icy rain choosing just now to start to poor. I squint to block out the rain from my eyes and take the hand which swiftly lifts me to my feet.

"Yeah, I'm okay I guess" I reply now getting to look at my helper. It was a young boy who couldn't be a year older than me. He was a little short for the age he looked. And he also seems to be Italian. His dark hair and dark brown eyes give that away. He wore a dark grey cabbie hat that was pushed back slightly revealing a few curls that swept across his forehead. He had a white long-sleeved shirt that was folded above his elbows. He had an unbuttoned checkered vest above his shirt and baggy black slacks.

He was smirking at me with a cigar hanging out of the side of his mouth. "Tanks.." I manage to say before realizing my brother was not by my side anymore. I frantically turn around to search for him. "Hey, youse lookin' fer somethin?" he asked, concern now written all over his face.

"Me bruddah! He was right by me! Den I ran into you an…an…" I couldn't finish my sentence. Panic was now engulfing my every thought. 'What if he was caught?'

Just then I felt a tug at the back of my skirt. I whip around to see my brother standing there with a confused expression. I immediately grab him into a hug. Once I pull away, he looks at me like I'm smothering him.

"Sorry, one sec youse was right in front a' me. Den da next youse was gone!" he exclaimed raising his arms in the air for emphasis. I just smile and nod at him just happy he was back by my side.

"So, I take it dis is who youse was lookin' fer?" said the boy smiling now. I shake my head yes and his smile broadens, "Good." Just then, we heard the worst thing possible. Whistles. Both the boy and I whip around and yell at the same time, "DA BULLS!" We turn to each other and I manage to say, "Wait, why are youse afraid a' da bulls?"

The boy merely grabs my hand and my brother's shirt collar and pulls us towards one of the exit gates. Now, leading us, the boy turned down an alleyway. My brother and I quickly follow suit. He seems to know where he is going. My common sense is telling me that I am following a complete stranger in the icy pouring rain to an unknown destination. However, when comparing my options, I decide trusting this stranger is our best bet to escape from the police. If he tries anything funny or ends up ditching us I'm gonna punch him so hard he won't be able to recognize his own face.

He started to gain some distance between my brother and I only adding to my suspicions. It was almost ridiculous how many alleyways and streets he abruptly turns into. Eventually he got to be about 10 feet ahead of us when he ducked into another alley. However, once we reached the entrance to the alley, he was gone. I looked up and down through the alley from where we stood at the entrance and saw no trace of the boy. 'Great! Just fantastic! He ditched us!' I thought to myself trying to figure out what to do next. I decided to pull my brother down the alley because I could hear the whistles from the police growing louder meaning they were gaining on us. As we ran through the alley, trying to dodge the trash and debris, something pulled both of us harshly behind a group of crates.

I was just about to scream for help when I felt a hand cover my mouth and another arm wrap around my shoulders. I tried to wriggle myself free of my captor when I heard a familiar voice whisper, "Would ya calm down!? It's me!" It was the boy. I felt slightly ashamed for thinking he had ditched us when he was only looking for a hiding spot. I instantly quit my fighting and sat there quietly.

I watched as the boy peeked his eyes over the top of the crates to peer at the entrance we came from. Out of nowhere he dropped and moved his pointer finger to his lips signaling us to be quiet.

Fear began to overwhelm my mind. I started to think of all the scenarios that could possibly happen. Either all three of us get caught and go to the Refuge, we get ditched by the boy and just my brother and I end up going to the Refuge, or we get away (miraculously) and eventually in the near future go to the Refuge. The way I see it is that no matter how this situation plays out, my brother and I are eventually going to the Refuge. My mind went blank however when we heard the whistles and yells from the policemen at the entrance of our alleyway. All three of us froze and dared not to make a single move.

"You two go down there, you that way, I'll go down the alley" we heard one of them say. We could hear his footsteps getting closer as he slowly made his way down the alley making sure to rummage through the garbage and crates. I turned to glance at the boy who had fear obvious in his deep brown eyes. The rain wasn't making the situation any better. I found it extremely hard not to shiver as the cold rain slid down my back and succeeded in drenching my clothes. I mentally kicked myself for not pulling my hair back that morning, because my hair was now stringing to my face which only added to my discomfort.

The policeman was getting closer and closer to us. Eventually he was standing right in front of us. He began to reach to move the crates we were hiding behind to the side.

"They aren't here. Let's keep searching more down that a 'ways" said one of the other policemen. The man who was inches from discovering our hiding place withdrew his hand and jogged back towards the entrance of the alleyway and disappeared. I look back at the boy who shook his head meaning for us to stay put. I complied.

It seemed like an hour had passed before the boy slowly and carefully peeked over the crates once more. He got up from his hideout and motioned for us to stay where we were. He turned towards the entrance of the alley and looked left and right, making sure the policemen were gone.

"It's okay now, they's gone" he said returning to us with a content smirk. My brother and I climbed out from behind the crates. I felt utter relief at our close call. I looked at my brother and sternly shook my finger at him, "Don't youse eva do dat again! Got it?!" He solemnly looked at me and nodded looking at his feet in shame. The boy was overcome with his own curiousness.

"What'd the kid do exactly?" he asked. I looked at him and debated whether to tell him or not. I mean, he did just save us from getting caught.

I let out a sigh and answered, "He stole...uhh…what did youse take?" I realized that I never actually saw what my brother desperately wanted. He proceeded to pull out this mysterious item. He held it out by its golden chain. "A pocket watch? Youse got us in trouble fer a pocket watch?" I said in disbelief.

"Not just any pocket watch dough! It's a golden pocket watch!" he exclaimed trying to prove its worth. I stared at his with my mouth half open. I assumed my face changed to show off my anger because my brother's attitude quickly changed back to the ashamed little kid staring at his feet. The boy merely chuckled, apparently finding the whole situation humorous. I turned to look at him confused as to why he was laughing.

He noticed my look and proceeded to pull out his own golden pocket watch. I was dumbfounded. My brother, however found great amusement in this. The boy mused, "I know how da kid feels, I don't go nowheres widout me own pocket watch." I glared at him to say 'You aren't helping the situation.' He chuckled again, as he put away his watch. He turned to my brother and ruffled his drenched moppy hair. He asked to nobody in particular, "How 'bout we'se gets outta dis rain. I'm gettin' cold."

I stayed put and grabbed my brother's collar as he started to follow the boy. Realizing we weren't following him, the boy turned around and stared at us with a confused look.

"Well, youse comin' or what?"

I contemplated for a moment before replying, "Where we goin'?" The boy smiled as he replied, "To da newsboys lodgin' house o'course. That's where I's live ya know. I's a newsboy…ya know…sellin' da bannah?" he joked. I nodded agreeing that I knew what he meant. I looked over at my brother and noticed he was shivering just as bad as I was. Against all my better judgment, I pulled my brother along to follow the boy to this "lodgin' house."

The boy tried to make small talk along the way to get everyone's mind off the cold rain that was threatening to give us all a cold.

"What's yer name?" asked my brother questioningly at the boy. He smiled at my brother and ruffled his hair again as he replied, "Da names Racetrack. Or Race fer short if youse want." There was silence for a while before Racetrack broke it. I'm getting the hunch that he really likes to hear himself talk.

"Ya know…it's a common coytesy ta tell a fella yer name afta he gives ya his own" he looked at the two of us with another one of his infamous smirks. I'm also getting the hunch that he likes giving those.

"Me name's Gabriel Davies!" my brother practically yelled as he was excited Racetrack was actually talking with him. I roll my eyes at how he was so naïve. "But me friends call me Gabe."

Racetrack smiled and nodded his approval. Then he glanced at me waiting for my answer. I sighed and eventually relented. "Me names Rosabella. And I ain't got a nickname." I was really aggravated with the entire day's adventure. 'Forgive me if I'm moody, I was just chased clear across town by a mean old man and da bulls' I thought to myself. Racetrack merely smiled. This guy has a really happy-go-lucky attitude. It's almost contagious.

The rest of the way to the lodging house, Racetrack and Gabe blabbed to each other about random things. I wasn't really paying that much attention. Next thing I knew, it was almost pitch black outside. The good news is that it stopped raining about 20 minutes ago. However, our clothes are still soaking wet because there's no sun out to dry them. I trudged along with my arms wrapped around my shoulders staring at the muddy ground until we came to a stop. Racetrack turned to us and said in his happy voice, "Here we are! Da lodgin' house. Me home sweet home."

It was a run down looking building with a piece of rotten-looking wood above the doorway that read 'Newsboy's Lodging House.' Racetrack led us up the front porch stairs and creaked the door open. Just then I started to feel uneasy about the whole situation. I stood in my tracks, not wanting to go any further. Racetrack sensed my uneasiness and closed the door after letting Gabe walk into the warmth the building offered. He moved towards me and offered a small smile before asking, "What's a'matta?"

"I'm not comfoitable heah is all. Nevah been dis far from home and I barely know youse. How do I knows ya aren't some secret murderer?" Racetrack gave me a funny look before laughing. This annoyed the heck out of me. I furrowed my brows into a scowl and began to walk back into the street. I could hear Racetrack's footsteps behind me and then I felt him grab my arm to turn me around.

"Look, I'se sorry, I don't mean ta laugh. But, me? A murderer? You can't be any farther away from da truth." He said with his dumb smirk back on his face. I just glared at him angrily. "Yeah well I don't know dat!" I yelled utterly annoyed at how calm he was being about the whole situation. His face changed into a frown as I finished yelling.

"Would I have saved ya and ya bruddah from da bulls if I was a murderer? Huh? Nah, dat don't make no sense does it." He stood there with his arms crossed clearly just as annoyed, if not more, as me. Both of us stood there wallowing in our annoyances with each other before Racetrack broke the silence again.
"Dis is a fine way ta say tanks for savin' ya and ya bruddah!" He started to turn back towards the building. I glared at him as he walked unable to keep my anger in check and said, "Well I didn't ask ya to! We woulda gotten away if ya hadn't ran in ta me!" At that, Racetrack stopped dead in his tracks. He slowly turned around. I could see he had an evil grin on his face as he slowly and calmly walked back in front of me, stopping only inches away from me.

Quietly, he stated, "Den I promise it won't happen again." With that he turned on his heals and walked up the old steps to the porch. As he was re-opening the door for the second time, he yelled over his shoulder, "But, since ya bruddah's wid ya, I guess ya can still stay heah fer da night. Dat is, if ya don't tink none o' us will kill ya in ya's sleep." He gave me a wink and stepped into the building closing the door behind him.

That did it for me. I am now positive I can not, I repeat, can NOT stand that boy. He knows exactly how to press my buttons. He knows he can infuriate me and it makes him feel great knowing that. But, putting aside my anger and fury at the stupid boy, I reluctantly walk up the steps to the porch. I mean, my brother is inside and I'm definitely not leaving him here with a bunch of newsboys. Especially if they're anything like Racetrack. Putting aside my pride I slowly open the creaking door and walk in to a chorus of noise and loudness.