A little introduction to the Sailing AU I'm beginning to write.

Weiss squeezed her eyes shut as her father's shouting echoed around her, occasionally interrupted by bouts of coughing. She tried desperately to hold back the tears that formed every time. She would hold them back, she always did, but it got harder each time. Ninety Four percent. It wasn't enough for her father. Nothing was ever enough for him. I she had scored perfectly, he would be disappointed she hadn't done it sooner. She knew, because it had happened before. It didn't matter that her tutors were among the best in the world. It didn't matter that their assessments were some of the hardest in the world. It didn't matter that she knew more about running a business than ninety nine percent of the world. She wasn't perfect. She would never be perfect. Her father demanded perfect.

As always, when his tirade was finished, Weiss walked from the room. As always, the tears broke through the second she turned away. As always, she broke into a run the instant he could no longer see her. As always, she ran to her beloved Yacht, Myrtenaster. She loved the ocean. She loved how it was endless. She loved the calm feeling of the water as she trailed her hand through it. She loved the rocking of Myrtenaster beneath her feet and the sea breeze as it blew her hair from her face. She loved letting her hair down at sea, and she hated how she always had to return to her father. Often, but not always, she would spend the rest of the day on that Yacht. She always needed to, but sometimes it was not possible. On those days, she had commitments that her father would never allow her to miss. She had missed them once, and brought on another bout of screaming, sending Weiss back to sea for the rest of the night as well as half the following day. This was a day she had to return. Gasping, Weiss ended the call with her mother. Terrified, Weiss turned the Yacht around. Confused, she tried to process the fact her father was on his deathbed.

"I'm working!" He barked as Weiss entered the room. Little more than skin stretched over a skeleton, he stared at his laptop screen as he lay in his bed, fingers moving over the keyboard.
"I… I came to see you. Y-you should be resting…"
"Bah! I can't rest I'm the only one capable of doing this! God knows you're no use."
"I…. I can do this you know. I…. I'm…"
"A useless little girl who's met my expectations since she was six! You're not touching this company while I'm alive!" Weiss recoiled as he snarled his last sentence. Without another word, she turned and fled from the room, from the house, from her father, from her life.

It was tears that stained her face when she ran aboard Myrtenaster. It was with shaking hands she freed the yacht from her family's private dock. It was despair that came with the bitter realisation that she would never be good enough for her father. It was despair that filled her eighteen year old heart as she ran away.
Weiss always kept supplies of food on Myrtenaster. She had started the practice after the third time she'd gone a whole day on the Yacht without eating, so she found herself well supplied for at least two weeks by her estimation. She liked to eat when she was upset. It helped keep her mind from wandering nearly as much as sailing.
That day was different. Weiss sat on the side of her Yacht, legs dangling over the side. She didn't feel like eating. The ocean wasn't calming her. She hardly noticed the motion of the boat beneath her. Numbly, she stood up. Numbly, she dropped Myrtenaster's anchor. Without thinking, she stripped down to her underwear and fell into the water.
The shock of cold water did little. Weiss floated, remaining near her Yacht, but did little else.

It was dark when Weiss climbed back into her boat. She hardly felt the cold. Lethargically, she dried herself off, flopped into her bed, and fell asleep.

It was still dark when Weiss was thrown from her bed. A sharp crack sounded from outside the boat as she pulled herself to her feet. A storm had snuck up on her. Myrtenaster was in danger. Weiss's mind went blank, save for one thought. Myrtenaster was in danger. Throwing on a long coat to protect her skin from the stinging rain, Weiss threw open the door to her cabin and stumbled into the storm. She was horrified at what she saw. Myrtenaster's anchor was still deployed and it was tearing the upper deck apart. The rope was straining as the yacht was tossed and turned, tearing through the wood that made up her precious Myrtenaster. Lurching back into her cabin, she pulled a serrated machete from beneath her bed, kept especially for this purpose. Heading back out into the storm, Weiss made her way towards the rope, with every intention to cut through it. The anchor would tear her ship apart, and if the waves got any higher they were going to swamp her. She had barely started sawing through the rope when it snapped, the sudden lurching of the yacht sending her sprawling, losing her grip on the machete. Cursing, Weiss hauled herself to her feet, trying to make her way to the wheel.
She never made it. As Myrtenaster capsized Weiss was sent tumbling into the black water.

Ruby was small for sixteen years old. She didn't mind though, despite her sisters incessant teasing. She was a skilled mechanic, and adored working on boats, despite her deathly fear of water. Still, she liked the beach. The sand was lovely under her bare feet and shells were really pretty. She didn't know anything about the shells she picked up and collected; only that she loved the colours. She always walked the beach in the mornings, collecting the few seashells that were far enough away from the water. That day was different though. That day Ruby found more than seashells. That day Ruby found a shipwrecked yacht and a motionless girl.

Coughing up seawater, Weiss rolled onto her front before throwing up more seawater than she wanted to think about. She wasn't dead.
"Easy there! Easy there!" A pair of hands gripped Weiss. "You almost drowned, but you'll be okay now. You're breathing again. Please don't move!" The voice grew frantic when she tried to stand up. Gently, she was pushed back down and rolled onto her side. A round face filled her vision, filled with worry. "You're alright now? Oh wow. I did it. I saved you. You weren't breathing so I did CPR. My sister taught me. Mouth to mouth that sort of thing. You'll be okay now. I promise. Hey, hey! Stay with me!"

That was that last thing Weiss heard before she passed out.