Elena's eyelids flitted open, her eyes adjusting to the light shining in through the windows. "Stefan?"
She asked, steching her arms, sitting up in his lush bed. After moments of scilence she asked again, "Stefan?" Again, no reply came. She sighed and stood up streching her joints more. She wore only boy shorts and a low cut tank top, her brown hair stringily hanging around her face. Elena sniffed the air and cocked her head with a smirk. She turned around to see a tray with all of her favorite foods. A plate of scrambled eggs, a chocolate muffin, bacon with a glass of orange juice. A glass vase with a single red carnation was placed along with it.

Elena shook her head with with a grin. Oh Stefan...she thought. She grabbed the tray, carrying it to the bed, setteling back in. She moved the vase over to his bed side tabel, revealing a note. In scratchy hand writing were the words 'Went out to talk with Bonnie, be back soon, until then enjoy this breakfest' Bonnie and Stefan had became great friends after all of the stupid drama was over. It made her happy that they all stayed close friends..except for Damon of course. He had went off the deep end when she rejected him. She grabbed the romote to the tv, which Elena had pestered him to buy since their life had gotten increasingly less interesting lately. A cooking show came on and she flipped through the channels until it landed on a cartoon and began to chow down.
It was over an hour and still no word from Stefan. Elena didn't sweat it until, all of a sudden, the power shut off. "Stefan?" No answer. "Stefan, this isn't funny." She moved the tray out of the way and stood up. Again, scilence. She reached out and grabbed her phone. Her fingers, which were now shaking, dialed Stefans number. His ringtone rang out...downstairs? Elena rolled her eyes and now fearless, bounded out of the room and down the steps. "Stefan, that wasn't funny you ass!" There was still no answer but his phone coninuted ringing. She followed the noise. It was coming from the living room, she shuffled in there, her hands running along the wall to guide her. She seemed like she was right next to the phone but yet...no Stefan.
Suddenly the room was flooded with light and right in front of her, only inches, away from Stefan. Only Stefan couldn't answer because a long plank of wood was driven through his heart, pinning him to the wall. "Stefan!" Elena cried, throwing her arms around his middle. She tugged at his body trying to get him off the stake but she wasn't strong enough. She knew it woudn't do anything anyway. "Stefan. No! Stefan!" Elena sobbed, giving up, she colasped against his chest. Who would do such a thing? Stefan wasn't trouble! He was the good guy.
"Hello Elena. Did you miss me?" Elena whipped around suddenly. In the door way stood a smirking Damon. His hands were stained red with blood. Elena swallowed, backing up when she noticed.
"Damon...what are you doing here?"
He promptly ingorned her questiong and walked through the entry. "Shame about my brother. He just...was an obstcale in my grand plan." Damon's eyes were crazy and Elena wasn't sure if he was all there. She took a few more steps back.
"What grand plan?" She asked backing toward the fireplace where she knew Stefan kept a stake for emerencies.
"The one where I make you mine." He laughed his hand reaching into his back pocket as he produced a glinting knife.
"Damon..no. You aren't thinking clearly just..." She turned around quickly reaching for the stake but Damon was already in front of her.
"It's not a choice Elena." He grabbed her wrist roughly twisting her arm behind her back. "I always get what I want. Or I will kill you." He threated the knife pressing against the neck.
"Then kill me because I wil never, ever, be yours." She spit with mallice.
"I've got a better idea." He shrugged before hitting her hard over the head with his fist. A small groan escaped from her lips before she fell to the ground, out cold.

Elena groggily opened her eyes and began to strech , only she couldn't because her arms and legs were shackled to the wall. "What the hell.." She muttered before the memories cae flooding back. Damon had hit her. Damon had her. Damon was going to kill her. Stefan is dead. Stefan is dead. Stefan is dead. Stefan is dead. Elena let out a scream, tears filling her choclate brown eyes. Stefan!
"So sleeping beauty awakens." Damon entered the room with a bemused smirk on his face.
"You bastard let me go! I have to get Stefan to Bonnie. She can bring him back." Elena pleaded, the tears rolling down her cheeks.
"I don't know how much good that will due you seeing as her heart was ripped out." He laughed sadisticly.
Elena couldn't muster a response as the tears pooled in her eyes until the became to much and spilled over again and again. "Damon please...I didn't do anything." In a flash he was by her side again, running his cold smooth hand down her face, she turned her head as much as she could.
"I know honey I know." He smiled, taking a seat next to her on the bed.
"Please...if you are going to kill me kill me now!" She whined.
"Now what would the point of the be?"
"I won't live like this." She said swallowing defiantly.
"And what are you going to do? You can't kill yourself with those chains on, you can't starve yourself because you will be drinking my blood regularly...and if you ever try to resist...well...I've got a few toys I've been dying to try out."
All Elena could do was shake her head as she began to sob, it shook her whole body as she did.
"Okay...okay..That's enough!" He said after a few minuets. When Elena couldn't contain herself he struck her across the face leaving a dark red splotch. "I said enough!" He growled. Elena was too shocked to choke out another sob. "Now lets see what were working with" He reached down.
"Damon please no!" But it was too late, he had already ripped off her tank top leaving her two bulbus breasts staring up at his face. Her breasts were tanned and her areolas were a light brown and about the size of a nickle.
Damon emitted a low whistle. "Those are one pair of nice tits." He reached over and squeezed one of them. Elena whined buut kept her lips closed. He ran a cold finger over her nipple turning it hard. He did the same to the other. "Looks like your body doesn't mind it." He grinned.
"You're a sick phsyco." She spit.
His hand went to her thoat his immortal hand squeezing it. "Shut up, bitch." He snarled.
She coughed and nodded and when he let go she gasped for air. His fingers went back to her hard nipples as he pinched them. He looked down into her eyes leaning down to kiss her. She didn't kiss back, which enraged Damon. He yanked away taking his fingers, jamming them into her mouth. "That's it you little whore." He stormed away and Elena let out a sigh of releif, the tears finally able to be squeezed out of her eyes.
He came back in after only a few minuets. "I told you I had toys" He laughed with mallice. He held up a ball gag.
Elena knew resisting would do any good. She just opened her mouth. "Do your worst."
"Oh I will!" He took a fist full of her hair yanking her head up, ingorning her screech. her tied the ball gag around her head slipping it between her jaws. "Now where was I." He gave her a quick once over. "Oh yes...these sweet nipples of yours." He pinched one bewteen his thumb and forefinger so hard Elena screamed around the gag. Drool began pooling out of her mouth.
"Let's see how they taste." He bent down and flicked his tounge along her dark mounds. Damon let out a moan, and he closed his lips around it. He began to suck the flesh candy. His hand found her other tit playing with it as he sucked. He switched around for a while and when he was ready to move on he bit down hard and Elena lost the small amount of lust she had gathered as she screamed again.
"You pathetic bitch" He rolled his eyes. He slid his hand down her stomach and took a hold of her cotton boy shorts, before ripin them off and throwing them with her shirt. He ran his fingers through her tuff of hair. "Oh fluffy. It must remind Stefan of those bunnies he kills. Oh I mean, used to kill. Oops." He laughed
Her tan skin paled just a bit around her slippery lips, her pink folds protruded her flaps. "Oh my god, is my little Elena wet for me! Oh no!" He laughed more running is fingers over her cat. Elena moaned, her eyes squeezing shut. His finger stopped on one spot, applying pressure. He began to rub slow circles. Elena's hips shot up in pleasure. "Oh you like it when I touch that little clit of yours?" He smirked. "And what about this? his fingers slipped lower shoving into her tight hole. "wow. Stefan must be pretty small if you're still this tight. It's gonna be fun getting my horse dick in there."
Elena didn't want to enjoy it but Damon was touching her in all the right spots and what was he doing now? He was slipping down between her legs, his face coming right to her pussy, taking a deep whiff. He was going to lick her pussy! Stefan would never dare, and Elena would never ask him. But Damon was going to. Elena became wetter just with the tought of his slimy tongue on her sweet spot.
He looked up with her with a quizical look on his face. "I'm sorry? Do you want me to eat you out?" Elena didn't answer and he sat back up. "Well there goes your window of opportinity. He grinned. "Now I just need to check out one more spot.
His hands pulled apart her cheeks, her little brown hole blinking up at him. "Never had anal. All the more fun for me." Elena was shaking her head back and forth furiously now. He smirked. "Welcome to my world bitch." he whispered as he shoved a long finger into her ass.