Thanks for your reviews and likes, and your patience!


Chapter Eleven


Chad woke up slowly, his eyes heavy like lead. The room around him was far too bright and he winced, squinting at the light.

"Chad? Oh, thank fuck. Ryan, Chad's awake!"

"Kels?" Chad murmured, licking his lips with a tongue that felt thick and dry.

"I'm right here, sweetheart," Kelsi murmured.

"Ryan?" he asked, looking around the room and taking a long, long time to comprehend that he was in a hospital.

"He's coming."

"What... what happened?" Chad asked, struggling to support himself and sit up.

"The Giants' basketball team stayed behind after the game to beat the shit out of you," Ryan said from the doorway.

Chad flinched at his tone, unused to hearing such a cold and unforgiving voice from his boyfriend.

Ryan's stern demeanour cracked when Chad flinched and he breathed in a shallow and ragged breath, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, darling. I'm just... upset. They... you were hurt because of me, that stupid jersey, and I... I'm so sorry," he said, his voice breaking.

Chad shook his head, the room spinning with the action. He closed his eyes against the motion and clenched the rail on his bed tightly. "Not you. Not the jersey," Chad breathed. "Racists."

"Oh, we know. Ryan's had his team of lawyers round up every single one of them. They sang like canaries; some are losing their scholarships, others are being sent to prison since it's not the first time they've done something like this. Two of them are rich boys who have gotten away with similar shit before, but want to know something? Ryan's richer than both of them put together," Kelsi said, smirking. "For once, it's a good thing your parents are obscenely rich: we can stop these guys from doing this to anyone else."

"The justice system doesn't work like that," Chad murmured, already tired just thinking about how they'd be released on parole or bail soon enough; they were misguided and troubled boys with a bright future who had simply made a bad decision.

"It does when you own the justice system."

Chad frowned at that and opened his eyes to determine whether Kelsi was telling the truth.

"Oh, fine, the Evans don't own the justice system," she muttered. "I wish they did so we could put these little bastards in a hole for the rest of their miserable little lives."

Chad didn't know how to respond to that. He asked for water, all three of them falling silent as he drank through a straw. It was a poor imitation of their weekend when Kelsi and Ryan had fed and cared for him, and Chad almost choked on the water at the thought.

"Hey, slowly, that's good. Don't choke," Ryan soothed, taking the cup away and setting it on Chad's bedside table.

"What happened? After they beat me? I blacked out," Chad said.

"Kelsi called Zeke. He left the restaurant to find you and basically threatened to kill each and every one of them until they backed up. Apparently he had three knives and looked like a knight in chef whites."


Kelsi snorted at Ryan's dramatic quotation. "The food critic was at the restaurant and they followed Zeke, thinking he'd quit in a rage or something. When they realised why he'd left and what was happening, they took photos of everyone present, and turned their food critique into a report about how the best dessert chef in the state left their job and took on an entire basketball team to save you."

Taking a moment to process all of this information, Chad eventually frowned. "Is Zeke okay?"

"He's fine. His boss isn't even mad considering how much publicity Zeke's given the restaurant. Hell, he's even offered to pay for your first meal when you get out of hospital," Kelsi said, shaking her head.

"That's... weird," Chad murmured, frowning. "Has anyone told my folks? They always read the food section; if they saw the report, they're gonna freak out."

Ryan coughed slightly. "About that... I kind of flew them out here."


"Kels called them to let them know what happened and that you were being looked after in hospital, but your mother... She was planning on driving out and it was the middle of the night. I didn't want her rushing and getting in an accident, so we picked them up in the helicopter on the way here."

Chad blinked. "Helicopter?"

"I couldn't get the private jet ready in time."

Chad looked to Kelsi in confusion and blinked again.

Kelsi nodded in understanding and patted his hand gently. "I know, sweetheart; he has a helicopter and a private jet. You're just lucky you were already in hospital or you would've been taken to his own private hospital too."

Kelsi's response didn't help Chad's confusion.

"I'm still tempted to take you there anyway," Ryan muttered. "Oh, speaking of your parents, I should let them know you're awake. I'll be right back, darling," he promised, kissing Chad's forehead before he left.

"He has a hospital?"

"Well, not exactly. It's more like a health centre, but there's registered nurses and qualified doctors, so Ryan probably would've taken you there if he could have," Kelsi admitted. "Are you feeling okay? It's a lot to take in."

"Yeah... My mum was in a helicopter?" Chad frowned at the very idea; his mother was terrified of heights.

Kelsi snorted. "She was so worried that she would've flown the damn thing herself if she could."

"Didn't want anyone to worry. It was just some kids."

"Kids? One of those guys was literally double my height. He was two of me and not a kid! Don't you dare downplay this, Chad. They were assholes for what they did, no matter the reason why they did it or how old they are, nothing is an excuse for what they did.

"We've been worried sick that you wouldn't wake up; one of them kicked you so hard in the head that your brain swelled up. You could have suffered a permanent brain injury, and you wouldn't have been able to play basketball, though god knows that Ryan would've done whatever he could have to get you to do the thing you love. I... I... fuck, Chad. I thought you were going to die," Kelsi said, taking her glasses off and rubbing furiously at her tears.

"I'm not dead, Kels," Chad said, reaching out for her awkwardly, an IV still in his hand.

"I know, I know. I'm so fucking happy about that," she said, sniffling and grabbing a tissue to wipe at her tears and running nose. "I kind of want to take you away from all of this and just keep you safe from people. Stupid, huh?"

Chad shook his head and squeezed her hand. "Not stupid, Kels."

"How about a holiday? After all this, when you're feeling better? A month, not just a weekend," she suggested.

"I've still got studies."

"You can study on an island," Kelsi said quickly, her eyes wide.

"With you and Ryan around, not likely," Chad said with a grin.

"Chad? Oh, Chad, look at you. You worried me! The doctors said you might not wake up," his mother said, by his side in an instant. "They're going to pay for what they've done to you," she said firmly, her voice firm and decisive.

Chad knew that arguing was pointless and too tiring anyway. He let his mother talk and fuss over him, trying to stay awake even as the drugs coursing through his system tried to pull him back down to sleep.


Realising that his father was there as well, Chad opened his eyes. He saw his father standing at the foot of his bed, tears in his eyes and looking like he'd been dragged through Hell itself.

"Dad?" Chad murmured, struggling to sit up. He hadn't seen his father cry since he was a child.

"I thought... You almost..." Mr. Danforth stopped talking, swallowed past the lump in his throat, and moved down the length of the bed to pull Chad into a firm hug.

Clinging to his father, Chad felt his eyes fill with tears and squeezed his eyes shut, muffling his sobs against his father's shirt. They stayed that way for a long time, taking comfort in the fact that they were both there and alive.


Chad woke up from a drug-induced sleep to see Ryan walking back and forth outside his hospital room, gesturing wildly with his free hand while talking on his phone.

"He's on the phone to his lawyers. They think Mr. Evans is scary, but they haven't seen Ryan when someone he loves has been hurt. He's promised me a turn to threaten them next," Kelsi said, her eyes sparking with amusement. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" she added, taking his hand in hers gently.

Chad licked his lips. "I don't know. Drugs are... too much."

"Want some more water?"

Chad nodded, then shook his head. "I gotta pee."

Kelsi grinned. "I'll help you to the bathroom; think you can stand on your own?"

"I don't know," Chad admitted.

He stood slowly, his body and limbs trembling. Kelsi helped him to the bathroom, patient and keeping with his slow footsteps. A sudden fear clutched in his chest: what if this was the fastest he'd be able to move again? What if he couldn't play ball anymore? What if...

"Hey, breathe, Chad. It's okay. We're almost there," Kelsi murmured, kissing his bicep.

His bladder was more urgent than the thoughts in his head, so Chad continued on to the bathroom. He barely made it in time, gripping the bar beside the toilet so he could arrange the stupid hospital gown and pee properly.

"By the way, your butt looks cute in that," Kelsi said behind him, and he could hear the grin in her voice without even seeing her. "Uh, hi, Mr. Danforth."

"Kelsi. Can I talk with Chad alone?"

"Sure. I'll be outside with Ryan," she said to Chad, slipping past Mr. Danforth to leave the room.

Chad focused on his breathing and the feeling of his emptying bladder. Flushing, he leaned against the ceramic basin to wash his hands before slowly making his way back out to his room. His father was standing by the window, several balloons and get well cards sitting on the small dresser. Chad grunted softly in pain as he lowered down onto the bed again.

His father helped him into the bed carefully, tugging the blanket up before standing back and looking at him for a long silent moment. "You're in a relationship with both of them?"

Chad had been expecting the conversation ever since Taylor had sent the flyer to his parents, but he hadn't expected to be having it in hospital while he was under the influence of heavy duty painkillers. "Yes, sir."

"Not the best way to meet them, was it?" Mr. Danforth murmured.

"No, sir. Could've been better," Chad added, taking his cup and sipping his water through the straw slowly.

"When your Ma received Kelsi's call, I honestly... Chad, I thought you were going to die. I thought you were going to die in here alone, that I wouldn't be able to see you before... before it happened. I started praying. I prayed so damn hard for you to live, to see you before anything happened; hell, I prayed for a goddamn miracle," he admitted with a brief humourless laugh. "Then Kelsi and Ryan appeared in a goddamn helicopter. Not the miracle I expected, but I suppose miracles never are."

Chad was still trying to get over the fact that his father - usually a man of few words and certainly not one who admitted to praying - had just said Kelsi and Ryan were a miracle.

"You remember when you were a kid, when you and Troy went to the scrap yard without telling anyone?" Mr. Danforth said, the non-sequitur confusing even without the painkillers.

Chad winced at the memory, at the berating and grounding that had come after his and Troy's day out. They'd been innocent and excited then, fearless of the world around them. They'd also scared the shit out of their parents, who hadn't known where they'd gone and had no way of finding them in the era long before mobile phones.

"I was so scared, thinking you'd died or been taken or you were hurt and alone somewhere. I went through every possibility I could imagine, ranging from bad to worst, and I thought I'd felt true terror that day. I was wrong," Mr. Danforth said, squeezing Chad's hand gently."Hearing about you being hurt, about you being alone and almost dying, thatwas terrifying. I swear when we opened the door, I saw my own expression on Ryan's face. He's angry now, but during that flight, it was nothing but pure worry and fear. Both of them, I've never seen Kelsi so pale, I swear.

"I knew then that both of them would've given their lives for yours, just like your Ma or I would... I'm glad you're with people who love you like you deserve."

Chad realised he was clutching the blanket in his lap and slowly relaxed his grip, his fingers aching. "Thanks, Pa. So'm I."

They were both silent for a moment longer, and Chad couldn't help but look out to the corridor where Kelsi was now on the phone to the Evans' lawyers, Ryan standing back and watching her with an expression part amused and part worried.

"I think Kelsi's threatening the lawyers with nipple cripples," Chad said, his father laughing at the unexpected comment.

"I remember you complaining about those. Something about Kelsi having tiny fingers and an inhuman grip?"

"Sounds right. Can you call them in before Kelsi's accused of premeditated murder?"

Mr. Danforth wondered at the serious tone to his son's voice, but squeezed his hand gently once more before going to the door. He swore he heard something about a hatchet as Kelsi ended her call abruptly, turning to look at him. "Chad would like to see you both."

"Thanks, Mr. Danforth," Kelsi said, grabbing Ryan's wrist and tugging him inside with her.

"I'm going to find your Ma. I'll be back soon."

"Thanks, Pa. Sorry for worrying you," Chad added.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, son," Mr. Danforth replied firmly, then closed the door and headed to the cafeteria to look for his wife.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked Chad, kissing his palm gently.

"Not bad. I mean, I'd be better if I wasn't in hospital. I'm glad you're both here," Chad said.

"Wouldn't be anywhere else," Ryan said, leaning in to kiss his cheek, forehead, and the tip of his nose before moving down to kiss his lips chastely.

"Ryan, step back. We are not having sex in a hospital," Kelsi murmured.

"Wasn't planning on it, dearest."

"Yes, well, half the things we end up doing aren't planned, are they?"

"They're not planned according to you, dearest. I, however, always have a plan," Ryan said, winking at Chad as he stepped back.

Chad licked his lips and tried not to miss Ryan's warmth too much. Ryan took Kelsi's hand, spun her in a twirl, and sat down on the armchair, tugging Kelsi down onto his lap.

"You're not fingering me on this chair either," Kelsi hissed, her cheeks red.

"Did I say anything about that, dearest?" Ryan asked, pressing a gentle kiss behind her ear. "Chad, darling, did you hear me say that?"

He grinned and shook his head.

"You must be hearing things, dearest. Or perhaps you're imagining them? You do have such a good imagination, don't you?" Ryan asked.

"I hate you in so many ways right now," Kelsi groaned, her eyes squeezed tight.

"Uh... Have you guys eaten?" Chad asked, seeing his parents returning.

"Not yet. Are you hungry? We can get you something to eat," Ryan offered, loosening his grip on Kelsi's waist.

"I am kinda hungry. I don't suppose they have a great selection of food."

Kelsi stood and kissed his cheek. "We'll find something edible. Well, Ryan will. I'll pay for it," she said with a grin.

"I could buy the whole hospital, dearest, do you really want to pay?"

"I think I can spare it. Besides, I wouldn't want you to break the bank over cafeteria food," Kelsi teased, taking his hand and heading out the door just as Mr. and Mrs. Danforth returned.

"I'm not worried, dear. I'm simply concerned. You don't understand theatre like I do, and understudies can be cruel and vicious to get to the top spot," Mrs. Danforth said when they were seated.

"It's just a dress rehearsal, and Ryan and Kelsi both said that there's plenty of those. It will be fine," Mr. Danforth said with a sigh, as though the argument was already old and wearing him down.

Chad frowned. "What are you talking about?"


Kelsi rubbed her temples as Chad and Ryan argued back and forth.

"You need to go back! Your careers are important and I'm fine."

"No, you're not, and we're not leaving, Chad."

"Would you two stop already? You're giving me a migraine," Kelsi snapped after what felt like the hundredth iteration.

Chad and Ryan both stopped arguing, but both looked ready to start again at a moment's notice. That was the trouble with dating two stubborn idiots.

"You're both being idiots. Chad, if it was me or Ryan in hospital and you had a basketball show to go to, what would you choose?"

Ryan opened his mouth to correct her wording, then shut his mouth with a snap when she gave him a pointed look. Chad played with a thread on the blanket, sighing after a moment of thought.

"You're sure you know the play though, right? Your... uh, other study people aren't going to take the roles from you?"

"We could put a show on for you now to prove we know it."

Chad shook his head. "I don't want to spoil it for opening night."

"Then please, darling, trust us. We're here and we're not leaving for something as small as a dress rehearsal; you, this, is so much more important than that," Ryan promised, kissing Chad's cheek gently.

Chad finally nodded. "All right. But promise me you'll go back for the next rehearsal, no matter what. Please?"

"We promise," Kelsi said before Ryan could argue.

"Thank you."


Chad was released a few days later, his body aching and slowly recovering. The larger bruises were still stark against his skin but he was able to walk on his own again, and that's all that mattered.

Ryan had organised a car to take his parents home, his mother promising to see them at the Breaking Free play the next week. His father had shaken Ryan and Kelsi's hands, thanking them again for being there for his son. Ryan had promised to keep him updated on the people who had attacked Chad, Kelsi muttering viciously under her breath.

Chad wanted a shower with hot water and his own soap and he wanted it to last for half an hour without a nurse knocking on the door to check on him. He wanted to sleep on his own bed where he didn't have to listen to machines beeping and incessant noise and other people. He wanted food, good food, and not barely chewable mush the hospital cooked in bulk.

"We're taking you home, darling. I keep saying New York is closer, but Kelsi thinks you'll be happier at your dorm," Ryan said with a pout.

"I have exams next week," Chad said, though part of him was disappointed he wasn't going to be with Ryan and Kelsi.

"That's next week. You've still got four days of this week; you could spend them with us," Ryan cajoled.

Chad sighed and shook his head. "I just want to go."

"Ryan, stop bugging Chad to come with us. You know the stairs are a bitch on a good day," Kelsi said with a stern look.

"Then I'll get an elevator installed."

Chad frowned up at Ryan, uncertain if he was being serious or not.

"No, Ryan. No elevator or escalator or a travellator," she replied with a glare.

Ryan pouted, then grinned. "Fine. Penthouse suite it is."

Realising he wasn't being entirely serious and trying to cover his worry by riling Kelsi up, Chad shook his head. "I'll be fine, okay? I'll call you every day and check in, and you two are going to have lots of sex and tell me all the details."

Ryan sighed heavily. "If we must."

Kelsi rolled her eyes but looked at Chad as he forced himself to stand and get in the car on his own merit and feet. "You're sure you're all right, sweetheart?" she asked as Ryan rushed off to return the wheelchair.

"I'm feeling better already. I'd tell you if I wasn't, if only to see Ryan's very own hospital," he said with a grin, trying not to wince as the seatbelt pressed against the bruise on his ribs.

"Ryan's planning on getting a nurse's outfit, just so you know. Can you just imagine him in that stereotypical sexy nurse dress?" Kelsi asked, shaking her head.

Well, he certainly could now, Chad thought, his sharp intake of breath one of muted desire rather than pain. It was a welcome change from the last week.

Ryan sat in the car and put his belt on, taking Chad's hand and squeezing gently. "What are we talking about?"

Kelsi grinned and started the ignition. "Nothing, dearest."


There was a game the next night but Chad was benched. He was still bandaged and breathing was difficult at times now that the hospital grade painkillers were worn off, so he didn't truly mind.

The team had welcomed him back with careful pats and hugs, Sven muttering in a foreign language when he saw some of Chad's visible bruises. Chad doubted they were pleasant mutters, and even Lee looked ready to hunt the Giants down for hurting him.

Coach had looked at him on the bench, his white bandages stark against black skin and bruises littering his body and face. He'd grit his teeth, then inhaled and exhaled - the anger management classes must be working, Chad mused - and told Chad to get better and back on the court soon.

Art and Zeke both attended the basketball game, the latter to promote the restaurant at his boss' insistence and the former to help Chad walk. They were seated near the front and refused to move away from Chad, even when Coach looked at them pointedly when it came to discuss the gameplay.

"Where is Corey?" Coach asked, looking at his team and certain that he'd counted Corey as they left the changeroom.

"Here, Coach. Had to pick something up," Corey said, jogging over with a box under his arm.

"It couldn't have waited? We're about to run the gameplay!"

"No, Coach, it couldn't," Corey replied, sounding serious enough that Coach didn't have a response. Corey opened the box without waiting for one, grinning broadly. "All right, guys. Pick your numbers."

"What is going on here?" Coach asked, the team swarming on the box without a response.

Chad just watched curiously; he had no idea either.

Within a matter of seconds, the team had swapped their jerseys of black and green for ones coloured pink and purple.

"What the fuck?"

Lee grinned at Chad. "It was Corey's idea. Those fuckers hurt you over a stupid jersey, so we're showing them it doesn't matter what you wear."

"He also did it for the fans," Sven said, nodding into the stands where Allison was clapping and waving wildly, her young face ecstatic over the new jerseys.

"All right, Coach. What's the game plan?" Corey asked.

Coach looked somewhat stunned but nodded firmly. "Well, since the referee was fired after that last game, and the Giants are a technical forfeit since they're all in prison, we still have a shot at the championships... "


Chad stretched on his bed gingerly, trying to push past the pain as he followed the physio's instructions and exercises. They were nothing compared to the exercise he usually did, but with his body battered and bruised, it felt like he'd run a marathon. Twice.

As he finished the last of his exercises, his chest heaving and muscles burning, Chad's phone rang. Seeing Kelsi's name on the caller ID, he answered immediately.

"Hey, Kels."

"Hey, yourself. I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"

"Nah, just finished my exercises."

"Hospital ones or sexy ones?"

"Is there such a thing as sexy exercising?" Chad asked with a laugh.

"I'm sure you could make it sexy. Sorta like Ryan and his yoga."

Remembering how he'd folded himself in half, Chad winced. "That's just painful, not sexy."

"Naked yoga is a thing," Kelsi said, then coughed. "Anyway, that's not why I'm calling. I just wanted to say good luck with your exam today. Take it easy and don't stress, okay?"

"Okay, I'll try."

"Good. We'll see you on the weekend for the play. I've got your mother a spa package with her room at the hotel, and a car to pick you both up. I'll text the details later. Are you sure we can't change your mind about having sex all weekend?"

"Kels! You know how I feel about that. It'll be so awkward with my Ma here in the same city and - "

"It's okay, Chad. I was just teasing, I promise. I've even convinced Ryan to tone it down. Cuddles and kissing only," she added, smiling.

"How'd you convince him?" Chad asked curiously.

"Sex on the piano," Kelsi admitted. "It was cold and the damn thing is on wheels, which we forgot until... well, let's just say several hats were squished in the process."

Chad laughed, which hurt his aching muscles even more, but he didn't care.

It felt good to laugh again.


"Welcome to the Broadway theatre, Mrs. Danforth. You look amazing," Ryan said with a broad smile and bow.

"Oh, thank you, dear. That hotel of yours is wonderful and the spa package was divine. I've never felt so relaxed in all my life," she replied.

Kelsi mouthed 'told you' at Chad and grinned. "We have to get onto the stage and prepare. Are you all right finding your seats from here?"

"We're near the front, I think we'll be okay," Chad said. "Good luck with the play," he said, squeezing Ryan's hand so he wouldn't ruin his makeup and kissing Kelsi's cheek.

"You have to let us know what you think later. We want all the feedback," Ryan said over his shoulder as he and Kelsi left.

"Oh, isn't this nice of them? We're right near the orchestra. I can't wait. Thank you for inviting me, dear. Ooh, there's a playbill! Do you think they'd sign it for me?"

Chad followed his mother down the aisle to their seats, flipping through the booklet that was on his seat as his mother read through hers in greater detail. A ringing sound rent the air as he was reading Kelsi's bio and Chad looked around in alarm.

"That's the bell to tell everyone the show is about to start," his mother whispered, even though they were alone.

"Oh, right. Thanks, Ma."

She smiled at him and Chad squeezed her hand, hoping she'd enjoy the play and he wouldn't be bored through it. He wanted to be supportive of both Ryan and Kelsi, especially since these were important gigs for them, but Chad had never sat through a musical in his life. Despite his mother's repeated attempts to get him to watch The Phantom of the Opera, Chad could only handle five minutes before escaping.

Blocked by people on either side, Chad doubted he'd have a chance to escape now.

The band members filed into the music pit thing in front of the stage and Chad smiled as he saw Kelsi. She had her top hat and vest on, sparkling in the dim light, and a serious expression on her face. She looked up as though she felt him staring and smiled broadly, then sat at her piano.

On the stage, the curtains opened and the audience fell quiet as the play began.


"It was brilliant and I loved every part of it. The music was... and the acting... I can't find the words! I'm never speechless," Mrs. Danforth said with a laugh, her eyes bright.

"Thank you so much for being here, Mrs. Danforth. It means so much to us that you'd come all this way to see us perform," Ryan said, his arm around Kelsi's shoulders.

Several people from the play walked past, Mrs. Danforth's eyes widening as they called out to Ryan and Kelsi so casually.

"Do you want their autographs, too?" Kelsi asked.

Mrs. Danforth patted her hair nervously. "Do you think they would? I'm sure they're busy and tired."

Kelsi shook her head and whistled loudly, getting the group's attention. "Autographs needed over here!"

That small group grew and grew until everyone from the main actors to the understudies to the crew had signed Mrs. Danforth's playbill. The costume designers and make up artists talked to her about her dress and hair, and Mrs. Danforth had stars in her eyes by the time the crowd dispersed ten minutes later.

"Oh, my. That was... well, that was amazing. Thank you so much. I can't wait to tell my husband all about it."

"I'll have the car come around for you," Ryan said with a bright smile, already taking his phone out.

"Don't forget, room service is open 24/7 and you're already paid up for whatever you like. The chocolate cake is delicious," Kelsi said with a wink.

"That does sound tempting. Good night, dears. You were wonderful. And thank you for inviting me," she said, hugging Chad close and kissing his cheek.

"We'll walk out with you," Ryan offered, trying not to look too concerned at Chad's grimace of pain.

Mrs. Danforth chatted happily as they led her out of the theatre to where the car was waiting. She waved goodbye from the limo as it pulled away to drive her to the Evans' motel.

"You've been awfully quiet, Chad. What did you think of the play?" Kelsi asked as they waited for their own car to arrive, Ryan watching him for a response.

Chad tugged Kelsi close and kissed her hard and firm and demanding. Kelsi melted against his chest, surprised by his response completely. Ryan stood there gaping as Chad kissed Kelsi breathless.

"Thank you for letting me be a part of this. You were amazing; I had goosebumps the whole time," Chad murmured against Kelsi's lips.

Ryan wished the car would arrive so he could get his own kiss and feedback. As he looked down the road for the car, Chad took his hand. "What are you - "

Chad just grinned and didn't even look around at the people watching, just kissed him fiercely, Ryan clinging to his shoulders as he was kissed within an inch of his life. He was vaguely aware of people cheering - his understudy one of them - but ignored their noise and tried desperately to kiss Chad back.

"Thank you for inviting me. I can't believe how amazing you are; you truly had me thinking you were Tony and you were going to die for that girl you loved. I can't wait to see what else you do."

"Nggh," was Ryan's very eloquent response.

"Now, take me home," Chad murmured, taking their hands as the car arrived.

Kelsi wasn't going to be the one to mention his mother being in the same city and ruining this, whatever this was. If Chad wanted to praise them with his hands and lips and body, who was she to stop him?


The drive home was excruciatingly slow. They were all making out when the car finally stopped, the driver coughing politely to indicate they had arrived.

Ryan thanked the man as he opened the door, Kelsi practically falling out with Chad a step behind her. Ryan kissed Chad right there in the street, simply because he could. Then Kelsi snuck between them, her hands slipping under his shirt and it was only the car pulling away that reminded them they were still outside.

Kelsi's eyes were bright behind her glasses and she bit her lip so she could gain some semblance of control. "Both of you inside and upstairs. I want you naked with condoms on within ten seconds of getting through the door."

"Ten seconds? Is that possible?" Chad asked even as Ryan tugged him to the building.

Kelsi adjusted her vest and straightened her top hat, then followed her boyfriends to time them.

Chad was kissing Ryan, both of them pressed up against the door that opened onto their stage. They'd determined they would lose precious time trying to get in through the main door and up the stairs, which Kelsi appreciated. She didn't appreciate watching her boyfriends make out without her and not even trying to get indoors. Ryan had wrapped himself around Chad and was doing the hip rolling thing he had mastered, which distracted Kelsi briefly because they were both beautiful.

"Ahem. I'm going to limit it to five seconds if you don't open that door."

Ryan pulled away, Chad looking dazed, and slid his legs down so he was standing once more. "Of course, Mistress. You have the key for this door."


Kelsi dug in her small purse to pull out the keys and handed them over. Ryan turned and unlocked the door, making a show of pressing his ass against Chad's groin. Chad's body shuddered in pleasure and the door opened with a groan that sounded remarkably like Ryan. They were inside a second later, the door closed and locked behind the three of them, and Kelsi counted as Ryan and Chad stripped for her.

"Whoever gets their condom on first gets to fuck me," Kelsi added as the foil packets were ripped with four seconds remaining.

Ryan sheathed himself with a second to spare and held up his hands like a gymnast completing their routine. Chad laughed and pulled him close, kissing Ryan as he finished rolling his own condom on.

"You could have won, Chad," Kelsi murmured, kissing their biceps and taking both of their cocks in her hands.

"I want to fuck Ryan."

Ryan wondered if he'd died. First, Chad kissed him in public, and now he wanted to fuck him? Something terrible had happened to him in the play and he was in heaven.

"If you're okay with that? I know we haven't discussed it and I might have to wait, but... "

"Fuck, yes. I'm ready; I make sure everything is all cleaned out before a show. We don't exactly get a bathroom break."

Chad blinked. "I was not expecting that answer."

"Fuck me, Chad. Please," Ryan breathed, cupping Chad's cheeks as he kissed him hard. "Better answer?"


"I'll get the lube;you two keep kissing," Kelsi said, heading to the bed.

"Yes, Mistress Kelsi."

She grinned and slipped out of her clothes before heading back, lube in hands and dressed in nothing but her vest and hat.

"Fuck me," Ryan groaned as he saw her.

"I've got my strap-on; we can make that happen," Kelsi quipped, squeezing a dollop of lube in her hand and wrapping it around Chad's dick.

"Later. I still want to fuck you," Ryan said, his blue eyes darkening as he watched Kelsi smear lube on Chad's throbbing cock.

"Fuck, Kels."

"You have to stretch him. Want gloves?"

"Yes. Please," he added, Kelsi returning to the drawer to get gloves.

Ryan turned, his ass pressed against Chad's hip, and reached back to grab his hands. "Touch me, darling. Please," he added, turning his head to kiss Chad deeply.

As they pulled away, Kelsi returned with the gloves and she bit her lip as she watched Chad slide it on over his thick fingers. "Maybe you should be wearing the sexy nurse dress," Kelsi murmured.

"Kels, that was meant to be a surprise," Ryan groaned, even as Chad grabbed his ass.

"Too late. You'd look sexy as fuck in that dress," Kelsi said, moving around to grab Ryan's dick.

"Ryan, babe, tell me what to do," Chad said, not really sure and not wanting to mess up.

"Fuck... circle my rim to tease me, yes, just like that. Now, slide your finger in. Slow, yesss," Ryan groaned, clutching Kelsi's hand. "In and out, a little more each time. Slower. Oh, oh, fuck. Just like that. Keep going until you can fit two fingers, then do the same. Kels, fuck!"

Kelsi grinned over at Chad. "I can instruct you after that. His brain turns to mush when you start with three fingers."

"Three? Are you sure they'll fit?" Chad asked, looking at Ryan's ass taking one of his fingers and wondering how he'd fit more without it hurting.

"That's why we go slow. Also because going slow feels good. Well, for Ryan, at least. Ryan, dearest, if I get a chair, can you eat me out?"


Kelsi smiled and kissed him. "You're so good to me."

Chad made a soft keening noise, his finger slipping further, Ryan grinding back down on him.

"Feel so good, Chad. I can't wait to have your dick in me. You'll be so good for me, darling. Fuck, yes. That's it, do it again. More, please!" Ryan begged, his back arching as Chad started with a second finger.

Kelsi returned with a director's chair, Ryan holding each side with trembling arms. "Ryan."

He moaned as he straightened up again, allowing Kelsi to sit in the chair.

"Now you can hold on."

Ryan practically fell face first between her legs, Chad watching and licking his lips at the sight of Kelsi being eaten out. She threaded her fingers through Ryan's hair and watched Chad as she very purposefully started to caress and circle her nipple.

"Need more lube, Chad?" Kelsi asked, squeezing her breast and grinning when he nodded eagerly.

Reaching into the chair's pocket, Kelsi uncapped the lube and held it out for him. Chad withdrew his fingers, Ryan moaning heavily against Kelsi's pussy.

"Is he okay?" Chad asked.


"That's yes in cunnilingualism," Kelsi translated, winking. "Start on three soon."

"Yes, Mistress Kelsi," Chad said as he handed the lube back.

Ryan wiggled his ass impatiently, Kelsi's hand tightening in his hair as he tongued against her clit.

"Fuck, you're good," she groaned.

Chad's heart skipped and he concentrated on three fingers for Ryan, hoping it felt good. He couldn't wait to sink his aching dick into that warmth. Looking at his straining dick, he wondered if it would be rude to measure it against his fingers.

Ryan strained against Chad's slow fingers which were obviously designed just to torture his ass. He needed more, but knew he wouldn't be able to say anything until Kelsi had had at least one orgasm. Rubbing his nose against her clit as he tried to fuck her with his tongue, Ryan clung to her thighs and tilted her to get a better angle. After a long few minutes of this, Kelsi's thighs began to squeeze and tighten around his head. Ryan kept licking and sucking with renewed vigour, knowing her orgasm was close.

Kelsi's scream rang out and reverberated in Chad's chest. He loved the sight of her coming, the flush on her chest, the sweat gathered at her temples, the way the world seemed quiet afterwards as if waiting for more.

"Fuck me, darling. With your dick," Ryan said, desperation tinging his demand.

Looking at his hand where three fingers were buried comfortably in Ryan's ass, Chad slid them free slowly to Ryan's deep moan. Taking off the glove, he added more lube to his dick, then guided himself to Ryan's ass, Kelsi watching him as she pinched and squeezed her nipple, her hips bucking against Ryan's mouth almost lazily. Licking his dry lips and biting his lip, Chad slowly buried his throbbing dick in Ryan's ass. His boyfriend gripped Kelsi's hips so tight they were sure to bruise, but she didn't seem to notice. Her eyes were bright as she watched, her hips grinding down against Ryan's mouth now.

Chad grabbed Ryan's hips, angling him slightly so he was more comfortable. Ryan must have kept up with his yoga because he was flexible and pliable without a complaint. Chad stayed where he was, buried in Ryan's ass, and tried to get used to the feeling, to savour it so he wouldn't just take without giving.

"Come on, Chad. Fuck him. Fuck him like you want to fuck me," Kelsi said.

Her words were a command and he had no choice but to obey. Chad dug his fingers into Ryan's hips, thrusting in and out slowly, never fully pulling out. At one particular thrust, Ryan shouted and shuddered between them.

"I think you just hit his prostate. He's probably so sensitive it won't take much longer. Come on, Chad, make him come untouched for us," Kelsi said, daring him.

He never could resist a good dare.

Finding the angle again, Chad fucked harder and faster, Ryan desperately trying to grind back against him. Then Ryan's body stilled, his back arching and ass tightening, and a heavy moan filled the air, muffled by Kelsi's thighs.

"Your turn, sweetheart. Come for us," Kelsi said, stroking Ryan's hair as he panted against her leg.

Chad didn't think he could do anything else but that as fucked into Ryan's spent ass over and over. Ryan's ass clenched and released around him until Chad's dick couldn't take it anymore, and he filled the condom with a deep groan, curled around Ryan's back.

"Fuck, you're good. Look at you," Kelsi murmured, stroking both of them. "Come on, clean up, and time for bed. I'll ride you both in the morning."

Chad barely registered her words, but felt nimble fingers removing the condom, a warm cloth cleaning him, masculine arms wrapping around his shoulders, and a soft mattress beneath his body. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.


End of the eleventh chapter.

Thanks for reading; I hope you liked it!