Chapter 4: Strong Bonds

Weeks between the both of them had gone swell. No villains to ruin everything. No annoying meetings with Azmuth. No family to worry about. All that was left was worrying about each other. It had been a month since the incident occurred where Azmuth was forced to take away the omnitrix from Ben. He still had it on his wrist, but it was inactive, probably because the creator wanted to torture him in some sick way.

But days had been better.

There wasn't anything to worry about. Ben had ceased his small 'addiction' to watching the Harangue Nation from earth. He had started to ignore the complaints and opinions other had of him and what they thought of his rape. He had gone from sulking in his room, to being the talkative grinning teen he had been before.

Rook was also glad for not only Ben but for himself. The relationship that had sprouted magically between the both of them had grew into a flower. They kept no secrets from each other and were open with everything. They had shown their affection towards each other everyday, sometimes kissing and nudging each other when they wanted attention. They weren't embarrassed by their relationship, not finding a reason on why. They adored each other equally and never felt a twinge of doubt.

He was happy that finally his partner was becoming his old self.. but he couldn't help but notice a small detail missing: the omnitrix functioning. Ever since Azmuth took the watch's power away, Ben had always been somewhat depressed. Without the watch, he wasn't a hero, is what he had told him on most occasion earlier on earth. But Ben couldn't be Ben without the functioning of the precious alien watch.

That's when he had began to devise a plan to get the omnitrix working for his partner. Azmuth wouldn't be persuaded by measily words.. probably thinking that Ben had put him up to it and would just banish him away. Maybe he could show proof; proof of everything that had happened to the both of them since he had taken it away. Maybe that would be good enough..

Rook groaned and rubbed his head tiredly. He glanced at Ben, who was sleeping on his lap with a spare blanket draped over his body. He could see his small smile forming as he snuggled in deeper into his stomach.

He chuckled lightly, not wanting to wake the dear boy up. They had been watching a romantic earth movie, which hadn't been mostly romantic instead humorous to the both of them.

Then came a scene.. that slightly energized Rook himself. It was a.. M rated scene he knew, that only mates performed when they felt true to each other. He glanced at his sleeping form and sighed. He didn't think either of them was ready for that kind of step. Ben had been scarred sexually.. and he didn't want to push him into this..

Maybe this could be an idea in the future for both of them to do.

The movie ended minutes later and Rook switched the set off, carefully caring Ben to his room.

They had recently decided that they would stay together in the same room, not because they wanted to be together, but because Ben just felt safer that way. He was still frightened about Kyber but it had become almost gone since the duration of that month.

Making sure to cover him with the silk sheets, Rook turned to leave until he heard a small voice squeak out, "Where are you going?"

He turned around and gave a small smile, "Do not worry. I am just heading to Azmuth. I want to talk to him about something."

"What is it about?" He asked tiredly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Just something your grandpa asked me to say to him. I will be quick," He lied. He hated to do this but he wanted to keep his real reason secret. He didn't want to excite Ben to much.

"Okay then. Hurry back," Ben murmured and drifted off to sleep, his hair bangs sliding onto his face.

"I will," He promised and rushed out of the house, making sure it was locked before jogging towards Azmuth's home. It was only the afternoon but this planet, by not having a proper sun, turned dark fast. But they had gotten used to his by living here for a couple weeks.

Many Galvins were moving about, either walking or using their fancy hovercrafts. Rook was fascinated by all the amazing technology that the aliens had created, most being from Azmuth himself. The building to Azmuth was large, the largest in the planet with a large intergalactic peace symbol in the front.

Before he could enter the building, a galvanic mechamorph stopped him. "Do you have clearance to enter the building of Azmuth?"

Rook frowned, "No I do not but if yo-"

"I cannot allow you to enter. You must have clearance."

"I am Rook Blonko of Revonnah. I am sure Azmuth would allow to see me. I am with accompanied by Ben Tennyson, whom is staying in our house," He continued.

"Rook Blonko?" A pause. "You have clearance to enter. Go ahead."

He strolled past the mechamorph and into the lobby, which held many Galvins, who were running around hurriedly. A flash of white light and he was in a new location. He stumbled and found Azmuth stationed on a nearby desk.

"Good day to you Blonko," He greeted, "Do you need any assistance?"

"A little, Azmuth. I was wondering if you would allow the omnitrix to be active again. Ben has proven he is capable to wield it again. He has become more stable and sane," Rook asked, glancing at the window. He found their little home not far from here and smiled at the thought of Ben asleep.

"Hmm, you expect me to activate my greatest creation to a teenage boy who has had a mental breakdown recently?" He shook his head. "You are foolish."

"Please. He has become himself again. The only thing that is keeping him from restoration is the absence of the omnitrix. He is perfectly fine," He started to beg. Ben was fine; he just needed to see for himself.

A sigh, "Very well. But I will check on him. I will make sure he is as fine as you say. If I see one mistake, I will not hesitate to teleport home and ignore your demands. Understand?"

"Understood," He grinned.

They disappeared in the blink of an eye, standing in Rook and Ben's home. Rook took a second to gain his bearing before heading over to his room.

"So what have you and Benjamin performing these last couple of weeks? Surely not those wretched video games I have heard about," He shook his head in disgust.

"No, we have been keeping our Plumber skills active by shooting and practicing in the backyard. Nothing wasted," He shrugged and pushed open the door to his room.

He had expected Ben's sleeping form on his usual side of the bed, snoring away peacefully. He had expected maybe Ben was in the bathroom or something. But what he had not expected was the struggling disappearance of his partner.

His covers looked like someone had struggled out of a fight. They were scorched from blasts and were now trash. He could see marks covering the floor and walls.

Rook's spine tingled as he realized what had happened.

"Security cameras, show Rook's room, 10 minutes ago."

The fight was clear enough. Ben was sleeping sound until a large crash was heard in the distance. He had jumped up and screamed when he realized that Kyber was here. The hunter had blasted the boy everywhere, which Ben had fortunately dodged many, and successfully pinned him against the wall. He had covered his mouth with syrupy scents until the boy had went under. Kyber then had dragged him off towards his ship, which had been invisible the entire time.

And the sad part was that, at one time, Ben had glanced at his omnitrix for assistance, until he had realized it no longer worked. And that was when he had been forced to inhale the cloth and fall limp.

Rook fell to the floor, tears threatening to fall. "This is all my fault. If it was not for me leaving, he would still be here."

"Rook, this is not your fault. This is no ones fault. But you can catch the boy if you would like. This happened 5 minutes ago. You can still locate them in our system," Azmuth pointed outside, where a ship started to materialize. "If you go now, you can catch up with them. And here." He handed the Revonnahgander a chip. "If Ben receives this, he will attach it to his omnitrix and it will be functional again. But hurry."

He nodded and rushed into the ship, which was surprisingly similar to his old ship/truck on earth. He started up the engine and watched as the ground grew farther. Flying into the air, he looked to the screen which had Ben's omnitrix tracking. They hadn't left the atmosphere luckily which gave him enough time to catch up with him.

"I am coming Ben. Hold on," He murmured to himself.

Ben had been scared nearly to death when he had awoken to Kyber entering into Rook's room and forcing him unconsious. He then woke up in his ship, not surprised when he was bolted to the wall like a statue. His arms and legs were useless, and he couldn't even touch the omnitrix, not like it would work.

His neck was forced into only one position, which was looking forward at the hunter who was cleaning his knife. It gave him déjà vu since the last time he had seen the exact same thing.

He struggled but gave up, knowing it was useless. He was long gone and Rook wouldn't be back til later. And by then it would already be too late to save him. He was trapped with the sole man would had stolen his innocence and would end his precious life in seconds.

"Pity isn't it?" He was jolted out of his thoughts. "That your dear mate won't be here to save you from this again."

"He'll be here.. and how do you know about that?" Ben accused, his eyes wide.

Kyber just smirked, "You don't think I keep watch of my victims? I've been watching you since day one when you moved to Galvin Prime. It was only a small adjustment of tweaking the house so that I could put my cameras in without you noticing. I also know you don't have your omnitrix working. Such a waste of technology. Azmuth couldn't trust you to wield the most powerfullest device in the universe. You and your little melt down. I really must thank your grandpa, who had informed you of this."

"Rook'll save me! He always does," He warned. He clenched his teeth and sat back when the hunter only chuckled at him.

"You think he'll save you? You are truly foolish. There is no way he can save you. Give up while your punishment is small," Kyber grabbed Ben's face and brought his knife. He traced it above the old scar of when he had first cut him. He recut it, Ben screaming, tears running down his cheeks.

"Stop! Please stop!" He begged, squeezing his eyes shut to keep away the image of Kyber slowly toying with him. He was going to kill him. And nothing would be stopping him. Rook wouldn't save him.. he was going to die.

Kyber drove the knife deeper into his neck, centimeters away from the largest vein in his neck that would surely kill him if cut. "Any last words before you die dear boy?"

Ben sobbed, "I.. I love you Rook. I love you."

The knife was thrown down towards Ben's chest and he breathed in his last breath, waiting for death to overwhelm him.


Rook had boarded the hunter's ship and was sneaking around, hoping to find a clue where both of them were located. He heard a scream with his sensitive ears and rushed towards the source. He paused in the middle of the hallway, waiting for another cry to be heard. He heard chatting and then rushed towards a sealed door, that held his partner and the hunter.

Pulling his Proto-Tool from his shoulder, he aimed it at the door. Before he could blast he heard choked cries and then, "I.. I love you Rook. I love you."

It was probably anger.. maybe resentment towards the hunter, or possibly he just couldn't bear to hear his new mate crying is what brought the door down, which was blasted into large metal pieces.

He saw the glint of metal from the knife Kyber held, which was being drived right into Ben's heart and screamed out his name.


He was able to blast the knife away from his partner with his weapon but it didn't stop his fate. The knife managed to miss his heart but instead hit one of his ribs. He began to bleed and he froze, his eyes wide. He seemed to stop breathing for a second.. before large screams replace the silence.

Rook rushed towards his partner, until Kyber had tackled him from the side. "You cannot save him. He's dead. He'll die soon and you won't be able to help him."

"Get off of me," He kicked away the hunter and shot him with an arrow, "How dare you touch my mate!"

"Your mate's useless. He's weak and long gone," He shot back and grinned, grabbing a new knife. "But I'd like to kill two birds with one stone."

Rook managed to shoot him once again, this time pinning him with purple goo he had in his Proto-Tool. He got to his feet and rushed over to Ben, who had began to turn pale. He was bleeding too much for comfort and his shirt began to stain. Grabbing a hold of the knife in his body, he yanked it out, earning a cry of pain from his partner.

"I am sorry," He apologized and released him from the shackles. "I should have never left you. I should have stayed behind with you."

"It's okay Rook," Ben smiled softly and hugged him, "It's good to see you came after me."

"Here, Azmuth thinks you are ready to have the omnitrix," He put the chip on the omnitrix and it glowed green. "Go be the hero Ben. I know you'll be."

Ben glanced down at it and kissed his lips, "I.. thank you Rook. I can't thank you enough."

"Go beat up the bad guy," Rook encouraged.

Turning into Rath, he strolled over to the hunter and hissed, "You make me sick, so called greatest huntsman in the universe. If you think you can come between me and my partner, you have another thing coming huntsman."

The alien beat up the hunter, kicking him everywhere and punching him until he lost consiousness. He held him against the wall until the omnitrix timed out, leaving an exhausted Ben at the base of the hunter's feet.

"Ben, are you.. BEN!" Rook cried when he realized Ben had fallen to the floor. He noticed the wound and widened his eyes, realizing he was loosing too much blood. He had forgotten about what happened to Ben. He picked him up, tightening his hold and rushing to his ship. Ben needed medical attention right away.

Azmuth appeared inside the ship and frowned at the state of his omnitrix's holder. He glanced at Rook who had briefly explained. He set him down on a emergency bed, "Will you please take care of him? I have to go back and retrieve Kyber so that he will not do anymore harm. I will have him arrested for his crimes, for everything's he's done.. maybe we can go back home after this."

"I would assume so. Very well, go retrieve the monster. I will bring Ben back to you as promptly as possible. He will be fine so do not stress about his condition," He said, pointing outside, "Good bye Rook Blonko."

Rook briefly smiled before rushing back inside the ship. He found the hunter exactly where was before, but his mutt ride beside him, nudging him to wake. It sniffed and sensed the Revonnahgander and growled, launching itself right at him.

He dodged it with ease and knocked it to the ground, tazing it. He then cuffed the dog, along with its owner, calling the Plumbers for backup. They had arrived fairly quickly and Max had been one of them to join. He shook his head as he watched the Plumbers carry him into the ship, walking over to Rook with a large grin of his face. "You did it kiddo. You found him and now he'll be turned from a hunter into a cellman. I can't wait to tell Ben. Where is he?"

He looked away, "Ben was injured once again by Kyber. But it did not kill him thankfully. Kyber managed to hit him in the ribs instead of his heart and there are some dangerous cuts around his body, mostly his neck. Azmuth is looking after him."

Max nodded, "Good good. I trust Azmuth to heal Ben. If anyone can heal someone to health, it would be Azmuth."

"So does this mean all these.. changes are gone? Can we move back to earth?" He asked.

He grinned, "I would like that. I've missed the both of you around Plumber Base. Earth needs the both of you. I expect you to report back to work next week. Understood?"

"Understood Magister Tennyson," Rook returned the smile. "I will pack as soon as possible."

From there, he had taken a ride back to Galvin Prime, thankful for the Plumbers assistance. He rushed home and was utterly surprised when he found Ben making some chili fries.

He gasped, jumping back. He caught the attention of the teen and he grinned at him. "Hey Rook. I was wondering how long it took to bag Kyber."

"Ben? What are you doing up? You are hurt!" Rook shrieked and rushed over to his side, worried that the boy would collaspe at any moment.

Ben never dropped the large smile, "Azmuth healed me.. well not everything. I'm still kinda hurt near where he stabbed me but other than that I'm fine. The cut on my neck is gone and the scar on my stomach is nothing but a faint mark! I feel fine."

"He.. He healed you? You are fine?"

"I'm perfectly fine."

"Yes," They were startled out of their conversation by Azmuth, "He physically is healthy and unmarked. There are some faint scars but they were out of my reach unfortunately. The cut on his ribs were healed but it will still hurt for a matter of weeks; it cut many tissues and slightly bruised a rib. The scar on his neck and stomach are faint and I believe because of fixing those injuries, he's 'mentally' stable."

"Excellent, you most certainly are the best Azmuth," Rook thanked.

He waved it off, "Do not thank me. I could see the love you both share for each other. I couldn't possibly break that bond."

"You know about that?" Ben cocked his head and eyed his partner, "Did you tell him something?"

Before Rook could speak, Azmuth interrupted him, "No dear boy. I found out when you had yelled out his name before you nearly died. I think I heard the words 'I love you Rook' before I then heard him yell out your name."

"Oh," He looked away bashfully. "My bad."

"Do not fear love. I loved to hear that you call out my name when you are in distress," Rook smirked and he lightly punched Ben on the shoulder. The teen rolled his eyes at his statement. "I have talked to Magister Tennyson about moving back to earth. He has agreed on our return back."

"Excellent news. Well then. Good bye lovebirds, until next time," Azmuth glanced at Ben, "And do not use my omnitrix for selfish reasons again, understood?"

"Understood," He nodded.

The Galvin vanished in a bright white light, leaving them finally alone.

"I love you too, Ben."

He snapped out of his trance and glanced up at the Revonnahgander, "Huh?"

"I love you too, Ben," He repeated. "Is that not what you say when another says it first?"

"Yeah.. but when'd I say that?" He scratched his head and then realization dawned on him. "Oh."

Rook laughed, "You are getting slow Ben. Maybe a drink from Mr. Smoothy's will make you feel better."

"You know me so well," He agreed and tugged his arm, "C'mon, the faster we pack, the faster we can go home!"

The rest of the day, or perhaps night since they had rescued Ben late during the night, had been wasted away to packing, grabbing all their belongings and waiting for the shuttle Rook had said would come. Rook heaved the rest of their luggage outside and paused, taking a breath of air. He wasn't sure what Ben had brought but he knew that the trip from Ben's room to here was already making him light headed.

"Ben, the ship will be arriving soon. Hurry up!" Rook called into the house.

"Coming, don't rush me," Ben yelled back, arriving seconds later with a soft smile on his lips. "Sorry, I was just saying good bye to the house. This house kinda changed the both of us, ya know?"

"Agreed.. Here comes the ship," He pointed towards the sky, which was materializing a familiar Plumber ship. It landed inches from them, with Gwen, Kevin and Max aboard. Gwen rushed towards her cousin and hugged him tight, kissing his check.

She frowned, "You are okay, right?"

Ben rolled his eyes, "Fine as can be.. just be careful with my side. Azmuth said I'd be sore for a couple weeks."

Rook, Max and Kevin decided this was a good chance to put away all the luggage onto the ship, not wanting to interrupt the cousins' conversation. It took several minutes, but they were all soon finished and took off into space.

As soon as everyone settled into their seats, Kevin turned around, "We've settled into space. It'll take a couple minutes to get back. But you guys are free to roam around. Thanks for flying Air Kevin."

Gwen elbowed him in the arm, "Not funny."

"Totally was," He remarked with a chuckle.

She rolled her eyes and turned towards Rook and Ben. "I heard something about you guys. I just knew you both liked each other!"

"Rook and Ben like each other?" Kevin said confused, earning a deep red blush from Ben.

"Gwen! Why'd you have to go out and say that?" He glanced away but dug his head into Rook's arm.

"Aww Rook and Ben sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G," He sang merrily, laughing to himself. This earned another hit from his girlfriend. "Oww, what was that for?"

She frowned and turned towards her cousin, giving him an honest smile, "You both are perfect for each other. Don't listen to Kevin, he's not going to get anything from me for a couple days." Kevin whined in the background, "But you don't need to listen to anyone. You both are perfect. I'm glad you chose a good person like Rook to be there for you."

Ben grinned, "I.. I picked him cause he was always there for me," He glanced in his direction, "Every single time. Every problem I had, Rook was there. He never gave up hope on me. That's when I knew I loved him."

"The feeling is mutual," He agreed, nuzzling the boy with his nose. The boy snuggled deeper into him, inhaling his sweet earthy scent. His eyes began to get heavy and he felt his body go under. Rook felt extra weight on his shoulder and he adjusted his partner, knowing that the boy was extremely tired. He put an arm around the boy to support him from swaying.

The ride back was extremely quiet. It probably 3 am on earth so it was best to rest up as much as possible, Rook had assumed. Ben had slept peacefully, now moving his head onto the Revonnahgander's lap, drooling on his partner softly. The heat he radiated was enough to make himself drowsy. Max had taken a nap on the other bunker and Gwen was silent in the front of the ship.

He felt himself blink slowly before jumping up from neck pain. They were arriving in earth's atmosphere when he was able to regain his focus. He smiled softly before placing a kiss on Ben's forehead.

"Ben.. Ben."

The boy groaned and snuggled deeper into his lap. "Noooo. Don't move."

"We are arriving back at earth. We must get ready for departure," Rook continued, shaking him awake.

He ignored him and remained silent this time, returning back to sleep by snoring. The alien rolled his eyes at his partner and decided to wait until they had landed to do anything.

He had almost forgotten how earth looked like during their month trip in Galvin Prime. He had missed the fluffy white clouds earth contained, Galvin Prime having nothing green skies. He could see the many towns become larger and disappear. Then he saw Bellwood, looking to be the same as before. He didn't have much time to think about it, since they had arrived at HQ in seconds of arriving in Bellwood property.

Rook decided this was a good time as any to awaken his partner. He lightly shook his shoulder but the boy mumbled something inaudible, which forced him to stop his shaking. He had to get rid of Ben, just for now so he could help out everyone with their belongings.

Taking a breath, he hoisted the boy up, carrying him bridal style. He walked down the platform, where Kevin and Max were already dragging down some things.

Kevin looked up from his work, "Benji's still asleep?"

He nodded, "Yes. I was thinking of leaving him somewhere nearby and assisting you with our things."

"No need," Max waved him away, "You didn't bring much. Go take care of Ben, he'll be worried if you're missing from his side. Take him up to his room."

Rook nodded and traveled up the stairs into many hallways. He ignored the weird looks everyone gave him, probably thinking that something had happened to the poor boy before the ride or that they had arrived back on earth again. But no matter what, he didn't spare a glance at anyone else, just entranced by his partner's sleeping state.

As soon as they arrived, he set the boy down in his bedroom and threw the blankets on top of him. He was about to turn to head down to the Control Center until a soft voice asked him to stop. He turned around, met with the exhausted but sleepy face of his partner.

Ben raised a hand at him and yawned, "Don't leave.. pleeease."

Rook sighed and sat beside him, pushing his hair back hoping to get the desired effect of him getting drowsy. "I need to go back and get our things. I will return momentarily."

"No," He whispered, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him close. He leaned up and kissed his lips softly, "Don't leave.."

Not wanting to break a simple request like that, he rolled around his body and was soon settled beside Ben. The boy snuggled his face into the Proto-Armor he wore, but pretended not to be bothered by it. In a matter of seconds, he had fallen asleep once more, this time, his grip around his body.

He knew Kevin and Max would be looking for him, but he wasn't able to contact them anyway. One, Ben was currently wrapped around him and two, it would awaken him. This left his only option to stay with Ben in bed.

He could smell the boy's sweet scent from his chocolate brown hair drift up to his face and he felt himself get groggy. Maybe he could rest a few minutes.. and then go when he knew Ben was 100% asleep.

But when he had closed his eyes.. he felt the strong force of sleep take him. He jerked awake, his mind spinning. He noticed the light from underneath the door, which meant it was morning. They hadn't moved from their original positions that night, but the boy's grip had gotten weaker. Quickly as possible, he sneaked out of his grip and feel to the ground, unable to catch himself from falling.

Groaning, he stood up and slowly tiptoed out, finding the entire house was brighter than their room. Their luggage was stacked neatly on the side of the wall and a small note that was written by Kevin, Max and Gwen.

This is why you didn't help us lug your things up here? You went to sleep with Benji. GROSS. -Kevin
Ignore what he said, you guys are fine. See you at training later. -Gwen
When you get this Rook, meet me in the Control Center ASAP. Don't bring Ben. Gwen'll visit him afterwards. -Max out

Chuckling at Kevin's little note, he quickly scanned Max's and frowned. What would he possibly need from him? Well it was best to find out now.

Thanking himself for not changing last night, he walked out into the hallway and into the elevator that would take him to his destination. It wasn't long until he heard the buzzing of talk around the fellow aliens and everyone scrambling to do work. He found Max, barking out orders to the training squad and rubbing his head softly.

"Magister? You had asked to see me?" Rook interrupted slowly.

Max spun around and sighed, "Oh hey Rook. You had a good night sleep?"

"Yes sir. What do you need?" He asked again.

He smiled, "I was still wondering if you'd like your old partner job back with Ben. You had broken it a month ago and it was technically broken when I sent you off to take care of my grandson. I just needed your confirmation. Would you agree to it?"

Rook mentally slapped himself. He had forgotten when he had quit his job from being Ben's partner! How stupid he had been then. He nodded to Max, "Yes I would like my partnership back."

"Great.. I don't want you to do anything bad with him, he's still my grandson and he's not that mature yet," Max added with a laugh.

He blushed hard, "Of c-course not sir. We would never-!"

"Don't worry Rook. It's fine. I just want you to be responsible for everything including him. Okay?" He smiled reassuringly. "If you both would like to take it to the next level.. then I won't be the person to stop you. It's Ben's and your choice."

"..T-thank you sir."

"No, thank you Blonko."

Things from there had slowly snapped back into place. Everything became the way it was before Ben's accident, except for his and Rook's new relationship. People had accepted it slowly and knew it was for the better. Both of them had grown stronger, not just romantically, but battle smart and dependent on each other. Neither of them could beat each other without the other to assist. They were just matched for everything.

Kyber had been sent to a Plumber secure jail, which had been created especially for him but it was for the protection of everyone, mostly including Ben. The nemetrix, which had been on him at the time had been sent to Azmuth for proper disposal.

The world had finally felt at peace and the worst had passed for now.

Rook and Ben sat together in the park, having a picnic. Ben laid against his chest and sipped on his smoothie silently, "This is nice. I wish we could do this all the time."

"Agreed," He smiled, "If only the aliens would stop their nonstop attacks against us."

"That's what you get for being a hero. Constant aliens on your back," He sighed, chuckling to himself, "I love you Rook."

"I love you as well Ben."

That's the end.. I enjoyed writing this; super fun. I may possibly make more.. I'm not sure..

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did. Thanks to everyone for support and I'd love some feedback on this. I may make another Ben 10 story in the future.

Love you all!
