Hello there! This is my first fanfiction ever so please excuse my writing and grammar, i just wanted to say from the start that i'm not really sure if i'm going to continue this story but anyway read and review.

Chapter 1

"You know what this means, right Kyouko? From now on you'll never see them again and must never mention them either. " The little girl by her side looked sadly on the ground "But why?"The woman deeply sighed "Isn't it obvious? People wouldn't want to be associated with you if they knew about this, i mean who would like a girl that has been rejected and can't even score a 100 on a test. Besides the whole idea of us moving was from the concept of starting a new life and leaving the past behind."

ding dong.. "The train to Kyoto will leave shortly."

"That's our train. Hurry up Kyouko!" The little girl sighed and then quickly followed her mother inside the train and sat next to the window watching the scenery she thought ''i'm really going to miss everything, but i can't complain because i don't want to disappoint mother further than i already do, and who knows maybe mother will be happy here and she might even smile at me...''

Riiiing Riiiing ... Click

''Damn, i haven't had that dream in really long time, thinking about it getting a 80 on a test wouldn't be considered bad from a normal person's standard; but i shouldn't be thinking about these things right now because i need to get ready for work.'' After that thought i decided to get myself ready. While i was carefully choosing my clothes for the day i noticed that I nearly forgot about princess rosa and as i was putting it on i suddenly remembered when Ren gave it to me during the christmas party and blushed, but as i noticed the deep blush on my face on the mirror i panicked. ''Keep a hold of yourself Kyouko if you react this way just thinking of him what will you do when you actually see him?''


I was walking towards Sawara san's desk when i noticed that Ren's office door was open '' Why is his door open, he wouldn't leave his door open and he shouldn't be here yet according to the schedule Yashiro gave me yesterday.'' But then i remembered that i had to rehearse my script for the new film where i am co-starring with Ren. As i was searching through my bag i suddenly realised that i must have left it in Ren's room yesterday while we were rehearsing together. In that moment i started to panic because i knew that rehearsing that script was vital but still that was the room of THE Tsuruga Ren and she shouldn't be allowed to go there. After some calculations i arrived to the decision of retrieving my script without staying in there too long and not moving anything so that he wouldn't notice. My plan was going perfectly because fortunately the script was right where i left it but as i was swiftly making my way to the exit i suddenly froze at the sound of voices in the hall way, i recognized them immediately and unfortunately it was Ren and the president. As fast as i could i closed the door,leaped across the room like a gazelle and hid in the closet, the steps were getting closer and suddenly Ren said '' That's strange i thought i left the door open.'' I mentally kicked myself '' Darn!''