My eyes numbly look through the large paneled window, watching muscles contort in amazing ways. The ring in the center of the gym catch most of my attention as the shorter men wail on each other. One bounces from foot to foot and makes quick punches but the other hardly moves. That's no good, man ... you've got to move in this game. If you stand still doing nothing then you're going to get hurt. Footwork is everything.

A man coils back with a thickly padded gloved hand before whipping forward, aiming to knock the guy out. I instinctively shift to the left, anxiously watching as the trainee takes a punch directly to the chin. Ooh~ he's down. No doubt about it. I breathe out a soft smile, wishing more than anything to be inside with them.

But I can't because I'm a girl.

Jaiden gently licks my hand, urging me to continue walking the retired police canine. My brother's lucky that I'm around most of the time to take care of his police dogs. He's working on a newer pup now. A police officer, a lawyer, a karate instructor, an MMA cage fighter, and a security guard at a high end prison basically explains my older brothers in a nutshell. With our parents gone on trips with my father my brothers basically raised me.

My forehead gently thumps against the window. And I blame them for my 'unfeminine' self. I glance off to the side within the building and spy a man look over to the window in response, jumping slightly as he has to inch his head up before finally meeting my bright blue gaze. I should go. I don't want to cause a scene.

I pull away from the window and give Jaiden's leash a gentle tug. The older German Sheppard happily follows along with me and stays close by my heels with his tongue lolling out of his mouth with pure bliss.

My brother's most recently retired police dog, Jett, remains tense and alert to every little thing around him as I make sure to stay between the two dogs. The Doberman Pinscher retired only a week ago because of a bullet injury which nearly killed him. He's still recovering but now it's only up to time for it to heal. I chuckle at his upraised ears as he remains alert and vigilant, his old training still sharp compared to Jaiden's.

My cheek twitches into a smile as I rub Jaiden's head, earning an eager nip from the older dog to my other hand. His teeth barely graze my skin, gently holding my hand in his jaws unless otherwise ordered to. He's a perfectly healthy dog but he got shot on the job years ago, forcing him to retire. He seems perfectly healthy now though he's near deaf in one ear because of the bullet.

My eyes soften as I adjust my glasses, making sure not to push too hard or else I will accidentally bend the weak metal. They are a perfectly good pair of girlish looking glasses. Girls with glasses are more 'girly', right? Or, at least it's a sign that they are girly? The whipping Chicago winds tear through the city, ruffling my slowly growing hair. I reach up, readjusting the soft threads which are now, thankfully, down to my chin. Normal girls have long hair so if I have long hair then I ... maybe I can at least act my gender.

I heavily sigh, feeling myself start to sink into another little boat of depression. I need to act more girlie. I have to. No one ... sees me as a woman so it's just so lonely. My long slender fingers gently clutch an octopus necklace my oldest brother gave to me. The large violet head was the center with two navy blue stones for the eyes as the flat tentacles fanned out like a peacock tail. I used to love octopuses so much when I was younger. I thought that with more arms I would be able to punch better like my brother in the cage. But, something cuter would be more suitable, wouldn't it? Like a bunny or something.

My eyes numbly stare over the bobbing heads of people, only seeing a person here or there who can look me straight on in the eyes. I keep my eyes down to watch where I'm going, my heart nearly jumping out of my chest as I bump into someone who's up to my shoulder in height. An embarrassed flush immediately slaps across my face as horror envelops me.

"S-S-Sorry! So sorry!" I instinctively shout, flickering my frightened eyes over the older man to make sure I didn't hurt him. What if I knocked him over by mistake? What if I hurt his arm? Dozens of guilty thoughts fly through my head as the man looks over with narrowed eyes, puzzled at first before looking up at my red face. He slightly sneers, obviously irked about getting bumped into before gruffly walking away. Jett lets out a rather aggressive bark, nearly making my heart pop in fright as he charges after what he considered to be an attacker. The man bulks and jumps slightly, startled obviously as he quickly tries to stumble away from the dogs. No, no don't! I roughly yank back on the leash, holding Jett back from attacking as the action excited Jaiden into a barking frenzy.

"N-No, quiet-! U-Um, ah, uh, Seien Sie still!" I frantically order, watching Jett dance on his paws, making a small tight circle before obediently standing by my heels along with Jaiden. I look up, about to apologize to the man but he was already long gone and everyone's eyes on me.

O-Oh gosh ... s-scary~! My heart races as I quickly walk on, my fingers trembling from the judgmental glares of everyone around me. Jaiden and Jett happily paw along with me, obviously excited and now looking for something to bark at. My heart trembles as I start to feel crushing anxiety and everyone's eyes burning holes through me.

I'm too manly.

I'm too tall.

I'm too aggressive.

I'm too self conscious.

I ... I'm just too much.

My eyes glue to the ground as I slow to a stop, letting the people pass by the tall obstacle in their way. Why couldn't I have been born shorter? Being 6 ft is a monstrosity. No guy wants a girl taller than they are, let alone someone who's grown up around five older brothers. I used to love being so tall because I can more readily reach stuff. I never found anything wrong with it until- Jett suddenly starts madly barking, catching my attention before I jerk on the leash.



My head snaps up, finding myself in the middle of a crosswalk and an oncoming truck screeching it's tires. My lips part with a silent scream as I put my arms up as a last defense, hearing a thunderous crash before complete silence. My eyes crack open, spying a strange man in a trench coat in front of me with a large blade buried into the truck's engine that had completely crushed the hood of the truck. Oh my-

I tremble, speechless as my heart begins to race. H-How do I react in a situation like this?! I-I-I should run and scream bu-but the danger isn't here anymore. Jett starts to aggressively growl and snarl before Jaiden joins in, their hard ingrained police training taking over. N-No, don't growl! Don't growl at the scary man, you might piss him off!

"S- Seien Sie! Seien Sie!" I frantically cry, making their growls lower in pitch. I-I need to calm down because they are reacting to me getting panicked. I take a step back as the man stands up and turns around with a cheerful grin. Seeing the long broad blade in his hand makes a shiver shoots down my spine. W-What in the world ... ?

"Aren't you tired reliving this?" The brunette asks with a frightening smile. A panicked flush slaps across my face as my legs tremble with indecision. W-What do I do? Jett lets out a bark and snarl as I pull back on the leash, holding him back due to the harness and choker around his throat.

"R-Reliving what?" I stutter as I glance to either side, spying the streets entirely clear of people and all other cars. H-How ... where did everyone go? Darn it, I knew I should have run when I had the chance! The man's face falls into a poker face before widely grinning.

"You're dea-," he starts before he freezes in mid sentence. My heart races as my eyes flicker over him. W-What just happened? He just ... just stopped moving. I nervously gulp and take a hesitant step forward, thrown for a loop as to what just happened.

"Um ... sir? Sir?" I call out, waving a hand in front of his face. He's not moving at all. The two dogs growl and dance by my sides, eagerly awaiting a command as I try to figure out what happened to the man weilding the blade. A-And the truck ... how did he break it like that with one swing? I-

"O-Oh my goodness-!" I cry in fright, dancing back as he turns into grains of sand and fade into nothing. Sharp barks ring out as their tails wag, sniffing the air for any signs of him. W-Where did he go?! My heart races as I look to either side before making a tight circle, finding the streets entirely clear of life.

"H-Hello?" I call, hearing my voice echo down the empty streets and tall buildings. This is ... freaky. No, this must be a dream. Yeah, that's it. Jaiden whines and dances back as Jett remains by my heels panting as he searches for whatever is causing me distress. My wandering gaze finally settles on a small rabbit standing on its feet, wearing a checkered red jacket and pants.

... I am so confused. Why is there a rabbit dressed like this in the middle of a city?

"My love, why aren't you following me? You're supposed to play along with the game." It says, hopping forward a little bit. Both dogs fixate their beady eyes on the approaching bunny. Their growls stop, not at all intimidated or taking the rabbit as a threat before looking around and ignoring it.

" ... it's talking why is it talking." I flatly state, unable to say anything else in response. I ... this, this is a dream. It has to be. How should I react to this? Would a normal girl walk or gush about how cute it is? I ... well, bunnies are cute but I lean more towards dogs or something with teeth.

"Oh dear you must be so confused. Darn Ace, that savage brut. Oh how I wish he was a mute." The bunny huffs before hopping up to my feet. It leans forward, pawing at my shin.

"Please hurry and run, my love. If you don't come to Wonderland soon," it starts before stopping short and looking away. Without warning a large plume of smoke suddenly appears, revealing a man with white hair and long white ears. He smiles, looking troubled but tries to get past it as he looks up to me.

... uh ...

"No, no dear just follow me and I will save you." He says, gently reaching around my waist and pulled me into a hug. My mind falls blank as he leans up, kissing me on the cheek, "Allow me to be your guide, Miss Avery, and I-,"

"EEEEEEKKKKKK!" I scream before impulsively whipping my fist forward and punching the bunny man thing in the throat.

"HIERR!" I shout as I turn to run, ordering the dogs to follow me so they don't attack the already injured bunny man thing. He stumbles back and grasps at his throat, eyes wide with suprise. This isn't real, this isn't real! Talking b-bunnies turning into a man rabbit thing, not real, not real-! I feel the panic attack start to come on as both dogs eagerly run after me and keep pace, excited about the fun run while I'm terrified out of my mind.

"Hey, did you know?"

Home, home I need to get home-!

"Games always have rules."

I huff and puff as I use my long legs to dart through the streets, daringly taking a few sharp turns into some sketchy allies. Jett and Jaiden easily keep pace, leaping over some crates as I turn back into the street.

"It's decided from the beginning ... ,"

B-Beginning? Beginning of what? I look over my shoulder, searching for whoever was speaking. My heart stutters as I watch pieces of the buildings begin to float into the air like tiny specks, disintegrating right before my eyes. No, no why is everything disappearing-?!

"You knew that, right?" The moment my foot lands I fly forward, reaching out to catch something as the rabbit man's hand catches mine and drops with me.

"Isn't this exhilarating, Avery? I promise you will find happiness." He softly says before curling his arms around my shoulders and under my knees. Jaiden and Jett let out sharp yelps as they drop into oblivion, vanishing out of sight and into the darkness.

"N-No, Jaiden, Jett-!" No, no don't leave me-! Terror wells up in my eyes in the form of frightened tears, letting out a gut wrenching scream. Where am I going? Where, where, why-


My eyes burst open as I feel a burst of energy from left over adrenaline shoot through my body. Without hesitation I jump up to my feet, looking around the trees and forest all around me. O-O-Oh, my goodness ... where am I?

"J-Jaiden? Jett? H-Hierr!" I loudly command, breathing hard as I search the woods for them. Oh no my brother is going to be so depressed if anything happens to them! I start to feel sick to my stomach in worry. They may be smart dogs but they aren't cut out to be running around in the wild. The streets of Chicago, yeah but not a straight up forest!

"Is something wrong, my love?" A voice asks. A frightened shiver runs up my spine as I whip around, spying the man with bunny ears.

"W-Who W-W-Wha?" I stutter. How would a normal girl react in this situation? Frightened, definitely frightened. "Who ar-are you?" I tremble, my fingers shaking. I need to go find Jaiden and Jett. They could be hurt for all I know!

"Oh, you wish to know more about me?" He asks with a bright smile.

"Y-Yeah." More so along the lines of where the hell you live so my older brother can book your sorry - oops, girls don't think bad words, right?

"Oh! Then, my dear, allow me to introduce myself. I am the White Rabbit, Peter White, and Prime Minister of Heart Castle." He says with a bow. The moment his eyes are off of me I take off into the woods, using my long legs to my advantage. I need to get away from him. My heart stutters as he lunges to my right with a glad smile.

"You are so spritely, my love! You're long legs are gorgeous~!" He cheerfully compliments.

"G-Get away from me-!" I cry, feeling my face heating up from the strange compliment. Who is he and why is he following me?!

"If you wish, but first I must bestow unto you, a gift!" He cheerfully smiles as he hops in front of me. I lean back in an attempt to get away from him but he opens his arms around envelops me into a tight hug, trapping my arms. My eyes flash at the juvenile attack before dipping down and shooting my arms up into the air.

"Oh?" He says before I grab his legs. I grit my teeth as my muscles strain, picking the surprisingly light man right off his feet before throwing him right other my shoulder. The man's arms shoot out and catch himself before he rolls back into a daze, staring blankly at me. I freeze, my heart stuttering with horror.

"I-I'M SO SORRY!" I nearly shout, covering my mouth from the accidental throw. I-I hadn't meant to hurt him, I swear-!

"Oh, how I am touched! You are for me-," he starts before I reach forward, cupping his jaws in my hands as I frantically look him over.

"Is your neck alright? I'm so, sorry! So ... so, sorry." She breathes, feeling tears well up in her eyes. I don't mean to hurt anyone. I'm not a monster, h-he startled me and I panicked and-

"Why do you cry, Avery?" The man softly asks, dabbing my cheeks with a small white handkerchief.

"B-B-Because I could have hurt you. I-I didn't mean it, I promise-!" I bite it off at the end, trembling as he softly touches the handkerchief over my eye.

"Don't fret, beautiful. I will not be easily broken." He gently smiles before slipping a hand into his pocket. He blinks, looking troubled before patting all of his pockets. "T-The Potion of Hearts, where is it?!" He cries, standing up to his feet as he tries to find it.

"P-Potion of Hearts?" I ask. I've never heard the term 'potion' used before besides in video games.

"Yes, so that you may play the game." He poorly explains before snapping his fingers. I must have left it in my room. Oh, how terribly careless of me! Come along, dear Avery, and I will give you the Potion of Hearts." He says, taking my hands so gently I couldn't pull away. Even through the white glove his warm fingers slide between mine, gently holding them before walking off with me in hand. He's so gentle. Even though I'm taller than him he's treating me like, like a girl. A flush touches my cheeks before the thoughts of Jaiden and Jett slam into my mind like a brick wall. I rip my hand back, softly cradling the hand he touched against my chest.

"W-Wait, I need to find my dogs Jaiden and Jett first." I say, looking around before shouting, "Hierr!" I intently listen to the forest around me, unable to hear them tromping through the bushes after me.

"My love, forget those silly flea ridden beasts. They are worse than infections of yeasts." He haughtily huffs, making my heart jerk. W-What? H-He was so sweet just a moment ago.

"B-But they are my brother's!" I say, frantic. I feel ... insulted. How would a regular girl react to this?

"Come along, Avery. It is more important that you get the Potion of Hearts." He says, firmly grabbing my wrist before gently pulling me forward.

"N-No, let go of me-!" I shout, not wanting to hurt him. Please, please let go so I don't have to hurt you!

"Please behave, Avery. I assure you everything will be alright-," he starts before I tightly grip his wrist in return and step in towards him. His eyes flash before my elbow whips around and clocks him in the side of the head. I tightly wrap my arm around the back of his neck before driving my knee up right into his gut as hard as I can. I can't stay here. I need to go and find my dogs.

He lets out a pained grunt and lets go of my wrist, trying to pull his head back from the poor excuse of a muay thai clinch. My other arm whips around and aims for his head but his arm shoots up and knocks me arm off course. He crouches down before grabbing my legs and lifting me right off the ground and over his shoulder.

"I said let go!" I scream, glaring at the back of his head as his ear twitches.

"Please forgive me, Avery but this is for your own - AH!" He cries in pain as I grab his ear and crush it in my fist. I will not go down without fighting to my last breath. His knees buckle because of the searing pain, dropping to the ground as he clutched his ear. I roll off and onto my legs before taking off into the woods.

"S-So sorry-!" I cry, biting back tears at having to really hurt the man. Who knows, I could have broken something. B-But I need to find my dogs.

That is my first priority.

So there you have it, another OC, Avery Fernandes and 6'2. I won't make Wonderland overcrowded with OCs I promise :3 so what do you think of her so far? I came up with her not too long ago but I think she'll be a hit. Her potential love interests are Peter White, Elliot March or Gray Ringmarc. Which would you like to see her paired with first? Depending on how well Avery does I will follow up with the other two characters at a later date. 10 REVIEWS to find out how this goes for the girl~