Dawnella's POV

I woke up at 9 A.M like I usually did on a weekend, I didn't know why though.

I looked out and saw how the leaves at the trees and bushes had quickly changed from green to yellow and orange. The sky was clear blue with just a few clouds and the sunlight sparkled at the colorful environment. For being September, it didn't look chilly and cold like it usually did. To stay inside today would be a waste so I decided to go outside later.

I ran downstairs and found myself being at home alone, except for Alex which I could hear snoring from his room. I found a note on the kitchen table, it said

'I'm on a trip, I'll be home at Friday, take good care of yourselves. /Mom'

After I had read the note I got disappointed but I was used to it, mom was a stewardess on a big flight company and left me and Alex alone very often. Dad was a traveling affairs man and was almost never at home. Most people at school felt bad for me for not seeing our parents every day like all the others did and thought we would be an easy target for bad guys. I appreciate that they cared but the both of us had learned martial arts since 8th grade and I was in 10th right now so I knew how to kick some butt.

I prepared some pancakes and toast for breakfast when Alex came down and saw the note as well. He walked over to me.

" Morning, sis, seems like we're alone again" he said and hugged me and then took over making the breakfast.

"Morning, Alex!" I said cheerfully and sat down by the table. The good weather had made a very good start on me this morning.

We finished our breakfast and I got dressed. Today I wore a black t-shirt with a yellow hoddie, a pair of dark blue jeans and black Nikes, I had even put on mascara and black eyeliner. The time was 11:30.A.M and the weather was still nice so I wanted to spend my day outside. "I'm going out for a while Alex!" I yelled before I went out. "Be careful and be home by dinner!" he yelled back. I closed the door and went to the mall. I thought about asking Jojo to come with me but I didn't dare since she probably was in trouble and didn't need more so I walked by her house and took a bus into the central part of the city.

Mikey's POV

After we been forced by April to go and get ourselves some new clothes at the mall, we had stopped by a café and ate cupcakes and drank some cokes. This place was so nice and cozy so we stayed a while and enjoyed both the food and the music, well at least I did.

"Maybe we should go and fix some clothes, you know the REAL reason we got here in the first place." Leo said to us when he took a bite of a strawberry cupcake. We stopped our eating and looked at him.

"Leo's right, we really should be going before April goes looking after us and wonder why we are sitting here without any shoppingbags." Donnie said.

"Yeah and I don't want a angry April, we all know what happens then!" I said. My brothers looked at each other and nodded, there was nothing worse than being yelled at from a girl.

We left money at the table and left for looking after a clothes shop. We walked side by side and talked when I saw Nella looking in the jewelry store at some necklaces.

"Hey look, There's Nella!" I said and pointed towards her. "But where's Rach?" Raph asked. "Aren't they always hanging out together?" Donnie asked.

"I guess not. Should we go over to her?" I asked

"yeah. Let's go." Donnie said and walked over to her. We followed him

"Hi Dawn." Donnie. Nella turned around and a big smile grew when she saw us.

"Hi guys. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"April made us buy some new clothes." Leo said.

"what are you doing here alone?" I asked

"Well, I wanted to get out and I don't want Lizzy to get in more trouble then she already is." Nella explained to us.

"are 'er parents real strickt?" Raph asked.

"yeah ever since the incident her parents' become really strickt and protective over her."

"what incident?" Donnie asked. Nella's eyes grew big.

"nothing. So do you need help buying some clothes?" She asked.

"Sure, why not?"I answered.

"Let's go. Follow the queen." She said and walked into a store. I looked at Raph.

"Let's go shells for brains." he said and we followed Nella. She picked out some clothes to try on. We tried them on and they look really good.

"You guys look great!" Nella said when she saw us with the clothes.

"now change back, so you can buy them." She said when I smirked.

"Nella, since you picked out some clothes for us, how about we pick out some clothes for you?" I asked.

"Sure. But nothing slutty" She said.

"aww man." I joked. Donnie, Raph, Leo and I picked out a white t-shirt with a two milkshake print on, light blue jeans and a light pink cardigan. She looked really cute in that outfit.

Rachel's POV

I sat on the couch listening to my dad's lecture on my bad behavior. My mom was yelling at me too.

"Rachel when will you start to behave like you should?" My dad yelled at me. "You're 15 and you can't even pick up your damn phone! And you got yourshelf detention for 2 weeks!" He yelled. "Look how many times do I have to say I'm sorry for not answering my phone? And it was Nicole who lied!" I yelled back.

"And why would she do that?" My dad yelled back. "Because she hates my guts!" I yelled back. "Look Rachel we gotta to something about your temper. It's only gotten worse since Louis died. And it's not good for you." My dad said. "I've always had a temper, dad." I said. "I know and if you don't do anything about it I'm afraid that you might to something recless. I don't wanna lose you too." My dad said. "Rachel, we only want the best for you and that's why we decided that you're grounded." My mom calmly said. "What?! For how long?" I yelled. "Untill we see some changes in your behavior. Now go to your room" My dad said.

I walked to my room angerly and slammed the door shut and locked hit. I punched my punching bag so much my hands were starting to bleed. It hurt like hell but I didn't care. I stopped after 15 minutes. I sat down and just looked at the wall for hours. 'if they don't want me to do anything recless, that's what I'm gonna do.' I thought to myshelf. I changed my clothes and took on some fingerless gloves. I took out a box underneth my bed and grabbed one of my guns. I hid it in my sweatshirt pocket. I took on my jacket and went to the window. I opened it on and started to climb down. I ran into the city to find some purple dragons. I found a group with about 6 guys. They walked into an alley with me following them.

Dawn's POV

We bought the clothes and they followed me home before it got too late, the dinner was in a hour so I had plenty of time to talk with them. We enjoyed talking when I saw 6 very muscular, and bad looking grown up mens walking into an alley. I wouldn't care about them if I didn't saw a purple dragon on one of the guys left hand. A bit behind I saw Lizzy even if she had made a pretty good disguise. I know what she planned to do, she would never handle it on her own. This meant trouble for Lizzy if they searched for her so I decided to help. "I bet she could right, Dawn?"Mikey said. I was still looking to the alley and didn't answer. They guys saw my focused face on Rach. "Hey, that's Rach" Raph said and pointed. "Yeah and she isn't looking very happy, more annoyed" Donnie said and everyone looked at me.

I turned my head to them and said "Wait here while I check on her." I ran over and stopped her in the entrance of the alley.

"Lizzy! What are you thinking? You can't beat those by your own." She looked at me and gave a very weak smile. "That's why I'm happy you came to help me" She said and led me into the alley. She wasn't the ordinary Lizzy, she were angered and didn't control her actions by mind but let her emotions take over.

Raph's POV

It sure took time before they came out ta us, I was 'bout to check before I lost my patience when I saw 4 Purple dragons walk to the same alley da girls had entered. "Leo, do ya see what I see?" Leo looked at the alley and said "The purple dragons?" I noticed how worried Leo sounded in his voice and was about to say something when Mike interrupted. "What are we gonna do? The girls can be in danger!" "I say we show the purple dragons to not mess with our friends, Ninja style!"I said and took out my sais from my jacket. "For once, I agree with Raph" Donnie said and got his bo staff. "Then let's go" Leo said and pulled out his swords.

Rachel's POV

"Rachel, think this through, please. It will not end well." Dawn said trying to calm me down.

"Dawn, how can I? They beated up both me and Louis then killed him. They were supposed to kill me too and they get away. That's not fair. They need to pay." I said.

"Lizzy, your dad has put so many purple dragons behind bars and won't stop untill he got every single one. Just let's walk away before we get in trouble."

"Dawn, you have no idea how it feels like."

"No, I don't but that's because I think before I do. Now let's get out of here." She said and tried to drag me away. But I jerked my arm away.

"You can go, but I won't leave untill I find out where Hun is."

"could you just think for ones in your life? Let your dad handle this. Not you."

"I have let him handle this. For over 2 years. And you've never tried to stop me before."

"That's because I was with you. And we came prepared those times" I smiled.

"and who says I didn't come prepared?" I smirked.

"Rachel, let's go home. I don't wanna lose you." Dawn said with tears in her eyes. Damn, she's about to cry. I hugged her.

"Dawn.. Don't cry."

"how can I not when my best friend's just about to make a bad choice that could kill her?" I looked down. I felt so guilty.

"fine. Let's go." I said. We turned to walk away when some purple dragons blocked the way. They had big smirks on their faces.

"Well, look here boys. Some lost kittens." The oldest one who was about 26 years old said.

"Let's have some fun with them"

The one about 20 said. All the six guys smiled. And started to walk towards us. Dawn and I started to walk backwards. We hit a wall when one said:

"don't be scared girls. We won't hurt ya. Much." I took my hand in my back pocket and pulled out one of my knifes. One guy was about to kiss me when I stabbed him in the leg.

"I ain't scared of you." I said and pulled out the knife. I grabbed another one and gave to Dawn.

"get them!" one said and they started to attack us. But I had taken plenty of martial arts classes with Dawn so we could fight better then all of them together. A guy went to punch Dawn in the face but she kicked him in the stomach making him fly backwards. We had beaten 5 of the 6 guys when 4 more came.

"Damn lizzy. You sure can pick a fight." Dawn said. We got in our fighting positions when we heard a voice call out:

"hey! Haven't yah heard it's not nice to hit a girl?" I knew instantly who it was. Brooklyn boy, damn it. I didn't want him involved.

"yeah? Well this ain't your fight, buddy so walk away!" One of the purple dragons yelled.

"They're our friends so that makes it our fight!" another voice yelled. Donnie. I looked over at Dawn who had a worried look on her face.

"Guys! I told you to wait until I got back!" She yelled.

"Sorry Dawn but we saw these scums and taught you were in trouble." another voice said. Da Vinci. Then Mikey should be here too.

"and it looks like we were right." Mikey yelled. I looked at them and saw that they had weapons.

One of the purple dragons laughed.

"well this should be fun." He said. He went to attack Mikey.

"MIKEY!" I yelled when the purple dragon was about to stab him but Mikey jumped out of the way. Thank god. Then we were all fighting. I was beating up one guy and decided to ask him some questions.

"where's Hun?" I asked in a threatning tone.

"I'm not telling you." I punched him so his nose started to bleed.

"Tell me now." I said

"Never." I took my knife against his throat.

"tell me where he is or I'll cut your throat open."

"he's-" the guy was about to say when I heard a scream. I quickly turned my head. It was one of the purple dragons who had screamed.

"It's one of the freaks!" He yelled and pointed to a giant turtle? Am I seeing this right? Yep. It was a turtle.

"oh, shell." the turtle said and it sounded like Mikey.

"Let's get out of here!" Yelled one of the purple dragons and they all ran away. Even the one I had in my grip. I had let him go from the shook. Dawn and I stared at the turtle, who stared at us. No one spoke for about a minute when Raph spoke up.

"aren't yah gonna run away or somethin'?" he asked. Me and Dawn looked at each other then back at the turtle.

"Mikey?" Dawn asked

"hi Nella." Mikey said.

"how in the world? Are you all turtles?" I asked.

"I think we owe you two an explanation." Leo said.

"Let's get home. So master Splinter can tell them" Donnie said. Mikey turned his watch and he was a human again. This was just weird.

Dawn's POV

We walked with the guys and came across to a manhole, they opened up and started to jump down. "Down there?" I heard Lizzy ask, she didn't like very dirty places."What's the matter girly girl? Afraid to get dirt under your nails?" Raph teased. I could see that Lizzy didn't liked that nickname "I'm not a Girly girl!" she yelled in his face and pushed him down through the hole. Both of us started to laugh and the other guys chuckled.

We did a front flip and jumped down, Leo closed the manhole cover and jumped after. When we landed I heard Mikey said "Show off" "You got that right" I answered and followed the other guys through the sewers. "Oh, there is one thing you should know about our master, he isn't a turtle like us." Donnie said. "Like what? is he a giant talking rat?" I asked. The guys stopped and looked at me.

"How did yah know that?" Raph asked. "It was just a guess" I said in defense as we kept on walking. When we walked in I saw the big mess, it was like Alex's room twice in one. "Hey Master Splinter we got company!" Mikey yelled. In came a grey rat in a brown kimono with a walking staff, he looked very wise and the aura around him felt like a fathers. Me and Lizzy bowed in front of him. "It's an honor to meet you, Sensei."

"I'm Dawnella williams and that's my best friend Rachel James." I said. Master Splinter bowed too.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard a lot about you two." He said. I blushed knowing that they talked about us.

"I guess my sons had told you about us." He said.

"the only thing we know is that they are giant turtles and those watches can turn them into humans." Lizzy said

Master Splinter looked at the boys.

"we taught you could tell them." Donnie said.

"I see. Let's sit down. It's a long story, my daughters." Both Lizzy and I smiled when he called us his daughters. We walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Now it all started 16 years ago." Master Splinter told us the story.

"that's incredible." I said when the story ended.

"there's just one thing I wonder. Who made that ooze?" Lizzy asked.

"We do not know." Master Splinter said. Mikey came and sat down between me and Lizzy. He put his arms around our shoulders.

"Now you know our story, dudettes. So that's how we can kick the foot and purple dragons butt." he said. We smiled at him.

"but how could you two do that?" Leo asked.

"we've taken martial arts since 8 grade. Plus Rach's dad's a FBI agent so he taught her a little." I said.

"awesome!" Mikey yelled.

"Yer bleeding Rach." Raph told Lizzy. She looked down to her hands. Her black fingerless gloves were filled with blood.

"God damn it. Useless gloves." She said and took them off. Her knuckles were all beaten up and it wasn't from the fight with the purple dragons.

She didn't punch them that much.

"let's get those wrapped up." Donnie said.

"no need. I'm used to it." Lizzy said. I rolled my eyes. I knew what she had done.

"well I don't care. Now come on." Donnie said. Lizzy sighed but got up and left the room with Donnie.

"why didn't you tell us there was purple dragons in the alley?" Leo asked

"I didn't want you guys to get involved." I said.

"so ya taught it was better ta go on yer own?" Raph asked

"I knew what Lizzy was planning and I wanted to talk her out of it. And I did but the purple dragons had seen us." I said.

"wait, do you mean by you knew what Rach was planning?" Mikey asked. I looked at them. They should know. We can trust them. But it was not my story to tell.

"It's not for me to tell." I said.

"ya don't trust us? We just told ya our secret!" Raph said.

"I trust you. But it's Rach's story. Not mine." Donnie and Lizzy came back in.

"Lizzy, I think you should tell them." I said. Her smiled became a frown. She looked down.

"Tell us what?" Donnie asked confused.

"why the purple dragons is after us. Well mostly Rachel. And why she's after them." I said. Lizzy looked away to the side.

"I don't want to." She said in a weak voice. Leo walked up to her.

"You can trust us. We'll be here no matter what." he said. Lizzy shut her eyes.

"I can't. I can't tell." her voice was so weak.

"If you're not gonna tell I will." I said.

"Dawn, don't. All they need to know is that one night about 2 years ago I met the purple dragons.

And it wasn't pretty. I told my dad and ever since then he's been putting every single purple dragon he can in jail." She said and crossed her arms

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get home before my parents figure out that I snuck out." She said and left.

"what was that about?" Mikey asked.

"She blaims herself for something that wasn't her fault." I said.

"could you tell us what happened?" Don asked.

"My sons, Rachel will tell you when she is ready." Master Splinter said. I saw Raph looking at the door like he knew something that we didn't.

"I'm going out." He said and left.

"does he do that alot?" I wondered.

"all the time." Leo answered.

Raph's POV

I walked through da sewers then went up. I knew Rach was gonna do something stupid and I didn't want dat ta happen. It didn't take long 'till I found 'er. By the purple dragons head quarter. 'what's she doing? Is she crazy?' I thought. I saw 'er looking for a place in when I took my hand on 'er mouth and pulled 'er away. She faught ta get out of my grip but I was stronger than 'er. I held 'er against a wall and removed my hand.

"Brooklyn boy! What are you doing here?" She yelled/whispered.

"Saving yer ass from a lot of trouble." I said.

"I can handle myself." She said annoyed

"ya don't know how many purple dragons could be in there!" I said

"I'm only looking for one." She said.

"I ain't gonna let ya go in there!" I said. She looked straight into my eyes. I reliased that I still was holding her against the there was almost no space between us.

"I need to know where that purple dragon is." She said.

"And why's dat?"

"I need to revenge my little brother." She said in a weak voice. I could tell she was fighting against tears. I put my hand on her cheek and gently stroke it with my thumb.

Donnie's POV

After Raph had went after Rach we stayed with Dawn at the lair. I was surprised that she still talked to me since she hated liars and we had been lying about our identities for the girls. Right now Mikey had challenged her at a round of the videogame 'Super Smash' she had accepted and me and Leo watched while they played. "I'm gonna beat you!" Mikey said and delivered a falcon punch to her character.

"In your dreams Mikey" she said and shoot a laserbeam at Mikey's character. Their odds were even and I couldn't figure out who would win this game. Suddenly we heard an annoying but cute tone fill the room except for the game. It was her phone. She answered and continued to play with one hand.

"Hello?" The voice from the other side didn't sound very happy and Dawn finished the game and continued her conversation.

"I'm just with some friends" "Yes" "no" "Fine" was all she said before she hung up.

"Let me guess, it was Alex?" Leo said.

"Yep, did you recognize by the tone of his voice?" She asked. "It was very similar to the one we heard at the pizza place with you and Rach." Mikey answered. "It was nice to see who the true Hamato brothers really are, but I have to leave now" She said making me little sad. She bowed to master Splinter. "Thank you sensei for havin' us over" She said and made her way to the exit.

"Wait, It is not safe for you walking alone home after what happened earlier." Splinter said. "I suggest one of my sons come with you just in case". She looked at us but mostly at me, did she wanted me to follow her home? "I can do it master" I said and got up from the couch. "Very well Donatello, it is your responsible to take Dawnella home safely." Splinter said as we left.

I opened the manhole cover and let Dawn walk out first. "What a gentleman" she said jokingly and I smiled to her. We started to walk without saying a word when she suddenly broke the silence.

"So how many people knows about the turtle thing?" She asked

'I don't really know. Our eniemies the foot and the purple dragons know abouts. April, Casey and Angel are our friends who we met before I made these watches. And now you and Rach." I said and smiled. She smiled back.

"I can't imagine how it would be like not to be able to just walk down the streets in the middle of the day." She said.

"we have been up here during the day before but master Splinter yelled at us afterwards."

"he seems to be a really great father."

"he is. He's my rolemodel."

"he's a good rolemodel." She said and looked up.

"I love watching the sky. It's so peacefull and at night when the stars show, it's like a fariytale" she said.

"You like the stars?"

"I love them. When I was a little girl I used to watch and make constellations with my big brother. We laid in our backyard and just stared at the sky for hours. Do you ever do that? Just stare at something beautiful and peaceful and forget every bad thing in the world?" She asked. I never stopped looking at her.

"yeah, I have. I'm doing it right now." I said looking her straight in the eyes. Dawn lightly blushed.

"what's your favorite constellation?" I asked.

"pegasus. Do you have one?"

"serpens." I answered.

"this is an odd question, but would you like to go and to a picnik tomarrow night?" she asked me.

"yeah, of course." I smiled big and she smiled even bigger back.

We stopped infront of her house.

"thanks for walking me home Donnie, It was really nice of you." She thanked me

"No problem at all."

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" She asked.

"yeah. Call me when you want me to pick you up."

"will do. Goodnight, Donnie."

"Good night, Kate." She kissed my cheek and went inside. I blushed like crazy and had the biggest smile on my face. I had a date with Kate. Or at least I think it was a date. I'll ask her tomorrow. I smiled like an idiot the whole way home.