There was a loud crash as a decrypted building collapsed in on itself. Around the area were other various types of buildings in a state of disrepair. The place had long since been abandoned and the gazebos and statues ether laid in ruin or very precariously balanced together, having no one to take care of them. The square in the center of the small village type area was barren, tiles of concrete over turned, and grass over growing in the space between the stones and pillars and other street material. There was a flit across the area of green followed by a crash. Concrete slabs burst apart as they flew in every sort of direction in a fantastic array of pebbles, rocks and the like. A loud roar resounded as a demon had jumped again from the debris of the recent explosion of concrete, a quick flash of magenta and black came up behind the demon to attack. Into view slid Hiei and Kurama, each wielding their respectable weapon. Botan swooped in on her oar, being chased by another demon.

"Yusuke! A little help here I can't shake this ugly red demon!" The red demon took a swipe at Botan, she squeaked as she quickly dodged causing herself to do a barrel roll mid-air on her oar.

"Who you calling ugly, girl!" Another swipe taken at her, Kuwabara in his blue school uniform ran up behind his spirit sword raised. Bringing his sword down just as he hears a resounding yell.

"Spirit gun!" A blast is heard as Yusuke fires off his energy towards the red demon. Botan turns in enough time to see the impending accident. She starts zooming back towards the area to. Help Kuwabara.

"Kuwabara! Grab my hand!" She may not be that strong but she always believed it was in the times that mattered most is when it really counted. Kuwabara stuck out his hand moments before the spirit gun hit the red demon. Botan practically tossed Kuwabara to one side to avoid the blast. Botan wasn't alive really so couldn't really be killed but it has always been better to take care of what you have. The blast connected causing the demon to practically exploded, the sheer force of the blast literally sent Botan oar and all flying backwards. Right into Hiei, they both proceeded to fly back slightly crashing into a heap on the ground. With one demon down there was only one to go, the one that had been previously chasing Yusuke

"Woman! What are you doing?" Hiei glared as he pushed her of the top of him and onto the ground beside him.

"Can't you manage to not come falling out of the sky or managing to bring down half the team with your incompetent behavior?" Hiei watched passively as his abrasive words seemed to hurt her. Then a backlash from her, as she seemed to get angry crossing her arms she huffed.

"Well excuse me for trying to be team player! I just risked my own neck to prevent one of the TEAM from getting hurt." She glared slightly.

"This is no time for a lovers spat!" Yusuke yelled with a goofy grin on his face. Hiei and Botan spoke both at the same time.

"Who you talking about? This lover's farce?"

"And this isn't time for jokes ether you idiot."

"Can we have this conversation at a later time, and focus on the task at hand?" Kurama grunted slinging his rose whip at the demon. At that moment the demon lashed out at Botan sending her flying backwards into the remains of a gazebo and stone statue. Botan braced herself for the impact, aloud crash and a scream from her. She blacked out for a little while. She figured that stone would be hard and cold...but it was warm and soft she shook herself out her fuzzy stupor opening her eyes to see a pair of lips her face immediately went red feeling the hot breath of whoever was on top of her.

"Woman are you still alive?" Botan flinched blushing harder. Hiei saw this and blinked. The weight of the rubble pushing down on him forced him closer to Botan.

"You protected me? I thought you didn't like me at all?" Botan squeaked again, she could feel his body pressing against hers as the weight from the rubble pressed him closer to her.

"You are helpful to the group despite your many blunders" he plainly spoke

"Oh I feel so loved..." she sarcastically replied. Her face remained red from his body being pressed against hers. Feeling ever hard line of his body, she couldn't help but notice how her soft curves fit well with him.

"Your face is red, are you unwell?"

"No... Uh no I... I am kind of claustrophobic. Being closed in like this is making me anxious." She began to shake slightly. He minutely smirked. He took a deep breath getting lungs full of her scent... which was captivating to him. Using the weight as an excuse, he leaned closer. Letting his head fall to her shoulder.

"Why are you shaking?" He asked turning his head so that his voice was directed at her ear. The strands of her powder blue hair waved softly against her ear.

"Just a little scared is all nothing big." She lied as she could feel that warm breath of his playing across her ear and neck. She moaned slightly. Hiei reacted more inwardly at this notion.

"Are you in pain?" He asked as he looked at her neck, ghosting his nose across her neck taking in more of her scent.

"Oh... yes I believe my back took a beating when we first crashed into the statue and gazebo." She started taking short breaths as Hiei continued to nuzzle into her neck. His breath tickling across her ear and neck. She tried to stifle another moan feeling Hiei's warm breath cross across her skin.

"Why are you breathing so shortly? Can you not breathe well?" He slowly licked her pulse point. Feel her pulse quicken under his lips. The weight of the rubble pressed his body close to hers. They were either going to be crushed to death or that damned detective would get his act together and hurry up and get to them. Either way he was going to enjoy being pressed against her. If they survived maybe he could continue his little game with her more at this human renaissance faire that they had somehow been wrapped up into going to. The pink corset that she wore pushed her breasts up in such a way that it made them even more enjoyable to glance at from time to time. Being a demon didn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that he didn't have needs. He was still a male and he indeed have needs but few, very few for that matter had stricken his fancy so to speak. No one in recent time, had caught his attention the way this ferry woman had since he had first come across her all that time ago, when met the detective.

"I hope they dig us out soon I'm starting to get nervous under here." Botan moaned out. She didn't mean under the rocks, but under Hiei... he was definatly an attractive man to her and by no means lacking in any area as she was slowly starting to feel...very everso slightly he unintentionally ground against her, when he heard her moan again. This caused an unintentional gasp out of her. He ghosted his nose across her throat again, smelling that intoxicating aroma that always seem to permeate from her skin.

"Tell the truth, is it being trapped here that is bugging you..." he lifts up his head to stare into those magenta colored eyes " or is it being under me that has you as worked up as I am?" he whispered this last part almost to the point that Botan didn't hear him. There started to be groans and shifts of stone and some point there started to be a slight shift in the rubble that caused a bunch to come off the top of the pile easing the pressure of Hiei's back. He didn't have much longer before the detective and company unearthed them.

"I expect an answer.." he whispered then promptly looked to the side at who stood before them as the rest of the rocks and rubble fell away from the top of his back.

"Took you long enough." He stood up stepping away from Botan who laid there her face flushed.

"I believe the ferry woman I in need of some medical attention. She mentioned that. May have injured her back when she initially hit the rubble." He cast a heated gaze at Botan before adding "I believe we need to get back to this faire thing, before your woman starts asking questions, Yusuke." Kurama knelt next to Botan as she sat up.

"Are you injured Botan?" he asked kindly looking her over slightly. She looked ruffled but other than that fine.

"Oh sweetie, thank you for asking. I'm sure it's not anything I can't handle myself. I could use a hand up although." Botan smiles brightly the deep red blush fading away. Kurama smiles back standing up, and extending a hand he helps her up. She dusts herself off and straightens her chemise, which had gone askew after the first time she was thrown back into something.

"I'll follow you Kurama, just need to make a few adjustments if you don't mind. Besides you four need to get into garb!" Kurama nods and chuckles at her insistence that they all where period Ren faire garb for r the occasion. It was definatly a change from the normal and it is what they all had been wanting for some time. He turns to follow Yusuke and Kuwabara who had taken the lead and almost ran back to the faire not wanting to disappoint the girls. Shizuru had even expressed an interest in seeing them all garbed up. Agreeing that she'd do so, if they did. He looked around for Hiei but did not see him. Probably trying to get out of this Ren faire deal. Kurama was sure that Botan wouldn't let that happen, perhaps she would bribe him again with something he really wanted.

"Well now that I'm put together." Botan muttered to herself... she looked up and seen Hiei walking bavk towards her. Surprisingly wearing Ren faire garb. He wore a black doublet that was laced up with leather laces through silver grommets. As well there were silver grommets on the doublet shoulder pieces, the doublet went down to about his knees. He also wore a white shirt, which was period with time frame of the Ren faire. He wore leather boots that came up his calves slightly. His pants were black as well as the doublet. This had been the first time she had noticed the height increase of Hiei since the tournament that decided who would run demon world. Hiei walked towards her he watched her eye brows arch slightly at his appearance. He appraised her in turn having not had the opportunity himself since they first got there. She wore a bubble gum pink corset that sat just under her breasts, which pushed them up in just the right way. It was laced up the front, with sliver corset laces. The chemise that she wore underneath was black; it set her pale skin practically glowing. She wore leather boots that had leather laces that went up the back of her boots. To complete the look she had on a black skirt that went to her knees and under that a silver skirt that went to her ankles. The result of her choices was interesting to say the least, not her usual color scheme with exception of the bubble gum pink of course. Hiei's features ever so slightly softened.

"Coming?" Botan nods and walks up to him catching an arm he slightly extended out to her. They walked to rejoin the group at their tents. Everyone there was in different states of dress.

"How do you put this thing on? This seems too much bother..." Yusuke said as he fought with a leather vest. All the women were dressed in various colors as the same style as Botan. The guys wore at least one piece of material that had their signature color to it. After all the others were finally situated in their Ren faire gear. They set out, to trounce around the faire grounds and see the sights.