A/N: Here's part 2. The last chapter...

Flowers for a Ghost: Chapter 7

The drive outside of town wasn't the most difficult, Alex knew exactly where she was going. She knew this path so well, she could probably drive there in her sleep. However, she never dreamt about coming back here. Not until now.

The access inside the area wasn't difficult either, the land had been abandoned for awhile now... to a point where Alex almost considered buying it from the government just to keep trespassers from discovering what was buried underneath.

When she pulled up along the dirt path, the sight of a crumbling barn in the distance made her smile. Despite all the bad moments Division held, she had to admit there were some good times too.

Alex parked her car and sat inside the cool space for a moment, relaxing. The most difficult part was never coming back to Division. It was never about the potential memories flooding back, or the life she once lived here. The most difficult part was always coming back to say goodbye to him.

For two years, she avoided this place. She avoided life and anything that would've allowed her to forget about him and move on. But now Alex was starting to accept, maybe this didn't have to be goodbye... at least not a goodbye for too long.

At the base of the largest oak tree on the property, a small stone engraved with the initials S.P. was waiting for her. It was a small memorial, but it was all she had at the time. Now two years later, Alex wanted to make up for it. She knew the world was beginning to know who he was and what he did for her. She told them his story, and how he was the best person anyone could've been, but despite the stories and the purple heart, she felt like it was never enough to honor the sacrifices he gave up for her.

Sean was always right. It was always about the little things in life that made a difference. So today Alex wanted to embrace that. She finally took a deep breath and stepped out of her car, making sure her special rose box was tucked safely in her arms. She walked directly up to the tall tree and instantly spotted the stone. "Hi Sean" Alex speaks to him.

She wished she could see him one last time, but not since the day of her UN speech has he graced her with his presence. She didn't know why she ever thought this day could've been different. However, she hovered for a second longer, waiting for the chance of a reply from him.

Sadly Alex let out a breath and slowly sat down by the base of the tree. She leaned into it's thick trunk and closed her eyes for a moment, thinking of him.

"Dear Sean," Alex begins again, "I know you probably never expected to see me here again... in fact you'd probably hate me for returning to Division, but newsflash babe - Division technically doesn't exists anymore" she laughs. "So here I am Sean! I'm sitting in the middle of nowhere. Literally talking to a tree... or a rock, or myself, or whatever you want to point at... but the point is: I'm here now."

"It's been a long time coming," Alex pauses briefly. She takes a moment to pull out her special rose box and continues to speak to him, "I know it isn't much, but it's a start..." she explains. "I'm here... It is the little things that count right?" she asks as she runs her hands along the shiny silver ribbon. "The fact that I'm here now?"

She questioned why she was here again, and whether or not something as little a this trip would make a difference, but if she had to admit maybe it wasn't so bad if this visit meant she could just imagine his face once more.

Alex opened her eyes and looked up at the sky, speaking to him once again, "Sometimes when I close my eyes, I pretend that I'm alright..." she admits, "but it's never enough, Sean."

"I used to think something like this was stupid. Like giving flowers, or saying a prayer, or even lighting a candle would make everything okay. But the truth is, it's not okay. It's not okay that I miss seeing you... and," she stops and begins again, "and if they knew that I wasn't really trying... that I wasn't getting better - then I've let myself down too" Alex frowns.

"I'm sorry." She rests for a moment, giving him another chance to reply if possible.

"Oh Sean," Alex closes her eyes again, pleading, "I would take a whisper or another voice inside my head if all this meant you could come back to me..." she clutched onto the stone with his initials and held it close to her heart. "It's crazy talk. You and I both know it, but I just want to be alive again and feel you next to me..."

A small leaf falls from the tree and Alex asks for him, "Sean?" she opens her eyes to the tiny thing sitting in her lap. She takes a deep breath and continues talking to him.

"People keep talking, you know?" Alex continues. "But I don't hear a single word they say. I know now, nothing in this world could ever change this fate" she sighs and flicks the leaf off her dress, "I get this feeling every now and then that maybe this is for the better. I know if I miss you, something isn't wrong... and I know that you'll look down on me for saying this: maybe missing you is what makes me feel right. I'm only human..."

"I'm doing my best Sean. I'm working with the UN. I'm helping people... and it does make me happy. My head is saying that this is for the better. I just want you to know, Sean. I can't hold on forever. Life just keeps moving, and the world gets stranger every day. People tell me, yeah time is on my side, but I don't really give a care."

"The memorials are in place and your name is everywhere, but it still doesn't make a difference" Alex argues, "It doesn't change the world like you would've wanted for me... I look around and all I see is people living blissfully. I remember the promise I made to you... and I know what you're going to say, I'm wrong... all these flowers, and candles... it's what makes them happy, but for how long? Minutes, or seconds or days? Because in the end, all the flowers in the world can not replace the hole in that someone's heart where that person used to be."

"I'm just searching for an answer, Sean" Alex tells him. "Maybe I'm not meant to find out. But for now, I can see why someone may find peace of mind, knowing that something as little as this simple rose, makes visiting you a little less hard."

"So tell me now, Sean. Laugh and admit it... you were right. I do find some little things that make me forget about my day, but all they do is remind me of you. All I want to do is let go, Sean" Alex gently opens the box and takes out the delicate bud, it's petals, just beginning to show a bright red color, "how can I move on when everything reminds me of you?"

"...there's a flag in the distance. It reminds me of you, Sean. I wake up to it each morning and it makes me smile and think of you. It's the little things like that that keeps me alive. So tomorrow, I'm going to wake up and I hope you'll still be there... because if all I have left of you is that flag and these memories, then I don't want to change a thing."

"Until we see each other again, my dear. I'll leave you this rose and hope it makes you think of me too."

A/N: There's many ways this story could've gone. But I ended up writing it like this. I hope you liked the ending... If I continue this story, it would probably be a spinoff of some sort. Idk