She pulled into the driveway of her home. She hadn't been home in nine months because of an over seas mission she'd been sent on. Nine months may seem like a long time but when she was told there was a possibility she could've been over there for up to three years, nine months seemed like nothing.

After sitting in a hospital for 3 days, she was sore but everything was healing nicely.

Hetty had met her at the airport to tell her to go home. Every one was over at the house for a cook out to celebrate Georgia's birthday day and nobody knew she was home.

As Grace stepped out of the rental car Hetty had gotten for her to drive home, Georgia came running out of the back yard gate that someone had forgotten to close.

The now three year old's eyes lit up at the recognition of her older sister. The small girl ran to give Grace a hug. Ignoring the aches and pains, Grace scooped Georgia up in her arms and gave her hugs and kisses, making the little girl laugh.

Callen, who had realized the little one's escape, came through the gate, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Grace.

She looked up to see her dad standing there. Setting her younger sister down, Grace ran towards her dad.

"I missed you so much Grace," Callen said as he hugged his daughter tightly.

"I missed you too," Grace replied. Grace pulled out of the hug as she heard Sam calling.

"Hey G did you find her or did you disappear too?" Sam asked, appearing from behind the fence. "You know Nell is gonna be pissed if she finds out you took your eyes off-" he stopped when he saw Grace standing there smiling. "Grace?"

"Hey, Sam," Grace said giving him a hug.

"Good to see you back," Sam said.

"Gracie it's my birthday," Georgia said.

"I know," Grace smile.

"Oh, good, you found her," Deeks said, Kensi sitting in his lap. "Nell would have been pissed" he said. Eric, who was sitting beside him, pointed to where Grace had come around the fence.

"Grace!" Kensi said running to give her a hug.

"Hey Kens," Grace said. "Nice to see you too Deeks," Grace laughed. As he pulled her into a hug.

"You are never going away for that long again," Callen said.

"I hope not" Grace smiled, but she and everyone else knew that she probably would have to go on many more long trips.

"Grace!" Nell said coming out of the house. "Your back!"

Grace went wide eyed when she saw her step mom.

"Nell," Grace said almost speechless, "you're pregnant!" Grace was smiling even more.

"Way to state the obvious," Deeks said. Grace smacked Deeks. They were all back together again. One big happy family. As the night went on catching up was done and Grace couldn't have been happier.

"So, do you know what your having?" Grace asked as every one sat around the fire.

"A baby," Callen said, wrapping his arms around Nell. Nell hit is arm for being a smart-ass

"I mean what is the gender of the baby?" Grace asked rephrasing the question.

"A boy," Nell replied with a smile. Grace smiled.

"Good," Grace said with a smile. "I just hope he doesn't come out with dad's personality."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Callen asked joining the conversation.

"It means, we have enough trouble managing one of you much less two."

"I beg to differ, I have often times found my self managing two G Callens because one of his kids already picked up those genetics," Sam said.

"I agree," Nell said.

"I wouldn't know what you're talking about," Grace said, smiling.

She knew very well that she got many if her dad's personality traits even going 'lone wolf' a time or two.

The night continued with many laughs. Grace was just glad to be home safe and sound.


BA BAM! That's the end BUT the second one should be coming out soon. Don't know when yet. The title is gonna be All Grown Up.

It'll back track a little and follow Grace on her mission. It'll also deal with Callen trying I get over that fact that Grace is now an adult and entering into a serious relationship ;).

So... Stay tuned.