All Twilight characters belong to S.M, I'm just taking them for a spin.

Obviously since this is not the real Twilight series, the characters will be OOC and I won't be following much of the cannon. If you're not willing to read any further because of that, I won't be offended and I hope you find another story more suited to your tastes. :)

I did make a few major changes. The most important one being that Bella is from La Push, so she's half Quileute. Her parents are still the same but I'm making her Billy Black's niece, her mom and him are siblings. She was born on the reservation but still left with her mom when her parents divorced. When Renée moved, Charlie went back to live in Forks. Bella visited Charlie every summer and school vacation, moving back full time when she was 15. She grew up close to her cousin Jacob Black and Paul Lahote who was always around due to not wanting to be home thanks to an abusive home life. Another big change is that Sam never imprinted on Emily. All other changes you'll have to read to find out about.

Most of the big vampire details will be cannon, as in she still met the Cullen family, dated Edward all up to them leaving her, except that Sam wasn't the one to find her in the woods.

Warnings: Will contain adult language and situations and possible character death (but not the main pairing).

Any questions or comments, drop a review or send me a PM. :)

You only live once, so follow your arrow wherever it points.
-Follow Your Arrow by Kacey Musgraves

Sam's POV:

I paused in my work to look around, making sure that everyone was doing what they should be. This was the biggest job we had ever had and I wanted to make damn sure we did it right. Satisfied that my guys were not slacking off, I went back to unloading the truck full of supplies that came in this morning while I thought back on how we got here.

Last year an accidental kitchen fire burnt Sue's diner to the ground. Thankfully no one was hurt but the damage was so much that Sue, with her limited funds, was unable to rebuild. She put the land up for sale and within a month someone bought it and the large lot next to it.

The person that bought them sent a representative, Corbin Harding, to come down and keep an eye on everything. Corbin Harding came loaded down with plans, blue prints, ideas and a budget with no limit. Everyone in the tribe was excited, the money this new person was bringing in was a huge help already and the diner they wanted to build hadn't even opened.

We didn't find out at first what the new owner was building, but when we did it made Sue so happy to know that another diner would soon be built over her old one. She was proud that soon another diner would be open our people here on the reservation.

Next to where the new diner would stand, a large two story house was built. I thought that with the money this person was throwing around that the house would be fancy but instead it was spacious, simple and had touches from the tribe all over. One of the rules the owner gave Corbin was that he was to hire from the tribe as much as possible and only go outside the tribe if he really had to. So thanks to the men of the tribe, the owners new house had beautiful wood carved furniture and intricate carvings on the stairs, cabinets and anywhere else that fit.

Our elderly woman, along with some of the younger women that knew how, got paid for making curtains, blankets, stunning clay pots of all sizes and colors, dream catchers to go over the beds in the rooms and other odds and ends. I had asked Corbin if he was sure the owner wanted all of these pieces of our culture but he assured me that the owner did so I didn't worry about it anymore and just did my work.

Tearing down the old diner was heart breaking for all who watched. Not only had it been around for so long, but it had provided employment here in La Push and Sue was also known for helping out those that really needed it by giving away free or discounted meals. Each day as the new diner was being built the heart breaking looks got replaced with something I never thought I would see on my people's faces again. Hope. From the first time I saw it, I knew that I would always be thankful to the person that bought this land and wished that someday I would be able to tell them how much I appreciated them.

I watched from in front of the house as a car pulled up to the diner and Corbin stepped out, walked around the car and helped his passenger out. I smelled her before I saw her. I couldn't place the scent, only that she smelt like the most amazing thing I have ever smelled before. The woman stopped in the front of the car and hopped up on the hood, waving her hand for Corbin to stop next to her. Curious, I listened in, wanting to figure out who she was.

"Princess what are we just sitting here for? I thought you wanted to see him." Corbin asked with an impatient tone.

Princess?! Why was my wolf clawing to get out when he called her that? I shoved him back down and shook it off.

The woman laughed at Corbin. "I do, just wait. He'll know I'm out here soon enough."

Corbin glanced at her with a bewildered look. "How is he going to know you're here if you stay out here so far away from him?"

She turned her head closer to his with a smile and answered him in a voice that was too low for him for normal humans to overhear, but I sure did and it froze me to the spot.

"His wolf knew I was here the moment I stepped foot back in La Push. He says he can always tell when I'm close."

What the fuck? Who was this woman and why did she know about us? Had Corbin always known about us and just never said anything? Question after question ran around in my head.

Corbin waited to see if he would get more of an answer from her and when he realized that he wasn't, he huffed and leaned against the car next to her. He opened his mouth to speak again but the woman raised her hand to silence him.

"Trust me. I know what I'm talking about. We won't have much of a wait. He'll come out soon to see if his nose is playing tricks on him or not. And when he does come, he might be angry. Don't interfere or worry, he'll never hurt me."

Corbin stood up straight and glared at her. "Why would he be angry with you? And why would I not interfere?"

The woman laid a hand on Corbin's arm to calm him. "Corbin, have I ever lied to you or caused you to not trust me?" He shook his head no. "Then trust me. Paul would never, could never, hurt me. He might be very angry that I didn't tell him I was coming back, he'll think I didn't want him to know."

Paul? She was talking about Paul? I searched my memories as I tried to figure out who she was. A thought crossed my mind and then it clicked, I knew who she was. And their next words confirmed it.

"Why do you say he could never hurt you? Are you his imprint?"

She grinned as she saw the same thing that I did out the corner of my eye, Paul had come out of the house and was sniffing the air while shaking slightly.

"No I'm not his imprint."

"Then what are you to him? I don't understand, I thought the wolves only could never hurt their imprints."

"It's too complicated for most people to understand. But I'll try to explain it. He and his wolf have always felt safe with me. He says that around me his wolf feels peace, feels like he's home. But not like an imprint, Paul and I are family. But at the same time we are more. We are like one being, but without sex being involved." I watched as she gave a shuddered as she mentioned sex with Paul and for some reason the thought that she was put off by that idea filled me with joy.

And with her answer I know, I knew, that I was looking at the woman who half my pack loved while the other half hated with a passion. Isabella Swan. I had never met her before but thanks to the pack mind I knew what everyone else thought of her and things they say happened. Of course I didn't know if any of it was true, some could have been just rumors. The only things that I did know as truth was that she was Jacob Black's cousin, Billy Black's niece, Charlie Swan's daughter and that she used to date a vampire before she left 5 years ago on her 18th birthday.