
Bass proposed to Charlie the day he and Miles got back from rescuing Tom Neville's wife. They'd only been gone a month, but it had felt like an eternity. They'd picked up more men along their way, men who wanted to stand up against the Patriots. By the time Bass and Charlie were married, she was the proud owner of a perfectly round belly, and Texas was under the control of the newly reformed militia. It wasn't called the Monroe Republic, just Texas.

When Texas held its first election, Miles Matheson was selected as its first President. Bass had turned down any offers to lead.

"It always should've been you, Miles. It's just my job to watch your back." Bass smiled at his friend after his inauguration. Willoughby was the new capitol and was already receiving requests for help from other states hoping to rid themselves of the Patriots.

"Well as the Secretary General of the Texas military, you still have to help me sort all this out." Miles held up the stack of official requests that lay on his desk.


The cabinet members were gathered around the President's desk for an informal meeting before the ceremony. Six men were to receive medals from the President for their courage and leadership in defending the Republic of Texas. An armed guard entered the room unannounced.

"Begging your pardon, Mr. President, sirs. General Monroe is needed immediately." He looked somewhat embarrassed to making this announcement.

Bass hurried out of the office and into the hall where the sounds of sobbing could clearly be heard. "What's wrong?" he demanded, worry filling his voice.

"She scraped her knee in the driveway, and apparently Mommy doesn't kiss it right." Charlie rolled her eyes as she handed over the tear-stained toddler.

"Dani, sweetie, did you hurt your knee?" Bass crooned as he wiped her tears away.

"Yes, Daddy, and it needs kisses!" she sobbed. He fulfilled the request immediately.

Miles laughed as he made it to the door and saw what the emergency had been. "Crisis averted men, the Republic is safe for now," he called back into the room.

"Hey, sweetheart." Miles moved to give Charlie a hug. "You guys want to walk down together?"

"Sure, is Mom meeting us there?"

"Yeah, hey sweet girl," he reached out for Dani. "You ready to go see your big brother get a medal today?"

"Yes, Grandpa! Can I sit with you?"

"Sorry pumpkin, but I've got to stand up front and give Connor his medal. You can sit with Grandma, though."

He carried Dani out, and Bass grabbed Charlie's hand as they followed.

"You look beautiful, today," he smiled down at her and paused for a quick kiss.

"You're not so bad yourself," she grinned. "You should wear your dress uniform more often."

"You really are going to have to stop spoiling Daniela so much," she suddenly looked slightly nervous.

"And why exactly should I stop spoiling my only daughter?" he asked as they started walking again.

She dropped his hand and looked up at him with mischief in her eyes. "Who says she's your only daughter?"

It took a full 30 seconds for Bass to understand exactly what she was implying. Then the broadest grin spread over his face. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered, "Might be a boy, Mrs. Monroe," as he leaned in for a deep, tender kiss.

A/N: I had so much fun writing this. It was a treat every day to log on and read all the comments you've all been leaving. I hope everyone enjoyed the way it ended. It was the first idea that came to me when I began writing. I just had to figure out how to get them there! Thanks again, dear readers!