Disclaimer: I do not own Xiaolin Showdown and Chronicles or any of the characters from the show (Except the OC mentioned here).

Note: This is my very first fanfic in this site. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to review, don't be shy ;D

Chapter 1 – An Eerie Twilight

It was an unusual cold morning in the Temple. Raimundo was the first one to wake up, shivering in his bed. The previous day the entire China had suffered with this odd summer and, since the new temple was completely free of vegetation, it only helped to make the heat greater. But not today. Today it was as if the autumn decided to fall upon their heads all out of sudden. He was shirtless and all the skin of his torso was prickled. To make things worse he couldn't find his shirt anywhere. Then again, with his unique sense of organization who would find anything in there?

He leaves his room, looking for his good and old dragon to see if he had any idea where his shirt could be. As he wanders the white and golden halls of the temple, he realizes a strange mist surrounded every corner of the place. It felt as if he was in a cold version of a sauna. Barely Raimundo could see the other side of the many halls and rooms that composed the temple; he would take each step carefully. Finally he was in the main hall were Dojo would be normally found asleep.

The reptilian creature was sleeping as expected, curled in him. However there was something strange about him. An ominous and mysterious dark aura surrounded the serpentine dragon, making him look as if his body could "siphon" the light around him. His normally golden scales were taking a darker shade, giving him a brownish color. Worried, Raimundo thought about waking Dojo but when the little dragon talked in his slumber in a twisted demonic version of his own voice the Brazilian boy couldn't do anything but run away.

Lost in the foggy temple he ran blindly until he finally bumped Kimiko who barely had woken up. She wanted to yell at him but when she realized the expression of panic in his face and his sweated panting body she thought otherwise.

-What's wrong, Raimundo!?

-D… Dojo! He answered, still breathless.

-What about him?

-I… I don't know! He was there and he was dark and his voice… Oh my god his voice…

-I don't understand you. Here, sit down. Breathe and then speak.

Raimundo sat on the floor, still trying to find words to explain what happened with their loyal draconian friend. After he finally managed to give Kimiko a clear image she was pensive.

-Well… We have seen Dojo in bad mood before but… a dark aura?

-I know, right?

-Hum… Omi is the one who knows better about dragons. Let's go wake him up.

-Right. Oh, Kimiko…


-Have you… Seen my shirt? He asked as he blushed, putting a hand on the back of his head. Kimiko giggled.

-Yeah I was going to ask you exactly the same. Yesterday you were wearing it.


She stared his body as he blushed even harder. Right now he couldn't wish for anything but a thicker fog, probably one that made him invisible.

-Kimi… You better find Omi.

-Ha ha… Alright, alright…

They parted ways. This morning was demonstrating to be the weirdest, even with all the magic, showdowns and creatures they had contact with in the past few years. Could his shirt's disappearance have something related with the odd fog and Dojo's behavior? Raimundo wondered and walked.

While the others slept overnight, Omi stayed awake in the temple's library. While this one wasn't as vast as the old temple's, it still contained a good amount of scrolls and books of all sorts. During his training with Master Fung, way before meeting the other monks, Omi heard the Master speaking with one of the temple's Elders about some kind of astronomic prophecy and how every xiaolin monk would be able to perceive it, as 4 of their 9 dots would permanently shine in a reddish light or something. For years Omi forgot it, telling himself that he was too little to comprehend what they were talking about and, since he heard it from through a wall, he obviously misheard the whole thing.

Unfortunately he was wrong.

Since the last night something he has no idea what, happened and 4 dots on his heard kept shining in a diamond formation. The same thing happened with Ping Pong, except 2 of his 3 dots shined instead. The answer had to be found and with Fung's absence the library was his only hope.

As he worked hard, Kimiko entered the library and watched him working over the books and scrolls. Eventually her presence would start to bother Omi and he decided to speak with her.

-Hello, Kimiko. Something told Kimi this wasn't the usual happy greeting Omi usually gave.

-Hi Omi. What are you doing?

-Oh nothing you should worry about. But I am a little bit out of clock.

-Out of time.

-That's what I said.

-Dojo is not feeling well, Omi.

-Well it happens after one ingests so many nachos.

-His voice is scary and there's some black… thing around him. You are the one who knows him for most time and—

-Black thing!? Oh no, this is most troubling!

-What happened with the dots in your head!?

-Hurry Kimiko! We need to see him immediately!

Both of them ran towards the main Hall. However, the dragon had disappeared. The yellow monk started to shake his head in worry; he started to mumble unintelligible words as he would put both of his hands in his temples, walking randomly. It was obvious for Kimiko that whatever happened with Dojo was bad but for heaven's sake Omi was making her desperate. Eventually she couldn't stand it anymore and yelled Omi back to his senses. The monk apologized and waved with his hand, telling Kimiko to follow him. They both returned to the library.

Raimundo had gone outside. For his surprise the fog was much thicker. While he normally could see the mountains around the Thousand Layer Mountain, now he barely could see the surroundings of the great white walls. Talk about the abyss that surrounded the temple. He crossed his arms and shivered in a failed attempt to keep himself warm. He sighed, wondering if that day could become any bit weirder but before he could go inside again, he heard someone calling his name.

Lifting his eyes to the foggy skies a silhouette could be seen descending. It was Master Fung himself, floating in a cloud with a stern look in his face.

-Master Fung?

-Where's Dojo, Raimundo?

-He's inside. Something happened with him, he—

-So it started already!?

It was the first time Raimundo had ever seen his Master without the calm, temperate glare of always. Rai felt as if butterflies tried to break free from his stomach.

Without a word, Master Fung hopped off his cloud and ran inside. The Brazilian dragon of wind decided to charge after him. They finally reached the Meditation Hall. Dojo was nowhere to be found however. Only in the space where he slept could be seen a great dark stain. "Not good" muttered Fung. With a severe voice the Master commanded Raimundo to gather all five dragons in the meditation hall. An order he obeyed immediately.

Without dawdle the five were now standing in a half-circle around their Master. Clay still was confused after being woken up so violently. Kimiko and Omi didn't go to the library as they desired for Raimundo called them all. Everyone noticed the nearly blue and coughing in cold shirtless Brazilian but none said a word. Not before Fung anyway.

-My apprentices, I came here for I have most imperative orders for you. A new Shen Gon Wu has revealed itself and it MUST be caught.

-Uh… But Master? – Said Kimiko, unable to comprehend why Fung interrupted his traveling merely to tell 'em what Dojo would have done. He was… weird, indeed but it wasn't required for their Master to returns, was it? – We know we shouldn't let the Heylin side grab the Wu. That's what we have been trying to do for the past years, right?

-No, Kimiko. This time the Heylin is least of your worries. There are multiple Shen Gon Wu that, when reunited, would bring an artifact of uttermost power for the Xiaolin side. As for the Heylin the Wu can be combined to form Mala Mala Jong, for us, the Xiaolin, we also have a Wu entity.

-And that is…?

-Now's no time for it. Clay and Omi, you two will go together hunt for the Stone of Macrochemia. It shouldn't be too hard to be found, since it looks like a yellow gem. You will leave your Orb of Torpedo here. Kimiko and Ping Pong, your mission is to find the Prism of Tess Heract. It is basically a green cubic formation. You should leave the Ruby of Seth here aswell.

-But Master Fung – asked Omi, having a hard time to comprehend what their Master had in mind – why should I leave my elemental Wu behind? Won't I be armcapped?

-Handicapped. Corrected Raimundo.

-Now there is no time for talking. The Stone is in the top of the Eiffel tower. You'll get there using the Blue Ray Manta Ray. The Prism can be found inside the Statue of the Liberty. You'll reach it using the Cheetah Claws. Now get ready and recover the Wu. Immediately!

The emphasis on the last word made it most than enough for the monks to start running towards their rooms to gear up, grab their Wu and start their missions. Raimundo looked to Master Fung, unsure how to speak with him and finally said;

-What about me, Master?

Fung sighed. He looked to Raimundo with a glare he couldn't discern from pity or something else. He had grown much taller in all these years since he joined the temple to fight for the Xiaolins but… now Master Fung looked gigantic for Raimundo. It was a sweet glare to him but it yet made him feel tiny, as if a massive blizzard would suddenly fall upon him and crush him completely. The Master put a hand in Raimundo's shoulder and tried to speak to him as tranquil as possible, but between his words a deep worry could be felt from miles away.

-Raimundo, I believe you remember that a year and a few months ago you were the first one to ascend to the rank of Shoku warrior and therefore, becoming the Xiaolin dragons' leader, yes?

-Y… Yes, I do, Master.

-Today you'll be proving your worth of such a noble title.

-Huh!? What do you mean?

-Long ago, before Wuya would become a witch and Heylin magic wielder, before the humanity would surface. Long before the Earth could be formed and the stars would float in the skies there was nothing. A complete dark blank of everything covered each and every corner. There was no Xiaolin or Heylin. Only the dark and Vow'Eed existed.


-He is the manifestation of the inexistence itself, the nothingness in its purest form. He has been called many names all over the world across the history; Chaos, dark matter… But he exists – or so we can say with words, and is sentient. His only purpose is to destroy everything, be it evil or good.

-I see…

-Dojo was his first Avatar, due to strong relation to magic the dragons have and his contact with the Wu. However, dragons aren't stable for such purposes. You are the one he is interested. You are the one who holds the title of the Leader of the Xiaolin and, therefore, the most stable in the entire world!

-Is… Is this why my shirt disappeared!? He stole it or something!?

-So he owns something of yours…? I was hoping it was some kind of cold-resistance training or something…


-Never mind it, Raimundo. But I have done our first steps.

-The Wu reunion?

-And an alliance… with the Heylin.

-What!? You can't be serious!? Master! They aren't trustworthy! I was one of them!

-And yet you returned to our cause. If the Xiaolin loses this fight, both sides will fall just the same. Put your Xiaolin monk robes. Soon our guests will arrive.

Raimundo was feeling completely ruined. Being the Avatar of Naught was something hard to digest. Mainly if all out of sudden you have such a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. All he wanted to do was sit on his bed and cry but he had to be strong. He wore his black and red robes – the Xiaolin monk leader outfit and looked out in his window. It wasn't even mayday yet but the fog and dark clouds made of the sky an eerie twilight.