Whoops. Here I am again. I didn't quite mean to start a new story, but Guilt will be winding down soon, and this idea wouldn't go away. This is just an introduction; of course it starts with a crime/arrest, BUT I'm shooting for a much lighter/happier/funnier story than The Law of Love. Hope you guys enjoy this; if there's any ideas you all have/anything you would like to see, let me know!

Renegade; Intro

the renegade who had it made

retrieved for a bounty

never more to go astray

this will be the end today

of the wanted man

"Are we supposed to act…happy? Supportive?" Courfeyrac questioned nervously, his fingers clumsily adjusting the bowtie at his neck.

"Can you…" Combeferre trailed off in agitation, his hand slapping Courfeyrac's fingers away before he took over the placement of the bowtie. "I'm not sure how we're supposed to act." He sighed, his own fingers unlooping what Courfeyrac had done. "It's not like any of us are trained for this kind of thing."

"I didn't think I would ever see the day."

"Well, technically, you really aren't."

"True." Courfeyrac mused, his eyes wandering as Combeferre put the finishing touch on his bowtie. "Do you think they'll get caught?"

"Keep your voice down." Combeferre chastised, as he stepped toward the mirror to inspect himself. "You know the story."

"Yes, of course. They were secretly dating for over a year, before they surprised us with an engagement announcement." Courfeyrac recited. Combeferre nodded.

"Exactly. Which isn't totally untrue."

"It's completely untrue, 'Ferre, what are you talking about?"

"It was a surprise."

"Yes, but they were never secretly dating. They weren't dating at all! They're still not dating!"

"Quiet." Combeferre hissed, his eyes darting around nervously. "Anyone could be here, remember?"

"It's a private event."

"It's a private event that is just for show, you know that. If they didn't think people were watching, we wouldn't even be here."

Courfeyrac said nothing, just sighed in response. In truth, he had never excepted to be at Enjolras's wedding rehearsal, let alone one to their friend Éponine. It had come out, however, that the two of them had been dating on the down low for almost a year and a half, and then one day, had walked into the Musain and announced their engagement.

Except, Courfeyrac, Combeferre and the rest of the ABC Society knew it was a lie.

In reality, Enjolras had been arrested a week before his wedding rehearsal.

Fresh out of college, a young Auguste Enjolras was immediately employed in the French government, as an aide to an important member of the Ministry of Defense. Unbeknownst to his friends, Enjolras had been secretly gathering information regarding foreign policy, and internal handling. He meant to use the information to organize his own revolt; his eventual goal was to lead a protest group against the government as an "inside leader", one who had been employed within the very walls he was rebelling against.

Unfortunately, Enjolras's plans had gotten away from him, and his own coworkers had started gathering evidence against him. This information was turned into the authorities, and Enjolras was handed over the French Police.

He was immediately charged as being a "danger to society", and was instructed to leave the country. The government couldn't be bothered with a trial; they didn't want the whole country to know they had a rogue employee uncovering their secrets. Instead, they figured exile was the best option.

They did not expect Enjolras to put up such a fight. As his first, and only love would always be France, he simply refused to leave. The government lawyers argued against him, asserting that he had no reason to stay, and that if he wanted to avoid a spectacle, he would leave.

Enjolras, however, knew the law, and the stipulations. And that was why he calmly told the lawyers that he would soon – within the month – be married, and would therefore need to stay. When prompted to reveal the name of his betrothed, Enjolras took a deep breath and named the only woman he thought would help him: Éponine Thenardier.

The government lawyers were not stupid, however, and suspected fault immediately. They assured Enjolras that they would be "checking in" on he and Éponine, to be sure they were engaged in an honest way. Enjolras had expected this, and began to set up the most elaborate ruse that France had ever seen.

And now, two weeks later, at his wedding rehearsal. It had been a whirlwind for everyone: they had to find a location for the ceremony, invite guests, get Éponine a dress, and ultimately, rehearse enough stories and facts so that if anyone was watching, Éponine and Enjolras would look like any other newlywed couple.

It had been exhausting.

"Ready?" A knock at the door revealed Marius, who was nervously adjusting his own tie.

"We're ready." Courfeyrac sighed, before rolling his shoulders and turning toward the door.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Combeferre confirmed.

"Oh come on guys," Marius said, before throwing an arm around both men's shoulders. "This will be fun!"

"How do you figure?"

"Well, for one, we never thought we would ever be preparing for Enjolras's wedding, right?"


"And…" Marius seemed to struggle to come up with another reason. "Oh! Grantaire is taking bets for a couple different things. The first is how long it will be before Éponine kills Enjolras, and the second is for how long it takes for them to frickle frackle."

"Frickle Frackle?" Courfeyrac asked with amusement. Marius flushed.

"You know…have sex."

"I know, Marius."

"They won't be…frickle frackling." Combeferre said, rolling his eyes at the thought. "They're friends, but can you really see them doing that?"

"Nope." Courfeyrac replied. "More likely that Éponine will kill him."


"In any case," Marius said loudly, his hands dropping from Courfeyrac and Combeferre's shoulders. "I think we should just use tonight and tomorrow as a time to be together and celebrate."

"Celebrate what, exactly? Enjolras being arrested, or Éponine being forced into marriage with him?"

"Cynical." Marius chastised, before brightening. "Let's just celebrate new beginnings, yeah?"

Courfeyrac laughed sarcastically, before leaning forward to push open the door the banquet hall. His eyebrows raised as he regarded the scene; their friends were awkwardly standing to the left, while Enjolras's family sat to the right. Éponine and Enjolras themselves were not there yet.

"Well," Courfeyrac said cheerfully. "Here's to new beginnings!"

Well, there's the intro! Let me know what you guys think! I'll be jumping back in time shortly to get into Enjolras asking Éponine to "marry" him, and there will be more on the arrest in the future. Love always! xoxo Brittany