Random Bleach and HP story Idea I had

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter!)

"Because Isane's dating my DAUGHTER!"

"Kami does my head hurt! Did Rangiku-nee take me drinking again or what?" That was the first thing out of Emeralds mouth when she came to an hour or so later. There was a startled bout of laughter from the others as Isane and Unohana appeared beside her immediately with the rest of her makeshift 'family' surrounding her worriedly. She grinned up at them with bright but jaded emerald green eyes that reminded Unohana of her lover…of Emerald's mother.

"Nah imouto-chan. I didn't take you drinking again, you just got yourself killed is all. Although you did take those bastards down with you." Rangiku said earning a glare from Unohana for taking her underage daughter out drinking. Then again the healer would probably glare at the busty lieutenant for taking her daughter out drinking on principal since the older woman didn't like liquor at all. Not only was it bad for a persons body but it made them act like idiots…and she had never liked the taste of it.

"So…I get to stay with Isa-chan and you all permanently now?" Emerald asked blinking up at them, causing Isane to smile and nod her head slightly. Everyone else was too busy processing, and in most cases worrying over, how easily she was taking being told she is now dead. Unohana stared at her daughter worriedly, no one should react that easily over dying…just what had her precious baby gone through in her life?

"Yeah Tenchi-Hime. You get to stay with us permanently now…also…turns out that one of your mothers is here." Isane said smiling down at her fiancé who blinked up at her curiously. Emerald seemed to be ignoring the rest of the Shinigami watching her as she tilted her head slightly at Isane, causing most of her 'sisters' to coo at how cute she is…or squeal and glomp her in Rangiku's case. Emerald didn't look bothered by this in the slightest and even smiled at the positive attention she was getting while Toshiro grumbled something about his lieutenants' chest being a weapon.

"Which one?" Emerald asked curiously, having known quite well that she had two mothers instead of a mother and father. The goblins were quiet happy to tell her anything and everything about her family history since she tended to pay them well and treat them like equals instead of inferior like most wizards and witches did. Helped that she could fight with a sword like most of their warriors could, and wasn't scared of them at all. The Dursley's made sure that while she was uncomfortable in small spaces and around males, she was scared of virtually nothing… and she had always been good with a sword. Natural talent, the goblins told her. It was expected since both of her mothers were masters of the sword as well. Given how crafty and cunning she could be most of the goblins had wondered more than once if she was even human or if she had goblin blood in her veins.

"The 'dad' as you've referred to her… turns out… she's my Taicho." Isane said smiling softly at her smaller love while Unohana nearly swallowed her tongue. Dad?! That was not what she was expecting at all! When her wife got pregnant they were thinking of Unohana being the 'mama' and her wife being the 'mommy'! Neither of them thought about either one of them being the 'dad'.

"Oh man tell me someone got a picture of her face just now?!" Toshiro asked as he and several others collapsed in laughter at the look on Unohana's face at being referred to as the 'dad'. Emerald ignored the laughing and snickers as she looked at her lover, although Nanao had quite smugly held up the camera in her hands to show the others much to their amusement. They'll be laughing about this one for decades at the least.

"Papa is really the Taicho you keep telling me about? The one with the scary sweet smile like mine?" Emerald asked looking up at her fiancé who nodded with a smile, although she was a bit pale at the thought of Emeralds 'Unohana Smile' as she and the others dubbed it.

"Yes. But somehow your smile is much scarier than hers." Soifon said shivering slightly and causing the rest of the group that knows Emerald to shiver as well. If someone thought Unohana was scary…they never met her daughter.

"Papa may be the original but I'm the newer model!" Emerald said causing a few to snicker at the look on Unohana's face. Did her own daughter just call her old?! Granted she is very old but still! Nanao cheerfully took another picture of Unohana's face before the motherly woman could compose herself. Being around Emerald so much has taught her the fine art of blackmail…Nanao now carried a camera with her everywhere.

"Careful dear. You might get grounded before you even hug her." Isane said smirking at her fiancé, who just gave her a mischievous grin in return. One that was mimicked perfectly by Yachiru who plopped down onto her lap easily.

"Isane, people have been trying to ground me or put chains on me ever since I was a year and a half old. They haven't succeeded yet…no one will succeed now." Emerald said her eyes darkening slightly before they lightened up when Yachiru hugged her around the neck. Glancing down she smiled and ruffled Yachiru's hair fondly before looking around.

"Now where's papa and my Zanpakto? If papa's anything like you've told me…bonding time will probably include either healing idiots, knocking them out, or killing some hollows." Emerald asked causing Toshiro to hand her the rather standard katana in the blue and black sheath, the only thing different about it besides the sheath was the guard and hilt. The guard was made of silver and had a cross like pattern while the hilt was wrapped with what looked like gold ribbons that trailed down for another foot or so.

"Do you know the name of your Zanpakto Spirit already?" Rangiku asked sounding serious as she looked at her 'little sister' curiously.

"Of course I do! I would never neglect her like that by not hearing or calling her by her name!" Emerald said hugging her sword close protectively and looking affronted while most of those that didn't know her gaped. A newly dead spirit already knew her Zanpakto's name!? It took most of them years to learn theirs!

"What's her name then imouto-chan?" Soifon asked curiously and causing Emerald to grin slightly. For some reason the male's couldn't tell…hearing the Zanpakto's name made them shiver slightly.

"Her name is Artemis."