First of all, SORRY! My life was crazy last year with work, college and life, but I didn't give up on this story and I'm not going to. It might take a little more time, so please just be patient with me. That's been said, how is 2015 for all of you? I hope it becomes a fantastic year and all your dreams come true. We will have a convention of One Tree Hill in Brazil this year and so far Shantel, Antwon and JOY will be attending, just pray for me that James will come too and hopefully I'll be there.

Before we go to the chapter I want to clarify a few doubts I received by message or reviews. First, I can't say Lucas and Haley will or not will have a romance here, this is kind of the mystery of the story; what I can say is, this story is not only about possibilities I imagined, but about how I wanted to see the whole Carrie thing been handled by Haley, Lucas and Nathan. Sometimes, I don't think people actually understood the whole picture of what happened, still blaming Haley for leaving Nathan for the tour. This is also what this story is about, how I have seen Naley and about moments I think Mark didn't give us.

One more thing, if you are a Leyton fan just know that I'm not trying to offend you in any way, this is also how I have seen Leyton's relationship. Like we say in Supernatural fandom, (the sane ones LOL) "people watch the show for different reasons, it doesn't mean I'm right and You're wrong, just means we are different".

I don't own One Tree Hill or any of its characters.

English is not my first language, so any typo or/and grammar mistakes please let me know.

Thank you so much, Charles, Guest,NALEY23alwaysforever, richa,RuthNoemi, 418,

moriahhh, thibbs65, SassyGrl23, johnnycl295, lilyluna78, othdramaqueen,raven-fan14,

rockstarteddybear, 418,disharandive98,fluteytutti,girlwiththerednails, guillermina

lexlex95 and othboston.

That's been clear, let's go to the chapter? Hope you enjoy and please leave a review or pm me for any doubts, any comments.

It's been said that the saddest thing a man will ever face is what might have been. But what of a man whose faced with what was? Or what may never be? Or what can no longer be? Choosing the right path is never easy. It's a decision we make with only our hearts to guide us. But sometimes we find our way to something better. Sometimes we fight through the regret and remorse of our mistakes, our malice and our jealousy and the shame we feel for, not being the people we were meant to be. And that's when we find our way to something better. Or when something better finds its way to us. (Dan Scott)

It was a beautiful Friday and Nathan was waiting in front of School. When his son saw him at the school gate, he jumped into his father's arms, giving him a big hug. "Did you do something fun?" Nathan asked his kid, trying to remember what he used to consider fun when he was four years old. They usually played ball, which Nathan loved, draw and learn to read. Reading, something Nathan started to appreciate only on his junior year. Something tells him that Haley had something to do with that.

Jamie seemed to think for a little "Yeah, we draw, we played basketball and Dad, I made a card for Momma. Do you think she is gonna like it?"

Nathan stared at his son in the rearview mirror "I think she is going to love it!"

Jamie smiled and Nathan took a deep breath, stopping the car in the side road. Jamie looked at his father confused and before he asked anything, Nathan turned around and faced his son.

"Listen buddy, I'm sorry I let you thinking that I was happier because of Nanny Carrier, like I said before, Momma is the best mom out there and the best woman I've ever met. I love your mom and I only got better because of you and her. I'm also sorry for the last couple of months, ok?"

Jamie nodded "Do you think Momma hates me?" he asked concerned to his father. Jamie might be only four; however, he is a smart kid. He knows that everything he said to his mother in the last couple of weeks must have hurt her. He heard in the other day his uncle and Haley talking on the phone; He didn't get the whole picture, since he was hiding in her bathroom, but he thinks he understood most of it; like him, his dad hurt his mother and Nanny Carrie had something to do with that. He wonder what could be worse than saying he hated Haley and saying that he wanted Carrie to be his mother, because he was still living in their house, but his father wasn't.

Nathan shook his head "Of Course not! You are the most important person in her life, not now not ever she is going to hate you, ok?"

"Ok" Jamie nodded and Nathan turned back to start the car.

"Daddy?" Jamie called and Nathan looked at him.


"You are wrong."

Nathan got confused "About what?"

"Momma has two most important people in her life, me and YOU."

Nathan smiled to his son, praying to God that Jamie was right.

When they got home, Haley wasn't there yet, so Nathan took advantage of that to kind of interrogate their kid. Nathan knew deep down that it was wrong, nevertheless, Jamie was the only source he had to know what was going on in the house.

It had been a while since Nathan and Jamie played video game, and since it was Friday, Nathan didn't think Haley would be mad at him for not putting Jamie to do his homework; after all, their son had all weekend for that.

"Hey buddy, have you talked to Uncle Lucas?"

"Yeah, he called yesterday." Jamie replied without taking his eyes of the game. Jamie thought about telling his Dad about what he heard but he decided to keep to himself for two reasons: one, Nathan could be mad at him for listen to adult's conversation and two, he didn't want to make his dad sadder.

"Does he call often?" Nathan continued, Lucas doesn't call his brother but calls his sister-in-law.

"No, but Momma says it's ok; Uncle Lucas is still sad about Aunt Lyndsey."

"Yeah, he is." Nathan murmured to himself and thinking 'What the hell is wrong with me, questioning my own son about Lucas, like if Lucas was going to do something he would tell Jamie.'

"Did Uncle Lucas and Momma ever dated?" It was something Jamie had been wondering for a couple of months. One day when his Dad was still upset about not playing basketball anymore, Lucas was watching him and showed him a bunch of pictures of his parents and uncle high school days. Lucas thought that he had got ridden of all of them but Jamie saw a picture of Lucas kissing Peyton and another of Lucas kissing Brooke; his uncle had no other way than telling him about the past.

If Nathan wasn't sat in the couch he would have fallen for sure. "What?"

"I'm just wondering. Uncle Lucas once told me that you dated Peyton before Momma, and that he had dated Aunt Brooke and Peyton before he dated Aunt Lyndsey. And you all become friends."

Nathan sighed 'Thanks a lot Lucas'. The whole situation was crazy. Nathan and Lucas dated Peyton and now Jamie was curious about the whole thing. "Actually no, your mom and Uncle Lucas have always been best friends, more like brother and sister."

"Are you and Mommy gonna be like you and Peyton?" Jamie inquired sorrowfully.

Nathan paused the game and put Jamie on his lap. He took a deep breath; it wasn't easy to explain to an adult the power of his love for Haley, how was he going to do it with a child? His child? Could he promise that no matter how long it takes he and Haley would be ok? Haley still loves him? Nathan already knew the answer for that. "What your Mom and I have is really special, we might be in a time out now, but we are going to be ok. I promise. We love each other very much."

"Aunt Lyndsey loved Uncle Lucas too and she left. Uncle Lucas loved Peyton and Aunt Brooke than he stopped. You Loved Peyton and then…"

"Wait Buddy, the only woman I've ever loved is your mother. Peyton and I we were young and we just like each other. That's why we broke up." Nathan shocked his head, how do you explain all those things to a four and a half years old? "Lucas…he was confused when we were younger and Aunt Lyndsey left because she got scared of Uncle Lucas still being in Love with Peyton. Aunt Lyndsey still loves him."

"Do you think Uncle Lucas still Loves Peyton?" Nathan hugged his son "Only your uncle can answer that."

Jamie nodded "Can you stay for dinner?" Jamie pleaded with those blue eyes so full of love and hope that Nathan didn't know what to respond. When Haley called in the morning she told him she would be late due to a teacher and parent's conference at school, she didn't say anything about dinner. Of course Nathan was totally ok of that, not only he would spend time with his son, but he would have some face time with the woman who captured his heart almost six years ago.

"Of course he can" a voice that Nathan could recognize anywhere replied. Jamie jumped out of the couch and started running towards his mother.

"Momma is home, momma is home!"

"Hey sweetie!" Haley said picking him on her lap "How was your day?" She walked inside the house holding him. She smile while Jamie told her everything and smiled bigger and brighten when he gave her his draw.

"Thank you, Jamie. It's beautiful." It was a simple draw with her and Jamie on it, written with Jamie's four year handwriting "Me and the best mom in the world".

"Daddy can stay?" Jamie asked to be sure and let Nathan uncomfortable, not that he didn't want to stay, there is no doubt he does. In fact, he never wanted to leave ever again, but he didn't want to push Haley into doing something she doesn't want to.

Haley smiled and it has been quite some time since he saw her smiling like that "Sure. Why don't you go upstairs and wash up for dinner?" She said as she put Jamie on the ground.

"Ok!" Jamie smiled and Nathan had to remind him to not run in the stairs.

He sighed hated the uncomfortable silence that surround him and his wife "If this makes you uncomfortable, I can go."

"No, it's ok. He misses you." Haley replied turning around and making her way towards the kitchen.

It wasn't ideal, and Haley didn't say she missed her husband too, but at least they would spend some time together and it was a step forward, right? Well at least Nathan thought until Haley opened the fridge and says something as if it was no big deal.

"Lucas called; he is coming back on Monday"

Nathan smiled although he thought he was going to be sick. He was counting on Lucas to stay away for a few more weeks, this way he and Haley could put their marriage on track. He sighed; he was running out of time.

PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! Short chapter I know, but the next one is going to be bigger, I promised. Not much going on here, but I wanted to show you some of Jamie's thoughts. Please leave a review and tell me what you think.

Oh, one more thing, I started an English writing course, can you feel a little improvement? I'm just in the beginning, but I want to know if you can feel any difference between the first two chapters to this one.